File #5115: "Deborah Bowerman 32.pdf"


4 mo 1st A beautifull [sic] day, Oh that it was as
bright in doors, time may wear it away
But the loss of a home, or changeing [sic] homes
[pg 56]
is a great trial for Old people. ____
3r Nelson commenced plowing fine weather
4 th Mary & myself went to meeting.
6th Mary & Rachel went on the market
bought Lydia a sun bonnet some steemloom for the fam ily. ____
7th First day W m [Bransrom?] & wife & son
here for dinner.____
8th Moved father’s bed & mine down stairs
d oes not seem much like home.
9th Ediths birth day would have been 21
[Squires?] here. ____
_18th Father Mary & myself went to Monthly
m eeting a fine day, came home after meeting
all things changed, nothing like home any more
used to have a comfortable room to sit down
in, now I can sit down by the book-stove, quite
[pg 57]
a change for old people, ____
_20, Rachel & Mary went to market Lydia
w ent to George Leer’s old place, came back on
first day, Levi Mary & the Children going for her.
_22st [sic] Carrie washing, Levi hunting up milk,
_ 23r Levi taking away the furnature [sic], it looks
rather hard after working so many years to get
it togather [sic], then have it divided up & taken away
all for the sake of a little paltrey [sic] gold, Oh that
they may see the folly of heaping up riches in
this world. Drove away four cows to their

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