John Bell Fraser Diary & Transcription, 1874-1889


John Bell Fraser Diary & Transcription, 1874-1889


John Bell Fraser


Private: Courtesy of Catharine Wilson




19th Century, Leeds & Grenville County, Elizabethtown and Edwardsburgh Townships, Ontario

Date Created


Is Part Of

John Bell Fraser Diary Collection


Scanned Manuscript & Typed Transcription


{front cover (brown & green), worn, black binding}

1391.12429 7737 at Belleville pieces Sho

pieces short at Kingston

{upside down}

11111116 R 111111116 L

To PM Vegas E Ashley

West lake

John B Fraser

T Fraser

John B Fraser

{upside down}


Chinese Wall 1728 miles long 25 wide

J John Fraser

Easter Sunday the new moon nearest the 21st March was on the 25 March hence 14 days + 1st 15 days = 9th of April

9 + 7 = 16 April Easter

Jews Banished in 1290 Ed 1st Gregorian Style adopted in 1752 in Geo 2nd reign 3rd of Sept counted the 14th Pope Gregory changed time in Italy in 1582

Israelites left Egypt on 15 day of nisan 430 yrs after Abraham moved to Canaan

January 1874


No. 1 Train,_______ Conductor, _________ 1874
No. of Car. FROM January 1st TO 20th REMARKS
Went to Uncle Williams & Mr McCarthy Went to Uncle Alexanders went to Kingston & Belleville Came home from Kingston 2 Stormy John. Fraser done chores John Fraser " " J. Jennie got up some wood went to Missionary Meeting Reids Schotton 10 went to Brockville Potatoes 11 went to Brockville 12 J.B. L Ross here 13 Cleaned up grist 14 Took Barley, Oats & Wheat to Mill 15 Pa & Mr Manhard went to swamp 16 went to stewarts swamp 17 P & Ma & Alva went to Kingston 18 Grandma Fraser sick 19 Pa & Ma went to Uncle John Bells 20 fine Mrs Stewart here

Febuary Feb March Febuary (Bk. 28.

No. ________ Train,_______ Conductor, _________ 187
Jan January & Febuary 21 Pa and Ma came home from Kingston 22 got home grist } to S. S. 1 23 went to Keellers Sale 24 went to B Pot Butter with waggon 25 went to Brockville 26 went to S.S. 1 H 27 Drew 3 loads straw P went to B. 28 went to S.S 2 loads 29 " " " 1. 1 S^M 30 Drew 2 loads wood 1.1 S A M 31 Janey went to Port Hope got Harness fixed 1st went to B.S Reieds school house 2 very cold cut wood 3 Drew 3 loads wood 22.1S PM Cold 4 " " " 2.1 AMS" 5 " " " 1.2 S, PM, very cold 6 " " " home 7 " " " 1.2 S.A.M 8 Mr & Mrs McGuinn here fine 9 Drew 1 load poles to J West 2 H

Febuary 1874


No. 2 Train, _________ Conductor, ________ 1874

No. of Car From Feb 9th To 28th Remarks.

10 Drew 1 load home 2 to Mrs Stewart

11 " 3 loads 2.A.H. 1 PM S

12 went to Mr Fergusons Bee 1 SPM

13 thawed } Mr & Mrs Dalton here 12 H

14 Pa went to Brockville

15 Uncle Francis Emma McKay & Mrs Munroe here

16 Drew 4 loads straw { Kille white cow} Mrs Ross Dalton & Hemingway here

17 Went to Brockville Beef & Potatoes 18 1/2

18 Pa & Alva went to Mountain

19 Fine thawed cut wood

20 Helped Frew draw Straw & hay

21 Pa & Malva came home from Mountain

22 Went to Brockville

23 cut wood Pa went to B

24 Drew 77 rails from Coles

25 Drew 162 rails

26 Drew 36 rails Murphy helped Pa to Dublin Point

27 Drew 92 rails { Uncle Fraser & Pa to Sand Point

28 Drew 140 rails { Uncle J Fraser to gananoque

March 1874

(Bk. 28.

No. 3 Train, _____________ Conductor, J. Fraser 1874

No. of Car. From March 1st To 20th Remarks

1st went to Reids Schollhouse Uncle Fraser her

went to Bes Reids schoolhous

2 Pa went to Brockville Dublin { Uncle John & Grandma Fraser went to mountain very cold cut wood tapped trees { thawed

3 went to Stewarts swamp got out 80 pickets Drew 3 loads wood 2.1 S, PM Cold 20

4 Made casings for door 2.1 S A M in Cold room

5 Made caseing for windows { 1.2 S.PM. very Cold made whippletrees

6 Made doorway for little closet ure } 1311}98}

7 Drew 2 S. 1 ho{illegible} to B waggon Potatoes Butter eggs

8 stormy stayed at home snowed

9 " got roller } smoked meat } worked at roome

10 worked at room stormy snowed

11 Grandma & Robby Bell here Doors

12 Sammy Bellame here } went to Hamiltons to Auction

13 Cold & Stormy } AB } Prescott

14 went to B 9 bus Potatoes } took S Bell to

15 went to Brockville

16 Drew 2 loads oats from Keelers

17 Drew oats to Brockville

18 } Drew 1 load straw & 1/2 ton hay to Mrs. S Stewart

19 worked at room} smoked meat made Boat

20 Janey maggie McKechine & Tilly Wood came here from Port Hope Also Sadie Fraser

March & April 1874 (Bk.28.)

No 3-4 Train, __________ Conductor, J Fraser 1874

No. of Car. From Brockville 21st March To April 9th Remarks

21 went to Brockville with meat & Potatoes 10 1/2

22 went to Brockville } R Bell here

23 Grandma B & Maggy went to Kingston

24 worked at room fine windy

25 " " " very high wind

26 worked at room snow & rain

27 sawed up wood

28 Went to Brockville Potatoes meat eggs &c

29 went to Brock } Maggie McKechine went away

30 split wood stormed snow

31 Pa went to B} helped Frew Draw Hay & Straw } helped raise Buells stable

1st st April 1 split & piled wood

2th split & piled wood } Took Tilly Wood to B went to B. B 15

3 F measured up 40 bushels Potatoes for seed

4 S Went to Brockville meat Pota eggs & 2 J Stewarts babys Funeral

5 S Went to Brockville

6 M Drew 8 loads manure with sleigh & Drew rails from side of Picket fence

7 Tu Maggy came from Kingston} split wood

8 W Pa split wood I was sick

9 Thu Drew 1 load hay & 1 load straw to Mrs Stewart Got grass seed 2. bus salt 1bbl } Pa went to Kingston

{in pencil above} Drew 1 load to Mrs 1/2 going to B } got salt

4th mo April 30 days (Bk.28.) No. 4 Train,___________ Conductor, J Fraser 187

10th M Fri Cut & Split Wood

11 Sat Stormed hard snow & wind

12 Sun Went to Reids schoolhouse

13 Mon Pa came home from Kingston

14 Tues Cut & split wood Fine

15 Wed Made Stone boat }commenced at Orchard fence

16 Thu Went to Brockville Potatoes & eggs 15

17 Fri Snowed D S Mclean MD here

18 Sat Went to Brock Potatoes Carrots & Beets meat eggs 15

19 Sun Went to Brockville fine

20 Mo \|/ Cleaned Wheat Barley & W Oats } Dapple Calved

22 Wed Went to B to {illegible}aux's Got Plough from Manhard Pa commenced to Plow

23 Thus Plowed in forenoon little field } fixed fence little field

24 Fri Finished little field

25 Sat Pa & Ma went to B Got Harrow teeth sharpened Harrowed part planting ground

26 Sun Snowed nearly all day

27 Mon Plowed in afternoon, Put up fence AM Ma went to Mrs Daltons

28 Tues Froze so hard could not plow in forenoon Plowed in PM } Fixed part Orchard fence

29 Wed Finished Orchard fence & Bars

30 Thurs Tore down line fence Between Drinkson & us

5th Month May 31 days (Bk. 28.) No. 5 Train, _______________ Conductor, J Fraser 187

No. of Car. From May 1st To 20th Remarks

1st Fri Plowing No 3 E } Gipsy & Daisy had a calves Drew 2 loads to & 250 lbs to Stewarts hay Barn had a lamb

2 Sat Put up Fence in AM I went to Daux, Pa got mouldboard got harrow teeth for plow

3 Sun Went to Brockville} Broke Buggy

4 Mon Plowed 3 E } Pa hired Henry Hardy} Drew 8 loads manure

Boss Bess & Fleck had calves a lamb

5 Tues Drew out 11 loads manure } Plowing at No 3 E

6 Wed Finished no 3E } Drew 15 loads manure split corn ridges

7 Thur Split corn ridges finis } Drew out 13 loads manure burnt Potatoes tops

8 Fri Plowed at 2 E }dug garden Planted potatoes Beans Sowed little field with wheat } Drew out 14 loads manure

9 Sat Drew out 11 loads manure } PLowed No 2D H Hardy went away

10 Sun Went to Brockville } Rose had a calf

11 Mon Drew 12 loads manure 2 hay } Plowed at Wheat ground No 2E } hired R Pike

12 Tues Finished wheat ground } Drew out 21 loads manure Ploughed Miss Stewarts garden

13 Wed Plowed at No 2E AM sowed wheat & Part Barley } Drew out 16 loads manure got 1/2 bus Potatoes from Mr H had 2 lambs Coles here R Bell

14 Thu Sowed grass sedd seed on East side No 2 E } Drew 14 loads manure } Finished No 2 E } commenced to Plow for carrots Potatoes

15 Fri Rolled in wheat harrowed one side No 2 E Scraped lower Barnyard went to B 4 bus Potatoes

16 Sat Finished No 2E } Drew 3 loads manure ridged up ground for Carrots mangolds Potatoes

17 Sun Went to Brockville

18 Mon X Rained most all day} cut seed potatoes 18 Took colt to Pasture Put up line fence } cleared out ditches No 2

19 Tues X Drew 8 loads manure Pa went to B with 1 bag of W P for Uncle J Fraser Planted some Early Rose, fixed ground for carrots

20 Wed Sowed 2 rows carrots harrowed & Sowed part no 3E let cows out to Pasture } harrowed & sowed part No 3E got out 4 loads manure Finished sowing No 2 E

May April May (Bk.28.) No. 5 Train, ________ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No. of Car. From May 21st To June 9 Remarks.

21 Thurs Drew out 10 loads manure Finished sowing white carrots Tore down & put up fence E W side No 3E staked capped " "

22 Fri Finis harrowing 3E Drew out 3 loads manure had a lamb Ploughed & spread manure 2S Fished carrots mangolds rolled 2.E 2E Killed Boss's Daisy calves

23 Sat Went to Brockville veal eggs & Butter Finished sowing mangolds beets Spread manure & rolled half No 3E } Ploughed part No 2W

24 Sun Went to Brockville

25 Mon Sowed the turnip seed Finished rolling N rolling No 3E Plowed part No 2W Harrowed } high wind} Put up fence

26 Tues Cut seed Potatoes } spread manure } Plowed Potato ground

27 Wed Finis spreading manure in No 2 W & Plowed No 2W finis fixed fence round Buckwheat field } Moved Pickets harrowed 2W

28 Thurs Planted Potatoes chilis } ridged Part No 2W harrowed No 2W

29 Fri Finished ridging & Planting Chilis & Early rose commenced today to milk No 2W

30 Sat Finished Planting Potatoes } commenced to Plant corn Mr Van Luven here

31 Sun Went to Brockville Mr Van Luven went away

April June 1 Mon Finished corn Planted sweet & Popcorn Beans Samuel Bell & Bride here finis sowing turnips

2 Tues Drew stone for fence around No 3W got off stone Pa took S Bell & wife to B got waggon fixed

3 Wed Commenced to Plow No 3W Drew out 8 loads manure Plowed & harrowed Miss Stewarts planting gra{cut off}

4 Thurs Drew out pickets for line fence and cross fence Sharped stakes fixed gate rain AM

5 Fri plowed 1 land No 3W sharped stakes for orchard fence turned out horses washed sheep

6 Sat Took 1 load hay to Brockville dug ground where Pickets were fixed fence round dooryard

7 Sun Went to Brockville

8 Mon sheared sheep marked sheep } Fixed fence round hog & calf Pasture } ringed hogs staked part orchard fence

9 Tues went to Brockville for hair & sand got home mortar & mixed it got 5 bus lime

May June

(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 6 Train, ___________ Conductor, Fraser, 1874

No. of Car. FROM 10 of May June TO 29 Remarks

May 10

10 Wed Commenced to Plaster room

11 Thur Finished plastering 1st coat Mr Fraleck & Switzer here went to Brockville Prescott " " McGuins

12 Fri Finis staking round Orchard. Uncle John Fraser Alida & Grandma came here

13 Sat Went to B Cleaned dooryard } got sand } Lo per horse

14 Sun Went to Brockville

15 Mon J Fraser & Alida went home commenced to cultivate sowed Western corn

15 6 Tues Cultivated corn and Potatoes Drew 5 loads manure on western corn rained Hard

16 7 Wed Commenced to Put on 2nd coat of plaster rain

17 8 Thu Finis plastering drawing out manure went to B with mowing machine

18 9 Thu Drew stone & rails for fence around No 3W cultivated Potatoes

19 Fri 20 Went to B finis cultivating Potatoes

20 1 Sat Sun Went to Brockville

22 Sun Mo 22 Commenced to do roadwork hired R Pike planted corn

22 Mon 23 Tues Finis planting corn & roadwork

23 Tues 24 Wed hoed corn } Put fence round No 3W

24 Wed 25 Thu Commenced to hoe Potatoes

25 Thu 26 Fri hoed Potatoes

26 Fri 27 Sat Went to B. Bought Bull, hoed mangolds carrots Early corn & Potatoes \

27 Sat 28 Sun Went to camp meeting. U.S.

28 Sun 29 Mon hoed Potatoes

July (Bk. 28.) No. 7 Train, ___________ Conductor, J Fraser 1874

No of Car FROM 30 of June TO 19 of July Remarks

29 Mon 30 Tues Hoed Potatoes

30 Tues July 1st Went to B Finis hoeing Potatoes

July 1 Wed " 2nd Thu commenced to hill Potatoes

3 Fri hilled Potatoes

4 Sat Went to Uncle John Frasers

5 Sun Went to South Mountain camp meeting

6 Mon Came home From Mountain Finis potatoes

7 Tues got mowing machine cut part clover no 4E

8 Wed Finis cutting clover in No 4E

9 Thu Took 1 load hay to Brockville

10 Fri Went Fishing

11 Sat Went to Brockville

12 Sun Went to B

13 Mon rained most all day

14 Tues cut hay in No 1W } Went to Lyn for calf

15 Wed raked up hay in No 1W cut orchard

16 Thu Drew in orchard 6 loads 5

17 Fri Drew in No 1 Went to B 6 1/2

18 Sat Went to B to Barnums show

19 Sun Went to Reids schoolhouse &C

July August


No. 7-8 Train, ______________Conductor, Fraser 1874

No. of Car FROM 20 July TO 8 of August Remarks

20 Mo Finished Mowing No 4E fine

21 Tu Finished Mowing No 5E

22 Wed Raked & drew in 8 loads

23 Thu I Drew in 10 loads hay

24 Fri Uncle J Bell here finis Nos 4 & 5E

25 Sat Went to Brockville cut swamp grass

26 Sun Went to Brockville

27 Mo Cut part No 1E went to B

28 Tu Finished cutting No 1E rained

29 We Went to B raked up W sided of No 1E

30 Thu Drew in 8 loads hay No 1E raked

31 Fri Raked up part of No 1E } Pa & Ma went to Alexander bay, J Bell was here

August 1st } Finis No 1E 4 drew in 4 loads Put up grass, Nos 2 X 3

2 Sun Went to Reids schoolhouse

3 Mo sowed turnip seed Drew in 2 loads grass thinned carrots

4 Tues cut hay in No 4E

5 Wed cut hay finis No 4E Pa cut his hand Fixed han{illegible}

6 Thu Drew in 3 1/2 loads grass No 4E & little orchard

7 Fri fixed fence in AM } Killed lamb dug Potatoes

8 Sat Went to B to market } Patched shed

August (Bk. 28.) No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 9th of August TO 28th Remarks

9 Sun Went to Brockville

10 Mon cut oats in No 2E

11 Tu cut & Wheat in little field " " " " " finis Barley

12 We Went to Brockville helped Mr Powers

13 Thu Drew in 2 loads Barley 7 loads oats No 2E

14 Fri finished oats No 2 & Barley

15 Sat Went to B helped Mr Powers 6

16 Sun Went to Reids S. S

17 Mo cut & Bound wheat

18 Tu Helped Mr Powers Bound Wheat

19 Wed Finished Binding Wheat

20 Thu cut Black oats

21 Fri Drew 3 loads Wheat Pa & Ma took Aunt Caroline & Carry McGuin

22 Sat Went to B helped Mr Powers oats 7

23 Sun went to B R Bell here

24 Mon Drew in 3 of Wheat } 3W } 3B oats No 3E

25 Tue Finis Wheat & oats cut with machine helped Powers

26 Wed Finis cutting oats

27 Thu Helped Mr Powers } Drew in 5 loads oats

28 Fri Went to B for Aunt Caroline McGuinns here


(Bk. 28.) No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 29th of August TO 17th Sept Remarks

29 Sat Went to B AM with Potatoes & Ma & Pa went to Kingston Aunt Caroline & Carry Blanchard went home 10

30 Sun Went to Reids schoolhouse

31 Mo Finished harvest } Drew stone for garden

1 Tues laid part garden walk J V Wood here

2 We Went to Anniversary at rows corners

3 Thu Went to Brockville

4 Fri Pa & Ma came home from Kingston

5 Sat Went to B to Market 10

6 Sun Went to Brockville

7 Tues Went to B market } Got lumber Waggon

9 Wed Painted waggon neck yoke whippletrees 10 1/2

10 Thu Went to Prescott for grains } To Maple Grove Picnic

11 Fri Finis Drawing & laying stone in garden walk

12 Sat Went to Market 10

13 Sun Went to Brockville

14 Mo commenced to thresh

15 Tu Finis threshing } Cleaned up 8 bus Wheat

16 W. helped Mr Watts thresh

17 Thu Helped Powers thresh } Mr & Mrs Bennington here


(Bk. 28.) No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 18th Sept TO 7th of Oct Remarks.

18 Fri Took Grist (8 bus) to Lyn rain

19 Sat Went to B Mr Bennington & wife went home

20 Sun Went to Maple Grove

21 Mo Went to Mrs McCollough's funeral Mr & Mrs Ward came here

22 Tu Pa & Ma Mr & Mrs Ward went to camp meeting at Maple Grove

23 Wed Helped Frew Thresh

24 Thu Painted waggon Box cut corn

25 Fri Helped Mr James Stewart thresh

26 Sat Went to B cut corn

27 Sun Went to B & Reids schoolhouse

28 Mon Cut corn Mr & Mrs Ward went home sold 20 bus oats

29 Tues Uncle James, wife & family here } Aunt Hannas & Olive here

30 Wed " " " " " " Janey & I went to Montreal

Oct 1st Thu } Uncle & Aunt Annas & Olive Went home

2 Fri I went to Mountain & Resorvoir at Montreal

3 Sat Pa went to B I went to Longueil 6

4 Sun Went to B } & 2 Went to Jesuit church in Montreal

5 Mon Came home from Montreal

6 Tues Killed & took to B 1 heifer (280) Uncle John & Aunt Ellen here

7 Wed Went to Prescott fair

October October

(Bk. 28.) No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 8th of OctoberTO Remarks.

8 Thu Uncle John & Aunt Ellen Bell went home

9 Fri Killed Black heifer rain

10 Sat Went to Market Beef (300) Potatoes 7 1/2

11 Sun Rained most of afternoon

12 Mon Commenced to dig Potatoes

13 Tue Dug Potatoes K Pike helped

14 Wed Finis digging Chili's commenced W.P

15 Thu " Washington Peerless

16 Fri Killed 3rd heifer } Drew in Washington Peerless

17 Sat Went to B Butter Potatoes Beef } Dug part Early Roses

18 Sun Went to Brockville

19 Mon Drew in 102 large & 9 1/2 Small chilis Took 30 Bus Chilis to Brockville

20 Tues Drew 80 bushels of Chili's to Brockville

21 We Went to Brock 40 bus of Chili's } finis Chili's 40

22 Thu Finis drawing in Potatoes Drew in Mangolds Carrots Uncle J Fraser & Ad Mc here

23 Fri Drew in Beets & 3 loads corn } Killed Buell steer

24 Sat Went to Brockville to Market Beef Potatoes

25 Sun Went to Brock & Reids schoolhouse

26 Mo P & Grandma Fraser Went to Ernesttown went to Brockville grist 18 Bus

27 Tues Helped Alfred thresh


(Bk. 28.) No.11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 28 Oct TO 17 November Remarks.

28 We Helped D Sampson thresh

29 Thu Ploughed

30 Fri Pa came home from Kingston to Lyn went to mill grist 10 bus

31 Sat Went to Brockville

1 Sun Went to Brockville

2 Mo Ploughed part No 3E } Killed pig

3 Tues Pa went to Mountain Pulled & topped turnips

4 Wed Plowed part No 3E

5 Thu Pa got home from Mountain plowed

6 Fri Plowed & Burnt of stumps No 3E

7 Sat Pa went to B Plowed

8 Sun Went to Brockville

9 MO Ploughed Pa made up part of Milk Books

10 Tues Finis making up Books Ploughed

11 Wed Plowed & drew in Turnips

12 Thu Ploughed Pa went to Brock

13 Fri Killed Bull cold put up wind

14 Sat Went to B. Grandma Bell here fine

15 Sun Went to Brockville

16 Mo Pa went to Mountain Mrs Ross Janet & S Simpson here

17 Tues husked corn rain

November - December

(Bk. 28.) No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 18 november TO 7 of December Remarks.

18 Wed Husked corn fine Pa came home from Mountain

19 Thu Drew in wood & Potato tops } went to Donation at Maitland

20 Fri Husked corn } laid Bottom of Part line fence

21 Sat Went to B to market Brought Gills horse out raised cow Stable floor

22 Sun Went to Reids schoolhouse

23 Mo Went to Brockville 50 bus Chili's 50

24 Tu Went to Mill 32 bus provender snow

25 We Killed heifer got from Simers } fixed stables

26 Thu Went to Brockville Beef & Potatoes

27 Fri Got 50 bus Potatoes from Spencerville

28 Sat went to B 50 bus Potatoes. Grandma Fraser came here

29 Sun Went to Division room

30 Mo Put knee in sleigh } Pa Ma & Grandmas to Daltons

1 Tu stormed hard in PM } Made rack for sleigh

2 We Drew wood for Miss Stewart

3 Thu Killed hog got heifer from Snider thawed

4 Fri Killed heifer Pa & Watts } helped watts Kill his heifer

5 Sat Went to Market Beef & Pork got Shoepacks

6 Sun Went to Brockville R Bell here

7 Mo Pa went to Brockville 20 bus Potatoes 20


(Bk. 28.) No.___ Train, _______ Conductor,_______ 187

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

1760 yards in a mile 5280 ft in a mile

A Box 24 in X 16 in sq & 28 in deep } 1 barrel

" " 26 X 15 1/2 " " 8 " 1 bushel

An acre contains 4.480 square yards

A Sabbath days journey 1.155 " "

A " " 33 1/2 miles

1 Teaspoon of Acetic Acid and 2 table Spoonfulls of Vinegar Will soften Egg Shells

(Bk. 28.) No._____ Train, _______ Conductor, ________ 187

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

W Windy

C Cloudy Cold

Fair Fair or Fine

S Snow

H Hail

V Very

__ Plow

== Harrow

== Cultivate

.... Sow

w reap

m mow

sq = hoeing

O = all or finis

Cemen 19 lbs sulphur & 42 " Broken glass & Earthenware make a good cement


(Bk. 28.) No. 12 Train, _______ Conductor, J. Fraser 1874

No of Car. FROM 31 TO 27 Dec Remarks.

