Minetta "Nettie" Walton Diary, 1883 Part 1
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{front cover, no writing}
Steam Power Lawn Mower E.C. Stearns & Co Syracuse NY model no 181A - ST.
R 1/2/10 {1/2 appears above a line above the 10}
my birthday June 14 - 1883
{Fred?} Aug 17 - 1883
(1) June 14 th/83
My birthday a very fine day & not a cloud to be had in the sky Sarah and I cleaned the cellar milkroom. Two Marias washed Mrs Johnson helped them Presents I got were as follows. Maria gave me 25 cts Annie a cream lace collar Ma a back hair comb. but first I got a letter from Ernest with a beatiful card in it. Sarah & I went to Bronte after tea I bought this book in Geo. McCraney Theodar and Joe went fishing Mercy went home this morning she had little Liddie or Rosie with her she just looks like Mercy Bates. Wallice & Watson here building boat.
June 8th Little Arthur
Pickard was buried from being drowned. Annie {Sarahah?} Edith Ingledew, Mr. Johnson & I sang in the choir & I broke down.
June 10th. I got pair of new {shoes?} from Oakville. A pair of corsets also from Toronto. Alfred {Alton?} & Ernest were here for tea Sunday
11th June {June has been written in a different pen} we had lots of company all last week.
June 13 Sarah and I went down to Churchill for bitters for Mercy to take home. Zillah and I have got a {place?} where we put our letter that we when that is when we do not see each other very often we have a lanuage which we made our selves in school. Mr. Davidson
June {15th} Charlie {Mc?? illegible today?}. I sent a letter to Ernest to day. Painting the boat they are. Ella McKay and her mother was up this afternoon brought two jars of potatoes tomatoes. The boys are whitewashing the young orchard to day. E M past master on the roads. S. A. M. M. are all away Ella McCauley is working at Williams.
June 16th Saturday Sarah & I were picking green strawberries in morning. Maria, Watson went to Hamilton on 2 train on which Mr Wight came up on. Ada Bray here also
Pa was down fishing cought about 15 heron all day. Saturday 16th Twelve O'clock before I went to bed 15th 10 O'clock 14 twelve O'clock.
June 18th Monday raining S. J.S. and I cleaned out the cellar. George Wight here yet. Maria came back from Hamilton they anticipate to launch the boat Saturday next.
Sunday 17th fine day but cold fog off of the lake. Ernest came to took and Annie & I for a drive to Oakville. I had a splendid time we were singing {ect?}
Monday 18 George White said it took all the bliss from a kiss
if any one seen you. Maggie McCauley here with Miss Sarah Bouncell from Oakville also. Wallice said that he'd baptize me in the name of the father and of the cedar posts. Ernest received he is {I think this may be a correction made after "his"} photo from Hamilton with all the college students on it. Poor Omese. when he was getting out of the buggie to open the gates I triped him and he fell and skinned his shin.
Tuesday 19th June. Washing Manda Hixson drove here Mrs Wright and Mr Bray all at once. Maria L. & G. Wright went over to Hixsons in the afternoon. I received a letter from Zillah
G.W. said if you told any lies at night that you would have to tell them over again in the morning. he has {two?} little girls named Alice, Georgina, Victoria. Mary Elizabeth Annie Mary says when she comes to breakfast Ever lassie has a {laddie?} but none they say have I. G.W. 19th when home to day. Mr Curtis is as tight as the bark on a tree. { a portion of the page appears water-damaged or erased perhaps}.
{It appears 3-4 lines have been erased, next legible line has been re-written in a different pen}
June 21st/83 I went to Bronte in Morning seen the boat came back and painted the barn gate Ella McKay came and took Maria I down to see Miss Smith. Maria & Ida went over to Jacksons to get him to come plaster dining room. Theodore went to Greens. E M went to Oakville all on Thursday 21st We got some strawberries to day Thursday 21st Wallice said with the greatest {compasity?} I will. It will all come out in the Washing. William Lucas here for tea 21st.
