File #32004: "Albert'Russell'McKay_1909-1916_099.pdf"


95 june month 1912 sat .1. i set black hen up at mrs jewell on set june 1st 1912. on 15eggs. i were thorfread white wyam dottes eggs father fought 4 hens from her for $2.25 on sat june 1st 1912 i played for them to day jame 1st sat on 1912. i bought two hensfrom mrs hunter on thursday may 30th 1912 for $1.00 fri.7 mable harlry of prince albert and bert behelltery of toronto were married on monday jun 3rd 1912 at her our home prince albert on monday june 3rd 1912 at 2,30 o clock P.m quite a few there it was a nice day. jimmie june 1st 1912, father bought six hens from rob wallace on fri might june 7th 1912.
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