8 Tues Brought pig from Blacks cold outside fix front door

9 Wed Put chip dirt round dwarfs mended girths

10 Thu Went to social at Rows corners

11 Fri Killed 2 Beefs 285. 378

12 Sat Went to B market Beef cold and fine

13 Sun R Bell here snowed

14 Mon Uncle Wm McKechnie here went to Mill 26 bus feed

15 Tu Went to Brock got part feed Uncle Wm McKechnie

16 Wed Pa went to Mountain with Grandma

17 Thu Went to Brockville with Grandma Bell

18 Fri Pa came home from Mountain stormy

19 Sat Went to Brockville Killed pigs

20 Sun Went to Reids schoolhouse

21 Mo Pa went to Mountain Clear & Cold

22 Tu Went to Brockville AM PM

23 Wed Pa came home from Mountain I went to Kingston

24 Thu Went to Brockville beef at Uncle J Bells

25 Fri " " " I went to Sydenham

26 Sat got horses Shod Went to Uncle Wm Bells

27 Sun Went to Brockville Went to Chapel

December { {3} January

(Bk. 28.) No. 12-1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1874-5

No of Car. FROM 28 Dec TO 16 Jan Remarks.

28 Mo Came home from

29 Tu Came home from Kingston stormed

30 Wed Pa & Ma went to Mr Atkinsons maitland

31 Thu Went to Brockville cold

1st Jan Went to Mr Atkinsons funeral & to Mrs Davies

2 Sat Pa went to Brock } 1st George Bell went home

3 Sun Went to Brockville

4 Mon Killed (Daisey) cow

5 Tu Went to B AM Beef PM 30 bus Potatoes fine

6 Wed Pa & Ma went to Mr McGuinns fine

7 Thu Pa & Ma went to Keelers } went to missionary meeting Reids

8 Fri Killed lill } Mrs Morrison here

9 Sat stormed all day } Fixed Mrs Stewarts clock

10 Sun Went to Brockville

11 Mon Stormy Went to Missionary meeting Brock

12 Tu Went to Brockville to market Beef Potatoes

13 Wed Stormy cut wood Went to Reids schoolhouse

14 Thu Windy cut wood cold

15 Fri Drew up 5 loads of straw fine

16 Sat Pa went to B cut some wood for Mr Earl


(Bk. 28.) No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. 31 FROM 17 Jan TO 5th Feb Remarks.

17 Sun Went to Daltons AM & PM

18 Mo Charlie & Sarah Simpson here cold

19 Tu Took Bess to Brock Grandma Bell Came from Montreal

20 Wed Went to McGuinns Bot 10 cords wood

21 Thu Stormed all day

22 Fri Went to Swarmp got 1 load. S.

23 Sat Went to Brockville Alida went to Ernestown

24 Sun Went to Brockville

25 Mo Stormed hard all day made windmill

26 Tu Went to Swamp Drew 1S. 1 CH

27 W Went to Swamp 3 loads 2 H.1S

28 Thu " " " " " 1 H .2 S Pa went to Brock

29 Fri " " " " " 2H.1 S fine

30 Sat " " " " " 1 H.2 S stormed

31 Su " " Reids school house

1st Feb " " Earl's Bee

2 Tu " " Swamp 2 H .1S fine

3 Wed " " " 1H. 1S Rain

4 Thu Stormed all day

5 Fri Went to Swamp 1S


(Bk. 28.) No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. 28 FROM 6 Feb TO 25 feb Remarks.

6 Sat Went to Brockville Cold & Drifting

7 Sun Went to Brockville Very cold Fine

8 Mo Drew 1 load of cordwood cold

9 Tu Went to Swamp 1S P.M. 1 H AM cold

10 Wed " " " 1 S P.M. 1 H AM cold

11 Thu " " Brockville very stormy

12 Fri Cold & Stormy Drifted

13 Sat Pa went to Brockville cold

14 Sun Went to Brockville very cold

15 Mo Alida came here from Napanee cold

16 Tu went to Brock. Drew up 3 loads straw

17 Wed Went to Mountain with Alida drifted

18 Thu " " Uncle Johns AM cold

19 Fri Went to South mountain village fine

20 Sat Came home from Mountain Pa to B soft

21 Sun Went to Brockville " A & Lizzie McGuinn here

22 Mo Cleaned up 5 1/2 bus (Potatoes 12) Wheat

23 Tu Went to B. & to O Oyster supper at Wood's 5 1/2 bus Wheat 5 bags

24 Wed Pa & Ma went to Mr McGuinns thawed

25 Thu Snowed hailed & rained came home


(Bk. 28.) No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. 31 FROM 26 Feb TO 17 March Remarks.

26 Fri Drifted Mr Hardy here Frew moved

27 Sat Took Dapple to B & Brought home Bess horses shod

28 Sun Went to Reids Schoolhouse cold & windy

1st March Brought home 1 cord wood very cold & stormy

2 Tues Drew 1 load of rails from Coles for Stewarts

3 Wed Fine A.M Drifted P.M. fixed hen roost

4 Thu Fine cut wood husked some corn

5 Fri Went to B & to Mrs Rosses Fine Part of the day

6 Sat Went to B Thawed drew up 8 bus oats

7 Sun Went to Brock & to Daltons

8 Mo Sorted over Potatoes

9 Tues Went to Brockville

10 Wed I went to B Pa went to Delta Uncle Francis Bell here

11 Thu Went to B with Uncle Francis Drew 2 loads manure with colt

12 Fri Drew out 10 loads manure with Jerry & colt 4th time hitched up

13 Sat Went to Brock 2 times } Elizabeth Bell here got pickets for garden

14 Sun Went to Brockville

15 Mo Drew up 2 loads straw & 3 loads manure rain

16 Tu Cut trapdoor in lower barn Pa & ma went to Mr Bates's Fine

17 Wed Went to B got Florey shod Smoked 1 barrel meat

March & April

(Bk. 28.) No. 3-4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 18 March TO 6 April Remarks.

18 Thu Went to Brockville very cold

19 Fri Went to " with Elizabeth Bell cold

20 Sat Went to B with Florey the mare } put trap door in W end Barn cold & storming

21 Sun Went to B & Maitland

22 Mon Went to Miss Robinsons funeral

23 Tue Went to Simpsons Drew 2 loads straw

24 Wed Went to B Pa to hear trial. Mr & Mrs Wood here

25 Thu Went to B to Court. Fixed partition in horse stable

26 Fri Went to B " " } Mac & sister & Mr Robinson Wood here } snowed & thawed

27 Sat Went " " " " Uncle W Mckecknie here tonight

28 Sun Went " " & to Reids schoolhouse

29 Mon " " " Drew out 3 loads manure Went to Keelers

30 Tues " " " " " " " Tapped trees Fine

31 Wed " " " 12 bus Wheat cut wood & planed Pickets

1st April " " Woods } cut wood planed pickets R. Bell here

2nd Fri " " Crossing with Rob cut wood & Planed Pickets

3 Sat " " Brockville market Brought home grist from mill

4 Sun Bad roads at home all day

5 Mo " " Pa Dublin with buggy

6 Tues " " Mr Woods P.M } worked a hay rack


(Bk. 28.) No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. 30 FROM 7 April TO 26th Remarks.

7 Wed Worked at Waggon rack Fine

8 Thu " " Pickets sap run good 7 & 8th

9 Fri Went to Brock got scantling for fence in front house

10 Sat " " " Bolted waggon rack Fine

11 Sun " " Brockville Waggon Fine Rose had a calf

12 Mo Took 1/2 ton of Hay to Mr Stewart at rack rain

13 Tu Got 2 shoes put on Black mare Finis hay rack

14 Wed Mr Ward & Uncle John Bell here cut wood Molly had a calf

15 Thu Uncle J Fraser & Aunt Annas & Grandma came here cloudy

16 Fri R Bell J Woods, Mc & VC Ward here } went to Brock

17 Sat Uncle John & Aunt Annas went home cold

18 Sun Went to B & Maitland

19 Mo Pa went to Lyn. I went and got 4 pigs Mr Ward

20 Tu Got horses shod Pa & Ma to Mr J Ward Star had a calf

21 Wed Cut wood for Mr Watts Went to B

22 Thu " " home Michael Vanluven here fine

23 Fri " " " Boss & Bess had calves

24 Sat Finished sawing wood at home & at Watts Fine

25 Sun Went to B Fleck had a calf

26 Mo Commenced to Plow finis 3E commenced No 1W


(Bk. 28.) No. 5 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 27 April TO 16 June Remarks.

27 Tu Plowed at No 1W Drew 1 load hay

28 Wed " " " " R Pike split wood put up line fence

29 Thu " " " " Trimmed apple trees

30 Fri Finished 1st field W. finis splitting wood dig garden, commenced to

1st May Went to B loat of dirt for McMullen } planted trees along road fence

2 Sun snowed nearly all day Blew very hard Frisk had a calf

3 Mo commenced to Plow No. 2W wind high

4 Tu Plowed No 2W AM. harrowed 1W } had 2 lambs fine

5 Wed Sowed & harrowed No 1 } Killed Curleys calf

6 Thu Fixed part line fence rained nearly all day

7 Fri Ploughed AM } Rolled No 1W fine } Plowed field behind pig pen

8 Sat Ploughed part No 2W } Went to Brockville

9 Sun A & M McGuinn here rained hard at night

10 Mo Pa went AM & got 20 bus grain } trimmed trees Sold Flecks calf

11 Tu Ploughed at No 2W sowed carrots Beets fine

12 Wed " " AM } Rain planted Beans

13 Thu harrowed part planting ground ridged

14 Fri Finis plowing No 2W Sowed wheat

15 Sat Got 2 pigs from McKim } Went to B } rain

16 Sun Went to B Uncle James Bell here

May & June

(Bk. 28.) No. 5 & 6 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 17 May TO 5 June Remarks.

17 Mo Sowed grass seed on No 2W drew oiut 9 loads manure

18 Tu Finis harrowing No 2W } drew out 10 loads Cherry calved

19 Wed Drew out 13 loads manure Rain

20 Thu carted 27 loads manure that was in field around

21 Fri Drew out 12 loads manure cleaned out upper yard

22 Sat Pa & Ma went to Kingston } Harrowed & furrowed out Potato ground {illegible}

23 Sun Aunt Ellen & Grandma Fraser here

24 Mo Pa came home from Kingston } Drew out 14 loads manure

25 Tu Aunt Ellen Fraser went home Drew out 5 loads manjure got 600 hay } Spread & Ploughed under manure

26 Wed Finis spreading & covering manure planted 11 bus Early Rose

27 Thu Planted Potatoes 12 1/2 Basas Roses 18 Chili's

28 Fri " 53 bus Chili's

29 Sat Finis planting Chili's Ma came home K & Uncle Francis

30 Sun Went to Reids Schoolhouse

31 Mo Cultivated ridged & harrowed up part 4 3E Drew 11 loads manure

1st Tu Planted 21 bus WP } Finis Draining manure & corn ground Uncle J Fraser here 14

2 Wed Planted 10 1/2 bus WP } Uncle J Fraser went home

3 Thu Planted corn Finis Potatoes Sowed S.E. corner No 3E

4 Fri Rolled SE corner No 3E took worm nests from trees

5 Sat Went to B 12 bus W. Peerless Potatoes 112 loads manure


(Bk. 28.) No. 6 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 6 June TO 25 June Remarks.

6 Sun Went to Brockville

7 Mo Rain AM Cleared trees of worm nests Put wood in woodhouse

8 Tu Ploughed ground for Potatoes hoed beans Potatoes & weed part carrots

9 Wed Finis plowing No 3W harrowed & ridged up part No 3W { 8 {illegible} sold 3 sheep

10 Thu Sowed western corn in drills Drew 3 loads manure

11 Fri Went to McGuinns took worm nests out of trees

12 Sat Went to Brockville Mr Van Luven & Willy here

13 Sun Went to B with Mr Van Luven

14 Mo Cleaned out Cellar & set leach commenced to Roadwork

15 Tu Worked on Road Mr & Mrs Bailey here with McGuinn

16 Wed Worked on road with team

17 Thu " " " " " P.M

18 Fri " " " " " all day

19 Sat Went to Brockville hoed carrots mangolds

20 Sun " : : & Reids schoolhouse

21 Mo Worked on road with team all day

22 Tu Worked on road all day with team

23 Wed Commenced to cultivate corn & Potatoes

24 Thu Cultivated Potatoes hoed corn thinned mangolds beets & carrots

25 Fri Finis " " 1 way Uncle Samuel Aunt Charlotte Bell here J Fraser Brockville } violent gale of wind & rain


(Bk. 28.) No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 26 June TO 15 July Remarks.

26 Sat Went to B cultivated Early Rose other way

27 Sun Went to Brockville

28 Mo Commenced to hoe Potatoes

29 Tu Took Pa & Ma to Prescott hoed Potatoes

30 Wed Finis hoeing Chilis } commenced to W.P

1st July Finis hoeing W.P } hoed some corn Went to Brockville Ploughed Early Roses

2 Fri Ploughed part Chilis } Went to B for MNF Mc

3 Sat Went to B Hilled Potatoes

4 Sun Rained in forenoon

5 Mo Ploughed & Hilled Potatoes } Went to Prescott for Pa & Ma

6 Tue " " " " Went to Brockville

7 Wed Finished hoeing hilling Chili's hilling hilled sweet corn

8 Thu Finished hilling Potatoes

9 Fri Hoed corn Fine

10 Sat Pa came home from Mountain } Went to Brockville

11 Sun Went to Brockville

12 Mo Went to Brockville & to Matilda

13 Tu Rained nearly all day Came from . . Planed pickets

14 Wed Commenced haying No 2 west side Went to B 2 scythes & snath cultiv plowed & hilled corn

15 Thu Commenced to fix outside of house raked little field & Part No 2E


(Bk. 28.) No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 16 July TO Remarks.

16 Fri Drew 4 1/2 loads hay little field & west side No 2E Plastered 1 End house sifted sand hoed corn got 8 bus lime rain

17 Sat Drew 2 loads of sand Went to B Went to McGuinns } mixed box full mortar made scaffold

18 Sun Rain all forenoon

19 Mo Cut No 4E & part of Orchard Drew rakings in Plastered west end of house (19 Mo fine 5

20 Tu Cut Part No 5E Drew in 5 loads hay Colored 1 end house Raked Part orchard & No 4E

21 Wed Cut finis No 5E } Drew in 5 loads hay Raked " " " 3 4 or 3 in 1 orchard 1 in another 1 " No 4E

22 Thu Drew in 8 loads of hay from No 5E Pencilled 1 end of house Raked No 4E 2nd time Put over horses

23 Fri Drew in 3 loads " " " " " " Commenced to cut No 2E half E half finis No 4E & No 5E rain morning

24 Sat Finis Cutting with machine No 2E Went to Brockville Fraser east side raked & cocked up No 2E

25 Sun Went to Reids Division room R. Bell here J Bell here Fine

26 Mo Drew in 3 loads hay No 2E } got Jerry shod rained hard

27 Tu Drew in 2 " " " " } cut part swale rained cloudy. Plastered part north side house

28 Wed Drew in 7 loads hay No 2E Finis No 2E cut swale hay Finis plastering N side End house

29 Thu Finis cutting swale } Went to Adah Rhodes funeral

30 Fri Drew in grass from swale No 4E

31 Sat Planed fence stuff

1st Aug Went to Reids school house fine

2 Mo Got out Pickets for fence around garden fine

3 Tu Went to Brockville to show rained

4 Wed Planed scantling & Pickets & Rounded & Painted Posts for garden fence


(Bk. 28.) No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

5 Thu Tore down & Fixed up fence north line of No 3E & finis staking W side No 3E

6 Fri Commenced to build garden fence Mr McEathrow here, rained at night

7 Sat Went to Mountain Worked on fence

8 Sun Went to Winchester springs

9 Mo came home from Mountain at fence

10 Tu Worked at garden fence

11 Wed Rained nearly all day started at oat field

12 Thu Cut Oats in No 1W & some wheat

13 Fri Went to Lyn & bought buggy

14 Sat Cut & Bound a little Wheat Went to Brockville Drew & Raked No 1W 3 loads Oats

15 Su Went to Brockville R Bell here

16 Mo Uncle Francis here Went to Brockville Ma & " " went to Kingston Cut & Bound wheat

17 Tues Cut & Bound Wheat Alfred Ireland hwere PM Very warm fine

18 Wed Finis Cutting Wheat Cut Whe Pease rain AM & PM

19 Thu Raked & Bound Wheat fine

20 Fri Janey Alida & Josiah Render here finis Binding Wheat P to K rain

21 Sat Went to Brockville & cemetery

22 Mo Su Fine R Bell here

23 Mo Pa & M came home from Kingston Alida & Josiah Render went home Drew in 4 loads Wheat

24 Tu Drew in 8 loads Wheat & 1 of Pease

August & September

(Bk. 28.) No. 8 & 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 25 August TO September Remarks.

25 Wed Moved part of stone Wall in front of little orchard to Old quarry } Raked & Drew in rakings of wheat

26 Thu Finish moving stone wall got out Pickets dug holes Went to Brock & got spoon for digging

27 Fri Finis digging post holes set posts Put on stringers bottom Sawed off bottom {illegible} 2

28 Sat Finished Picket fence in front of little Orchard Went to Brockville

29 Su Went to B & Reids schoolhouse

30 Mo Cut Oats in No 3D SE corner Drew 3 2 loads wood went to Wood's

31 Tu Cut part Western corn & Bound it to Maple Grove

1st Wed Went to Brockville to meet excursion from Kingston Cut Corn

2 Thu Went to Kingston I drwe in 1 load Oats. No 3 3E

3 Fri Cut corn western } Drew in 3 loads Oats No 3E Went to Uncle Johns & Alexanders

4 Sat Pa & Ma went to Kingston Jane & Jo came home from Kingston finis W corn

5 Sun Went to Campmeeting at Maple Grove

6 Mo Commenced to Plow No 1W Pa came home from Kingston McEathrow put caps on gate posts

7 Tu Worked at fence Plowed

8 Wed Finished fence in front of house plowed went to Maple Grove at night

9 Thu Bound western corn Ploughed AM } went to Campmeeting night

10 Fri Went to B AM } Plowed in afternoon & straightened dooryard

11 Sat Drew in marrowfat Pease & rakings of Oats in No 3E stooked western corn Pa went to Kingston

12 Sun Went to Reids & Maple Grove

13 Mo Plowed at No 1W


(Bk. 28.) No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 14 Sept TO 3rd of Oct Remarks.

14 Tu Cut corn Bound & set up corn Went to Brockville

15 Wed Helped Simon Buell thresh Plowed No 1W finish cutting & Binding Corn

16 Thu Pa went to fair at Prescott Rained nearly all day sold 3 little pigs to Mr W & Geo Dalton

17 Fri Went to B 2 times } Cut wood } Rain

18 Sat Went to B Ma came from Kingston J J Clark & D McCliver here

19 Su Went to Brockville

20 Mo " " " with J Clark & McCliver got cooler from Lawrence

21 Tu " " " twice Cheese & mug{illegible} Bell } took boards Posts Blocks &c from Orchard

22 Wed Went to Pro Fair at Ottawa

23 Thu Helped Watts thresh dug 25 bus early roses

24 Fri " Orr " Went to Brock

25 Sat " Earl " T & C Bell here

26 Su Went to Reids Schoolhouse

27 Mo Helped Alfred thresh dig Potatoes Killed Molley heifer Went to B R Pike here

28 Tu Went to B with Beef cut & drew 3 loads wood Charley & Tommy Bell went home Lyman & Mr Shaver here fine

29 Wed Commenced to dig Potatoes Early Rose Painting fence rain all PM

30 Thu High wind all day Drew 5 loads of Sand for garden & 2 loads of wood

1st Fri Dug Early Roses Painted fence in front house

2nd Sat " " " " " "

3 Sun Went to B morning & evening


(Bk. 28.) No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 4 Oct TO 23rd Remarks.

4 Mo Finished digging Early Roso's Rain Commenced Chili's

5 Tu Rain nearly all day R Pike to B Picked Apples of co{illegible} tree

6 Wed Rain Made gate for little Orchard " " " Reids

7 Thu Dug B Chili Potatoes fine had R Pike & McLean

8 Fri Dug Chili " " Star & Zy{illegible}

9 Sat " " Went to Brockville 2 Twice

10 Sun Went to Brockville to M.E. Church

11 Mo Went to Brock Dug Prolifics commenced WP Finis Chili's

12 Tu Dug Washington Peerless snowed

13 Wed Finished digging Potatoes

14 Tu{sic} Went to B 30 bus Chili's Drew in western corn went to Earl's bee

15 Fri Finis Western corn Drew in 275 bus Potatoes 240 WP 35 Chilis

16 Sat Went to B 34 1/2 bu Chilis Rain

17 Sun Went to Brockville Dedicated Church

18 Mo Drew 22 bus small W.P. Went to B

19 Tu Drew in 420 bus Chilis 30 Peerless D Simpson & team here fine

20 Wed Drew 105 bus Chilis 150 Early Rose

21 Thu Helped D Simpson Thresh Pulled carrots beets mangolds

22 Fri Threshed & Drew 30 bus Roso to Brock

23 Sat I Helped Alfred thresh Drew 120 bus Potatoes

27 2nd 6 4

October & November

(Bk. 28.) No. 10 & 11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 24 Oct TO 12 Nov Remarks.

24 Sun Went to B & Maitland to see 6 Baptized

25 Mo Finis Drawing in Potatoes & corn

26 Tu Finis drawing in carrots mangolds Beets

27 Wed Went to B twice 58 bus Potatoes

28 Thu Made door step & window frame & put in glass fixed window frame for hen house in front horses

29 Fri Went to Brockville 25 1/2 bus Potatoes Killed Molly

30 Sat " " " Cleaned 10 bus wheat fixed fanning mill

31 Sun Went to Brockville Snow

1st Nov Mo Went to Lyn to Mill straightened up Barnyard

2 Tu Commenced to Plow No 3E Burnt Potato tops Painted fence

3 Wed Ploughed PM Drew 1 load wood boiled Potatoes

4 Thu " " " " " Fine went to tea meeting meal at lodge

5 Fri Drew 3 loads wood fine

6 Sat Went to Brockville 30 bus early Rose

7 Sun Went to Brockville

8 Mo Ploughed all day went to Earls Raising Barn

9 Tu Went to Brockville twice with a load of straw Miss Keelers here

10 Wed Went to Brockville P & M went to Kingston Snow & rain nearly all day

11 Thu Husked corn Boiled potatoes cut wood Lizzie McGuinn & Mr & Mrs Graham here

12 Fri Plowed in afternoon husked corn nailed Board on Barn &c


(Bk. 28.) No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187

No of Car. FROM 13 Nov TO Remarks.

