John Jardine Sr. Diary, 1868-1871


John Jardine Sr. Diary, 1868-1871


John Jardine Sr.


Courtesy of Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph






19th Century, Essex County, Tilbury West Township, Ontario

Date Created

December 1, 1868

Is Part Of

John Jardine Sr. Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript


Mr, John Jardins Jeffery Wed

December The 1 John, 1868

1 Tesday I maid my stable logs

2 Wedneday I drawed my stables logs and fetched home my shingles from James Miller

3 Thursday I bilt my shed for my cattle

4 friday I banked the house and choured around This afternoon it snowed very heavy

5 Saturday I went to sea James Mocart about timber

6 Sunday we went to here mr king, we went with the slay

7 Monday it snowed and rained we leaned a grist

8 Tuesday I went and got my horses shod cost

9 Wednesday dick and I killed to pigs in The evening I went up to mill with 20 bushels of wheat

10 Thurday I drawed To loads of wood for henry. and helped roe up To heels com back and went for my grist

11 friday I helped boby To kill his pigs!

12 Satuerday we went To take our place at Mckard

13 Sanday went to hear Mr Hooker a the Methodist Church, too late to hear the text

14 Monday, Went to McCart's to draw timber

15 Tuesday, I drawed timber for McCart

16 Wednesday. Ditto 6288

17 Thursday Ditto John Jardins Tillbury

18 Friday Ditto

19 Satturday Ditto

20 Sunday staid at home all day

21 Monday at home & put a tirsyue in my sleigh in the after noon Went to R.Vickerman

22 Tuesday Put manure in the potato pit

23 Wednesday Went back to McCart to skid timber

24 Thursday skidded Timber too

25 Friday Christmas. Came home again. I sick a little

26 Saturday: Got my boot patched and got a new pair. Sent $6.00 insurance money and $1.00 for the Montreal Witness
27 Sunday We went to the Presbyterian church and hear a Mr Urquhardt
28 Monday I cut a few loads of wood
29 Tuesday I hauled it up and cut sovewood
30 Wednesday I drawed for Mccart
31 Thursday I came home agin and got timber for a woodrack
January 1869
1 friday we went to pools for dinner
2 Saturday I drawed for Mccart
3 Sunday I staid at Mccart all day com home at night
4 Monday I went to the election
5 Tuesday I went to peels and Mr allen and albart nich{torn off}
6 Wednesday boby and I maid my slay rack
7 Thursday I choped Cordwood
8 friday I shoveled furrows in the fields at the house and choped three logs off it commence to rain this afternoon about 3 O clock
9 Satarday in the forenoon I choped stovewood in the afternoon I choped cordwood
10 Sunday we stayed home all day
11 Monday I choped cordwood
12 Tuesday I choped cordwood
13 Wednesday in the forenoon I choped cordwood in the afternoon I underbrushed
14 Thursday I underbrushed all day
15 friday I choped and cord cordwood and underbrushed
16 Satuerday I choped cordwood all day
17 Sunday went to here forest
18 Monday I choped again
19 Tuesday sam helped me to chop cordwood
20 Wednesday I helped sam to chop cordwood
21 Thursday I helped boby to make timber for a {torn off}
22 Friday Boby and I cut down stable timber
23 Saturday I had a bee geting stable timber it has been beautiful weather for two weeks not very cold no snow good wheeling the dust flys
24 We go to hear Mr Gemison in the morning and Mr Forest in the afternoon
25 Monday cut rafters for the stable in the forenoon and halled out timber in the afternoon
26 Tuesday I help Boby to get out his shed timber
27 Wedensday help Boby again to day
28 Thursday help boby agin to day
29 friday I help boby to day it began to rain in the afternoon in the evining it thundered and lightened and rained very heavy for about twenty minuts
30 Satuerday I helped boby to day
31 Sunday went to here Mr Forest
owe to cate $25 Feburary 1869
1 Monday I went and found my pig in the afternoon helped hugh and sam to chop down trees for the machine
2 Tuesday boby helped me at my stable timbers in the afternoon it began to snow and rain at 2 O clock
3 Wednesday morning rain and sleet in the afternoon snow and rain sam and me fixed the harness and cut a road to {torn off}
4 Thursday I went to draw for {torn off}
5 friday I drawed for Macart
6 Satarday I drawed for Mccart
7 Sunday I walked home John Jardine
Monday I drawed for Mccart
Tuesday I drawed for Mccart
Wednesday I drawed for Mccart
11 Thursday I drawed for Mccart
12 friday I drawed for Mccart
13 Satuerday I came home with the horse
14 Sunday we were at home all day it rained all day
15 Monday I choped cordwood in the fornoon in the afternoon I went to the store and it rained and snowed very had mud and water is ankle eep
