File #27907: "MaryAgnesCooper_1917_034.pdf"


Wed Nov 28, Dull and misty with a little rain and flurries, fine eve Thur Nov 29, Fine and very mild, Aunt Mattie called at Bowes and Mothers in the afternoon. Fri Nov 30, Rained and misty, from the East, all very slushy, I stayed with Lizzie Bowes in the evening. (Phoned) Sat Dec 1, Fine but sloppy, with high winds, Willie brought Pork, I went to Marguerite Boyles Recital at Methodist church in eve. I was in at Mrs Davidsons, sold 1 doz eggs, 70{written above}cts . Sun Dec 2, Fine but very, very cold again. Aunt Nellie at morning church, Annie and Marjorie also Wylie called in afternoon, I went to eve church, Mon Dec 3, Fine and bright. Irene Chapman called. Tue Dec 4. Fine day a little milder, splendid roads. I went for a drive in the evening. Aunt Mattie at Mrs Kellys (17 weeks away. Wed Dec 5, Fine but much colder, Aunt Mattie and I in Toronto, I called to see Jamie Speight. Mrs Lawrence called. Thur Dec 6, Fine day, moderately warm. Mrs Davidson & children in Fr Dec 7, Beautiful day, clear cold and good roads. Sat Dec 8, Cold east blizzard with terrific storm about 10 inches of snow, or more, drifting in everywhere. let Range in night Sun Dec 9. Cold west wind and still drifting, a good deal of digging cutters out and fairly good sleighing, I went to evening church only a few out, so snowy walking, very cold. Mon Dec 10, Fine and very cold, five below zero, we washed, Willie here for window Tue Dec 11, Fine and moderately cold, Aunt Nellie at Red Cross meeting. Wed Dec 12, A little snow then cleared. Aunties in Toronto at W. Cooles.
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