13 Sat Went to Brockville Ploughed in afternoon

14 Sun Stormed near all day R Bell here

15 Mo Went to B cut wood husked corn stormed P & M came home

16 Tu Went to Brockville for fulled cloth Painted sleigh thaw AM Snow & wind Boiled Potatoes

17 Wed Painted (seligh & Box) & fixed sleigh Box Cold

18 Thu Got horses shod Archie Bell here Boiled Potatoes

19 Fri Drew up 5 loads of wood Went to Brockville with Archie

20 Sat Went to B Potatoes cut wood fine

21 Sun Went to B in AM

22 Mo Went to Mill 18 bus Pease & oats Boiled potatoes

23 Tu Went to Brock Rain & snow

24 We " " " Made a step for front door

25 Thu Went to Kingston cold & fine

26 Fri Went to Uncle Francis'es from NY {illegible} cleaned hogs shut up calf

27 Sat Went to " Alex's from Fran Went to B 15 bus Potatoes got windwo sash & glass

28 Sun " " " Warm " " Ale's R Bell & Jenny Woods here

29 Mo Came home from Kingston very cold & stormy

30 Tu Went to B Put up stove in room very cold

1st Wed Worked on sash for windows cold & clear Boiled Potatoes

2 Thu Went to B 81 bus Potatoes to Fairbairn


(Bk. 28.) No. 12 Train, Snow & frost thaw Conductor, Fraser 1875

No of Car. FROM 3rd TO 22 of Dec Remarks.

3 Fri worked at windows went to Keelers fine

4 Sat P & M went to Kingston worked at sash fine

5 Sun Went to B

6 Mo Fitted window for our my room fine

7 Tu worked at windows went to tea meeting at Maple Grove

8 Wed Went to B worked at window snow

9 Thu " " " 25 bus Potatoes put in glass snow

10 Fri Worked at Sash Helped survey off Bates lot north of railway for Earl

11 Sat Went to B AM 15 bus Potatoes, & PM for P Ma came from Kingston

12 Sun Went to Brockville

13 Mo Killed pigs 1 sow kept over winter 4 spring pigs Alfred helped

14 Tu Cut & salted Pork Cleaned paint off new windows

15 Wed Cleaned window glass cold Put in 7 windows 4

16 Thu Put in windows all around finis Pa went to Mohence Napanee

17 Fri Went to B Painted outside front door

18 Sat Went to B We went to Kingston cold Alva to K

19 Sun Very cold all day

20 Mo Very cold " " Put two sashed in front stoop

21 Tu Finished Putting sash in stoop Thawing rain at night

22 Wed Went to B Thawed Run over a man in town

December & January

(Bk. 28.) No. 12 - 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1875 - 6

No of Car. FROM 23rd of Dec 1875 TO Remarks.

23 Thu Made door for stoop Alva came home from K

24 Fri Went to B Pa & Ma came home snowed at night cold

25 Sat All stay home all day

26 Sun stayed at home all day

27 Mo Uncle Samuel & Aunt Mary Jane here M.S.C. Woods & Miss Darling here

28 Tue Mr Marrow here sewing machine fine

29 Wed Went to B got pieces for windows sandpaper & gloves charged very slippery fine

30 Thu Uncle John & James & Olive Fraser here sand papered Paint room fixed Bed windows

31 Fri " " " " went to Odessa AM & PM Went to B Fixed windows in sitting room

1st " " " " came back from soft & fine

2 Sun Went to B AM & PM n windy

3 Mo Uncle John Olive & Aunt Mary Jane went home Went to B got carpet paper very windy at night

4 Tu Went to B got Jack screw and raised center of house cut wood Painted

5 Wed Went over to hall hall to party cut wood } a little snow at night

6 Thu Uncle James fitted door to Parlor } Painted over 3rd time Cleaned harness

7 Fri Helped Alfred Kill Beef sandpapered Paint & sides of window

8 Sat Went to B took P & M to K } Painted Parlor Doors over 4th time rain & snow

9 Sun Went to B Preaching at Schoolhouse

10 Mo high Wind Painted cut wood Pa came home cold

11 Tu cut wood Went to B Painted & Papered


(Bk. 28.) No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 12 TO last Remarks.

12 Wed Went to B got 1 load manure joined the lodge cold

13 Thu " " " " " " " Took 16 bus grain to Mill

14 Fri " " " " " " " P went to K Painted

15 Sat Painted & worked at home inside

16 Sun Went to B & to schoolhouse

17 Mo " " " " got 1 load manure

18 Tu " " " " 1 load manure Pa came home rain

19 Wed " " " Havlock & James & Maggie Bell here Uncle James Fraser went to Sandh{illegible}

20 Thu Went to lyn mill 12 bus wheat Bad roads waggon

21 Fri " " B got furniture sold old stove

22 Sat Went to B 15 bus Potatoes Ma came home

23 Sun " " " & school house

24 Mo " " " got Parlor stove & Dumb stove

25 Tu " " " to McLean's snow

26 Wed " " " went to Lodge

27 Thu " " " " " Woods, Maitland

28 Fri " " " Drew 1 load for at Bel Bec

29 Sat " " " Sarah Jane Fraser (nee Bell) & husband here

30 Sun " " "

31 Mo " " " Sarah Jane & John Fraser went Uncle James Fraser went home


(Bk. 28.) No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876.

No of Car. FROM 1st TO 20th Remarks.

1st Tu Went to Burn's bought wood went to Algonquin

2 Wed Very cold & stormy

3 Thu McVet & Charlotte Wood here " " Woods

4 Fri Went to B & Front to Keys

5 Sat Bought Wood of Perry } Drew 4 loads straw

6 Sun Went to Maple Grove & schoolhouse

7 Mo " " swamp cut wood R Pike here helping Soft Thaw

8 Tu " " " " " Crew out cord wood Mr & Mrs Wood here

9 Wed " " " Snowed hard Uncle James Fraser here

10 Thu " " " Uncle James Fraser went to Cleveland

11 Fri " Rained all day. Recevd Dispatch. 11.PM that Grandma Bell died

12 Sat " to Grandma Bell's Funeral Fine A.F.G.E McGuin here

13 Sun " " Brock & schoolhouse]

14 Mo Rained & hailed mended Boots

15 Tu Ma Pa & Jenny came home from Kingston Drew 1 load wood

16 Wed Drifted very hard all day

17 Thu Went to swamp 1 load wood

18 Fri Went to B Drew 1 load wood

19 Sat " " swamp 2 " wood

20 Sun " " schoolhouse Ad McGuin here R Bell here

watch no 289054A

(Bk. 28.) No. _________ Train, _______ Conductor,____________187

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

Blarney Castle was held by Cormuck Macarthy under Lord Garcy on condition of surrendering itt to the English. in 1602 Blarney Stone is triangular 20 ft from top of Castle & inscribed Cormack {illegible} Mac forkes me fiese fecil AD 1446

Thomas Hobson, Cambridge hosle{illegible}

Roland for Oliver, 2 knights = to each other in everything

Dumps Dumpos king of Egypt Built Pyramid & then died of melancholy

{ Lira or Medjidic (Turkish coin) = about 18.0 1/2 D } Great Eastern Length 692 ft Breadth 83 ft. Paddle engines of 1000 & A crew of 1600 horse power }Pyramids of Egypt Pliny states that it took 360,000 men 20 years to build them.

SPHINX circumference of head = 102 ft Height = 143 Height of each 62 ft

(Bk. 28.) No.__________ Train, _______ Conductor,_________ 187 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

B = Base {Drawing of two triangles with sides X Z L H and Hyp}

{Formula} Square root symbol over y squared + H squared = Hyp

H = Highest - Post 2 2 2 } x- B = y

L = Lowest B + H - L / B X 2 = x

In the midst of life we are in death

First found in the writings of Nolker a servant Switzerland who died about 912 AD

Argent - means Rose-Colored = Argent

Gules = the silver color of hoar frost

Sable = sand color

Febuary & March

(Bk. 28.) No. 2 & 3 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 21st Feb TO 11 March Remarks.

21 Mo Went to swamp 2 loads cold

22 Tu " " " " " "

23 Wed " " " " " "

24 Thu " " " " " "

25 Fri " " " " " "

26 Sat " " " " " " fine

27 Sun " " school house Lightman

28 Mo " " swamp 1 load. 5 logs to mill

29 Tu " " Brockville got axe

1st March " " swamp 1 load sawlogs Drew 5

2 Thu " " " Drew 8 sawlogs H & about 600 ft lumber home AM

3 Fri " " " " 4 " from mill & load lumber

4 Sat " " Brockville 16 1/2 bus Chili's

5 Sun " " schoolhouse soft

6 Mo " " swamp Drew 2 logs & 1 load lumber soft

7 Tu " " Burn's to see about wood Went to McGuin's Drew home some lumber roads very bad soft

8 Wed " " swamp & drew out rest of wood stakes & rails fine

9 Thu " " Mr Henrys after fanning mill cleaned up 65 bus wheat in granary 20 for mill fine

10 Fri " " Mill at lyn 20 bus wheat

11 Sat " " Brockville P went to K


(Bk. 28.) No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 12 Feb TO 31st Remarks.

12 Sun Went to B & schoolhouse Fine

13 Mo Rained in morning snowed AM & Froze PM mended girt & Blanket

14 Tu Went to swamp 2 loads wood fine roads bad

15 Wed " " " 1 " " Went to supper at Maitland

16 Thu " " B snow hail & wind

17 Fri " " swamp 2 loads

18 Sat " " " 1 load

19 Sun " " B & schoolhouse

20 Mo " " swamp 2 loads broke sleigh Knee

21 Tu Went to Kingston

22 Wed " " Sharpton to Uncle John's

23 Thu " " Uncle Francis Bell

24 Sat " " " Alexanders

25 Sun " " Westbrook & highlands

26 Mo " " Mr Clydes

27 Tu " " Uncle Francis & Benningtons

28 Wed " " Glenvale & Uncle Wm Bells & McCarty

29 Thu " " Ernestown to Uncle Wm's

30 Sat " " Uncle Sams at evening

31 Sat " " Napanee


(Bk. 28.) No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 1st TO 20th April Remarks.

1st Sat Went to Napanee

2nd Sun Went " Sam Bells

3 Mo " " Morven to Singing & school with John's & girls

4 Tu " " John Blanchards

5 Wed " " Napanee to Joseph Trumpor

6 Thu Came home from napanee fine

7 Fri Put up 18 bus Chilis snowed all day forenoon

8 Sat Went to Brockville

9 Sun " " Schoolhouse Mr Wright preacher

10 Mo P & M " " Keelers & woods Flec had a calf

11 Tu " " Winter's 10 bus Potatoes made hotbeds Mr Grimshaw here

12 Wed Split Wood made large hotbed box and filled in with dirt

13 Thu " " Light shower

14 Fri " " Killed Rose's calf Cherry calved

15 Sat " " Went to B Potatoes & veal

16 Sun " " Schoolhouse Lightman R Bell & Geo Wood here

17 Mo " " helped D Simpson saw wood

18 Tu " " " " J Murphy raise barn & stable

19 Wed Finis splitting wood R Pike piling wood fine got oats

20 Thu Went to Lyn 20 bus Wheat took buggy to Lyn

April & May

(Bk. 28.) No. 4 & 5 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 21st TO Remarks.

21 Fri Boarded up between wood & waggon house moved & Piled summer wood Put in wood rain rain

22 Sat Went to B piled wood took manure away from back arou front of house took windows down from front of house

23 Sun Mr Elliot Preached at School house

24 Mo Drew 3 loads manure from Brockville went to Newmans & Newells

25 Tu " " 2 " Bought Mare from Mr Wren

26 Wed Went to B got plough commenced to Plow orchard took Mr Winters 15 bus Potatoes

27 Thu Plowed in Orchard dug around trees Mr & Mrs Graham & lizzie McGuinn here

28 Fri " " PM fixed waggon tongue rain Killed Gips calf

29 Sat Went to B sold my Pork 16 bus Chilis Plowed PM fine

30 Sun " " " Mr Wright Preached at school house

1st May Finis plowing Orchard & behind pig pen AM Plowed little field PM

2 Tu Drew out into No 1 W X2X6X loads manure sugar party Plowed head 26 lands little field

3 Wed Finis Plowing north side No 3E Rain got chains & collar fixed

4 Thu Drew out 14 loads manure Rain cultivated corn ground No 3E

5 Fri " 7 " Commenced to Plow No 1W spread manure

6 Sat " 18 " " Went to B Rain AM fine PM

7 Sun Went to B Fine

8 Mo " 7 " " cultivated N part No 3E R went to Kingston for clover seed 40 lbs

9 Tu Plowed part No 1W spread manure harrowed little field fine

10 Wed Drew out Brush from Orchard & 20 load manure



(Bk. 28.) No. 5 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 11 TO 31 Remarks.

11 Thu Finished Plowing No 1W Sowed & harrowed Orchard Pease 4 1/2 Fine

12 Fri Finished harrowing Orchard Sowed Wheat 10 1/2

13 Sat Went to B AM & PM 1/2 ton hay market } ridged acre harrowed

14 Sun Went to McGuinn's R Bell J M & I Fine

15 Mo Ploughed & harrowed at No 3E Got Phosphate

16 Tu " " " " " " Planted Potatoes in little field

17 Wed Finis Plowing No 3D Rolled Wheat planted Potatoes {illegible} acre

18 Thu Sowed 10 bus barley harrowed & Rolled it No 3E in No 3E

19 Fri Harrowed planting ground Plowed at No 1E

20 Sat Ridged up Potato & corn ground fine Went to B

21 Sun Mr Lightman Preached at schoolhouse

22 Mo Went to Jos Mclean's & got 26 bus oats Rain set out Tomatoes cabbage

23 Tu Commenced to Plant Potatoes No 1W marked planting ground AM Plowed PM No 1E

24 Wed Finished Plowing No 1E & Planting Potatoes in No 1W Aunt Alida & Grandma Fraser here

25 Thu Planted corn harrowed No 1E Sowed 15 1/2 bus oats No 1E

26 Fri Finis spring work Finis No 1E harrow & roll

27 Sat Went to B & Ogdensburg with Aunt Alida Mr Vanluven here

28 Sun Mr McDougal Preached went to B

29 Mo Got lumber from Maple Grove Mill Planted melons Rain

30 Tu Piled up lumber Drew rails for fence No 1E Fine

31 Wed Drew rails for fence No 1E Went to lodge


(Bk. 28.) No. 6 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM 1st TO Remarks.

1st T Tore down & built up fence between Nos 1 &2E H Hurd & S Simpson here laid up fence }

2 Fri Finished fences in & around No 1E sorted Potatoes Cleaned cellar

3 Sat Went to B my 12 bus Potatoes & calf. cleaned cellar

4 Sun Went to B Mr Wright at schoolhouse

5 Mo Went to Dublin set leach sheared 2 sheep Finis fence between 1 & 2E Fine Fixed dog chain dug cucumber ground

6 Tu Drew out 10 loads manure on corn ground

7 Wed " " 6 " " " " went to open temple lodge

8 Thu " " hoed Beans Went to B warm AM cultivated & hoed in little field Rain

9 Fri Finished plowing corn ground western hoed Beans Went to B warm AM

10 Sat Went to B AM Geo & Emily McKay here worked at corn ground

11 Sun Went to B AM & PM McGuinns young folks here Elliot at School

12 Mo Pa Commenced Road work worked at corn ground

13 Tu Went to B Commenced to cultivate in No 1W fine & warm Finis western corn

14 Wed Worked on road Cultivated in No 1W warm & fine

15 Thu " " " " " " " "

16 Fri " " " Hoed Potatoes Fine

17 Sat Went to Brockville Butter Finis garden Potatoes weeded & thinned Roots

18 Sun Rained in showers all day R Bell here

19 Mo Worked in Brockville at courthouse square commenced to hoe corn & Potatoes Went to McGuinns in evening

20 Tu Hoed corn & Potatoes Worked in Brockville

Drew out 120 loads manure

June & July

(Bk. 28.) No. 6 & 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

Rain Fitted Hay loft floor stone to Brockville

21 Wed Hoed Potatoes & corn, Drew 3 load in waggon house

22 Thu " " " " P & M went to McGuinns

23 Fri Cultivated corn & Potatoes } Hilled Potatoes & corn little field

24 Sat Went to B Hoed Potatoes corn Beets mangolds carrots Fine

25 Sun Went to B A & PM Mr McDougall at S.H

26 Mo Went to Covals & got 7 sheep & 5 lambs fine hoed in No 1W

27 Tu Cut W side No 2E hoed & cultivated in No 1W

28 Wed Hoed corn & Potatoes cocked up hay No 2E Plowed in No 1W

29 Thu Got calf from Buells to kill } Hoed corn finis Drew in hay W. side No 2E 2 loads commencede to hill

30 Fri Finished Plowing out Potatoes & corn Geo McGowan & Uncle J Bell went to B Hill Hoed Corn

1st July Went to B Uncle John & Geo McGowan went home Balloon tipped over

2 Sun " " " " Francis here. Mr Wright Preached

3 mo Commencedto Plow No 2EW side Went to Ch Went to Chippenbrook lodge

4 Tu Plowed " " " " had Buells team

5 Wed Finis Plowing Harrowing & sowing Buckwheat at No 2E went to lodge Fine rain P.M

6 Thu Sowed & Harrowed in corn P & M went to Ra{illegible} to look about sheep pasture

7 Fri Finis rolling No 2E E side. Put Paris green on Potatoes sowed turnips Hilled corn

8 Sat Went to B Hoed corn No 1W

9 Sun " " " , Mr Elliot a S.H

10 Mo Uncle Wm & Aunt Mary McKechnie here } Uncle Wm & Aunt Mercy Bell Here & Grandma Fraser Finis corn


(Bk. 28.) No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876.

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

Laid Hayloft floor Waggonhouse

11 Tues Rain in AM } Hoed Potatoes P.M Went to B

12 Wed Went to B with Uncle Wm McKecknie } Pa Grandma Uncle Wm & Aunt Mercy Bell went to Mountain Hoed Potatoes

13 Thu " " " " Aunt Mary McKecknie } Hoed Potatoes Chili's Fine

14 Fri Hoed Chilis. Came home from Mountain Olive & Aunt Mary Jane Fraser here

15 Sat Went to B. A & PM. Finis hilling Potatoes

16 Sun Went to B Mr Lightman preached

17 Mo " " " Uncle Wm & Aunt Mercy went home Pa & Ma went to Kingston Dosed Potato Bugs

18 Tu Commenced to cut No 2W cut all but 2 rounds Fine

19 W Went to B AM, PM Raked up hay in No 2W

20 Thu + Finis Raking No 2W 1st time Drew in 4 loads hay 2W heavy Rain storm high wind

21 Fri Finis drawing in hay from No 2W Drew in 6 loads cut part No 4E

22 Sat Finis cutting No 4E } Went to B cocked hay No 4E rain & raked hay & Laying hay loft floor

23 Sun Fine No preaching Wood's Ad Jim Earl {illegible} R Bell

24 Mo Cut part No 5E Drew in 2 loads from No 4E rain

25 Tu Bought 8 sheep from J Smith & finis cutting No 5E rain Drew in 1 load hay

26 Wed Drew in 7 loads hay 5 6 off No 5E 1 4E Fine

27 Thu " " 4 " " 1 1/2 " " 2 1/2 " " cut Part No 2E Fine

28 Fri Rain got horses shod at Andersons Killed 1 lamb

29 Sat Went to B helped Buell in AM Drew in 6 loads hay PM Fine

30 Sun Went to brockville Fine

+ laid part waggon loft floor " Mo 31 Mare broke Rake Finis No 2E cutting Drew in 3 1/2 loads


(Bk. 28.) No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876.

No of Car. FROM 1st TO Remarks.

1st Aug Drew in 1/2 load hay Cut part barley Fine

2 Wed Went to Lyn to mill 11 bus Wheat Went to B got rake mended cocked up barley

3 Thu Went & got 8 lambs from J Smith Drew in 4 loads barley 3E

4 Fri Finis cutting Barley Drew in 1/2 load grass No 3E Fine Killed 2 lambs

5 Sat Went to B } Pa went to Kingston & got Pigs } Drew in 2 loads Barley

6 Sun Went to B no Preaching at S H

7 Mo Commenced to cut Wheat & swale Start No 4E 2 showers

8 Tu Finis cutting Wheat Cut grass Bound Wheat

9 Wed " Binding " in AM Set. up Wheat Cut Pease in Orchard finis cutting grass

10 Thu Drew in 1/2 load Barley 2 loads grass swale

11 Fri Drew in 9 loads 4 of Peas Orchard, 5 of Wheat No 3E

12 Sat Went to B Finis Wheat & grass No 4E

13 Sun Went to B Mr Lightman at SH

14 Mo Commenced to shingle Cow stable

15 Tu Finis Shingling Went to B nails & shingles

16 Wed Picked Stone from No 2W cut some Oats

17 Thu Finis Picking stone from No 2W & No 5E & finis White Oats No 1E

18 Fri Cut Black Oats P.M Went to B

19 Sat Went to B Bunched up some oats

20 Sun " " " Mr Lightmans Preached

(Bk. 28.) No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 187 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

21 Mo Drew in 9 loads Oats 5 Black 4 White

22 Tu Went to Excursion to Wells Island

23 Wed Cut part Western Corn with machine

24 Thu Drew in Western Corn 2 loads

25 Fri Went to Prescott for Grains Fine

26 Sat " " B went to Kingston took Pig to Uncle Alexander

27 Sun " " B Went to Chapel M Bates Preached

28 Mo " " Uncle John Bell's Cut rest W. Corn got ready for Market

29 Tu " " Elginburg Went to B & B McEathr{cut off} funeral cut Part Sweet Corn

30 Wed " Picking Long Blackberries Went to B cut rest of corn little field

31 Thu Came home from Kingston Went to Camp meeting cut corn No 1W

1st Fri Went to Camp meeting International

2 Sat Went to B } Pa went to Cleveland, Ohio on account of Uncle James Frasers Death } Cocked up corn

3 Sun Went to Camp Meeting International Mr Lightman at S.H.

4 Mo " " B Cut corn & Bound wheat was cut Ellen & Ely Clyde here

5 Tu " " With the Mistresses Van Luven} Helped Watts thresh cut corn Windy Fine

6 Wed " " " Helped Alfred thresh Drew in 5 X loads W corn Pa got home from Cleveland

7 Thu " " " " T Ran's " Cut 4 Round corn Fine

8 Fri Helped Simon Buell thresh Killed 2 lambs Picked apples

9 Sat " " " " Went to K A & PM


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876 .

No of Car. FROM 10 TO 30 Sept Remarks.

