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Franklin McMillan Diary, 1932

Franklin McMillan 1932 Diary 3.pdf

Revision as of Jul 31, 2024, 9:12:43 PM
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Revision as of Jul 31, 2024, 9:14:45 PM
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Jan 7th a little cooler this morning. ground frozen but milder again tonight.
Jan 7th a little cooler this morning. ground frozen but milder again tonight.
Jan 8th mild like{unsure of word} went to Hami for Car License. no no P.4680
Jan 8th mild like{unsure of word} went to Hami for Car License. no no P.4680 {unsure of word} 8 this year. 86 last year now 7 week License {unsure of word} $1200 now $3600. seems every thing of.

Revision as of Jul 31, 2024, 9:14:45 PM

worst. no damage done here but some holes downs on Dundas sheet.

Jan 3rd. SUnday. mild and cloudy. a fear {unsure of word} of snow this morning.

Jan 4th. Election day {unsure of word} East Hamilton went {unsure of word} to {alderhol?} to vote. mild + cloud snow about all gone. Han 5th mild + cloudy all day. {unsure of word} like now Russel Emery. {eluded?} {reserve?} {unsure of word} (aid) and Law Seatt elected deputy {unsure of word} for East {unsure of word} raining tonight.

Jan 6th a big rain in the night. mild like {unsure of word} a {Rain?} showers also a Rainbow. {Unsure of two words} running more water now then any time in the {unsure of two words} of years

Jan 7th a little cooler this morning. ground frozen but milder again tonight.

Jan 8th mild like{unsure of word} went to Hami for Car License. no no P.4680 {unsure of word} 8 this year. 86 last year now 7 week License {unsure of word} $1200 now $3600. seems every thing of.

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