File #42314: " Franklin McMillan Diary 1928 27.pdf"


July 27: Started raining hard about 7:30. Only picked 63 cherries between showers that lasted all day. July 28: Another shower at 6 a.m. Picked 11 crates raspberries, very wet, sold at 9¢ in Toronto. July 29th: Fine & cool. Went to Puslinch Lake with Hicks for a picnic. July 30th: Picked 211 crates cherries at 80¢ and 50¢, 50 crates cherries at 50¢. Beans, 4 crates mammons, $1.25 & $1.50. 25 Callery at 65¢, 14 cukes, 50¢ x 5 beans, 40¢. July 31st: Fine & warm. Sold 103 x 36 lbs at 50¢ & 154 x 11 crates cherries at 80¢. Aug 1: 212 baskets cherries & 7 crates raspberries, warm & looks like rain. Callery drain blocked up again. Aug 2: Very warm, picked 105 x 11 crates cherries, 80¢ and 192 x 6 crates cherries, 50¢. Picked 4 x 11 qt & 1 x 6 qt tomatoes, sold at 80¢, last. Aug 3: Very warm, several showers last night and several thunder showers went north of us today but looks like rain again tonight. Only picked 105 crates cherries today. Aug 4: Cut 2 loads Callery for Scott at $11.00 per ton. Price no good.
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