10 Sun Went to B A& PM , Mr Wright, R Bell, G McKay G & W Wood here

11 Mo Went to Prescott for Grains cut corn dug Potatoes

12 Tu " " Brockville Finis cutting Western corn No 2E commenced to cut Buckwheat No 2E } Indian corn No 1W

13 Wed " " Divasun Cut Buckwheat & Bound it fine

14 Thu " " J Smith & got 4 lambs finis Binding Buckwheat cut Pop corn rain

15 Fri " " B twice with wood 2/3 of a cord $4.00 each Picnic at Rows corner dug Potatoes

16 Sat " " B Raked up corn Fixed Picket fence g got Baileys Elevators 3 different ones

17 Sun " " " A& PM Mr McDougall at S.H

18 Mo " " J Stewarts to Thresh took Stone with Elevator out of Orchard

19 Tu " " S. Mountain Alva & Jenny, dug out stone Orchard misty & drizzly all day

20 Wed " " Prescott for Grains I cut wood for Mifs Stewart

21 Thu " " Selling Elevators To am & Pa " " " " "

22 Fri " " " " Alva came home from Mountain with Olive

23 Sat " " B to Market Cocked up Corn No 2E fine & warm

24 Sun " " B no one at schoolhouse

25 Mo " " B 1 load Wood for sheilds Uncle Francis here commenced to dig E Rose Fine

26 Tu " " B Jenny Alida & Jessia Render Came home Rain

27 Wed " " Maitland stone lifters Rain dug Potatoes

28 Thu " " Kingston Jessia Render Vet, Wood & I got up Helped D Simpson thresh rest of Pumpkins

29 Fri " " D Simpson AM Threshed at home PM

30 Sat Finished threshing cleaned up floor spread Buckwheat


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1876 .

No of Car. FROM 1st TO Remarks.

1st Oct Sun Went to Brockville, Mr Wright at S.H

2 Mo Dug Potatoes Early Rose Fine

3 Tu Dug Early Rose Finis } Commenced Chili's Went to B

4 Wed Dug Chili's Fine Went to Lodge

5 Thu Dug Chili Potatoes Windy, Fine

6 Fri " " " Rain AM & evening

7 Sat Went to Brockville Dug 6 rows Chili's Grandma Fraser & Uncle John Fraser here

8 Sun Snow Snow & Rain R Bell here

9 Mo Went to Prescott with Uncle John & Grandma Fraser Picked up load Early Rose's Dug 10 rows Chilis

10 Tu Went to Brockville 71 bus Early Rose's Finis digging Drew in 20 bus small ones Early

11 Wed Went to Brockville 20 bus 10 Chili's 10 Early Roses Windy Finis drawing in Potatoes

12 Thu " " " Drew in corn Uncle J Fraser came here from Syracuse Fine

13 Fri Pa Ma Maggy & Uncle J Fraser went to South Mountain Boiled Pig Feed

14 Sat Husked corn Rain Frost at night Snow

15 Sun Snow Cold Wind, no preaching at SH

16 Mo Cold wind & snow morning very dark & Rain at night husked corn Boild Pig Feed

17 Tu Pa & Ma came home from Mountain husked corn

18 Wed Drew off large stones from No 1E west side Commenced to Plow w side No 1E

19 Thu Plowed at No 1E got in mangolds & Beets Went to mill 16 bus

20 Fri " " " " " Carrots


(Bk. 28.)

No.____ Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 187 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

21 Sat Went to B I went to Belleville

22 Sun " " " Mr Wright at S-H

23 Mo " " " Finis No 1E west side split corn ridges Drew off Potato tops

24 Tu " " " Finish corn ridges commenced to plow No 1W

25 Wed " " " with Uncle James Bell Plowed No 1W cold & windy

26 Thu " " mill hog feed Plowed No 1W 18 bus

27 Fri " " " for feed Plowed no little field

28 Sat " " B Plowed Corn spring & lumber waggons

29 Sun " " " Mr Crozier at S-H

30 Mo Drew off big stones from Orchard Plowed at No 1W

31 Tu Finis No 1W & little field filled up holes in Orchard misty

1st Nov Commenced to Plow Orchard & take out stone husked corn Lower Barn rain

2 Thu Plowed & Picked up stone in Orchard Fine Rain at night

3 Fri " " " " " " " Rain

4 Sat Went to B I went to mill 20 bus hog feed 2 wheat

5 Sun Went to B Mr McDougall at S-H

6 Mo " " " Load of wood for Shields Plowed in Orchard

7 Tu " " " Load of Potatoes 20 bus Ha{illegible} 10 bus Ed{illegible}

8 Wed Went to B PM Cut wood for Miss Stewarts in woods with Saw AM

9 Thu Cleaned out cow stable put corn in crib

(Bk. 28.)

No. _____ Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 187 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

10 Fri Sawed Wood for Mifs Stewarts AM cleaned up lower barnyard PM

11 Sat Went to B 1 load wood

12 Sun " " " Made Mr Pane at S-H

13 Mo " " " Made door for Barn Fine & warm

14 Tu " " Mill 16 bus hog feed 13 Buckwheat Killed 2 spring Pigs

15 Wed Cut up & salted Pig's cleaned up yard

16 Thu Went to B J & J & B. Bell here Fine

17 Fri Went " B " " " " " " & I went to B & Morristown

18 Sat " " " Boiled 2 pots feed

19 Sun " " " Mr Crozier at S-H

20 Mo " " " & down to south mountain with J & J & Bowan Lizzie Bell Jenny & I Went to Lyn to Mill

21 Tu " " " 2 loads of Wood

22 Wed " " " 1 " " " rain

23 Thu Came home from South Mountain

24 Fri Dug around big stones in Orchard J & J & B. Bell went home

25 Sat Drew off 8 load stone from Orchard commenced to Plow S half of No 3E

26 Sun Went to B A & PM Mr Wright at S-H. F. Bell here

27 Mo Killed 3 Pigs Went to Wood's Fine

28 Tu Went to B market, cut up & salted hogs

29 Wed Went to B Took Lizzie Bell in Banked up house Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train, Fine Conductor, Fraser 1876 .

No of Car. FROM 30 Nov TO 19 Dec Remarks.

30  Thu  Put Glass in front of Stoop, made air pipe for Mifs Stewarts  Cold

1st Frit Went out to Hall's for 2 year old colt cold & windy

2 Sat " to B to Market, Mutton & Potatoes

3 Sun cold & Windy

4 Mo Went to Commons with Jenny cut hole through floor Boarded up lower Barn shead E

5 Tu Came home from " Went to Prescott

6 Wed Went to B Husked corn Windy

7 Thu Husked corn & drew up stalks & corn R Bell here fine

8 Fri Went to B 1 load hay for Mr Bigg

9 Sat " " " market fixed little stable & sheds

10 Sun " " " Cold

11 Mo Sawed wood in front of house cold

12 Tu Banked up shead with Buckwheat straw drilled at stone

13 Wed Went to B drilled stone Windy

14 Thu Put Wood in Woodhouse Warm & Fine

15 Fri Put Double windows in our room, husked am Put out rest of straw

16 Sat Very cold & stormy all day

17 Sun Thermometer 15 Deg belo Zero no Sud sleighing at home all day

18 Mo Split Wood in Woodhouse

19 Tu Went to B split Wood

December & January

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 - 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1876-7 .

No of Car. FROM 20 Dec 76 TO 8th Jan 1877 Remarks.

20 Wed Pa went to South Mountain Fine

21 Thu Fixed up fence at Orchard Poor Sleighing

22 Fri Killed geese

22 Fri Covered poles with hay in hen house } Went to swamp for Chimney pole } Alva Went to Sharpton Fine

23 Sat Went to B market Cold but fine

24 Sun " " Wood's vet got hurt on 21st S. Walker ^ Allen Mclean here

25 Mo " " B for a load of People AM & PM Fine

26 Tu " Out to Slab street for Wood 1 load

27 Wed " to B 1 load Wood Sold 1 cord $2.00 Uncle Francis Bell here

28 Thu " " J Smiths 1 load Birch

29 Fri " " B Birch $2.75 Uncle Francis Bell went to B

30 Sat Heavy snowstorm roads all Blocked

31 Sun Fine & cold very little travel

Jan 1st 1877 . Went to B Pa went to Rows corners Fine

2 Tu Went to Cummins with Jenny for a class music cold & windy

3 Wed Went to Spencerville & back to McGuin's cold & windy

4 Thu Went to B came home J Smith here cold

5 Fri Pa went to Port Elgin to see about feed Fine

6 Sat Went to B Got 1 load of wood from McKenzie A & E McGuin here & McNish Fine

7 Sun R Bell Here Very stormy & bad roads

8 Mo Went to B drew hop poles stormy


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 9 Jan TO 28 Remarks.

9 Tu Went to Edwardsburg got 40 bus feed Warm & Fine

10 Wed Alva came home Archie Bell here School meeting Fine

11 Thu Road drifted bad at night P Heck here

12 Fri Went to B cold " " went away

13 Sat " " " very stormy in PM Archie went to B stayed cold

14 Sun Stayed at home very bad roads

15 Mo Boiled feed for hog's cold

16 Tu Boiled feed for hogs stormy & cold

17 Wed Went to R Findley's Funeral

18 Thu Went to Woods. Fine & Warm

19 Fri Pa & Ma went to B Dalton's Fine

20 Sat Went to B Got 2 pigs Fine

21 Sun " " Annie Houstons Funeral Brown Hiefer calved

22 Mo " " B got horses shod Fine

23 Tu " " Edwardsburg at night 1 load for T ran Fine

24 Wed Smoked meat Pa came home

25 Thu " " Places 1 load Hard wood Sold $2.00 M & P went to Uncle J Fraser's

26 Fri " " B " " " "

27 Sat " " & got 1 load of Wood & took it to B Fine & Warm

28 Sun Stormed at night - very fine rest of day

(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 29 Jan TO Remarks.

29 Mo Pa & Ma came home from Mountain Boiled feed & smoked meat Fine

30 Tue Went to Slab Street Paid Place for Wood Fine

31 Wed " " B McLean's got 1 load maple

1st " " B Wood got 1 load

2 Fri " " " " " " " Drew up 2 loads straw commenced to feed cattle

3 Sat " " " Market, Pork

4 Sun " " B }

5 Mo Sold Brown 3 year old Heifer & calf Earl

5 Mo " " Dublin got teeth pulled

6 Tu " " " Jenny " "

7 Wed " " lodge cleaned up 14 bus Wheat Fine

8 Thu " " Lyn to Mill 14 bus " Merrickville V.M & C Wood. J. M. & John Fraser

9 Fri " " Lecture at Merrickville got 25 bus corn feed Boiled hog feed Fine

10 Sat " " B Came home Fine

11 Sun " " " Mrs Simpson died

12 Mo " " Dublin Boiled feed

13 Tu " " hear Alfleck lecture at lodge Mrs Simpson Funeral

14 Wed " " Greenbush & 5 ml's further NW to assesors Fine

15 Thu " " Brockville 1 load Wood P. & M to McGuins

16 Fri P & M came home Boiled hog feed

17 Sat Went to Lyn & B A & PM cold

Feburary & March

(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 & 3 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 18 Feb TO 9 March Remarks.

18 Sun Went to B & to McGuin's Fine

19 Mo " " Manhard's swamp with Simon Buell Pa Commenced assesay Fine

20 Tu " " " " " " " Fine

21 Wed " " Lodge Boiled pigfeed skinned ewe Fine

22 Thu " " Brockville

23 Fri Boiled feed Fine

24 Sat Went to B, Fine Boiled feed

25 Sun " " " & Reid's S - H White sow had 7 Pigs al died

26 Mo " " Lyn got grist 14 bus Wheat

27 Tu " " B got Post Office Order Boiled feed Fine

28 Wed " " Wood's with colt breaking in commmenced Hot bed

129 Thu Drew 4 loads manure 3E had 2 lambs

230 Fri Rain nearly all day made whippletree

3 Sat Went to B Boiled feed Fine

4 Sun Snow in AM at home

5 Mo Went to B with J Stewart moving G Bennington & E McKay here

6 Tu " " Cold & windy

7 Wed Went to Lyn with Buggy got spring mended

8 Thus Boiled feed Rain nearly all day

9 Fri Snowed rained & disagreeable all day very wet


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 10th TO 29 March Remarks.

10 Sat Went to B Husked corn made trough Fine & Cold

11 Sun Went to B to hear Affleck

12 Mo " " Edwardsburg & to B

13 Tu Came home from " " got 20 bus

14 Wed Chug heifer nearly dead got Robinson

15 Thu Made pen for Calves Boiled feed

16 Fri Got load of wood 3/4 Fine wt 1/2

17 Sat Went to B to Market Pork got sugar {illegible}

18 Sun " " " & Daltons

19 Mo Drew out 3 loads manure Jenny came from Kin

20 Tu " up 5 " stone for ashhouse Went to Keelers T Bell gr here

21 Wed Boiled feed for hogs cold & storming soft went to oyste sugar party

22 Thu Dapple calved Went to B. Black sow pigged 6 came all dead

23 Fri Went to Commins, Black sow pigged

24 Sat Came home from } Fine

25 Sun Bad Road's R Bell here Fine

26 Mo Helped Frew move. Rain

27 Tu Drew 2 loads hay for horses Rain

28 Wed Stormy Dapple calved

29 Thu Fine Frisky " "


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM March 30 TO April 18 Remarks.

30 Fri Went to D. Simpsons sale Simpson Sam Orpha & Snide sink

31 Sat Went to B to Market with Ma meat Rose Calved

1st Sun Uncle J Bell & Robert here

2 Mo Pa went to New Dublin made hotbeds

3 Tu Went to B got 10 bus western corn made another hotbed

4 Wed Boiled feed for hogs Cherry calved

5 Thu Piled manure in Barnyard Straightened up posts between Little orchard & field

6 Fri Smoked meat gip calved

7 Sat Went to B to market meat

8 Sun " " " Fine Bess calved

9 Mo " " " Washed & oiled Double harness

10 Tu Pa went to Kingston got 2 bus grain seed & 1 bos Raisins & came home Oiled single harness

11 Wed Went to B got 2 sacks salt Drew off stone orchard Fine

12 Thu Cleaned up Wheat Oats pease barley Fine

13 Fri Got stone off Orchard Big ones Fine

14 Sat Went to B market Blasted big stone Fleck calved Fine

15 Sun Went to B & Daltons Fine

16 Mo Went to Lyn got grist & Wheat cleaned {illegible sowed salt

17 Tu Commenced springs Work sowed Wheat No 1W Fine

18 Wed Commenced to plow No 4E } Finis No 1W Fine

April & may

(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 & 5 Train, _______ Conductor,Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 19 April TO 8 May Remarks.

19 Thu Rained most all day Plowed in P.M 4E

20 Fri " " " " Roads bad & muddy

21 Sat Went to B. Snowed in forenoon

22 Sun Went to Reids S-H

23 Mo Commenced to draw manure Orchard

24 Tu Drawed manure Went to Port Elgin

25 Wed " " " Commenced to plow orchard got poles for Elevator

26 Thu Plowed & spread manure in Orchard Went to B

27 Fri " & harrowed orchard ridged outfor hart Plowed at No 4E

28 Sat Went to B Plowed at No 4E Rain PM

29 Sun Bad roads Fine day {illegible several words}

30 Mo Finis ridging & marking potato ground Plowed at No 4E

1st may Finis Plowing no 4E Went to B & Dublin Planted potatoes in orchard

2 Wed Planted Potatoes, commenced to plow No 5E

3 Thu Sowed & harrowed No 4E Oats 14 bus finis potatoes

4 Fri Sowed & harrowed No 1E 10 bus Barley

5 Sat Went to B } got off stone & rolled No 4E } seeded & harrowed No 1E

6 Sun Fine R. Bell & Mr Earl here

7 Mo Rolled & finished No 1E AM } Plowed at No 5E

8 Tu Plowed at No 5E } Geo & Jake Bell here



(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 9th TO 28 May Remarks.

9 Wed Plowed at No 5E Fine

10 Thu Finished No 5E Plowing } Harrowed 5E

11 Fri Harrowed No 5E Went to Can{illegible} ground Morristown

12 Thu Sat Went to B } Finished Harrowing No 5E

13 Fri Sun Went to Brockville

14 Sat Mo Rolled No 5E } Drew manure & plowed part no little field

15 Sun Tu Went to Prescott graind took Mr Lucas to Maitland } Finis plowing harrow & ridgeing little field } G & J Bell here

16 Mo Wed } Plowed a peice {sic} on Miss Stewarts little field sowed carrots planted corn Potatoes

17 Thu Harrowed & sowed & rolled peice on Stewarts } Drew out 15 loads Manure No 3E

18 Fri Drew out 16 loads manure Killed calf, altered boar pig Arch Bell here

19 Sat Went to B Drew out 8 loads manure got mare shod

20 Sun Went to Reads S.H. Bob Arch & I went to McGuins

21 Mo Sowed mangolds Commenced to plow No 3 {illegible} side Spread Manure

22 Tu Went to J Mcleans Wedding & Mrs Bates funeral plowed

23 Wed plowed & harrowed No 5 south side

24 Thu Finis harrowing No 5 Marked out planted tonight

25 Fri Planted 23 bus small Early Rose & Chilis south side No 3

26 Sat Went to B Planted sweet corn cabbage tomatoes Rain

27 Sun Went to B A & PM D {illegible} here

28 Mo Pa went to Dublin, Planted corn No 3E


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877. .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

29 Tu Planted Western Corn No 3E Uncle J Fraser & Aunt Annas here

30 Wed Commenced to plow for western corn Went to Dublin

31 Thu Plowed & sowed & harrowed corn ground

1st May Tu } Went to B Finis corn Uncle J & Aunt Annas home

2 Sat Went to B. com commenced to cultivate orchard

3 Sun Went to Reids

4 Mo Pa went to Dublin, sheared sheep Planted corn little field

5 Tu Hoed Potatoes & Tomatoes Rolled Western corn over again

6 Wed Tore down & laid up fence between Buckwheat field & Nos 4 & 5

7 Thu hoed & cultivated Potatoes Orchard

8 Fri Tore down & fixed up Line fence between McNish's Went to Prescott grains

9 Sat Went to B Hoed Potatoes Orchard

10 Sun High Wind & Rain

11 Mo Commenced Road Work Cultivated carrots beets corn mangolds

12 Tu Finis road work Fine

13 Wed Hoed & cultivated Potatoes Orchard } Carrie Blanchard here

14 Thu " H Finished cultivating Potatoes

15 Fri Went to Prescott bus 25 grains } Hoed potatoes } went to Earls raising

16 Sat " " B Picked Potato bugs

June & July

(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 & 7 Train, Work Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 17 June TO 6 July Remarks.

17 Sun Went to Reids, Went to McGuins with Carrie Blanchard

18 Mo Commenced to Plow for Buckwheat No 2E Finis Plowing orchard

19 Tue Plowed at No 2E Commenced to cultivate Potatoes & corn No 3E

20 Wed " " " " Finis, Cultivated No 3E

21 Thu Sowed & harrowed in Buckwheat rain

22 Fri Went to Prescott grains Hilled Potatoes

23 Sat " " B Finis hilling potatoes orchard

24 Sun " " Division rom Mr Lewis

25 Mo " " " Uncle Wesy McKechnie Ella & Rob here } Put Paris green on potatoes

26 Tu Pa & Ma went to Niagara " " " Went to B } Hoed corn No 3E 26 Helped Earl raise barn

27 Wed Finis corn commenced Potatoes

28 Thu " Potatoes, Cultivated Western corn

29 Fri Went to Prescott hoed in little field

30 Sat Hilled Potatoes & corn Potatoes Finis plowing

1st Sun Went to Camp ground above Brockville

2 Mo Hoed & Hilled Corn & Potatoes Fine

3 Tu Pa & Ma returned from Niagara } R & Ella here Uncle W Mc } Finis 3E Potatoes

4 Wed Put on Paris green on Potatoes

5 Thu Hoed Cabbage Carrots Beets mangolds

6 Fri Put Paris green on Potatoes Went to Prescott Went to Camp ground


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 7th July TO Remarks.

7 Sat Uncle Wm & nellie went to B hoed corn Fine

8 Sun Went to B. A & PM Jenny went to B & started at night to Charlottetown

9 Mo Built peice Picket fence at house

10 Tu Put Paris Green on Potatoes No 3E

11 Wed Commenced to cut hay No 3E Fine

12 Thu Cut peice for Mifs Stewart Rain

13 Fri Tore down & Built - past lane fence Raked & put up hay

14 Sat Went to B Finis putting up hay

15 Sun Went to Reids S-H Mr Philp } R Bell here

16 Mo Drew in 11 oads hay from No 3E in large upper barn White sow had 11 pigs 10 lived mow in small upper barn

17 Tu Drew in 2 " " " " finis Drew in 1 load Mifs Stewart

18 Wed Went to Prescott grains took 1 load cut hay Cheese to B

19 Thu Drew in Miss hay 1 stack & Barn bull

20 Fri Finis cutting No 2E cocked up hay

21 Sat Went to B. Drew in 3 loads No 2E

22 Sun Went to Reids S - H

23 Mo Finis No 2E Cousin F. Belll here Fine drew in 5 loads commen No 2W

24 Tu Went to Picnic at McLeans . Finis cutting No 2W

25 Wed Drew in 2 loads 2W Went to Prescott

26 Thu Finis No 2W Drew in 6 loads got horses shod

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. _____ Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 187 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

27 Fri Went to Huckleberry swamp

28 Sat " " " B to {illegible}cked

29 Sun " " Reids S-H & to Maitland {illegible}

30 Mo " " B. Commenced Wheat No 1W

31 Tu " " " With gerry sold hom cut wheat Fine

1st Aug Cut Barley no !E Finis cutting Wheat

2 Thu Raked & cocked Barley very warm warm Fine

3 Fri Drew in 10 loads Barley 1E & 3 Wheat 1W Fine

4 Sat Finis Drawing in Wheat Went to B Fine Wind

5 Sun Went to B & to Reids

6 Mo Pa went to Dublin pulled Peas Raked wheat

7 Tu Went to Brady's & got 7 lambs $2.00 McGraws 3 2.50 each

8 Wed Pa & Ma went to Commins, cut swale grass

9 Thu Cut oats No 4E Fine Went to B

10 Fri Cut oats No 5E & Barley cocked up cut " " Buells machine

11 Sat Drew in 5 loads oats 4E Went to B

12 Sun Went to Wrights corner & Reids

13 Mo Drew in 3 loads oats & 1 hay 1 Pease 4E

14 Tu " " 7 " " No 5E

15 Wed " " 3 " " " 3 from Mifs Stewarts


(Bk. 28.)

No. _____ Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM Aug 16 TO 4 Sept Remarks.

16 Thu Helped Mr Mott Thresh rain cut swale 2E & 3E

17 Fri Rain Pulled Beans & Weeds Black sow pigged 2

18 Sat Went to B Drew in 2 loads Barley Finis harvest

19 Sun " Out to Quarterly meeting Maple Grove E McGuin here rain PM rain

20 Mo " " Alex Bay & Wells Island excursion Fine

21 Tu Pulled Weeds from Beans & carrots Drew 1 load grass

22 Wed Helped John Henry Thresh Went to Prescott 15 Fine

23 Thu " " " " AM

24 Fri Got out posts Went to Camp ground

25 Sat Commenced to build picket fence Orchard

26 Sun Went to Reids & to Qarter national campground

27 Mo Worked at fence Mifs Commins came here

28 Tu " " " James H Bell & Ashford here

29 Wed " " " Fine Went to Prescott grains 25 bus

30 Thus " " " Helped R Earl Commenced to cut Buckwheat thresh PM

31 Fri Helped C Seeley thresh & J McLean cut Buckwheat

1st Sat " " " " Pa went to Dublin Worked at fence

2 Sun " " Reids Fine

3 Mo Finis Picket Fence Orchard

4 Tu Went to B A & PM went to Lyn grist wheat

Hannah Bell here Commenced to cut corn H Bell here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 5th TO 23rd Sept Remarks.

