Mr James Cameron Island
April 14 1871 crofsed for my canoe to Summerstown left the canoe I crofsed in at the head of Hamiltons Island Heard that Mr George McGilvrarys wife Departed to Day the Sef{illegible} Collector on the Front to Day Bought of AI Baker 1 Bottle of R R Relief 25 nutmegs 3 Tole -4 Barley 10 Thread - 7 Paint 37 1/2 sundries 10 oil 12 1/2 Raisins 2 H Wines 25 Pot 25 Mat1 Handkerchief 12 Bought of James Grant Bushel of Lime 12 1/2 Got for 10 cents Go 2 Boxes from A I Bakers Wife to carry the Lime took Down the 2 campes
15th Gordon and I to Is Lamays the Watchmaker Living on the Brunston Place Left my watch with him to fix to charge me 6/3 Bought 1 1/2 Bushels of Potatoes at 40 cents a Bushel 60 got them By weight Kept us to Diner seen a Wild Turkey he had shot the First ever seen it must have bee one that strayed away from it nature Place it Weight is 11 lbs as it Travelled a Great ways and it eye out 1 of them it must Lost a Good Deal of its Weight shot a Duck
16th Low Sunday Sandy & Is semo henerys 2 Boys 1 of Williams Boys here wanting a canoe and Gun Gave Sandy semo My Dog Bruce snow to Day hail East Wind and West
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Mr James Cameron Island
17th April 1871 Put out my Boat Went to G Renshaws with 13 lbs of sugar Got 2 Bushels of Potatoes at Hamiltons of Georges Potatoes Paid AI Baker 25 cents for the Pot R Quit making the sugar made 1 Quart of syrup for the Last they made Frost tonight seen Peter Spink on the Front Bought Pat Purcells Farm for 4000-500 Dollars
18th Our Duncans Birth Day Painting my Boat Gordon Gathering sap Tapt 12 Trees for him
19th First Steamer went Down the St Helens Gordon Andrews Boiling in the sap 6 Pails Light in the Lighthouses 1/2 Gallon Hugh Ann Randolph in the Bush Let out the Heifer and sheep Fixing the Fence setting Fires found a 1/2 of a Barrel Burnt 3 Good hoops on it set Fire to the Backmarsh on the north West side of the Island shot a Duck did not get it Lightning tonight
20th Went with Lashey to his Line Heavy Rain Thunder and Lightning took the Pine Log to the Front of the Door Put out my Boat a Lot of shooting to Day something took away 1 of my Traps Last night got the chain I think it must be the Fox got his Leg in it and Broke the chain Found a Ducks egg in the Front march Got a sturgeon from Lashey Sent him my Gaff
21st Highlander went Down no Tow Finished Digging the Back Garden Shot a Duck
22nd Passport went Down First Raft went down before the Door took the heife and sheep home to salt them Towing Propeller went Down and came up