16 Tuesday I choped cordwood all day
17 Wednesday it has rained and snowed very nearly all day very slopy I choped a little and cleaned a little grassseed
18 Thursday I chored all day began to freeze to night
19 friday I underbrushed and choped wood freezing to night
20 Satuerday I choped Stovewood all day
21 Sunday Stayed home it snowed heavy
22 Monday I went to draw for Mccart
23 Tuesday the same
24 Wednesday the same
25 Thursday the same
26 Friday the same
27 Satuerday the same good sleighing
28 Sunday I came and got my dinner
March 1869
Monday for I worked for McCart
{torn off}day the same
{torn off}nesday the same good sleighing
{torn off}rsday the same
{torn off}day the same
6 saturday the raine came home to my{torn off}
7 Sunday home all day
8 Monday went back to work
9 Tuesday the same
10 Wednesday very stormy root did not work
11 Thursday worked again
12 Friday the same
13 Satuerday the same came home with boby
14 sunday afternoon went back
15 Monday worked for McCart
16 Tuesday the same good sleighing
17 Wednesday the same
18 Thursday the same
19 Friday the same
20 Satuerday the same came home at night for good
21 Sunday I worked for McCart 39 1/2 days this winter
21 Sunday I stayed home all day
22 Monday I went to Champain and paid r{torn off} cultivator it has snowed heavy all day
23 Tuesday we went to Mrs pool visiting
24 Wednesday I was drawing cordwood out of the bush pileing at the road
25 Thursday I was drawing wood to day
26 Friday I was drawing wood hugh helped me this afternoon
27 Satuerday hugh and me drawed wood to day Richard and Alick choped cordwood to day
28 Sunday we stayed at home the roads was very muddy the snow is all gon leaves the ground and ditches full of water
29 Monday I did not do much to day
30 Tuesday it rained this forenoon I cleaned up six bushels and 1/2 of spring wheat for Richardson 2 1/2 for me Richardson 2 bushels of beens
Wednesday I took out Richardson wheat and beanes
April 1869
1 Thursday I went to see Mr Nickelson about back taxes on my back hundred akers of land
2 friday I Just took care of my horses
3 Satuerday I took care of my hores
4 Sunday we were home all day
5 Monday we was looking after that cow
6 Tuesday I was fixing my plough and taking the cover of my potatoes and triming my apple tree and curn {currant?} bushes
7 Wedneday ploughed in the forenoon and broke the iron hod in the afternoon I went to the Blacksmiths and got it mended
8 Thursday ploughed in the forenoon and went to Richard Dodds raising in the afternoon
9 Friday I ploughed all day
10 Satuerday I ploughed all day
11 Sunday we went to hear Mr Forrest
12 Monday I went to N Hendersons Barn raising
13 Tuesday I ploughed all day
14 Wednesday I ploughed all day
15 Thursday I ploughed all day
16 Friday I ploughed all day
17 Satuerday I ploughed all day
18 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
19 Monday it is wet
20 tuesday we picked over the potatoes in the forenoon in the afternoon I went to potuef barn raising
21 Wednesday the ground is very weet
22 thursday Alick and me cleaned wheat and {folded over}
23 friday I ploughed for E trembley all day
24 Satuerday I ploughed in the forenoon in the afternoon I went and got my order for staves
25 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
26 Monday I cultivated my barley gr{torn off}
27 tuesday alick is harring barley to day I have sowed 15 bushels of barley
28 Wednesday I sowed 1 bushel of Barley {above written - stramness?} and pail of wheat in the little field at the {torn off} and alick and me shovled the to fields today
29 Thursday we finished shovling about 3 O clock we went over to michel T to harrow
30 friday I sewed 6 bushels of barley and 6 bushels oats and furrow it up
{torn off} be {illegible} May 1869 S
1 Satuerday it rained very near all day hugh and alick and I went to daniel sale A M
2 Sunday we went to here Mr king
3 Monday I sowed 3 bushels of wheat and 4 bushels of Oats
4 Tuesday forenoon I sowed 4 bushels of in the afternoon hugh and I ploughed over at Michels
5 Wednesday in the forenoon I hauled so{torn off}
6 Thursday ploughed at Mitchels
7 Friday Alick is here I sowed 8 bushels Oats and water furrowed the peice
8 Satuerday I sowed 2 bushel Oats and half a bushel of wheat and a little flax & seed {illegible} finished it all up Jas Jardine P.P. Office County of Renfrew
9 Sunday lizzy went to here Mr forest
10 Monday in the forenoon I plowed at Michel in the afternoon I went to Charley vinter barn rain