5 Wed Went to B market grains Prescott & Lyn mill wheat

5 Wed Went to Prescott } Pa went to & returned from Kingston

6 Thu Went to B Cut corn Mr T Wood & family here {illegible}

7 Fri Cut & Bound Western Corn

8 Sat Went to B JH Bell & Ashford went home finis Cutting corn No 3W

9 Sun Went to B & Reids Fine

10 Mo Commenced & plow No 4E } & cut corn western 3E

11 Tu Plowed & Cut Western Corn

13 Wed Went to Prescott fair Fine

14 Thu Finis Western Corn Hannah Bell went home Uncle John & Annas here

15 Fri Went to Edwardsburg got 40 Bus feed Plowed } Commenced to cut Corn in {illegible}

16 Sat Finis Cutting Corn No 3E Finis Plowing No 4E Fine

17 Sun Went to Reids R Bell here

18 Mo Sowed & Harrowed No 4E with Rye 9 bus Commenced to dig Potatoes Orchard heavy wind & rain

18 Tu Dug Potatoes Orchard

19 Wed " " Went to B 1 load Onions I worked at Race course for Plunkets

20 Thu " " " I went to the fair at R Pa went to K with Onions

21 Fri " " Pa came home from Kingston at Uncle Wms Went to & {illegible}

22 Sat " " at Wm Samuel's & J Blanchards Went to R Corn Picnic Came home

23 Sun Went to Daniel Shipman's home & to Maitland

September & October

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 & 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 24 Sept TO 13 Oct Remarks.

24 Mo Uncle J Fraser & Aunt Annas went home Pa went to B & Edwardsburg Dug Potatoes

25 Tu Dug Potatoes R Bell here RM Bell here T Fine Pa came home Edwardsburg

26 Wed " " " Cut Clover No 3E

27 Thu Finis Potatoes Orchard Commenced them No 3E Went to B market got scoop & half bushel

27 Jenny came home } Uncle John Bell here rain

28 Fri Drew in 3 loads Buckwheat & 1 load Pumpkins

29 Sat Went to B Lamb & Tomatoes Drew in 3 loads large & 1 of Early Rose Orchard Fine

30 Sun Went to Maitland & Brockville Fine

1st Mo " " " Drew in rest of Potatoes Drew grass Orch put over henhouse wood boards &C Orch 35L13S

2 Tu Went to B AM Drew in Buckwheat PM

3 Wed Fixed stockyard for straw & cleaned up Barnyard Dug Potatoes

4 Thu Cleaned barn & granary henhouse Waggonhouse husked Corn rain A & PM

5 Fri Helped Alfred thresh Fine

6 Sat " " " Commenced to Thresh

7 Sun Went to Reid's S.H. & Maitland

8 Mo Finished Threshing Rain at night

9 Tu Cleaned up 21 bus Wheat Drew in 1 load pumpkins squash Fine

10 Wed Went to Lyn to mill Dug Chilis Fine

11 Thu " " Brockville market Fine " " "

12 Fri " " Edwardsburg. Helped J Earl thresh Alida Jessia John & Tena McTavish here

13 Sat Came home from " " } Went to B. Boiled feed

13 Sat F K I J I J J J James Fraser 1638 case avenue Cleveland Ohio


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 14th Oct TO 2nd Nov Remarks.

14 Sun Went to Brockville

15 Mo Went to B & to Lyn for grist boiled feed Jessia Alida John & Tena McTavish home Dug potatoes for pigs

16 Tu Pa went to Matilda Dug Potatoes Boiled 2 hogs feed.

17 Wed Dug Early Rose's Boiled 3 pots feed

18 Thu Finis Potatoes, boiled 4 pots feed pulled mangolds

19 Fri Pulled mangolds made step for front door rain most of day

20 Sat Pulled rest of & topped mangolds Fine

21 Sun Went to B & Maitland

22 Mo Drew in mangolds AM Early Roso PM

23 Tu " " Chili's No 3E

24 Wed " " Corn " " "

25 Thu Husked Corn Boiled feed rain A & PM

26 Fri Took 34 bus feed to Woods mill Pulled carrots helped Frew Plaster stable

27 Sat Went to B got in Cabbage Corn &c L field Fine

28 Sun Went to Maitland

29 Mo Went to Prescott 50 bus Barley made cookhouse

30 Tu Went to B A & PM 60 bus potatoes

31 Wed Commenced to plow Orchard husked corn rain

1st Nov Thu Plowed at Orchard Husked Corn went to Algonquin concert of music

2 Fri Rain nearly all day Husked Corn high wind in evening & night


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 3 Nov TO 22 Remarks.

3 Sat Went to B market Plowed P.M. sold Bulll to Stagg $18.00

4 Sun " " Reids S.H

5 Mo Killed 1 hog Finis Plowing orchard Rain PM

6 Tu Cut up & salted hog Put glass front in stoop Snow all over ground Carried corn to crib Fine

7 Wed Helped Alfred Kill hogs com to plowe No 5 Fine

8 Thu Drew in 7 loads Western Corn rain PM

9 Fri Went to B 1 load of wood got 2 pair Boots 1 coarse 1 fine cleaned Barnyard stormy

10 Sat Went to market set up W. corn

11 Sun Went to Maple Grove R & I to M{illegible} Lydia & Jim Fraser here

12 Mo Drew in 9 loads W Corn

13 Tu " " 4 " " " " " 1 " " Clover Plowed

14 Wed " " Another load Clover 5E Plowed PM fine

15 Thu Plowed at 5E got standards for elevators

16 Fri " " " " got at S Buells team PM Fine

17 Sat Finished Plowing No 5E

18 Sun Snow cold

19 Mo Killed 8 hogs Alfred helped Kill them cold

20 Tu Went to B Cu up & salted meat Lydia & Jim Fraser went home

21 Wed Floored & fixed up little Cow stable Went to Maitland E Bissel came home with us

22 Thu Finis cow stable, commenced to make runners for elevator Mr & Mifs Barton here

November & December

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 & 12 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 23 Nov TO Remarks.

23 Fri Finished runners Mr & Miss Barton here Jenny & Mrs McLean went to Smiths

24 Sat Finis Drawing off Stone No 1E

25 Sun Snow & Rain R Bell here

26 Mo Plowed little field Spread manure Fine

27 Tu Commenced to Plow S part No 3E Pa & Ma went to McGuins Mrs Walker dead died 26th

28 Wed Plowed No 3E P & M Came home

29 Thu " " " " Drilled stone

30 Fri Finis Plowing " took out stone W side E

1st Dec Sat Went to B

2 Sun " " Reids & S-H

3 Mo I took maggy & RB & McGuins Went to Mill grist {illegible} bus Buckwheat 15 bus

4 Tu Went to B Came home from Mc's fine & warm

5 Wed Drew out stone No 1E E side rain

6 Thu Went to Capt Wm Stewarts funeral snow

7 Fri Drew out stone out of the ground Frozen ground rough roads

8 Sat Went to Brockville 16 bus potatoes

9 Sun " " S-H R Bell here Fine

10 Mo Drawed off stone E side No 1E

11 Tu " " powder fuse caps caps Boiled feed SAM

12 Wed Went to look for Wood got fine & warm good waggoning


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

13 Thu Went to B got buggy Rain

14 Fri Helped Mott thresh got buggy shafts fixed

15 Sat Helped Mott AM blasted stone

16 Sun Went to S-H & Reids

17 Mo Went to New Dublin schoolhouse Blasted stone

18 Tu Went to Brockville got drills machined Bl

19 Wed Pa started for Mountain, drilled made shelf over pantry 1 {illegible}

20 Thu Went to B got 5 cartridges powder blasted stone

21 Fri Alva started for Kingston } maggy went home with Loverna } blasted stone rain

22 Sat Went to B Broke waggon Pa came home from Mountain

23 Sun Went to S-H Fine

24 Mo Went to B got waggon fixed Fine

25 Tu " " " " Mr & Mrs Wood & Davy Went to Christmas tree

27 Wed Went to Edwardsburg Uncle J Fraser here Went to B Fine

26 Thu Fine Boiling hog feed got box for bed Uncle John Fraser here

28 Fri Went to Commins to sale at

29 Sat Took Uncle John home drove from Commins

30 Su Archie Bell here. Went to Vancamp Church

31 Mo went to hallville to Uncle Sams

1st Tu Mr Snow got w waggon run until 4th of January 1878


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1877 .

No of Car. FROM 1st June TO Remarks.

1st Tu Went to Alex Rose's for New Years dinner Cold wind McTavish's folks at uncles in evening

2 Wed Came home from Mountain Cold & stormy

3 Thu Went to Woods Mill grist 16 bus feed Oats pease

4 Fri Went to B A & PM & to Algonquin Boiled feed Snow first sleighing

5 Sat " " " with cutter got Flora shod

6 Sun Maggy & Loverna to Maitland cold Went to Rows Corner

7 Mon Election day went to Rows corner & to B Fine & cold

8 Tu Went to B Ja P James Bell {illegible} here Drew off stone Went to sugar Party

9 Wed Went to school meeting I took sow to J Raths softer

10 Thu Drew off stone No 1E AM went to B PM rained most all day

11 Fri Finis drawing off big stone rain all day

12 Sat Brought sow home Alva {illegible} Rine

13 Sun Went to Reids had prayer meeting at house PM

14 Mo Went to Wrights & bought piece of wood

15 Tu " " " B got axes social at Simpsons

16 Wed Went to swamp Broke sleigh

17 Thu " " " 1 small load Very fine

18 Fri " " " " " mild & Pleasant Fine

19 Sat Went to B sleighing used up very warm & mild

20 Sun " " Rows Corner Prayermeeting


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 21st Jan TO Remarks.

21 Mo Went to B Rain near all day

22 Tu " " swamp with waggon Warm & fine

23 Wed Very Cold & windy snow drifting all day

24 Thu Went to Swamp & to Edwardsburg with waggon cold

25 Fri Went to B had social in evening sleet & wind

26 Sat " " " Pa & Ma went to K at night Snow got dispatch Uncle Francis

27 Sun Very Very Fine & warm went to Jos Stewarts

28 Mo Went to swamp 2 loads wood Fine & cold

29 Tu Went to swamp 2 loads A Bell here

30 Wed " " " 1 " Fine & cold

31 Thu " " " " Went to Algonquin W & cold

1st Fri Boiled feed for hogs Windy & Cold

2 Sat Drew 1 load wood went to B

3 Sun Uncle W McKechnie here went to Algonquin Fine

4 Mo " " " went away Drew 3 loads straw Fine

5 Tu Went to Sharpton went out with Al Miller Fine

6 Wed At Uncle Johns spent evening at Aunt Catherines Fine

7 Thu Went to Aunt Catherines Fine

8 Fri Light snow & Rain froze at Aunt Catherines

9 Sat Strong Wind at Aunt Catherines Went to Market


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM TO Remarks.

10 Sun Drifted blowed & stormy at a.C & {illegible}

11 Mo Went to Uncle Alexanders

12 Tu Went to Mr Clydes sith Geo Bell

13 Wed At Uncle Alex witn to Collins Bay & back to U.J.

14 Thu At U J's Went to Protracted meeting Went to U.W's Mr McCarthy:

15 Fri Francis Bell took me to Napanee

16 Sat At JB Blanchards J Clark & Uncle J Bell's

17 Sun at U.J.B. Went to Hamburg Church

18 Mo Went to A Downeys to tea meeting Mrs J Earl died

19 Tue At U. Wm Bell's Fine

20 Wed Went to Napanee with Uncle Sam Fine

21 Thu At JB Blanchards Rain Cyrus Earl died

22 Fri " " " " rain near all Day

23 Sat Went to J Clarks & Back to U Williams Fine

24 Sun Wen tto Mowen Church with U Wm Back with U. Sam

25 Mo at Uncle Sams Went to missionary meeting showery

26 Tue At Uncle Sams went to Protracted meeting W. Wood arm cut off MacCutyras corner Flora McEwan died

27 Wed Came down to A.C with Luke Sharpe Drew straw 3 loads Roads soft

28 Went to Benningtons & U.J's to Protracted meeting


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor,_________1877 .

No of Car. FROM 5th TO 23rd Sept Remarks.

1st Fri Went to U. Wm & Alex & down to Collins Bay Fine

2 Sat Came home went to Brockville A Bell came down to B rain at night

3 Sun At Prayer meeting morning Went to Wood's

4 Mo Pa went to Dublin cut wood Boiled feed Drew up posts No 1E E Pt

5 Tu Went to Dicksons & got 36 Posts Went to Oyster supper at halls Fine

6 Wed " " " " " 31 Went to Mrs Milks Funeral F & soft

7 Thu Drew out 6 loads manure Pa went to Mountain Fine & warm

8 Fri " " 7 " " A Bell here roads bad Very warm & fine

9 Sat Sawed chopped & split wood very warm & fine But {illegible}

10 Sun Went to Reids Roads almost impassible

11 Mo Cut Wood Boiled feed went to Maitland necktie social

12 Tu Cut Wood Rain P.M. Mr & Mrs Philp here fine AM

13 Wed Rain & snow Most all day Cleaned Pigpen Cut wood. Emptied 1 pork barrel H

14 Thu Went to B R Bell here Fine Boiled feed smoked meat

15 Fri Worked at Church foundation PM split wood AM fine

16 Sat Went to B. I helped at Church foundation fine

17 Sun Went to Reids S. H

18 Mo Went to B Drew 1 load stone basement Church spread manure

19 Tu Pa & Jenny went to Mountain split wood, made Hotbed Rain & snow

20 Wed Helped Mr McLean saw wood cold Wind fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 5 Train, _______ Conductor,_________1878 .

No of Car. FROM 28th Feb {sic} TO 19 May Remarks.

29 Tu Took 28 bus feed to Woods Fine

30th Commenced assessing

1st May Finis plowing No 2E W. side Loverna quit teaching took her home Worked at S.H. fence

2 Thu Worked at S. H. fence Fine Boiled feed {illegible}

3 Fri Plowed Potato ground & Pease No 5E & No 4 SS rain Fine PM

4 Sat Plowed at No 1E ES went to B Rain

5 Sun Went to Quarterlyh Meeting Algonquin Fine AM Rainy PM

6 Mo Went to B & Moved Uncle W Fraser's stuff to house sold Gyp's calf $2.50 Plowed at No 1E E side

7 Tu Sowed 8 bus wheat No 3E S.S. Harrowed over twice Rain

8 Wed Sowed grass & Clover seed No 3E SS Plowed No 1E ES } Harrowed at No 3E sowed Peas No 4E

9 Thu Rain AM Plowed P.M. No 1 E ES

10 Fri Finis Plowing No 1E ES & harrowing No 3E SS grass seed & wheat Harrowed Potato ground No 5E rain shower

11 Sat Went to B. Drew 6 loads manure ridged up Potato ground No 5E Aft Alf Davis died

12 Sun Went to B Rain & hail

13 Mo Drew 1 load Brick for Church Went to Affie Alfie Davis's funeral Uncle J Bell here

14 Tu Planted Potatoes Fine

15 Wed Sowed 14 bus Peas & oats No 2E Fine

16 Thu Finish harrowing No 2E ES Rolled Wheat & Oats & Peas Fine

17 Fri Sowed 14 bus Black Oats No 1E ES Harrowed over 3 times Fine

18 Sat Harrowed & Rolled No 1E ES Drew off 3 loads stone

19 Sun Went to Reids A. Bell here Fine

X harrowed wheat ground

May & June

(Bk. 28.)

No. 5. 6 Train, _______ Conductor,___________1878 .

No of Car. FROM 20 May TO 8th June Remarks.

20 Mo Drew 10 loads manure 5 E Rain

21 Tu Drew 13 loads manure No 5E Rain & wind

22 Wed " 15 " " " " " Went to Bissels Fine

23 Thu " 16 " " " "

24 Fri " 7 " " " " Went to B & got Aunt Alida & Lydia

25 Sat Took Aunt Alida & Lydia to Prescott Spread manure Plowed No 5E Fine

26 Sun Light Shower PM fine rest of day

27 Mo Plowed at No 5E corn ground Fine Am } heavy shower P.M Spreading manure

28 Tu Finis Plowing No 5E shower

29 Wed Harrowed & marked out corn ground Fine

30 Thu Commenced to plant corn & plow No 2W. S. Fine

31 Fri Plowed at No 2E.W.S. Planted Corn Fine

1st Sat June } Finis No 2 .... Sowed Barley & oats & Peas Went to B Planting Corn

2 Sun Took R Bell & Archie to McGuin Fine

3 Mo Picked off stone & rolled No 2E. WS. Went to B Planted corn Finis

4 Tu Plowed at No 3W C went to Robertson's Fine

5 Wed Finis Plowing W. corn ground & Picked off stones Went to Maitland Fine

6 Thu Hoed Potatoes & Cultivated Potatoes & Beans Little field Fine

7 Fri Finis Potatoes & corn little field thinned mangolds rain at night

8 Sat Went to B got horses shod hoed Beans finis assessing Pa & Powell



(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 9 TO 28 Remarks.

9 Sun Sylvester Earl & F. Rose here R Bell here Fine

10 Mo Sowed Western Corn No 5E assessors Commenced to make up books

11 Tu " " Fine 3W 7 bus Went to B got 1 bus more corn

12 Wed Finis sowing & Rolling W. Corn Looked for heifer Lost from Dixon lot Rain

13 Thu Drew Rails for fence 1 & 2 W & lane Fine

14 Fri Fixed up fence (Line) found heifer fine & warm hoed beans &c

15 Sat Went to B Fred McKechnie here Cut Rye No 4E Fine

16 Sun Went to B & Algonquin A & R Bell here Fine

17 Mo Commenced to cultivate Potatoes No 5E bo{illegible} Finis making up Assessors Fine

18 Tu Picked Potato Bugs Mr Ward here Fine Cocked up Rye

19 Wed P Hoed & cultivated Potatoes & corn

20 Thu Commenced Road Work R. Stewart roadmaster Went to B Fine

21 Fro Drew in 4 loads Rye " at road

22 Sat Finis road work Went to B

23 Sun Went to B Mr Douglas preached 11 AM addresses PM

24 Mo Plowed for Buckwheat 2 teams No 4E rain

25 Tu " " " sowed & harrowed 4E " rain

26 Wed Rolled 4E Helped prepare for Dedication Church Fine

27 Thu Bethel Church Dedicated

30 Fri Hoed Field Potatoes Finis} hoed corn & potatoes little field R Pike here Fine

July July

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 29 June TO 18 July Remarks.

29 Sat Went to B cultivated corn hoed corn hot & Fine

30 Sun Went to Reids R Bell here

1st Mo Went to B Boat races Hanlon wond hoed Corn warm Fine

2 Tu Alva & Jenny went to Mountain Cultivated & hoed corn Built fence Fine

3 Wed Hoed & cutlivated corn Lightning struck in yard & smashed fence telegraph poles

4 Thu Finis Indian corn W Corn hoeing Fine warm

5 Fri Hoed Western Corn Fine

6 Sat Finis hoeing W. Corn } Went to B

7 Sun Went to Hall (S of T) Fine & hot

8 Mo Plowed out Potatoes Put ashes on Western Corn hot

9 Tu Hilled Potatoes Applied Paris Green again hot & Fine

10 Wed Plowed & hilled up dorn heavy wind & rain

11 Thu Helped fix fence Dixon lot hilled corn Fine

12 Fri Finis corn, Hoed beans corn, tomatoes acre &c Fine hot

13 Sat Went to B, Hunted up heifer Filed guards mowing machine warm Fine

14 Sun Went to Bethel Church 1st Sunday's preaching

15 Mo Cut No 1W very warm & fine

16 Tu " part No 1E, W. side Drew in No 1W 5 loads Fine & hot

17 Wed Finis cutting No 1E " " :" No 1E 4 loads Fine & hot

18 Thu Cut part No 3E " " " " " 5 loads

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 & 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 19 July TO 7 August Remarks.

19 Fri Finis cutting No 3E NS Drew in 7 loads Fine & hot

20 Sat Finis drawing in No 3E 5 loads Fine

21 Sun Went to S of B hall Mr Lewis preached Fine

22 Mo " " B got tires set weeded mangolds wind & mist

23 Tu Cut Barley in Orchard Fine

24 Wed Went to Huckleberry Marsh went to Lyn 13 bus Wheat

25 Thu Drew in Barley 4 loads 1 load hay little Orchard Fine windy

26 Fri Got heifer & Geo Daltons Bull " " & wife here Rain all day Planed Pickets SH fence

27 Sat Went to B } Sawed tops off posts SH ground Potatoes $1.50 bus } went after Bull

28 Sun Went to Bethel Church

29 Mo Cut uprights for fence SH Fine worked at fence

30 Tu Went to Market B cut hay

31 Wed Cut hay swale No 4E Went to B Fine lumber for houses T McKechnie here at fences SH

1st Thu Went to Market worked at SH fence helped Mott shower thresh PM

2 Fri Dug potatoes for market cocked hay swale No 4E Killed 2 lambs Rain

3 Sat Went to B Put up 1 necessary house SH cocked hay {illegible} Fine

4 Sun Went to S of T hall Mr Lewis Fine

5 Mo Pa went to Dublin Worked at S.H. S. yard

6 Tu Went to B. Rain. Pa went to Hazelwood S F. McKecknie went home

7 Wed Went to B got Ice Cream for social S of T finis cutting grass & Peas


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 8th TO 27th August Remarks.

8 Thu Pa went to J Smiths Rain wed Roots We have had thunder& lightning

9 Tu Fri " " " Prescott 1AM Worked at Job Rain wind Thunder & lightning night very heavy H

10 Wed Sat Went to B built house SH job S Bell & D Ross here Rain

11 Thu Sun Went to Algonquin & McGuins rain thunder & lightning

12 Fri Mo Worked at S.H. Job Fine

13 Sat Tu Went to B J Smith bot Cherry $20 cash Fine

14 Sun Wed Went to Prescott Got Keaper Fine

15 Thu Cut Wheat No 3E Cut Oats for Frew Fine

16 Fri Cut Oats No 2E ES. Cut Frews Wheat Fine thunder shower at night

17 Sat Went to B Drew 1 load wood oak & Elm turned over the Wheat bunches cleaned up S yard

18 Sun Went to B Fine Roads good

19 Mo Drew in 1 loads wheat Cut Oats No 1E ES Mifs Therwood commenced to teach Went to Woods B Fine

20 Tu Finis cutting No 1E ES Cut 3 acres for S Buell 4 for Mott Fine Went to B

21 Wed Turned Oats in Nos 1 & 2 over to dry cloudy Fine

22 Thu Drew in Oats 6 loads No 2E ES 5 loads No 1E ES C McLean helped Fine

23 Fri Raked Wheat field & drew in rakings Wheat & Oats Pa & Ma & Grandma to McGuins Fine

24 Sat Rain, Pa took Gra Fraser Grandma Fraser to Napanee Went to B cut around oats

25 Sun Alva & maggie went to International Camp ground Fine

26 Mo Threshed at A Irelan's Fine

27 Tu " " " " " " Cut Barley Buckwheat & oats No 2E WS

X almost every day for a week or over


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 5th TO 23rd Sept Remarks.

