File #5093: "Deborah Bowerman 10.pdf"


years old, walking nine miles to attend one
o f his m eetings, ____
_16th Cleaning house, Aunt Bathsheba died
t welve years ago today in the afternoon.
_18th Monthly meeting at Hiller father
L evi & Mary went up, _C Daly here left
8 lb of tea; paid him ten dollars. ____
_21st Vincents Birth day [sic] 85. A fine day
I w ent to meeting - Jemia Saylor buried,
aged 85, & 7 months.____
_24th [Liphet?] Levens birth day [sic] 85, father
L ydia & myself spent the day with him
found WmGarrett wife & two daughters there
a lso Joseph R ogers. ____
[pg 17]
_25th Levi went to Belleville for a Cheese
-press, father & Mary went to m eeting, ____
paid Sarah Levens 31- for turning my bonnet _
got two afternoon aprons for myself & a ribbon
for my head, ____
6_2n Select meeting Vincent & myself went
A unt Eliza WmHenry Alfred Phelps & wife
c ame here & stoped [sic] all night, & eight others
during quarterly meeting, two woman [sic] friends
from Leray, ____
_10 Rachels birth day [sic] 8 years old, Alace Swetman
here for a visit, Levi brought home his new wagon [sic]
found the old Cat dead in the cellar, ____
_11th Vincent & myself went to meeting, then
to Levi Varney’s for a visit, _ WmBaker’s daughter
here for a visit, _ Lydia went to G Leers for
a v isit, ____

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