11 tuesday I finished plowing sowing and harrowing and shovling at Michels to day
Wednesday I went and helped hugh to plough
Thursday I helped hughey to plough
friday I ploughed at home for corn
Saturday I finished ploughing the orched for corn
16 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
17 Monday I ploughed for hugh to day
18 Tuesday I fixed a yard for the calves and drawed some manure in to the barnyard
19 Wednesday in the forenoon I finished drawing my manure in the afternoon I throwed do{torn off}
20 Thursday I finished cleaning my stable bottom in the forenoon in the afternoon I ploughed for potatoes
21 Friday I finished ploughing about 4 O clock and then I cultivated a little at the corn ground
22 Satuerday I cutlivated and harrowed the corn ground frost last night it is beautiful weather
23 Sunday we went to church Mr Forrest preached
24 Monday I harrowed and waterfurrowed corn ground
25 Tuesday in the forenoon I marked the ground for corn in the afternoon I went to Ducats barn raising
26 Wednesday I got Edward and Ol Mr Trembly and planted all my corn got done about 3 O clock
27 Thursday I harrow my potato patch it rained and I cut my seed potatoes
28 Friday it rained heavy in the morning I shoveled the cross furrows in the corn ground
29 Satuerday Mr Trembly and me planted my
potatoes to day
30 Sunday we stay home to day
June 1869 John
31 Monday I went and got two shoes on dan and went to see James Mccart for my money it rained a good shower
1 Tuesday I began to make bridge timber
2 Wednesday I went and helped boby to plant corn
3 Thursday I finished my bridge timber about 5 O clock Mr Marchel came and commenced to shear the sheep
4 friday fornoon finished shearing the sheep in the afternoon I drawed out the bridge timbe and harrowed for beens and planted cabbage
Saturday I choped for black {illegible}
Sunday we went to here Mr Forest
7 Monday I went and ploughed for R dood
8 Thuesday I planted my beens and corn to day
Wednesday I went to fish with sam & alick
Thursday in the forenoon I drawed stable timbe in the afternoon I went to the mill with my logs for a wagon rack I and got two shoes on kate
friday forenoon I cut C rafters and drag them out in the afternoon for Trem{torn off}
12 Satuerday I bilt a bridge at the road and commence to make a gate for the road
13 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
14 Monday I maid a gait and hung it al the road
15 tuesday forenoon piled manure the afternoon I went to the mill for my grist
16 Wednesday I piled manure all day
17 Thursday I piled manue all day
18 friday in the forenoon hauled clay in the barnyard in the afternoon I went for my cultivator
19 Satuerday I loged for edward all day
20 Sunday we went to Church
21 Monday I got Tomy Nickerson to ride the horse and I cultivated corn
22 Tuesday the same
23 Wednesday finished cultivating and had Old man Trembly & his girl and Edward howing
24 Thursday I had the old man and his little girl hoeing corn finished howing corn to day
25 friday it rained very near ll forenoon in the afternoon I went for my stove {torn off} and rack timber
26 Saturday forenoon it rained very heavy the ground is very wet the ditches is full in the evening I was leting water {torn off} the potatoes and beens
27 Sunday we were at home all day
28 Monday I went to peels paid to him $15 for shingles I went up to pools and to Mrs grace and to hills and hired Orlo
29 Tuesday I cut the brush on the road a{torn off}
30 Wednesday I did not do much to day the ground is very wet to hoe
July 1869
1 thuesday I went and helped boby to frame his shed
friday boby & Mr cornwell & me maid timber for my stable
John Jardine
3 Satuerday went to chatham and sold our wool
4 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
5 Monday I went and fetched Mr lickman A nicolson to frame my stable
Tuesday Mr trembly and me hoed potatoes
7 Wednesday Mr trembly hoed potatoes and I went to stonepoint for my shingles
8 thursday in the forenoon I helped lickman to make the plates in the afternoon I made blocks for the stabe
9 friday I went helped boby to rase his shed all day
10 Satueday in the forenoon raised my stable in the afternoon we went to here Mr king
11 Sunday we went to here Mr king sacrament
12 Monday Mr trembly and me hoed potatoes
13 Tuesday it is wet I done nothing Bill worked at the {illegible}
14 Wednesday hauled 1000 feet of lumber from Daniel in the forenoon, after noon went to Pools for {illegible}
15 Thursday grod two syths hoed some and cut seven dozen wheat I
16 Friday I had Edward Daniel and the old man reaping wheat