28 Wed Cut Oats & Buckwheat for Mott Pa came home got 1 BBl Green Gages Fine rain 8 PM

29 Thu Went to B Market. Helped R Earl thresh AM Turned over grain No 2E WS Fine

30 Fri Went to Prescott 25 bus grains Worked at S H Fine

31 Sat Went to B Drew in 4 loads grain 2E WS Rain at night

1st Sun Went to Hall Mr Lewis Sow pigged 10 live Fine rain at night

2 Mo Helped J Houston thresh AM & J Mclean PM Went to Dublin Plow PM Fine

3 Tue Scraped barnyard Pulled weeds from carrots Pa went to Ernestown rain night

4 Wed Started to Plow for Rye no 2E W WS cleaned barnyard rain

5 Thu Helped Mr McLean AM Plowed PM went to Brockville Pa came home

6 Sat Plowed, Mr McLean here PM all day Fine

7 Sat Went to B Drew 1 load Cheese Uncle Charles Fraser here Fine

8 Sun Went to Bethel Church, Moore preached Fine

9 Mo Uncle John Fraser here Plowed No 2W WS C Fraser away

10 Tu Cut Buckwheat for Mott Fine

11 Wed Rain Helped J. Earl thresh Pa & team & 2

12 Thu Drew 8 loads manure Cut some Buckwheat rain A & PM Rain

13 Fri Sowed Part Rye No 2E WS Drew 3 loads Manure Went to B rainy

14 Sat Went to B Sowed & harrowed Rye 2E WS measured Motts ground

15 Sun Fine Went to B Bethel Church at night R Bell here

16 Mo Cut & Bound Buckwheat Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 17 TO 23rd Sept Remarks.

17 Tu Bound Buckwheat } Election Day M.P. Buell & Fitzsimmons Went to B

18 Wed Finis Binding Buckwheat, Cut W. Corn with Reaper No 5 Mifs Moorhouse Mifs Henderson & Jenny came up home Mountain

19 Thu Bound Corn. Went to Picnic shipmans Grove John & Kate Fralick here Rain

20 Fri Went to B Bound & set up corn Fine

21 Sat Went to B. Kate Bell & J Fralick went home } Archie & Henry Bell here Jenny Mifs Henderson & Mifs Moorhouse went to Mountain

22 Sun Went to Bethel Church Fine

23 Mo Cut & Bound Corn No 5E Fine

24 Tu Rain nearly all day. Went to B for Uncle James H Bell here J Smith here John Bell & wife

25 Wed Went to Robert M Bell's Wedding cut corn Carrie Blanchard here all day fine

26 Thu Cut & Bound Corn } Uncle J & Aunt Ellen James Bell went to B Lowery in morning

27 Fri Finis cutting Corn. Bound W Corn Fine Went to B had Buggy Archie & Henry Bell went home

28 Uncle Wm & Aunt Mary McKecknie & Mrs Beer here Carrie Blanchard went away home Went to B Finis Barley W. Corn 3W

29 Su Went to Bethel Church 7 PM Fine

30 Mo Maggie Wm & Mary went away Pa went to Ottawa Cut corn little field Fine

1st Tu Drew in 6 loads Buckwheat. Went to B Samuel Simpson & wife here Fine

2 Wed Helped Frew thresh, Rain PM Fine AM

3 Thu Went to Market Apples, Drew in 3 loads Buckwheat showered PM Fine rest of day

4 Fri Commenced to Thresh in afternoon Fair wind Fine

5 Sat Finished threshing. J Murphy & J Boland's maching Went to Woods 22 good threshing Fair wind

6 Sun Went to Bethel Church Charlotte & Vet Wood here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 7 TO 26th Remarks.

7 Mo Drew 9 loads Pumpkins Went to B Fine

8 Tu Drew 4 " " " Took 20 bus Buckwheat to Mrs Davie .40 cts per bus {illegible} Mrs & Mr Ward here

9 Wed " " " Rain PM Very high wind with rain

10 Thu Went to Kingston Fair Fine went to Mill

11 Fri Went to Uncle Alexanders Johns Aunt Catherine, Wm's &c Gerry Fraser came up from Mountain } Fine

12 Sat Came home from Kingston Aunt Charlotte Bell & Grandma Fraser came here

13 Sun Went to B & Bethel Church

14 Mo Drew in 2 loads Pumpkins 4 of W. Corn & 2 of corn sweet & yellow Fine

15 Tu Drew 5 loads W. Corn. No 3W Aunt Mary McKechnie here Fine

16 Wed Commenced to dig potatoes S. R. Went to B Fine

17 Thu Dug Dug Potatoes S.R.'s commenced Chili's Fine

18 Fri Dug Chilis in AM Boiled Feed PM Rain

19 Sat Pa came home with 1 load Potatoes from Bishops Mills Boiled feed Snow

20 Sun Went to Bethel Church

21 Mo Went to B with Aunt Charlotte Dug Chilis Fine

22 Tu Dug at Early Rose's Pa went to Prescott Barley Mrs Bissel & Etta here Fine

23 Wed Finished Digging Potatoes Rain

24 Thu Boiled feed & husked corn

25 Fri Drew in Potatoes 50 SR 15 E.R. 20 C

26 Sat Went to B. Jenny went to South Mountain Boiled feed Shut up sow

X15 went to Apple Cut at S Milks

Oct & November

(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 & 11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 27th Oct TO 15 of Novem Remarks.

27 Sun Rainy most all day Chilly Snow at night

28 Mo Went to B 29 bus Potatoes @ 50 cts Per bus Boiled feed Pulled mangolds Fine

29 Tu Drew in 175 bus of Mangolds Fine

30 Wed Rain most all day Boiled feed } sorted apples Shut up pigs off old sow

31 Thu " " " " Wheeled in 1 1/2 bus Shorthorn & 9 bus white carrots 10 bus Beets Boiled feed

1st Fri Pa went to B Court of Revision Cut wood P{illegible} Boiled feed High wind Snow AM Fine

2 Sat Went to B Drew in 6 loads W Corn 3W Fine AM snow Rain PM

3 Sun Went to Bethel Church Cold & Fine

4 Mo Drew in 6 loads W Corn No 5E Cold wind Fine

5 Tu " " " " Y " " " Fine

6 Wed " " " " " Archie & Frances Bell here Fine

7 Thu " " 2 " 1 yellow 1 Western snow brought hiefers home 6 of them

8 Fri Went to Mill 32 bus hog feed wind c chilly

9 Sat Went to South Mountain & B to Market Fine

10 Sun Went to " " village snow AM morning Fine

11 Mo Went to 6 places with Jenny the roads bad husked corn Fine

12 Tu " " Moorhouses staceys &c very muddy rain

13 Wed rain in the morning } went to Kemptville

14 Thu Came home from Kemptville slight frost last night roads bad Fine

15 Fri Husked corn & Boiled hog feed


(Bk. 28.)

No.______ Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1878 .

No of Car. FROM 16 nov TO 5 Dec Remarks.

16 Sat Went to b Boiled feed. Fine & warm cut wood J Smith got rain

17 Sun Went to SH Drizzley

18 Mo Husked corn & Boiled Pumpkins Rain

19 Tu Boiled feed Levelled S-H ground Fine

20 Wed " " Finis SH grounds Took apples to Abbott's made Cider rain PM

21 Thu Finished boiling pumpkins husked corn Fine & warm

22 Fri Helped Keelers thresh AM Husked corn rain PM

23 Sat " " " Went to B husked corn Snow & rain

24 Sun Went to Bethel Bad Roads

25 Mo Killed 1 hog Husked Corn Fine AM Snow PM

26 Tu Cut up hog O Husking in shed Fine

27 Wed Husked Corn in Barn F,F.RA

28 Thu " " " F

29 Fri Husked corn Lower barn Went to B Fine

30 Sat husking corn Went to B Fine

Dec 1st Sun Went to Bethel Mr Philps

2 Mo Rain Mended Buffalo Robe got in wood &c

3 Tu Snow & Rain F fine A Washed Buggies Picked corn husks spread {illegible}

4 Wed Killed 5 hogs Fine

5 Thu Cut up & salted hogs, ground sausage meat at Coles, Cold & Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train, _______ Conductor,____________1878 .

No of Car. FROM 6 Dec TO 25th Remarks.

6 Fri Killed Boss Got lock for door fixed at Rows corners Fine & cold wind

7 Sat Went to B Beef Pork Potatoes Butter F &c

8 Sun " " Hall at Bethel Fine

9 Mo Cleaned single & Double Harness Snow & wind

10 Tu Went to Mill 8 bus Buck - Oiled heavy harness R Raining

11 Wed Cut Wood Snow F Cold wind A

12 Thu " " by Creek Fine

13 Fri Killed Chug heifer cut wood Fine

14 Sat Went to B Fine

15 Sun " " Bethel Ch Snow

16 Mo Cut & Drew up wood Wt to B F & cold

17 Tu Cut Wood: shed } Put glass front up stoop Fine

18 Wed Drew 3 loads wood Fine Went to B

19 Thu Nailed fence Cut wood " " " "

20 Fri Killed Fleck Fine

21 Sat Went to Market made swill box stormy

22 Sun Cold & stormy

23 Mo Went to swamp & Dublin Cold & Fine

24 Tu Cut wood, Went to B. Put up heifers Drew straw High wind cold & Drifting

25 Uncle Wm & Aunt Ellen Fraser Mrs Wood Jenny Mrs Davie Ella & Andrew here cold & fine

December & January

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 & 1 Train, _______ Conductor,________ 1878 & 9 .

No of Car. FROM 26 Dec TO 14 Jan Remarks.

26 Thu Cut wood Moved corn to Granary High Wind Clear & Fine

27 Fri Had Oyster supper at night Went to B Fine

28 Sat Went to B Fine Mr & Mrs & Fiske McGuin here

29 Sun Went to Bethel C - Cold. snowstorm

30 Mo Went to Lyn 17 bus Wheat Fine

31 Tu Drew 1 load of wood to B from Covals Covals Fine

1st Jan Wed Took 1 load of wood to T Sherwood Killed old sow Fine

2 Thu Drew 1 load Wood stormed & drifted all day Cut & salted down Pork

3 Fri Snowed Blowed & drifted made horse Blanket

4 Sat To Market Cold stormy & drifting

5 Sun Cold & Stormy roads drifted up

6 Mo Drew 1 load Wood W2B Cold

7 Tu " " " " 2B Cold & Fine

8 Wed " " " " 2 S-H Went to Party at DW Stormy F Clear A

9 Thu " " " " 2B Fine roads bad

10 Fri " " " " got sleigh at Lyn Paid 25 dollars

11 Sat " " " " Fine W2B

12 Sun Went to Bethel C roads Pretty good Fine

13 Mo Drew 2nd load wood from Cou{illegible} Warm & soft W2B Fine

14 " 1 " " Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 15 Jan TO 3rd fed Feb Remarks.

15 Wed Drew 1 load Wood Fine

16 Thu Made new sleigh rack Rough & stormy roads good

17 Fri Drew 1 load Wood to Woodhouse Fine roads good

18 Sat Went to B P Pork Oats Buckwheat &c Fine

19 Sun " " Hall Fine

20 Mo Drew 1 load Hardwood Went to Dublin Fine Clear & cold

21 Tu Took 1 load to B & got 1 load Fine Stormy

22 Wed Drew 1 load Wood Went to B Stormy F in F

23 Thu Went to B 1 load hardwood Went to Cormel's & got 9 sla{illegible}ers for horse stable Fine

24 Fri Drew 1 load Wood roads almost impassible for drifts Fine

25 Sat We 2B soft snow wind extremely cold at night Drew straw & oats

26 Sun Wt to Bethel, Clear & Cold sunshine

27 Mo Wt to B Drew 1 load hardwood Fine

28 Thu Cut logs at creek Warm & Fine Shep & Mary Milks here Wt to B

29 Wed Drew 1 load wood went to Sarah Simpsons social Fine

30 Thu Went to Algonquin. W Scott & mifs Hubert - hear to hear Suddaby

31 Fri " " {illegible}outs & got 1 load wood Fine

1 Feb Sat " " B got 1 load Cold & Fine

2 Sun Cold & stormy

3 Mo Drew 1 load Wood Wt to Dublin snow F Fine A


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor,________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 4th of Feb TO 23rd Remarks.

4 Tu Got new Cutter. got 1 load Fine

5 Wed " 1 load & took 1 cord to B

6 Thu Drew " " Fine went to Dublin

7 Fri " " " " F stormy evening

8 Sat Pa went to South Mountain Fine

9 Sun Snowed & Drifted

10 Mo To B Fine Drew straw for Bedding roads blocked in morning

11 Tu Drew 1 load wood from Vouts Frater came home S.M stormed all day

12 Wed drifted & snowed roads al Blocken

13 Wed Got saw sharpened roads bad cut wood

14 Fri Broke road to Wood in J Wright's swamp Wt 2B Fine

15 Sat Cold snowed & drifted

16 Sun Went to Maple Grove. snowed & drifted

17 Mo Went to woods cut trees for sawing Fine

18 Tu Bad Roads cut wood

19 Wed Went to swamp Fine got 2 loads hardwood

20 Thu stormed & drifted Gyp & Beauty are each giving 1/2 pail milk

21 Fri Cold & drifts no track until PM

22 Sat Wt to B Mrs Davey & Daisey McKay here Fine

23 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

Feb & March

(Bk. 28.)

No.______ Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 187 .

No of Car. FROM 24 Feb TO Remarks.

24 Mo Hauled logs on skids (in swamp) Fine

25 Tu Worked in swamp drifted Fine

26 Wed " " " Rain

27 Thu to Cut with drag saw Fine & cold

29 28 Fri 1st Mar - Cutting " " " J Agelsworth Bell & Bride here Cold

30 1 Sat Went to B Fine

3 Sun 2 roads drifted up Fine

3 Mo Took J A Bell & Wife to B went to Dublin & Maitland Fine

4 Tu Drew 1 load Wood Broke sleigh tongue Soft & fine

5 Wed Helped seeley cut wood (circular) got 1 load Fine Keen cold wind

6 Tu Stormed & drifted, wt to cuff social at Algonquin

7 Fri Went to Commins from S. Milks came home J Rath & Fam & Saml Simpson & wf here

8 Sat Went to B got 2 loads wood James H Bell here

9 Sun Wt 2 Bethel Fine

10 Mo Wt 2 B got boot fixed Fine

11 Tu Fine & Warm Helped J McLean cut wood P.M

12 Wed Split Wood Fine

13 Thu " " " assessors here D. Ross & Davis Mr Philps had Oyster supper

14 Fri Drew out 6 loads wood from swamp Fine

15 Sat Got 2 loads wood from J McEathron Fine Alva & JH Bell went to Mr McGuins


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 16 Mar TO 4 April Remarks.

16 Sun Mifs Pennick Buried Cousin Ellen Bell here Fine

17 Mo Took 1 load wood to R Bell Fine F. rough & stormy A got 1 load stove wood

18 Tu Went to Prescott, got 2 loads wood F

19 Wed Drew 1 load wood & 2 logs to mill Snow

20 Thu " " " Dear Mr & Mrs Bigg } here Drew 2 loads Fine

21 Fri Drew 2 loads Fine

22 Sat got Plank from Algonquin & 1 load of wood Wt to B F in F rough & stormy A

23 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

24 Mo Drew 2 loads wood Fine

25 " " " " " had 2 lambs Snow

26 " " " " "

27 Thu Wt2B necktie social at S of T hall Soft & warm

28 Fri Cleaned hall split wood had 5 lambs Fine

29 Went to Market Rain

30 Mo Took 1 load to R Bell, F & M went to Keelers got 6 loads roads bare

1st April Got 3/4 cord Tamarack Went to fair field at night Fine

2 Wed Cut & drew 75 Pickets from G Shipmans Fine

3 Thu Shelled corn fine

4 Fri Split Wood light snow


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 5 April TO 24th Remarks.

5 Sat To market with waggon Fine

6 Sun Went to Bethel C - Fine

7 Mo Drew out 11 loads manure 2B Fine

8 Tu Sawed Wood Fine

9 Wed " " for R Earl 2B

10 Thu " " " " " Fine F rough in A

11 Fri Stormy morning went to B

12 Sat 2 market split wood Fine

13 Sun Fine Roads bad

14 Mo Split Wood Fine

15 Tu " " " Uncle J Bell here

16 Wed Helped J McLean move Building Fine

17 Thu Drew 3 loads cornstalks Broke road to 3rd street Fine

18 Fri Split Wood Fine

19 Sat 2 Market " " "

20 Sun Went to Gracie Stewarts funeral Fine

21 Mo Uncle John Bell went home split wood let water off fields fine & warm

22 Tu Trimmed apple trees very fine & warm

23 Wed " " " Fine

24 Thu O Plow acre Fine

April & May

(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 & 5 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 25 April TO 14 May REMARKS.

25 Fri Plowed for Mangolds split corn ridges rain PM

26 Sat O corn ridges } '-2W 2B F

27 Sun Went to Hall Fine

28 Mo 2W Grandma Fraser went 2B Shower at noon fine {illegible} of Ray

29 Mo - 2W Fine

30 Wed C " " " Frater started with Grandma for Syracuse

1st May Cleaned up Wheat, Buckwheat, Peas, corn hart oats & Barley rain & snowstorm

2 Fir O - 2W Fine

3 Sat == " " Fra came home from Syracuse

4 Sun Went to Bethel rain at night

5 Mo -- 5E Killed Bell's calf light rain

6 Tu " " Went to B rained (in showers) A & PM

7 Wed -- 5E Fine == 2W & Oats & Peas

8 Thu O == & O 2W Fine Gyp calved

9 Fri C -- 5E Mr E. Landon died Fine

10 Sat O -- 5E Fine Went to B

11 Sun Went to Edwin Landons Funeral R.W. McKechnie & Family came here Fine

12 Mo } 12 bus Wheat 6 of Barley Fine

13 Tu Seeded down 5E == & 6M & O U

14 Wed -- at Mifs Stewards fine Drew Hay Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 15 May TO 3 June REMARKS.

15 Thu : & == in Barley & Oats (Stewarts) went to Raths (Raising Barn) very heavy rain

16 Fri Wt to B R. McKecknie, Bowen Brown & Geo Full Started for Manitoba

17 Sat Wt to B Drew 4 loads manure (Stewarts) Frater & Uncle W. McKecknie went to Kingston Bertie & Minnie also

18 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

19 Mo C -- 1 E E S Fra came home from Kingston Fine

20 Tu C " " " Fine

21 Wed O -- 1 E E S "

22 Thu Hauled out 23 loads manure 2E Fine

23 Fri " " 21 " " Cherry calved Fine

24 Sat == 1E E S 2B & Burrits social Fine

25 Sun Fine at night so cold that water was frozen

26 Mo == 1E, Fine Pa took Jenny to South Mountain

27 Tu O 1E E S. Drew 7 loads manure 2E ES Shower PM

28 Wed Drew 2 loads manure 2E Pa came home from S-Mt with Uncle Jno Fraser & team of Colts

29 Thu " 17 " " " 2B Uncle John Fraser went to Kingston

30 Fri C -- 2E spread manure Fine

31 Sat C -- 2E " " 2B "

1st June Sun } Went to Bethel C. Fine

2 Mo C -- 2E. O spreading manure Fine A

3 Tu O -- 2 E ES Rain


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 4 June TO 23 REMARKS.

4 Wed ==2E Randal harrow Fine

5 Thu plant Potatoes

6 Fri Rain, nearly all day

7 Sat O Planting Potatoes C Corn

8 Sun meeting at S H Fine

9 Mo corn R Bell & wife here

10 Tu O planting Corn 2B Fine Light Showers

11 Wed Washed sheep O -- W corn ground Fine

12 Thu sowed w corn sheared sheep Went 2B

13 Fri Went to South Mountain Amy Wood & 2 I

14 Sat " " Kemptville. 2B Fine

15 Sun rain, nearly all day Heard Mr Agar at Kemptville

16 Mo Came home from S-Mt took Nellie McKecknie & Mifs Tillie Wright to B

17 Tu C Road Work shower

18 Wed C road work

19 Thu O " " Fine C--4E

20 Fri C -- 4E, F 2B

21 Sat C " " " "

22 Sun Shower in & F Fine A

23 Mo O -- 4E Fine cleaned cellar

June & July

(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 & 7 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 14 24 June TO 13 July REMARKS.

24 Tu : == Q M 4E Fine & Warm

25 Wed -- Potatoes == corn Fine

26 Thu Went to B Put mower in running order Shower

27 Fri " " " 1 load Cheese & to anniversary of Bethel Church Fine

28 Sat 2B drew rails for fence drew straw Piled wood r rain

29 Sun Went to Bethel C

30 Mo Cultivated Corn in orchard Fine

31 Tu 1st July } == Corn 2E cocked hay orchard

2 Wed == Potatoes. 2B. Drew 4 loads hay

3 Thu " " & corn Fine

4 Fri == Corn "

5 Sat " " & Potatoes "

6 Sun Went to Hall Fine

7 Mo --/ Potatoes rain AM 2B & Dublin grist

8 Tu " " Fine got grist from B

9 Wed --/ " 2E M 3E S 1/2

10 Thu O --/ Potatoes --/ corn 2E Rain

11 Fri --/ corn Foz Raked & put up hay 3E S 1/2

12 Sat " " W2B Fine

13 Sun Went to Bethel Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 14 July TO 2nd Aug REMARKS.

14 Mo Drew in 7 loads hay F F.Rain A

15 Tu --/ F Put Paris green on bugs Drew 3 loads hay 3E Fine

16 Wed --/ corn Fine

17 Thu O --/ corn No 4 a e R Earl & 4 ae A Irelan Shower at night

18 Fri -- corn & Potatoes W 2 a e for A Irelan & 6 for J McLean Fine

19 Sat C w for Millar. Amy & Aunt Margaret Wood went to Kingston. Went to B Fine

20 Sun Fine

21 Mo O W for Millar -- Corn & Potatoes 2E ES

22 Tu O W " " } O -- Corn & Potatoes W Rye 2E WS W 2 a e for Freeland

23 Wed Piled Wood rainy went to B

24 Thu W 3 a e for Alex Matheson & 2 for Abbott w 3E NS

25 Fri W 2 ae for Abbot. (Wheat) rain --/ Potatoes

26 Sat " " " " " Fine O --/ Potatoes. cocked Hay 1 & 3E

27 Sun Went to Bethel. Rained & Hailed

28 Mo Drew in 12 loads hay 8.1 E WS 4.3 E NS

29 Tu " " 7 " " 6.3 E NS O 1 & 3 } E 1.ENS

30 Wed --/ corn Emily Hugill & sister were drowned drowned

31 Thu --/ " AM Dressed sleepers & cleaned out floor stalls mangers &c horse stable

1st Aug Fri w in 3 a e for A Irelan 0 --/ corn 2E ES Laid sleepers, stable Fine

2 Sat W 4 ae for Jno Stewart Drew in 4 loads Rye 2E WS. Jim & Fred Bell here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 3rd Aug TO 22 REMARKS.

3 Sun meeting at S H Fine

4 Mo O Drew 1 1/2 loads Rye went to Picnic at Perrys grove

5 Tu W Barley. Put paris Green on Potatoes Fine AM rain afternoon

6 Wed W part 2W Oats. Went to B Fine Bound Barley

7 Thu Pulled Peas worked at stable Fine

8 Fri Drew 3 loads Oats Shower F. E A

9 Sat " 4 1/2 " " 2W Uncle Jno Bell here

10 Sun Went to Bethel & B Fine

11 Mo Drew 5 loads oats 2W Uncle Jno Bell went home raked oat ground

12 Tu Threshed at A Irelans. Drew 2 loads Peas Fine

13 Wed C W Wheat Drew Barley 5E cut Oats (Stewarts) Fine

14 Thu C -- 2W. Picked up stumps logs &c 5W

15 Fri (14) O w Wheat drew oats from stewarts 1 load Fine

16 Sat C -- 2W Picked stumps & logs 5W AM Rain PM

17 Sun rained nearly all day

18 Mo C -- 2W Rain Loosened stone 5W

19 Tu C -- 2W Turned over wheat dug around stone Fine

20 Wed " " AM drew 3 loads Wheat 5E

21 Thu W Oats 1E ES got 36 sheep & lambs from Millar

22 Fri O -- 2W dug Post holes 5W Fine

August & Sept

(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 & 9 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 23 Aug TO 11 Sept REMARKS.

