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William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860
William Beatty Diary, 1858-1860_35.pdf
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July 18 | Cut the fall Ray good crop drew in a load of hay |
19 | the boys helped Jock to cut his fall wheat & shelled 5 of Bushel Corn & got 3 bushel of wheat from Bob & went to Mill got 650 feet of boards pine from J.J McIntosh |
20 | went to Brockville with Elen & met Jonney & brought him home he came on the cars from Caralton |
21 | drew in hay front of Elizes hay very light Wat helped bob to cut his fall wheat |
22 | the Boys mowed & I shingled part of the stable |
23 | mowed a little & drew in from Eleyes |
24 | the Revd Mr Harvy preached in our School house & the Revd Mr Willson in caintown |
25 | heavy rain this morning David went to Charlestown with firkins for Elingham Adam & me raked up some hay in the afternoon |
26 | mowed this morning heavy rain about 9 oclock |
27 | mowed below the orchard grafs very light showry weather |
28 | drew in 2 load of hay in the forenoon & the Bal{cut off} wheat after dinner then rain & heavy thunder |
29 | drew in the rest of the fall wheat & Ry & drew in some hay below the orchard |
30 | finished mowing the field below the orchard in the forenoon Wm Moores came here with the Head stone for Mothers Grave Granpa & e went to the Graveyard with him & put it up at the head of the grave & he came home with us |
31 | went to Caintown & heard the Revd Mr McKenzie preach |
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