17 Saturday I had Edward, Sha{ink blot} and the old man reaping wheat
18 Sunday went to hear Mr Forrest preach
19 Monday I cradled for Edward and the old man and Edward reaped for me
Tuesday I cradled wheat for wheat Edward
22 Wednesday in the forenoon I fixed the loft in the stable in the afternoon I reaped for Edward
23 Thursday I hired R Marshaw he reaped for me I helped Edward cut down all his wheat {illegible torn off} in the afternoon I worked at home and had one {torn off}
Friday three of us worked in the wheat
Satuerday five of us finishe cuting my wheat
26 Sunday we went to hear Mr Forrest preach
27 Monday - Marshaw And I cut Old man Tremblys wheat it rained in the forenoon
28 Wednesday Marshaw and me mowed round the fence in the medow for the mechine in the afternoon we clean out the barn
29 Thursday we mowed round the corn feild and round the house in the afternoon we shook hay and folowed the mechine
30 friday marshaw and me drawed in wheat
31 Satuerday the boys and us drawed in wheat in the forenoon in the afternoon we all drawed in hay into the barn and into the stable
August 1869
1 Sunday we went to here Mr forest
2 Monday Marshaw & Joe fineas we drawed in all my hay by supper time it came up a big shower
3 tuesday Marshaw and me mowed barley Joe raked the medow
4 Wednesday forenoon was wet afternoon marshaw and Sam and me mowed barley Joe hauled clay to the barnyard
5 Thursday I finished cuting barley in the forenoon Joe drawed clay in the afternoon turned barley
6 friday Joe and me cocked up barley and drawed in one lode at nite
Satuerday Hugh & Alick & Marshaw & Joe an{torn off}
3 Tuesday sam came back and finished sawing this afternoon my stovewood at the house
4 Wednesday I helped Edward Trembly to saw wood to day
5 Thursday helped edward trembly to saw wood
6 Friday I helped Mitchel Trembly to saw wood to day
7 Satuerday I went up to McAlister to try to sell my hogs could not sell them
8 Sunday we to went to here Mr Warden
9 Monday I went to frank Trembly bee
10 Tuesday I to both the shops to get my horses shod and cold not get it don
11 Wednesday I went and got my horses shod and kiled my pigs it is thawing to day very fast
12 Thursday I took my pigs to henry Richardson they weighed 8 hundred and 7 lbs it comes to 52 dollars and 45 cts
13 Friday I cleaned out the pig pen and went to the bush and made three sleepers for a little bridge at the front of the house the snow is all gone to day is warm like spring the water is down prety low the mud is 6 inches deep
Satuerday in the forenoon I took the horses and drawed out my bridge timber and drawed my logs under som trees for sawlogs it rains this afternoon
Sunday it rains a little it is muddy we stayed home to day
Monday I went to se albert nicholson about my grainary to give him the job
Tuesday I bought 37 bushels of corn from Mr lafave at 50 cnts per bush freezing a little
18 Wednesday I began to cut down trees for sawlogs
19 Thursday I cut down more trees for sawlogs
20 Friday I had a bee to cut sawlogs little rain
21 Satuerday I cleaned up 10 bushels of wheat for Mr Jackson it rains and snows a little
22 Sunday no church to day it is freezing very hard Samuel Gracey came down
23 Monday it is snowing and blowing this forenoon it makes very cold this afternoon I took 10 bushels of wheat to mill for Mr Jackson {'Benjamin' written across entry}
24 Tuesday I am skiding sawlogs it is cold
25 Wednesday I am skiding sawlogs it is cold yet
26 Thursday I was choring in the afternoon I took lizzie home and took Jackson grist home
27 Friday I was cuting sawlogs on the railroad line
28 Satuerday I went to look at my farm on the eight consession south half of lot 13
29 Sunday we stayed home no church to day
30 Monday we went to the missionary to day
31 Tuesday it rains this forenoon in the afternoon I cut down som trees for sawlogs the snow is all gon agin it is very warm this afternoon
February 1871
1 Wednesday I am cuting down hickory for cordwood on the railroad line
2 Thursday forenoon I went to ask men for a bee on Satuerday this afternoon I cuting down hickory trees for co{torn off} it is very windey it is freezing to n{torn of}
3 Friday I cuting down hickory on the {torn off}
4 Satuerday I had a little bee to da cu{torn off} saw
5 Sunday we went to church with the waggon it is very cold to day no snow
6 Monday I skided som sawlogs
7 Tuesday I went to Jackson bee {'477' written above Jackson}
8 Wednesday I skided some sawlogs freezing
9 Thursday I skided som hickory
10 Friday I went and helped boby to draw hickory spoks out of the bush

