File #29999: "AndrewMcFarlandLearn_1873-1877_239.pdf"


24 Sunday [wind] SW clear at home Margret here Randall and wife to diner Rain at night 25 Monday [wind] SW clear raked hay john to help Margret here 26 Tuesday [wind] SW Rain To Belmont got horses [shat?] 4 shoes wagon hole to Abbotts. paid Bill $ 1.00 Margret here 27 wednesday [wind] SW clear tpo Lyons got wagon and took it to Belmont to Abbott. let Dyes have 7 1/2 Doz eggs got goods $1,89 and paid john 75 Margret here 28 Thursday [wind] NW rain Drawed in har 5 load wnet to lambeth to john Smiths after Margret with us 29 Fryday [wind] NW rain came home to Nelsons to tea Margret with us 30. Saturday [wind] SW rain to Randalls Margret with john choared Bees swarmed
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