File #13350: "McMahon_1917_1919_28.pdf"



== April 1918 == 15: fine warm: home chore: split-wood & pile it- in. Russell on section Mother here: Post letter to J.H.G. to France 16: fine warm: home chore: split-wood and pile it in: Mother go to Duffy's today: Russell on section: to bed at 10. oclock. Bathe {symbol of U with line in middle.} 17: fine warm: home chore: Mary wash: split some wood: Jas Lavery split afternoon wheel some in: rain at night. to bed at 9. 18: cloudy {illegible} cold: home chore: to Bed at 10. 19: clear cold: snow on ground thawing: home chore help Mary to churn slow: Jack Jones Bring 1. load wood slabs: John help me Pile them. 20: clear cool: home chore: Jack Jones bring 1. load slab wood. I pay him for 4 {possibly 'yards'} $8^50. Win Johnson buried today 11 1/2 years old. John help me Pile Them and wheel coal ashes To sheet: chore: to Bed at 10. oclock. cool. 21:X: cloudy {'misley' or 'misty'}: home chore: Len. Bible here for. Russell Dinner at 2. oclock. Mother here Mother to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach {illegible title of person} Beatty died today: to bed at 9^30 22: cloudy cool: fine: home chore: for wack to Elevator chat to {illegible title of person} Hamilton: F. Dolan there: for walk at eve: chat to J.G.Wolfe. W.F. {illegible name of person} in with my coat: Lorne Bary stay here all night: to Bed at 10^30. 23: fine warm: home chore: see {illegible}. Lorne Barry go with {illegible title of person} Pulford. John E. Daley here chat: Pile wood in coohkouse 24: fine cool: home chore: Mary help me Pile wood: walk to Stockrew see Hogs & cattle in store got 2. lbs figs: home chore: to Bed at 10. W.F. Faulkner set hen 2. in stable tonight. Mr McCauley & E. Watson here look at Fred. 25: fine cool: home chore: got 2. shoes Memored on Fred horse H5- ets Rd: clean horse: cool. 26: fine cool: home chore: Mary wash. Mother here afternoon: Mrs Joan Chapman Buried today: circle on sun 27: fine warm: home chore: walk to Elevator: clean sheet: 28:X: fine warm: home chore: to Floyds get shovel walk down to 6th line with Jas Lavery. Mother here. to Church at 7. Rev Bainborough Preach. fine day

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