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Edith "Gertrude" Brown Hood Diary, 1929

Gertrude Brown Hood Diary, 1929_012.pdf

Revision as of Mar 18, 2023, 5:06:48 PM, edited by

Monday, January 14

Weather, Fair + cold, cloudy in afternoon + light snow in afternoon Butchered three hogs in mourning One was for Fred Filled chop bins in afternoon + cut up the pork Jertee washed in morning New Market play Markham tonight Buttonville play milliken at Unionville"


Thursday Tuesday, January 15 14 === Weather cloudy. cast wind milder with rain Nothing much doing. Fred went home with a lame back Went over to see Mr Hooper at niht along with Jertee which she meeting at Hoopers to audit the books of M. M. S. (This all happened Thursday a mistake on my part (Pat) Proado got ver icy at night Len. Clement came in + brought three calves + took some away

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