2/4 Jardine Tilbury West {illegible}

11 Satuerday I went and helped richard Dodd to make spokes it is freezing hard we{illegible}
12 Sunday morning there is about 6 inches of snow it is stormy and cold to day
13 Monday I am drawing sawlogs to the mill
14 Tuesday I am drawing sawlogs to the mill
15 Wednesday I drawing sawlogs to the mill
16 Thursday I went to bapteste creek with a load of wood for edward Trembly the snow is gone of the road
17 Friday forenoon choring in the afternoon a big snow storm rained in the evening
18 Satuerday very windy and snowing till about 12 Oclock it clears up freezing a little to night
19 Sunday we went to church it is very poor sleighing the snow is very near all gon to nigt
20 Monday I am skiding hickory logs
Tuesday forenoon I drawed 3 logs to the mill I don nothing this afternoon
Wednesday skiding hickory logs to day
Thursday I choping on the railroad line the wood of it is thawing fast to day
Friday the little bit of snow is all gone it begins to rain about 9 Oclock it rained about half a hour it turned out a butful day after that the sun shines but very strong wind I did not go to the bush I split wood at the door
Satuerday I went to the blacksmith and I went to see Mr goulden to get some medicine for lizzy {part of page torn away} mudy to day
Sunday it is raining {page torn away} snow about 5 Oc{page torn away}
27 Monday morning still snowing a little i choped cordwood in the afternoon I took the horses into the bush to skid logs
28 Tuesday I went and helped boby vicke{torn off}
March 1871
1 Wednesday I am choping hickory b{torn off} down for cordwood on the railroad line
2 Thursday boby vickerman and me sawed hickory logs to day it is beautiful weather it is warm i seen a snake to day
3 Friday this morning it is raining and snowing and freezing a little this afternoon I {torn off} out to chop and fix my skidway for {torn off}
4 Satuerday I skided hickory logs all day it is very splashing it is half up my boots I am wet
5 Sunday we stayed home the roads is very bad it commence to snow about 5 Ocl{torn off}
6 Monday I oiled my harnes to day the snow is gon it is a beutiful day
7 Tuesday I helped Mitchel Trembly to sa{torn off} 50 ties in the afternoon lizzy and went out to the store with our lard and {torn off} {overwritten in a column '60,60,60,100'}
8 Wednesday I commenc to bord up the ends of the old builden {'1103' written in pencil}
9 Thursday I finished bording the ends to day
10 Friday I went and helped boby vickerman to fraim the foundation of his kitchin
11 Satuerday I went and got my boots mended and looking for som clover seed cant get any
12 Sunday we ar home it is a fine day the road {torn off} it rained {torn off}
13 Monday I was fawling down trees for {torn off} grainery {page torn out} } meeting lizzey
14 {torn off} I went to the con{torn off} {torn off}set this forenoon{torn off} and ground {torn off}
{page torn} I dident do much this afternoon
{page torn} I went to the bidge at vickerman {page torn}noon I helped vickerman to lay foundation of his kitchen
{page torn}day I had som men helping me to make the timber for the graineory
Satuerday I went to dick dodd chopng bee
Sunday I went to church on horse back
Monday I opned the pit of potatoes I sold bushel and a half I took the pork out of the brine I put strings to it and hung it up
Tuesday in forenoon I am triming the apple trees the afternoon I split stovewood at the door
Wednesday I finished triming my appletrees the afternoon I split stovewood at the door
{page torn}ursday I went to William cornwill bee
{page torn}day I split stovewood at the door
Sunday home to day no church
Monday I finished to split my wood and fixed up the gate post it is cold it snows a little
Tuesday I cleaned the mud of my horses and fixed the trucks for drowing sawlogs
Wednesday I drawed sawlogs to the mill John benwa com to work a month he ditched
Thursday drawing logs to the mill
Friday drawing logs to the mill
April 1871
{page torn}uerday drawing logs to the mill
{page torn} went to church lizzy is home
{page torn} John and I cleaned up 29 {page torn} and 36 bus of barley and {illegible}
{page torn} day till about 4 oclock {page torn} with my grist the roads is muddy

