
Diaries in Museums and Archives Across Ontario

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Marks , John Bennett 1824 1828 Richmond Frontenac English Farmer No Library and Archives Canada
Cameron, James 1854 1902 McMaster's Island Glengarry Scottish Farmer Yes The Archives of Ontario
MacGregor, John 1877 1883 Charlottenburg Glengarry Scottish Farmer No Queen's University Archives
McLennan, Christina 1875 1922 Charlottenburg Glengarry Scottish Farm Woman Yes Glengarry County Archives
Hope, Walter 1847 1880 Sydenham Grey Scottish Farmer No Archives of Ontario
Rutherford, Annie 1894 1895 Sydenham Grey Scottish Farm Woman Yes Private Collection Courtesy of David & Jock Rutherford
Fleming, Roy Franklin 1891 1903 Derby Grey Scottish Farm Boy Yes Grey Roots Museum and Archives, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Fleming, Jean (Jennie) 1869 1903 Derby Grey Scottish Co-manager of General Store Yes Grey Roots Museum and Archives, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Bremner , James 1881 1881 Sullivan Grey Scottish Farmer Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Williams Trout, Mary 1867 1920 St. Vincent Grey English Teacher, Farmwoman, Housewife Yes Grey County Museum and Archives
Rutherford, Margaret 1917 1917 Sydenham Grey Scottish Farm Woman Yes Grey Roots Museum and Archives
Russell, Robert 1876 1900 Proton (and Melancthon) Grey Irish Farmer Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Walton, Minetta "Nettie" 1883 1890 Trafalgar South Halton English Farm Woman Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Walton, Sarah 1883 1883 Trafalgar South Halton English Farm Woman Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
McMillan, Franklin 1911 1961 Nelson Halton English Fruit & Market Gardener Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph and Private Donor
Walton, Annie Bronte 1883 1883 Trafalgar South Halton English Farm woman Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Campion, Mary Victoria 1861 1863 Marmora Hastings English Farm Woman Yes Upper Canada Village
MacFarlane, Eliza-Ann 1887 1901 Stanley Huron Scottish Farm Woman Yes Original in private possession. Copy of transcript in Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol.
Mathers, Adeline 1932 1934 Morris Huron Irish Farm Woman Yes Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Johnstone, Mrs. Edna 1916 1921 McKillop Huron Irish Farm Woman No Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol
McTavish , Douglas 1876 1877 Stanley Huron Scottish Farmer Yes Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol
Schulze, Arthur Emil 1860 1861 Maitlandville, Colborne Huron German Gardener, Cigar Maker No Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol
Green , Mary L. 1899 1900 Colborne Huron Scottish Housekeeper for Farmer Uncles Yes Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol
Watson , Robert 1885 1885 1) Stanley (1881); 2) Tuckersmith (1891) Huron English Framer (1881), Farmer (1891) Yes Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol
Andrew, Amos 1930 1931 Auburn Huron English Farmer No Huron County Museum & Historic Gaol
