File #31997: "Albert'Russell'McKay_1909-1916_092.pdf"


88 march month 1912 thomas jeffery car of live clock and furniture lest here from port pery on wed mar 13 1912 on the 6 oclock times going month P.M albert sullivan in charge of car. roy Good left pork pery with a carload of line stock and funrniture for the west on nre mar 11, 1912 on the the $7.30 time going month. a couple of engine went off the track 1 1/4 this side of brooklyn on sat 11 a.m mar 16. 1912 cause of wrek snowplough got of track and broke a rail i was these. mon 25. fred father took ginykin cow malvin calter bell on mon march 23, 1912. 27 james krishy was maries to mable turners of p.a on wed the 27th of march 1912 at her own home p.a
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