File #27800: "MaryAgnesCooperDiary_1902-1903ExerciseBook_054.pdf"


Mon Apr13_ Easter Monday. cold + win{black inkblot}dy, Aunt N went down to Walmer Rd we cleaned, parlor, spare bedroom and kitchen. Tue Apr14_ Rained heavily all day, Aunt M. went to Toronto Wed Apr15_ Rained at intervals and cold. at home all day. Thur Apr 16_ Fine, Marjorie over at Ma's. Aunt Nellie at W.A Meeting Fri Apr17_ Fine day a little warmer, I went to Mr Teasdales at Prayer M. Sat Apr18_ Fine day, I went to Toronto on the 8,20 car Sun Apr19_ Fine day, heavy frost, I went to Fisherville and to evening ch. Mon Apr20_ Fine but cold, ice quiet thick did some gardening. Men seeding Tue Apr21_ Roming squawls of snow, cold. men seeding. Aunt M + Alice came Wed Apr22_ Fine but cold, I went out to Mr Gibsons confirmation service Thur Apr23_ Fine and cold, we were at home all day called at Mr Keep Fri Apr24_ Fine and cold, Mr Korne here grafting trees Sat Apr25_ Fine but cold, Uncle was in Toronto in the afternoon Sun Apr26_ Fine + a little warmer; Uncle, Aunt M and Alice at Chuch, I went to Fisherville the girls here in the evening Mon Apr27_ Fine day, we papered Uncles room, quiet warm. Tue Apr28_ Fine + warm, cleaned our room + finished Uncles Wed Apr29_ Fine + very warm, put our stair carpet down, Aunt Jennie came, Mr Gibson called Uncle + I at class {written above "sitting out on the verandah"}. Annie went to Dr. Aunt M + Alice called at Ma's
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