File #27814: "MaryAgnesCooperDiary_1902-1903ExerciseBook_068.pdf"


Sat Nov 28 - the {written above} {three dots in a vertical line} Fine day; Mr Frances put in our coal stove, I went to Mr Teasdales for tea. Uncle and Auntie at Willies in the evening. Mick left tonight, Sun Nov 29 - Snowing quiet fast, Uncle and Aunt Nellie at church, I went over to Pa's for tea, They came here in eve Mon Nov 30 - Fine day. Uncle helped to move Mr Farrs. Aunt N called at Mrs Cherrys & Mrs Riddells {written below line} Tue Dec 1 - Fine day. We were at home. quiet mild. We went to Eckardt Concert in The evening {written below line}. Wed Dec 2 - Snowed a little in the morning. We killed our pigs 4 - and had a fine day. Thur Dec 3 - Fine day. Made Standing pies. Aunties at W.A. Meeting & Mrs Nelles for tea. Lizzie here, Fri Dec 4 - Snowing a little again. Uncle got Coal. Sat Dec 5 - Snowing in the morning. We went out to Willies in the sleigh in the afternoon Sun Dec 6 - Uncle and Aunties went to morning Church in the cutter. I went to Fisherville Up to Chapmans in eve, {written above} Mon Dec 7 - Fine day. Mr Golland died. Uncle and Auntie at Willie for a while in the afternoon. Went up to Mrs Gollands in eve {written above} Tue Dec 8 - Fine day with exception of light snow. Uncle and Auntie at funeral. I walked to Thornhill in the afternoon for a parcel of wool.
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