23 Sat O -- 2W Drew in 4 loads oats 1E ES Fine

24 Sun Went to International Campground

25 Mo Drew in 4 loads oats 1E ES Fine

26 Tu Helped frew draw in grain 10 loads Fine

27 Wed " J McLean thresh Fine

28 Thu O == C-- 2W 2nd time. O digging post holes

29 Fri C -- 2W started to Bore post holes 5W

30 Sat C " " Bored holes 2B Fine

31 Sun Went to Hall E.E.C. Fine

1st Sept Mo Drew out 12 loads manure 2W Fine

2 Tu Drew 1 load manure & 4 bbls brls ashes on wheat ground 2W MNS

3 Wed sowed 4 bus wheat 2W Fine got 40 bus corn refuse Frew & Seeley 25 .15 home

4 Thu -- at 2W Rain AM high wind PM Wt 2 B

5 Fri " " " drew off quackroots Fine

6 Sat Went to B C -- 2W Fine

7 Sun Went to Bethel

8 Mo O -- 2W Mr & Mrs T Wood here Set Posts Showery

9 Tu O X -- 2W == 2W Picked apples cut clover in orchard Fine

10 Wed Sowed 7 1/2 bus Rye Fine w Buckwheat 4E

11 Thu Helped Frew thresh } Aunt Helen B & Fam here Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 12 Sept TO 30th REMARKS.

12 Fri O w Buckwheat & Bound Part of it Uncle James B here

13 Sat Bound " Wt to Market Rain F. F A

14 Sun Went to S of F hall. Fine

15 Mo O Binding Buckwheat Fine

16 Tu Went to returned from kingston with Uncle James Bell Fine

17 Wed Uncle james & Fam went to Montreal

18 Thu Rain AM C -- 2E took grist to Mill

19 Fri Set up Buckwheat Fine C -- 2E WS

20 Sat C -- 2E Wt to B Fine

21 Sund Went to Bethel C Fine

22 Mo O -- 2E Ws w 3ESS Fine

23 Tu wd w Corn Cut water furrows 2E WS Pa went to Montreal Fine & windy

24 Wed drew 4 loads cinders for road rain

25 Thu Went to Ottawa Exhibition

26 Returned from " " Fine

27 Sat Went to market, Fine O setting up W corn

28 Sun Fine & Warm

29 Mo Cut Corn 2W Uncle Jno Bell went home

30 Bound corn Fran went to S- Mt Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 1st TO 20 REMARKS.

1st Oct Drew in 3 loads Clover 3E SS Fine

2 Thu Cut & Bound corn 2E ES

3 Fri " Corn Drew 8 loads Buckwheat Fine

4 Sat O cutting corn 2B Fine

5 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

6 Mo Picked apples Bought ram from McGraw Fine

7 Tu C Dig Potatoes Fine

8 Wed " " AM Fixed for threshing

9 Thu C thresh Oats Peas Barley Wheat

10 Fri O Threshing 1 1/2 day at $4.00 Per day

11 Sat O Potatoes (Shaker Russetts) 2B Fine

12 Sun Went to B & Bethel

13 Mo C Breezes Prolifics Fine Archie Bell here

14 Tu C " " " Went to Prescott

15 Wed Helped seeley thresh Fine

16 Thu " R Earl dig Potatoes drew 8 load Pumpkins

17 Fri Dug Potatoes R. Earls. F Early Rose PM

18 Sat Fixed Pig pen dug Potatoes AM rain

19 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

20 Mo Drew 8 loads W Corn 1 of Clover cool & fine

Oct & Nov

(Bk. 28.)

No. 10.11 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 21 Oct TO 9 Nov REMARKS.

21 Tu Drew 3 loads Clover & 3 of corn Fine

22 Wed " 10 " Corn 2E ES Fine

23 Thu " 6 " " " " 1 load Potatoes

24 Fri " 200 bus Mangolds snow cold

25 Sat " 3 loads Potatoes 2 White 1 red sharp frost last night Went to B Fine

26 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

27 Mo O digging potatoes C seeley helped Fine

28 Tu drew in 1 1/2 loads Red 1 E Rose 2 small ones

29 Wed Finis Potatoes 10 ER. 6 small Fine

30 Thu drew 1 " tops & e from 5 2E ES

31 Fri Cleaned & took to Mill at B 54 bus feed

1st Nov Went to B 1 load Russets, sold feed at 1.10 Per 100

2 Sun Went to Bethel C Snow at night

3 Mo Snowed Killed heifer, put up stoves

4 Tu Went to market Beef & Potatoes Cider PM

5 Wed Went to B 12 bus Potatoes cut and cleaned Pumpkins

6 Thu Boiled feed fixed hog Pen & o

7 Fri Husked corn Boiled feed fixed Barn yard gate sheds &c Put up Rose heifers &c

8 Sat Went to market fixed gates stables &c

9 Sun " " Maple Grove rain at night Fine most of day


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 10 TO 30 REMARKS.

10 Mo Finished setting Posts P 5 E N Husked corn Fine

11 Tu Husked Corn Boiled feed rain Wt 2B

12 Wed " " Rain

13 Thu " " Drizzling most of day

14 Fri " " Rain

15 Sat O Husking corn very heavy Rain

16 Sun Went to Bethel shower

17 Mo O Topping mangolds Drew stumps 5W

18 Tu Snowed most of day

19 Wed Fixed up shed &c

20 Thu Very cold & drifting

21 Fri Drew straw cold

22 Sat Stormy F Went to Daltons for tea

23 Sun Went to Bethel & Maitland

24 Mo Went to B got side of leather (Harn{illegible}

25 Tu stormy F Fixed calfstable A

26 Wed Took 5/8 cord Wood to Kerr Fine

27 Thu sawed wood at creek mild & warm

28 Fri " " " " F cleaned Buckwheat P.M

29 Sat Went to Market Rough & stormy

30 Sun Went to Bethel cool wind Fine


Henry 2 1/2

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 21 Oct TO 9 Nov REMARKS.

1st Mo Stormy morning Copied in day Book Fine A

2 Tu Cut Wood in AM (creek) killed hog PM (1) Stormy A, F.F

3 Wed Filed saw fixed Lock (front Door) &c hail at night Snowing most of day

4 Thu Cut Wood, Went to Kerrs 1 1/2 cords wood twice

5 Fri Helped John Stewart thresh Fine

6 Sat Cut Wood at creek A Went to Market Fine & warm rained at night

7 Sun Lydia Fen{illegible} here thawed Fine

8 Mo Helped Irelan thresh roads Bare

9 Tu Rained most of day Worked at desk

10 Wed Sawed wood at creek Fine

11 Thu Went to B AM cut wood PM Fine

12 Fri Killed 3 hogs Fine

13 Sat Went to market - Potatoes & 1 hog (waggon) Fine

14 Sun Snow Went to Dedic of new Pres Chur & to Bethel

15 Mo Snow got horses shod at B

16 Tu Went to South Mountain Fine Went to B walk

17 Wed Called at Moorhouses in AM at Alidas at night Cut wood

18 Thu Went to Winchester cold & Fine W2B wood

19 Fri Went to Kemptville Fine Went to B Wood

20 Sat Came home from Kemptville cold Fine

December & Jan

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 & 1 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 & 0.

No of Car. FROM 21st Dec Oct TO REMARKS.

21 Sun very cold Then 31 {symbol for degrees) below zero Went to Hall

22 Mo Went to Dublin stormy F

23 Tu Killed Rose Fine & warm

24 Wed Stormy F Cleaned hall S of H A rain]

25 Thu Mrs Davie & Fam here Cold 2B twice Went to Bethel at night Philp

26 Fri Drew wood Fra went to North Augusta Fine

27 Sat Went to B Beef. Stormy Beef selling at 2 1/2 ct Per {illegible}

28 Sun " " Bethel & took Mr Wright to Maitland

29 Mo Went to Jone's sale Cold

30 Tu Drew 4 loads wood. Fine

31 Wed School meeting J. Bell & J Wood here Stormy afternoon went to B

1st Jan 1880 Drew {illegible} loads wood Fine

2 Fri Pa started for Kingston with Black team colts & cutter Went to B Fine

3 Sat Went to Woods got rods for windows Bethel Ch Fine

4 Sun at S. H Rain in AM

5 Mo Took 1 1/2 cords Tamarac to R Bell @ 2 1/2 Per cord Drew 1 load wood

6 Tu Drew wood from creek Fine

7 Wed Drew 4 loads wood } Maggie Bell here (Francis)

8 Thu cut Oak tree, Went to B Party S of T hall

9 Fri Fine & warm. Picked up 4 bags Potatoes mended Blanket Fine roads a perfect bed of ice sleighing never better


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10.11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 10 of Jan TO 29 Jan REMARKS.

10 Sat Went to Market Butter Potatoes &c Butter sold at .20 cts Per Pound Fine

11 Sun Went to Maple Grove & Bethel

12 Mo Put up Rollers for curtains at Church

13 Tu Shep & Mary Milks, Jim Ede & hs Earl the committee for tea meeting here (24 Persons) Fine

14 Wed Split Wood Fine }

15 got Telescope 15 Thu Went to B Split Wood Fine

16 Fri Got Organ from G Snider for Tea meeting F at Bethel Jenny Wood & Maggie Bell here

17 Sat Went to B Got corn ground for meal Soft & Fine

18 Sun Went to Maitland Fine

19 Mo Drizzly Jenny, Maggie, Maggie Bell & Jenny Wood & I went to J L Wood to missionary meeting Maitland

20 Tu very Cold stormy & drifting Wt2B

21 Wed Fine & warm Split Wood

22 Thu Went to Missionary Meeting at Bethel misty

23 Fri Pa came home from Kingstong Snow

24 Sat Went to market Loverna & Abe Commins here Fine

25 Sun Went to Bethel Church Fine

26 Mo Went to Bishop's Mills Oxford Mills & Kemptville by Commins Fine

27 Tu Came home from " " " " & Kemptville rainy afternoon

28 Wed Cleaned up 40 bus buckwheat Roads almost bare Colder at night Fine

29 Thu Split Wood, Put meat in small Barrel W Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 30 Jan TO REMARKS.

30 Fri Split Wood Fine until about 5:30 PM rain at night

31 Sat " " Stormy in morning

1 Su Took Mr Archie McDougall to Maitland very stormy F & Cold A

2 Mo Drew 5 loads straw & 1 load corn in ear to corn crib from L Barn Fine & cold

3 Tu Picked over Early Rose & part of White Potatoes Fine

4 Wed Fine AM Picking over White Potatoes Went to B drifting

5 Thu Split wood snow

6 Fri Smoked meat & split wood

7 Sat Went to Market, Snow Buckwheat selling at 50 cts per bus

8 Sun Went to Bethel Church drifting

9 Mo Went to B with Maggie Bell (She went to Montreal Fine

10 Tu Split Wood F Snowed in A Picked over Potatoes

11 Wed Took Jenny to Oxford Mills & drove on to Kemptville Fine

  • 12 Thu Returned from Kemptville stopped at McGuins & got Clover dresfer +

13 Fri Fixed Pump Water Pipe (House) Cleaned Chimney &c Fine & warm

14 Sat Got Cylander {sic} from Mr H Raths Fine & cold

15 Sun Went to Algonquin Quarterly meeting Fine

16 Mo Fine & warm split wood set horse power for threshing Clover 2 Raths

17 Tu Threshed out Cover Warm & Fine

18 Wed Dressed Clover Went to B rain

12 sleigh run good in morning {illegible} snow in roads

Febuary & March

(Bk. 28.)

No._____ Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1879 .

No of Car. FROM 19 of Feb TO 9 March REMARKS.

19 Thu At R Bells most of day Cold north wind

20 Fri Helped John McLean saw wood cleaned part of Clover Fine & cool

21 Sat Went to B to Market Fine

22 Sun Went to Bethel Cold

23 Mo + Uncle Wm McKecknie went to Sharpton Maggy & I went to S Milks & Andrew Earls

24 Tu Cleaned Clover Fine Went to B

25 Wed Finis Clover, sold Wether sheep $6.00 Shower went to B

26 Thu Took 1 load soft wood to B with waggon got $1.00 (one) for it Fine

27 Fri Split Wood } Went to Maitland party Party broke up cannot agree done

28 Sat Went to B Maggie went to Mallor Stowed rain

29 Sun High wind, nearly all frost out of ground Fine

1st Mar Split Wood Went to B Fine

2nd Tu I went to B Fine Roads very bad

3 Wed Took J Smiths Clover Dresser home Fine

4 Thu Helped dig grave for Mr Seeleys Baby Fine & warm

5 Fri Went to funeral of C. Seeleys Child road very bad Rain or mist

6 Sat Went to Market Potatoes & meat Light flurry of snow

7 Sun Went to Bethel. Mr Philp Preached

8 Mo Went to B cut & split Wood cold & windy

9 Tu Drew 2 loads straw with waggon Draw manure 5 loads Fine & cool

night } & 23 Went to Lecture v LN Beaudry


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor,___________ 1880 .

No of Car. FROM 10th TO REMARKS.

10 Wed Drew out 10 loads Manure put it in heaps Fine & cold

11 Thu Cold Cleaned up some oats for Mill Put up 6 bus Buckwheat some snow

12 Fri Helped Seely weigh hay Mr Philp & Wife Laidley here H cut wood Fine

13 Sat Went to Mill Uncle Wm McKecknie started for home cold east wind Fine

14 Sun Went to B & got Maggie Bell

15 Mo Drew 100 stakes from Dout's

16 Tues " " " " " Paid 1 1/4 cents each

17 Wed " " " " " $1.25 Per 100

18 Thu Helped Frew move to Mrs Keelers Place Fine

19 Fri Drew 1 load hay Maggie Bell went to Kingston I went to B Fine & warm

20 Sat Took 2.50 AM express for kingston snow went out to sha{illegible} with Francis W Bell

21 Sun Went over to glenvale Mr Conway preached Fine

22 Mo W Aunt Catherines helped take out brick &c roads bad snow

23 Tu Went to Mr Blakes; with Francis & tommy to a social snow & rain AM

24 Wed Went to Mr Clydes Andrew died about a fortnight ago

25 Thu At Uncle Johns Went to social sharpton

26 Fri at " " until 4 PM went to {illegible} Alex Aunt E - sick Fine

27 Sat At Uncle Alexanders Fine

28 Sun " " " Went to westbrook

29 Mo Went to Uncle Wm Bells


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor, J. Fraser 1880 .

No of Car. FROM 30 March TO 18 April REMARKS.

30 Tu Aunt Caroline Bell took me to Ernestown at Luke Sharps Fine

31 Wed Went from L Sharps to Gt Uncle Wm Bells Fine

1st Thurs Went to Party at Mr Robinsons

2 Fri at Uncle Samuel Bell's Fine

3 Sat Went to J Albert Bells. J.B. Blanchard's Napanee & Elias Smiths Fine

4 Sun Went to White Church morning J Bells for tea ayelsworth Cherry Calved

5 Mo Jacob Bell took me to Ernestown Came home There was 5 lambs when I came home

6 Tu Drew 4 loads hay, Cleaned calf stable Fine

7 Wed had 3 lambs Sold share of Colts $160 got them 10 mos ago for $80

8 Thu Went to B got 4 gallons molasses .80 per gal Fine

9 Fri Cut wood Pa went to Kemptville Fine 2 lambs more High wind

10 Sat Sharped Pickets, filed saw & c rain AM

11 Sun Ashford Bell & Geo Wood here Snow

12 Mo Finis sharping stakes Fine

13 Tu making frame Hotbed fixed hotbed trimmed J Bell came here apple trees trimmed Fine & Warm

14 Wed Went to B at apple trees } Pa came home from Mountain bot mare 13 Tu 12 Mo

15 Thu Trimmed trees went to B warm & fine had a lamb Put up line fences

16 Fri Trimming Trees Uncle John Bell went to B going home tomorrow Snow & Rain

17 Sat Went to B drizzly, got letters from Jenny & Maggy

18 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Philp Preached

April & May

(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 1880 .

No of Car. FROM 19th April TO 8th May REMARKS.

19 Mo Drew 20 loads manure little field warm & fine

20 Tu Spread manure & Plowed little field Fine had 2 lambs

21 Wed Went to B got 1 load manure from Kerr AM C -- Little Orchard Fine & warm

22 Thu Cleaned up Oats, Rain & went to Party to Smiths at Fairfield

23 Fri Dug around apple trees Fine

24 Sat Went to Market, Star had a calf Fine Sent Archie to R McKecknie for land

25 Sun at Schoolhouse Fine had a lamb

26 Mo Fixed wheelbarrow, set 18 maple trees on S.S. no1 W by Road fence Fine let water off fields

27 Tu -- Behind Pigpen Drew 4 load Pig manure on mangold ground Fine } Drewe out chip dirt

28 Wed C-- 5W Drew stone off 5W , shower, Went to B had 2 lambs Wheeled out chip dirt

29 Thu C -- 5W AM Rain PM Fixed Roller Lil & Dapple calved

30 Fri Snow & rain Pa went to Kemptville Killed 2 calves

1st May Went to B } Fine Mr Dalton got 1 Pig Mr Wright got 4 Pigs

2 Sun Went to Bethel. Fine} Burnt stumps &c 5W

3 Mo Pa came home from Kemptville with 2 horses Pair 80.00 fine Took down glass front

4 Tu C -- 5W } == little field } Ridged up acre & mangold ground } Went to B F & warm

5 Wed C -- 5W ... & == W orchard } WEnt to B Fine & warm

6 Thu C -- 5W Sowed Beans & Peas Orchard W sold 2 calves $3.00 Fine got ammunition 2B

7 Fri Put in Mangolds. Got 4 foxes young Killed Rose's calf Fine & warm had a lamb

8 Sat ... 6 bus potatoes little field: got 455 ft lumber Went to B

+27 Bess calved } 28 shut up Bull 3 Trish calved


(Bk. 28.)

No. 35 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 9th TO 28 REMARKS.

9 Sun Fine answered mollie Aries letter

10 Mo C -- 2E.ES. Cleaned 20 bus oats for seed Rain AM

11Tus C -- 2E.ES. Went to Bishops Mills. Fine

12 Wed C -- 2E.ES. Came home from Bishops Mills with 20 bushels of potatoes Fine

13 Thu O -- 2E.ES. C -- 1E.ES. -- with 2 teams

14 Fri O -- 1E.ES. Fine

15 Sat Sifted & Cleaned 1 1/2 bus grass seed Went 2B Bot Barley 9 1/2 bus paid 1.75 per bus Fine

16 Sun Went to Bethel. Wrote to Hannah, Ann E Amy & Grandma Fraser Fine & warm

17 :

    : Barley 9 1/2 & Wheat 2 bus 2E E3. ==1E Es. Fine sent 391 lbs milk this morning 17 Mo {from 14th entry}  Bot wheat "Gold Drop" paid 1.75 Per bus

18 :

    :  Grass seed & Clover 2E ES }  Sowed 12 1/2 bus Oats 1E ES  Shower P.M. &  == it over 1 1/2 times  Fine PM

19 O == 2E ES O 2E ES } O == 1E ES 1 1/2 times } C 1E ES } Fine

20 Thu O M 1E ES } -- water furrows in 2E ES } : 5W, White Oats & == over 2 1/2 times Fine

21 Fri O 5W in AM Washed sheep } Dr.B. Booth called here misty

22 Sat Drew 31 loads manure 2W WS S. Fine

23 Sun Went to Funeral (Baby Shipmans) Rain

24 Mo Sheared 7 sheep W2B Fine

25 Tu " 17 16 " Spread manure Fine

26 Wed O spreading manure Fine

27 Tu Got 2 loads lumber from Algonquin Fine

28 Fri Put up Board fence 5W Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM May 29th TO June REMARKS.

29 Sat Planted potatoes in acre marked 2E WS Fine

30 Sun Rained most all day Madam calved

31 Mo Cut Potatoes Wt2B Killed Madams calf

1st June Tu } O Cutting potatoes. Cut Drain 2E WS Fine

2 Wed Planted 30 bus cut potatoes 2E WS Mr John McLean helped Fine

3 Thu Drew 18 loads manure 2E WS Fine

4 Fri C -- 2E WS for corn Fine

5 Sat O -- & == corn ground Wt2B Fine

6 Sun Rain 2.S.H. Gyp calved

7 Mo Planted corn Fair & cool

8 Tu -- w. corn ground 3W

9 Wed " " " " 4E N-W corner Fine

10 Thu == " " " -- for Buckwheat - Fine

11 Fri Bought western corn, wed mangolds

12 Sat Sent Wool to Ernestown put wool around maple{??} Fine

13 Sun 2 Bethel Mr Philp } took Mr McDougal to fairfield Rain

14 Mo C Road work Jno Stewart R. Su. Fine PM

15 Tu " " " "

16 Wed O " " Wt2B }: w corn 4E Fine

17 Thu O == w corn 4E got Rug & Duster 2B Fine sowed oats & == 3W Fine

June & July

(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 & 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM TO 7 July REMARKS.

18 Fri O w corn 2B Bought Rug$1.20 & Duster (2.25) Fine

19 Sat Lydia Fraser & I went to Oxford Mills & Kemptville

20 Sun Heard Mr MacIntyre a}k & Mr Edwards at Oxford Mills

21 Mo Returned home == Potatoes acre Fine

22 Tu == 2E WS } C -- 4E Fine

23 Wed C == " } C " "

24 Thu O -- 4E AM } : Buckwheat F AM Rain PM

25 Fri Attended Anniversary at Church Bethel Fine

26 Sat O == & M 4E Jenny went to Oxford Mls. Fine Took here 2 Prescott

27 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Philps farewell sermon

28 Mo --/ potato acre } Mr & Mrs Bennington here Fine

29 Tu O --/ " " " " " went to Lyn Mr & Mrs Perley here (Rev)

30 Wed Hanc Bell , BrB & I went to International camp ground & morristown got cow from Augusta

1st July Thu } C --/ pota 2E put paris green (acre) Fine

2 Fri C --/ potato 2E } -- acre Fine

3 Sat O --/ " " Went to B Fine

4 Sun Went to M.E. campground (Butternut Bay)

5 Mo O --/ corn Fine } sold 6 lambs & Buck to P. hunter for $20.50

6 Tu --/ Pota acre fine (Hilling them)

7 Wed " " " " } went to Picnic (Front)


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 8th TO 27th REMARKS.

