File #29994: "AndrewMcFarlandLearn_1873-1877_234.pdf"


20 Sunday [wind] S clear hot to church Rowland Preached. To Belmont with john to Dr Menlatt Randall and wife and jacot Shirk and wife john finch and wife David Shirk and Lely finch to diner 21 Monday [wind] S&N clear planted corn john and pery to help let john Simpson have 3/4 bushels corn 75 Cullver finch paid $1.50 22 Tuesday [wind] W rain to Randalls sale Bargen with colard for a drill for $70 let him have a harness for $35. frery split rails john finch planing corn 23 Wednesday [wind] N clear cool done choars john drawed rails. pery built fence 24 Thursday [wind] NW clear cool sowed miller planted beans john to help to Belmont after Rondal and wife withe us Ann got her linen Dress 25 Fryday [wind] NW clear To Randalls plowed gardon john choared pery split rails
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