File #13335: "McMahon_1917_1919_13.pdf"



== 13 == october 1917 8: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 2.19410 G.T. Put in 405 Bags ship to a McKinnon Toronto G.W. Dowson Pay me for it 50825 9: cold fine: home chore: load car. 63058. B.M Put in 496 Bags at 120: Start load car (4) 83529.N.y.N.H & H. got in 340 Bags into it G.W. Dowson Pay me for car (3) $60020 Mary help me Book up loads. 10: clear cold: home chore: finish load car 4.83529. N y N H & H. Put in 490 Bags at 120 Ship to a a McKinnon Toronto: Start load car 5:310092. G.T.P. got in 350. Bags at 110 Russell help Jas Lavery in car: 11: fine cool: home chore: finish load car 5. 310092 G.T.P. Put in 609. Bags: Shipped it to a. a. McKinnon Toronto: start load car (6) had 538. Bags in tonight. Put 1. load in car N.W. 61037; G.W. Dowson gave me $9000 12 cloudy rain: home chore: got in 2 loads Potatoes into car 7:61037 N & W: at 100: Ship car 6:39176: D L & W: to A. A. McKinnon Toronto had in 528. Bags: by Cash today from G W. Dowson $100000 at Elevator raining. 13: cloudy rain: cool: home chore: finish load car 7: 61037. N & W: Load in 544 Bags at $100 Per Bag: Pay Jas Lavery $1500 for 4 1/2 days work: Ship this car to a.a. McKinnon Toronto. 14:X: cloudy misley fine: home chore: read Sleep Pearl & John to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach 15: fine cool: home chore: ship 2100lbs stone coal to Mr Cowan Caledon East $1050: got 228 Bags of Potatoes on Platform at $100: home chore: 16: fine cool: home chore: get car for Potatoes: start to load. Put some in {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} at night {diarist resumes writing on the lines} 17: fine cool: home chore: sell coal. weigh hogs Jas Gilmore load 1. car: work at Potatoes G. Dowson car in for Bags. our cow sick Dr tighe{?} here: Wm Lyons {?} 18: warm misley: home chore: our cow sick. G.W. Dowson Pay me for car 7.61037. N&W $56950 also for car 8.98649. C B & 2.299. Bags 75 lbs $32475: and $1000 for one weeks rent for use of scale to weigh Potatoes: from 18th of oct. 1917. Wm Lyons {?} {diarist writes above text in smaller writing} cow {diarist resumes writing on lines}

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