{ a lot of the right side of the page is torn away and missing}

4 Tuesday John B and I di{page torn and missing} noked the manuer to pices in {page torn and missing}
5 Wednesday John Benwa dit{page torn and missing} Oclock I went two trips to the {page torn and missing} grist it comence to rain about 3 Oclock it is 8 oclock it rains very heavy
6 Thursday I ditched in the forenoon the afternoon I went to palmer {page torn and missing} raising in the forenoon John Benwa {page torn and missing}I went to church in the afternoon went to Palmer shed raising
7 Friday John B and I ditched foren{page torn and missing} the afternoon Benway fence I went {page torn and missing} mill witll two sawlogs and shod {page torn and missing}
8 Satuerday I and banway in the foren{page torn and missing} the botom of the fence in the aft{page torn and missing} John finished the fence I went to Palm{page torn and missing} shed raising to finished it butful {page torn and missing}
9 Sunday no church mother came down to a {page torn and missing}
10 Monday John cultivated bearley feild and harrowed in 1 hundred of barley and furrowed it, it rained a little to day I was fixed diging about the currant {page torn and missing}
11 Tuesday in the forenoon Benwa and {illegible} drawed stones out of the oats field in the afternoon John cultivated and I went out to James atkison for my apple trees
12 Wednesday I finished sowing my barley {page torn and missing} John Benwa finished harrow{page torn and missing}
13 Thursday I sowed 13 bush{page torn and missing}
14 Friday I planted some a{page torn and missing} finished harrowing this {page torn and missing} I drawed out the f{page torn and missing}

{top 1/3 of page appears to be penmanship practice}

{edge of page torn off} BBCCCDDEEFF {edge of page torn off}
{edge of page torn off} HHIJKLLMM {edge of page torn off}
{edge of page torn off}NOOPPQQRR {edge of page torn off}
{edge of page torn off} STTUUVYWW {edge of page torn off}
{edge of page torn off} ZZZZ H U
{illegible script writing}
{edge of page torn off}fore comenced to work for me on {edge of page torn off} the 5 of July this week 4 days X 1/2
{edge of page torn off} second week " 4 day and 1/2
Third week froze 6 days
fourth week 5 days X 1/2
Theodore commence another month agust the six at noon liberty this week half a day
this week 5 days
this week 5 days
this week 5 days
this week 5 days
in a guinea pigs nose
A man without manners and wearing fine cloth is like a gold ring
compared you may your mind from play every moment in the day
James Jardine
Solomon was the wisest man the ever lived John Jardine
Tillbury West
Trudel Post Office
A merci mar chan {second line illegible}
Henry Richard Marshaw
Henry Richard Marshaw
11 64
{written perpendicularly} James Jardine Township of Pembroke County of Renfrew March 31st 1873

A True Sketch of Christmas

I went the buisy street along

When everything was gay

For all the merry merry throng

Were keeping Christmas day.

Small hands were full of costly toys

Small feet to mirth kept time

Nor ever happier girls and boys

Were seen in any time.

Anon their came with feeble pace

A woman pale from care

With such a patient angle face

As gods poor sometimes were

With tender hand she led a child,

As wan as poorly drest

Not skipping singing, laughing wilder

Yet happy like the rest

For see the fingers bare and slight

Their Christmas gift can boast;

One stick of candy red and white,-

A penny it has cost

A single penny hardly spared.

Mid thousands flung away: --

Twas this one single child and mother shared

The Joys of Christmas day

Mr John Jardine Tilbury West

Trudell P.O. Ontario

Command you may your mind from play

Between two stools you come to the ground

Go where you may birds will be found John

Try and never throw yourself down John




John Jardine Sr., “John Jardine Sr. Diary, 1868-1871,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed September 11, 2024,
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