File #5124: "Deborah Bowerman 41.pdf"


L evi Mary & the children here, Carrie gone
to Kingston for a visit, N. A here yet _
[pg 73]
1879 1 l m 9th First day morning-Started our
C oal-stove for the first time, Do not like
it as well as the Old box Stove, ____
_20th Mary puting [sic] a peice [sic] of cloth in the
loom for full-cloth, -drove herself home
in the evening very cold.
_29th My birth day [sic] 75, not feeling very smart
looking towards the end of the journey.
& my daily prayer is htat I may be ready,
but feel thankfull [sic] that I was able to sew
all day for the family _ Patty Bowerman
died in the evening about ten oclock [sic],
30th First day no meeting, David Ellsworth
here all day, Will Cadman called on us
the Children here going to School, Levi &
Mary here in the evening. _

[pg 74]
1879 12m 23r Father Lydia and
myself went out to Levis. & stoped [sic] till
the tenth of the fourth month following.
1880 3m 29th Our folks sold the Old
Farm to a man by the name of
John Henry [Levet?] for the sum of $12000
t welve thousand dollors [sic], _
4m 9th Mary H Bowerman from Maryposa
has been with us for several weeks,
m akeing [sic] her friends a visit, last evening
she got a Telegram saying her father
w as dead, so she started for home Carrie
going with her. & stoping [sic] a week, this is

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