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Christina McLennan Diary, 1897-1905
Christina McLennan 1897-1905 Diary 8.pdf
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June 1899
16. T. Cavenage 20, News 24.
17. Fine day done a little weeding in onions.
18. Marion & Murdie went to Cornwall to the School Games. Cornwall won on Lacrosse and is ahead of Williamstown. Grace Marion 10.
19. Done some weeding and planted Beans. Murdie hoed potatoes & corn. Beef 52 cts.
20. Fine day but cool. Mr. McKay of Summerville preached. Mr. Matheson in evening.
21. Monday, washed.
22. Jimmie drove Kate to Murdie's buggy to Cornwall to the Jubilee. Murdie and Ran the cow in the star in account of an earthquake in Mexico. Bonfire on brick yard. Some boys stole the cannon from Martintown last night.
23. To 100 plants at Welles 2.20.
24. Baked in oven. To sugar 25.
25. To Cavenage 20 cts.
26. Marion drove to Apple Hill for Murdie. Flora McGimmon from Kingston came with her niece Nora Ann to try the Celebrance began next week. Mrs. Stanley & Mrs. Kennedy spent the afternoon here. I canned apples 16 cts.
27. I went to Mr. Tatum's preaching. He had communion. To 1/2 c. raisins 20 cts. occasional droughts.
28. To Mr. 18 Cavenage 25. Gentle rain. J. P. Mr. Tatum last night – Mrs. & Mr. McLeavy left. Baked in oven. To 22 lbs butter 40.
29. 4 pm in afternoon for Flora Ann.
July 1899
1. Saturday, Murdie & I went to the U.F.M.S. meeting at John Knox. My offer 25 & $10.00. Paid the Registered fee 10 each. 35.
2. To 2 1/2 roller 44, beef also 27. 71.
3. To sugar 25.
4. Very hot. Mercury up to 84, Mr. Green at home and preached.
5. Washed in morning. Got 14 lbs butter 24. corn starch 10 cts. Murdie, up to 94.
6. Jimmie, D.D. and a Mrs. Ferguson called on their way to Lancaster and took Murdie with them. Jimmie went and took Marion. The District Council met there. 22.
7. Killed a lamb. Commenced with the potatoes. Mrs. Ferguson. Murdie to McLennie to see Misses. Graceley & McLennie.
8. Very hot Mr. Green preached long fee in church.
9. To Mr. McGilloway in church Mr. McGill. preached. To 5 tins 5 lbs butter tickle to arm. 1.1. Got 14 lbs 15 4 lbs claw. 1.24. 39.
10. Jimmie Brown came this morning on a bake. Mr. McGilloway preached and served the table. Mr. McGilloway preached a sermon to the Proctor at 3 & 7. Mrs. John Marsell was buried at 4 & 7. Turned back and rain again fell. The collection was for French Evangelization.
11. Rain to farm Broad 125.
12. Rain to farm Broad 20. Rain again.
13. To 4 lbs claw 20. Rain again.
14. More rain.
15. Fine day both a little dry. Weeding. 11.
16. Another fine day. From Rosie 62 lbs beef. 39.
- 2 lb Cavenage from Mr. Irwin. 15.
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