File #32092: "Albert'Russell'McKay_1909-1916_187.pdf"


215 they soon saw that he must doe (8) for many he began to cry saying lord prepare me for to die and jesus showed his smiling face and offered him his pardoning grace. (9) the mercy that the sought was found which gaxe great joy to all around he saying i'm wow prepared to die i hope that i shall reign on high. (10) come dear sister kinch and true your dying brother fid adue then round his bed they all did come whilw down their cheeks the tears did rum. (11) Then they the parting kiss did take while in these words he then did speak he said onto his weeping mother ohi where is now my little brothers. (12) why don't he come and kiss me too for this iwll be my last advice my spirst soon will take flight to dwell with bhrus un endless light (13) now month you must faithfull be your son in glory you shall see and father you must mercy seek and then in heaven we all shall week (14) my work on earth is lamost done i have a glosious victory won.
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