Friday 22 June/83 us four girls went
over to Williams about seven. Edith Ingledew and Lizzie Carpenter were there also we had a kind of a tea in about 10 O'clock at night. came home about twelve E.W. came to bridge we met Jack Mc. Maggie Joyce & Emma going home from the Ice cream party at Jane Hinton's Saturday 23rd Jackson came after we had all the cleaning done to plaster he was here about 1 hr. All the folks ate there supper out in the yard we had strawberries for tea. Ma & I were picking when E.W. went by on horse back. Sunday 24th Ma & pa went up to Plannoe {Palermo according to Sarah's diary} Church. We were out in the strawberrie field when Mrs. & Mr Williams went
home. Ernest told me that he was over to our corner in morning he said Joe promised to go for a swim but he did not, {so?} he went home & light a fire put on some water & he got in the tub. We all went to Sunday School, Annie Broderick Ella McCauley and Ida & I went to see the boat so we seen Misses Sanderson from Toronto at Mrs Pages Annie asked me if I would go for a drive with Arthur at night so I went with Ida & him we went up to {Powerls?} up the shore, came back again. when we were going up we seen Curtise's were all out in the varendia Ernest drove the girls home from Sunday School & we made
horse fly going past we seen {Trillers?} out on bank we seen Grant & his father out rowing coming back Mr Eckerson waved his hat at us we drove around Bronte and then came home Mack and Ernest were here Ernest said that we went so fast the wheels only touched every {10?} fencecomers. When they were going away I {circle} {tree-like image} {semi-circle} {semi-circle} {asterisk} {asterisk} {asterisk} {tall plus sign}. {asterisk} {asterisk} {asterisk} {scribble} {semi-circle} {asterisk} {asterisk} {semi-circle} {triangle}. once & he " " " " " " {these appear to be ditto marks under the drawings} me. {triangle} w {tree-like image} {house image} {asterisk} {asterisk} Mack did also I enjoy my drive & there stay very much I had a very nice time indeed.
Monday 25th raining was bad. I dreamped Sunday night that Ernest had the hooping cough in our parlor & he was going to die. But I dreamp it Saturday
night that Grant Sarah and I all slept together but I got out & let Sarah sleep with hiim for I crowded them two much.
Monday 25 Mr Williams here in the afternoon on horseback.
Tuesday Maria & Sarah went to Oakville got back two O'clock broke one wheel. Ida & I went over to Joyces after the paper for dining room.
Maria Ida papering Wednesday We picked berries Ernest & his cousin over on the bank shooting when we were picking. His cousin came tuesday they were picking so they had not time to go & meet him so he went to sleep up at the station and had to
walk after all.
Thursday 28 Joe Wilds birthday farewell a lot of folks from Hamilton & Toronto Jennie up with Jessie Scott. I cleaned the hen house out to day white washed it inside. Sarah went up to station to meet Watson he went to Toronto this morning and she seen all the folks. Joe got a letter from Henery yesterday he is over to the falls. The bees swarmed to day 28. painting wood work. Mrs Foster here this afternoon. Girls & E M. went over to Hixsons in evening. Emma, Mabel & Gordon came down. 28.
Friday 29th Cleaned the sitting room picked berries
in the afternoon. Had Daniel Bray for dinner. Expect to Lauch boat to morrow Saturday.
29th {appears to be corrected to from the 28th with a different pen}. Maxwell down in evening on horse back Theordore & I put his horse in the barn yard. Ma & Emma went to Oakville to day for some lard for the boat launch.
Saturday picking berries all day till three O'clock. Issaic {Mo{o is underlined with two dots below the line} & Jennie came down on twelve train went back on Seven Jennie took Sarah & Annie with her back home. Adarenia came on two O'clock train we all went down to the boat launch E.W. & his cousin were there. Will Spears was the first on
it after in the water we all got on it. Will said if he own it he would call it (Nettie). Mabel broke the bottle & christened it Blandina. Sarah Walton came up on the seven from Toronto.
Sunday Teordore has gone down to Green's this morning Sunday Fine day. Sunday 1st July I went to Sunday School Ernest & Mr Lucas here at night Mr Lucas from Montreal.
Monday 2nd Picking berries Ant Eliza. Eliza Smith & Henery came on morning train went back at night. I picked 76 qts E.W. Mr Lucas. & Alfred Alton here I have got silk hankerchaf of
Alfred. Annie & Sarah came back on 5.25 train from Hamilton Annie got some gems taken she gave one to E.W. We had a very nice time they stayed till Eleven O'clock. All Toronto folks went home.
Tuesday picking Emma Mabel & Gordon were home.
Wednesday 4th July picking washing {illegible} Morrow {boring?} Cow calved. I went to bed at 7 O'clock.
Thursday July 5th Had Mr Wild over brought Ida a letter for Jennie wanted some waxing salve. Sarah went over in Afternoon to Hixons for baskets.
Friday. Picking rained every day last week
Saturday 7th . 83.
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