8 thu I went to & returned from Escott Pa went to Hexton with load for Mr Philp PM

9 Fri O Potato & corn acre } got horse from Josiah

10 Sat Went to B. Thinned Mangolds. Fred Bell here

11 Sun Mr Chown preached his 1st sermon at Bethel Fine & warm

12 Mo commenced haying in orchard --/ pota 2E Fine forenoon Rain PM

13 Tu C --/ Potatoes AM 2E } cocked hay Orchard P.M Fine

14 Wed W 1 1/2 ac Wheat for McEwan & 3 for Burns Fine Drew in 3 loads hay Orchard. got 2 heifer

15 Thu Drew 1 load hay Orchard. W Rye & Wheat 2W Fine Bound Wheat

16 Fri W Rye & Wheat 3 ac J McLean Bound Rye Fine

17 Sat Went to B } cocked 3E SS } Bound Rye Fine

18 Sun Went to S of F Hall Mr Lewis preach Fine

19 Mo W 4 1/2 ac for J Earl } O -- corn } --/ 2E WS Pota shower at 7 PM

20 Tu C W Burns - John } O m 3E NS. shower in morning

21 Wed w for Burns (J) O 8 1/2 10 ac } Raked & cocked hay 3E NS Drew 6 loads hay (Chamber)

22 Thu Drew in 10 loads hay put 6 in chamber 2 in L Barn & 2 in upper barn Fine

23 Fri " " 9 " Rye & 4 3 loads wheat Fine

24 Sat w 6 ac for J Henry } Went to B O --/ potatoes Fine

25 Sun went to Fred Shipmans Funeral Fine

26 Mo O --/ corn } Showery } Pa & Ma started for sharpton

27 Tu Got Fleck & calf from Dixon lot went t to Sam Reads Sale Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 28th July TO 16 Aug REMARKS.

28 Wed WEnt to B AM. Filed Reaper guards PM got dan shod got oil (machine & coal) shower

29 killed Flec's calf. Thinned Roots sold Bull to J Stagg $15.50 Fine

30 Fri Reaped 7 acres for Nichol $3.50 Fine

31 Sat dug waterhole Dixon lot Looking after cattle nearly all day Fine

1st Aug Sun Went to Hall Mr Lewis Preached Fine

2 Mo Cut around Barley thinned mangolds rain in PM

3 Tu W 6 ac -- J Stewart } W Barley 2EES. Fine

4 Wed O W Barley AM weeding & thinning carrots } cleaned W machine Fine

5 Thu W for John Stewart Fine 7 or 8 ac

6 Fri Drew in 5 loads Barley PM 2E ES F

7 Sat Drew in 2 loads 2E ES Barley AM Raked & finis field PM

8 Sun Went to quarterly meeting Fine

9 Mo Cut 1/2 ac Wheat McEwan & 2 of wheat & 1 1/2 of oats for Alfred Irelan Fine

10 Tu Went to B Fine Bennet Dixon & Mifs McCullough here

11 Wed Cut 4 1/2 ac for C. Simpson $2.25 Pa & Ma Returned from K Fine

12 Thu W for H Hurd & 1 ac of Wheat 2E ES Fine

13 Fri W 1E ES oats in AM & oats in 5W PM Fine

14 Sat O W oats 5W Fine Drew in Spring Wheat 2 loads

15 Sun Went to Hall G Henderson here Fine

16 Mo Drew in 7 loads oats 1E ES Fine

Aug & Sept

(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 - Train, _______ Conductor,_______187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 17 Aug TO 6 Sept REMARKS.

17 Tu Drew in 7 loads oats 5W } Josiah & Alida Fletcher here

18 Wed WEnt to B got wheel Band on Reaper O cutting oats Fine

19 Thu Went to B about Bran old sow had 10 pigs Fine

20 Fri Raked %W AM Drew 2 1/2 loads Oats PM Fine

21 Sat Went to Algonquin Fine Looked for heifer

22 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached Fine

23 Mo Cut W Corn. Helped R Earl thresh Fine

24 Tu Helped R. Earl thresh & John McLean O Fine C

25 Wed " Mr McLean threshing, fixed cellar way James Bell here Fine

26 Thu Piled wood in shed Maggie C Bell here Fine

27 Fri Bound Corn 2E WS Went 2 B dug potatoes Dug potatoes Fine

28 Sat Went to Market Fine } & to Butternut Bay

29 Sun Went to International Camp ground Tommy Bell here Fine Maggie Bell & 2

30 Mo Piled wood in shed. Dug 5 bus potatoes Fine

31 Tu } 2 market } Helped H Hurd thresh Fine

1 Wed Drew in 3 loads W Corn 2B } e & Mariette Smith here Fine

2 Thu Helped A Irelan thresh P.M cleaned dooryard AM Fine

3 Fri Helped Alfred thresh & Houston

4 Sat Helped M Houston thresh M.V. Bell went home Fine Market James Bell went home

5 Sun Went to Bethel, Mr Chowin & Mariette & Elais Smith went home


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 6th TO 25th REMARKS.

6 Mo -- 4E. Fine, Helped R Smith thresh

7 Tu C " " " Dug Early Rose acre

8 Wed C " " " " " "

9 Thu C " " " Helped James Earl thresh

10 Fri Drew in 4 loads W. Corn 2B dug potatoes Fine

11 Sat Went to Market Jenny & Uncle John Fraser here Fine moved fence between 4 & 5E

12 Sun Started Sunday School } 2 Pres. Ch. 7 PM Fine

+ 13 Mo O --- 4E } Fine Fixed for threshing Went to B Alva & Lydia went to Loverna A' Commins wedding

14 Tu P O -- W Corn ground } Jenny & Pa went to Excursion Uncle J Fraser went home

15 Wed O digging E.R. Drew in 3 loads L. Fine

16 Thu Threshed Wehat Rye & Oats (H Hurd & C Simpson) Fine

17 Fri O Threshing got in 10 12 & 15 E.R.potatoes, Cleaned up 29 bus Rye & 5 wheat Fine Went 2B

18 Sat 2B Sold 20 bus (measure) Sowed F Wheat 3W Fine Rye .75 cts Per bus Weight - 21-7) Maggie & Mrs Read here } -- 1 ac 2E

19 Sun Went to Bethel. Maggie & Mrs Read returned to Escott Light shower

20 Mo Drew out 14 loads manure for wheat no 3W Rain Went 2B bot 9 1/2 lbs Pork @ .10 = .95 cts

21 Tu " " 11 " " " " spread manure } : wheat 2E SW corner

22 Wed : & == in Rye. 4E Fine. Went to B Bot tickets for Affie & Irelan & I Toronto

23 Thu Alfred & I went to Toronto Fine

24 Fri " " " " " Niagara Falls, Buffalo & Hamilton Fine

25 Sat 2 Hamilton Fair AM Alfred came started home @ 3 PM & I went to Stratford Fine

+ Barn B burned on Geo Howisons place


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 5th TO 24 REMARKS.

5 Fri O -- 5W } -- 2W ridging up ] Fine & warm

6 Sat C -- Ridged up 2W took grist to Mill Fine

7 Sun Heavy wind storm, in B -- Boathouses washed away -- Lumber washed off dock &C } 4 cars tipped in r{illegible} at Morrisons

8 Mo O -- 2W 2B got grist & took in 5 bags Potatoes Fine & Warm

9 Tu ' -- 1E ES Fine & warm cut ditch 5W O -- 2W

10 Wed C -- " warm & Fine Finis ditch 5W

11 Thu Rained near all day } Fixed Seeleys clock Went to Frews (Keelers)

12 Fri Put up room stove - Glass front to stoop Fine Banked hogpen filled Beds with straw &c

13 Sat C -- 1E ES Went to B Apples potatoes &c Fine

14 Sun Went to qt mt @ Algonquin & Bethel snowed about 2 or 3 inches

15 Mo Plastered Log cowstable Fine

16 Tu Finished Plastering .. Nellie McRoberts & Gracie R here

17 Wed Packed away mower, harrows, plow, Roller 2B heard A. Forbes lecture } got buck

18 Thu Killed 3 hogs, sleighs running today snow

19 Fri Killed cow we got from Milton Earl Fine Went to B 7 bags Potatoes @ 35 per bus

20 Sat Went to Market 1 hog 311 lbs @ 6 1/4 Per lb

21 Sun Stormed & drifted cold

22 Mo Drew 2 loads straw F & Cold cut up hogs

23 Tu Went to Moses Bissels sale Fine & Cold

24 Wed 2B got horses shod AM Fine } Helped Mr McLean Kill heifer

November & December

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11-12 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 25 Nov TO 14th of Dec REMARKS.

25 Thu Go 1 load wood from Nickols place & took it to T Sherwood

26 Fri Took 1 load wood to Sherwood. Fine got cart

27 Sat Went to B sold 2 quarters of Beef 4.50 Per 100 wt Maggie & Mr Mallory here from Escott Fine

28 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached Maggie went to Escott Fine

29 Mo Commenced to cut Winter wood on Nickol Place Fine

30 Tu Cut wood Fine } have about 1 acre of wood most all laying, with the roots burned off

1st Dec Wed } Did not go to swamp on account of storm Mr & Mrs John Smith here

2 Thu Cut wood at swamp Fine & warm

3 Fri Helped Mr Nickol thresh fine Team & 2 men White frost

4 Sat Cut wood in woods " Went to B

5 Sun Thawed High south wind } went to Maitland Mr Chown Pr

6 Mo Cut Wood Mr McLean helped. Fine Warm Mr Ward & Robinson here

7 Tu " " " " " Fine Cold Uncle Wm Fraser cutting today Mr Ward & Robinson to Lyn mill

8 Wed Cut Wood Mr Ward & Robinson went away some snow Mary Harker here Fine

9 Thu Drew 3 loads wood Mr McLean here

10 Fri Cold Drew 3 loads wood J McLean here 1 load to B Uncle Wms

11 Sat Drew 2 loads wood & 1 load straw for young cattle Went to B 2 bags Potatoes cold

12 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached

13 Mo Drew 3 loads wood } Fine & warm PM Misty AM

14 Tu Drew 1 load Wood & 6 sawlogs to Algonquin home} Pa on Grand Jury


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 80 .

No of Car. FROM 15 Dec TO REMARKS.

15 Wed Drew 1 load wood ] helped J Roberts lath Warm some snow

16 Thu " 3 " " Cold splendid sleighing

17 Fri " " " " "

18 Sat Drew 1 load Wood to Uncle Wms & 3 loads Straw cold & fine 18 Jenny came home Fine

19 Sun Mr Coleman here Fine

20 Mo Drew 2 loads wood & 5 Sawlogs to Algonquin not very cold Fine & cloudy

21 Tu drew 4 sawlogs to mill & 1 load to B

22 Wed Helped Mr McLean cut wood Drew 1 load home & 1 to B

23 Thu Went to Escott for Maggie Fine

24 Fri Returned home from Escott Fine

25 Sat Went to B & got Mrs Davie & fam Uncle Wm & Aunt Ellen Fraser Mrs Wood Sarah Willie Fine

26 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached

27 Mo Helped Mr McLean cut wood Fine

28 Tu School meeting on Wednesday " & cold Went to B. helped McLean

29 Wed " " " " " fixed Div Or Snider Simpson & I Cold

30 Wed " " " " " very Cold Pa went to Prescott Fine

31 Fri " " School meeting " " Cold Went to Mill with grist Fine

1st Jan 1881 spent day at R Bells Fine Archie Bells Jenny Wood here & Gideon Henderson here

2 Sun Went to B Mr Galbraith Preached Fine

3 Mo Went to B got pants cut out } Uncle J Fraser & Olive here Jenny Wood went home Fine & cold


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM 4th of Jan TO 23rd REMARKS.

4 Tu Archie Bell & I to B & Robertsons Drew 1 load wood for Joseph Rath Fine

5 Wed Went to B & to Party at Donal Ross's Fine & warm

6 Thu Pa & Ma went to Mr McGuins } Uncle Jim Fraser & Olive home Snow & misty

7 Fri Went to Party at hall Fine & cold

8 Sat Went to Brockville, got sow home from D Robertsons Archie Bell at B

9 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown . Old Mr Furguson died about 12 PM Fine

10 Mo Sorted over apples. Snowed very fast most all AM Fine PM

11 Tu Went to Mr Furguson's funeral Fine

12 Wed Drew up 3 loads of straw Fine

13 Thu Maggie Jenny & I went to Oxford Mills & M & I to Kemptville Fine & warm

14 Fri Went to Mr Clarks & Josiah Renders Fine & cold

15 Sat At Josiah Render's went to Mr Meadows to practice (J Renders concert) Fine Cold

16 Sun Came back to Kemptville

17 Mo Started home went to Oxford Mills from that to Mr Fletchers - to Bishops mls N. Augusta & to milkshop Algonquin meeting 1 or 2 mifsing

18 Tu Got home went to Missionary meeting helping Fine

19 Wed Got Henry Hurd & Jno Stewart to cut wood Fine had Mr McLean & Robert Huston

20 Thu Got 55 rails from Vout Pa & Alva started to drive to Kingston with Bay horse Jim

21 Fri Got 67 Rails from Vout Archie came from Mountain stormed very hard at night Fred with team

22 Sat Archie Bell & Fred went to Kingston also H Ellen & Grace Robertson Went to B

23 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached

January & Febuary

(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 & 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM 24th of Jan TO 12th of Feb REMARKS.

24 Mo Measured up 10 1/2 bus Potatoes answered 3 letters Fine very cold in morning

25 Tu Fixed ladder cleaned sheds &c Fine

26 Wed Fri } Took 2 cords stove wood to R.M. Bells Fine Went to Singing School

28 Thu Wed Helped cut wood at S.H } Drew 3 load straw Mr McLean helped Went to B Fine

27 Fri Fri Thu Went to B Got Engraving (witness) cold Fine

29 Sat Helped J McLean & A. Earl cut firewood Cold T Mallory Bennet Dixon & Mifs Philps here

30 Sun Went to Mr Saunders Funeral Stormed Fine cold

31 Mo Cold north wind } Feb 12 Bennet Dixon went home

1st Feb Tu Uncle Wm McKechnie here very cold Fine

2 Wed Took Uncle WMc to Mr Robertson's very cold Charley & Sarah Simpson in evening Fine

3 Thu Pa came home from Kingston Cold Fine

4 Fri Cleaned up 6 8 bus wheat & 8 Barley

5 Sat Went to Market Apples & Potatoes Fine

6 Sun Went to Maple Grove Fine

7 Mo Got 1 load lumber 1116ft Uncle Wm Mc went to Kingston, very fine

8 Tu Took No 4 express & went to Sha Kingston & Sharpton eight - rain

9 Wed Stood groomsman for Lizzie Bell & John Cowly (Maggie Bell Brdsmd) rained all day

10 Thu at Aunt Cath AM & Uncle Johns PM

11 Fri Warm high wind took most of the snow off at Uncle Johns

12 Sat at Uncle Johns rained all day


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM 13 Feb TO 4th Mar REMARKS.

13 Sun Went to Uncle Wms light snow

14 Mo " " " " & Mr McCarty's Fine

15 Tu Ashford Bell took me to Wilton Camden Newburg Napanee & Lucas Sharks Fine

16 Wed Went to Uncle Wm's & James Fralicks Fine

17 Thu At Gt Uncle Wms Fine Bowen & Geo & John getting up wood

18 Fri Went to Samuel Bells Snowed John Ayels & Sarah took me

19 Sat At Jno Ayels Bell's Elias Smiths & Uncle John Bells (gt) & at Uncle Sam's at night

20 Sun Went to White & to Rick church Morven at Uncle Sams Fine

21 Mo Lucas Sharp drove C.Bell & I to Aunt Catharines Went to Mifs Edwards concert SH Fine

22 Tu Went to Mr Clydes & Uncle Alex Bells at night

23 Wed at Uncle Alex Bells & Mrs McGuinn's cold & fine

24 Thu Took stage to Kingston & no 1 Express home Fine & cold

25 Fri Went to singing school} Rack S.H. class Div rooms at rooms Old Johnny Axford Buried

26 Sat Went to Brockville Potatoes & apples & 1 load Wood Fine

27 Sun " " Hall Mr Lewis preached Fine

28 Mo Alva got 1 load wood & took it to B } stormed all day warm, cut wood fitted axe helve rain

1st Mar } Got 2 loads wood from McCully's lot cut wood snow cold wind

2 Wed " 1 load sleigh lengths Lowell Killough here " " Fine longs

3 Thu " " " " " " " sleigh -lengths Fine & warm

4 Fri Stormed nearly all day cut wood in woodhouse


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM Sat 9th Mar TO 24th REMARKS.

Sat 5 Went to Market apples & potatoes Stormy PM sent for singing Book warm

6 Sun " " " Bethel Mr Chown preached warm & Fine

7 Mo Got 1 load cord wood from McCully Fine Mr & Mrs McLean (Henry) here warm took it to R.M. Bell

8 Tu Cut 1 cord wood for R. Bell Fine & warm Went to B 6 bags potatoes

9 Wed Took 1 load wood to R.M.Bell James H Bell here Fine

10 Thu Went to Joseph Raths sale Chilly Jenny & Mr J Fletcher here

11 Fri Cold in forenoon Drew 1 load mangolds from Joseph Raths Jenny & Fletcher went to Oxford Mills

12 Sat Went to B Drew 2 loads Mangolds from J Rath's Fine Thomas Bell & James (Montreal) Bell here & away

13 Sun Went to Maitland Mr S D Chown preached light snow Fine

14 Mo Alva started for Gravenhurst Fine went to B with waggon J Bell to B for "Chorister's"

15 Tu Went & looked at Raths 2 50 ac Fine

16 Wed Split wood went to Dublin to see about Place (Rath) Fine & warm

17 Thu Uncle Wm McKecknie here split wood rain PM Fine AM

18 Split wood went to Dublin, Fine

19 Sat Went to B Rain PM J H Bell went to B market

20 Sun roads very bad snow & rain

21 Mo Split wood Fine

22 Tu Bought 50 acres land off J Rath's place for $450.00 got books (singing -- Choristers)

23 Wed Split wood Uncle Wm McKecknie went to B started for Em Frisk calved

24 Thu Bought stack from Samuel Simpson gave $70.00 for it. Drew 3 loads

March & April

(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 & 4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM 25th Mar TO 13 April REMARKS.

25 Fri Drew 4 loads of hay cold & wind Fine went to Singing School

26 Sat drew 2 1 1/2 loads hay from S Simpson Cold helped get out posts for fence (parsonage) & J McLean raise Bent

27 Sun cold snowed last night } 26 Sat Lill calved

28 Mo Split wood Cold & fine Killed Lill's calf

29 Tu Got Deed registered at Prescott for the 25 acres in Augusta } got grist ground (Woods)

30 Wed Went over back lot put up fence &c Fine & cold

31 Thu Snowed about 8 inches last night Went to B cut Tamarac wood in shed Fine

1st April } Took 1 load hay to B @ 9.75 Per ton Drew staks for E line fence Fine Star calved

2 Sat Went to B Pa & Ma went to Kemptville Fine cold wind froze hard last night

3 Sun Went to Bethel church Mr Chown preached

4 Mo " " B & got oil for harness Drew out 8 loads manure on F wheat got hames fixed

5 Tu Washed & cleaned harness AM snow cold went to hall - prepared for PM sugar party & concert

6 Wed Cleaned S of T hall AM cut wood PM cold wind Fine

7 Thu Oiled harness (Double) AM cut wood PM Fine & cold

8 Fri Cut down tree that stood near road gate nailed up orchard fence oiled harness 2nd time Fine & warm Pa & Ma home

9 Sat Went to Market 10 bags pota 45 per bag cut & burnt balsam limbs apple &c put out bees

10 Sun Went to Maitland, Red heifer calved

11 Mo Helped tear down part of Maitland shed & move it to Bethel church Fine

12 Tu Went to B Killed Red heifer's calf nailed up picket fence Deacon skins .70 cts each to go Fine warm

13 Wed Drew part of roof for Bethel shed from Maitland Cool


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM 14 April TO REMARKS.

14 Thu Drew part roof of Bethel shed from Maitland Helped Stratton raise B M S shop

15 Fri Piled up sleepers in yard Maitland (shed) had 2 lambs Fine put up 15 bus {illegible}

16 Sat Had 4 2 lambs Went 2 B Uncle Jno Bell here Fine got Harrow teeth sharpened

17 Sun " 4 " Went to B & Bethel Church Fine

18 Mo " 2 " Went to Mr Archie Dunhams funeral Fine

19 Tu Cultivated & harrowed onion ground at back lot drew Rath's rails on line fence Fine

20 Wed Fenced across to creek, bush, back lot Fine & warm Uncle Jno Bell to Robertsons

21 Thu sowed Spr Wheat 2 bus 2 EWS Fine

22 Fri == & -- 2W } onion seeds little field Fair

23 Sat C -- 2W } Uncle Jno Bell went home Fine sod sold 3 deacon skins .65 each

24 Sun had 2 lambs Fine & warm Jim & Nellie Robertson here

25 Mo Drew poles for fence (Bates lot) C -- 2W Fine & warm had 2 lambs

26 Tu C -- 2W } drew up some hay & straw put up fence in Bates lot Fine

27 Wed C -- 2W Put tick destroyer on sheep, Fine O fence (Bates) had 7 lambs} Bob Pike Piling wood

28 Thu O -- & == 1st time 2W } Put wood in shed Fine Madam calved 1 lamb

29 Fri O == 2W Got 1/2 ton hay from J McLean for $4.00 Bess calved Fine & cold

30 Sat M 2W } 2B Potatoes 60 Per bag Barley 62 1/2 bus Fine

31 Sun 1st Sun } Quarterly Meeting (went to Algonquin) at Bethel service Fine

2 May Mon C -- 3E } Got put wood in shed Fine

3 Tu C -- N 1/2 3W E } opened waterfurrows 5W Fine

May M M a A Y Y

(Bk. 28.)

No. ___ Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81.

No of Car. FROM 4th May TO REMARKS.

4 Wed O -- 3 E NS & Mangold ground Fine Planted Potatoes acre Fine

5 Thu C -- & : 5W Barley & Picked off stone & rot roots &c gout out chip dust Fine

6 Fri O == 5W } Fine Picked up stone (Bates place) lot

7 Sat M 5W AM & == 3E NS P.M. 2B Fine got Pear trees &c

8 Sun @ class & S.S. Fine

9 Mo == twice & M : 3 E NS. Fine & warm

10 Tu Rained hard last night} fixed cart } fitted ground for mangolds

11 Wed M 3 E NS Fine C -- 1 E WS hoed onions

12 Thu C -- 1E WS Fine Got pay for April cheese $19.33 hoed onions

13 Fri O -- 1E wS & == 1E WS 1{illegible} runs 2B Bot Fine boots from G McLean $4.75 Got Pails & milk can sold each

14 Sat O == 1E WS ( : with oats & Peas ) 2B Fine

15 Sun Went to Bethel. Rain } Mr Chown Preacher

16 Mo Rained most of day } got Bee Hive from S Simpson

17 Tu Rain. made part of Bee Hive 2B got stuff for hives

18 Wed Finis Hives } Drew out 9 waggon & 8 cart loads of manure Fine

19 Thu Drew out 9 waggon & 8 cart loads of manure Went to Jno Stewarts funeral (chicago) Fine

20 Fri " " 22 waggon loads of manure Fine AM showers in P.M.

21 Sat " " 13 " " " " A.M. sowed mangolds weeded onions & went 2B Fine

22 Sun Went to Hall Mr Lewis preached & at Maitland Mr Chown Preached shower in morning fine rest of day

23 Mo -- little Orchard weeding onions Fine sent to factory 401 lbs milk { 3 masses 11 cows}

May & June

(Bk. 28.)

No. ___ Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187

No of Car. FROM 24th May TO 12th June REMARKS.

24 Tu Drew out 27 loads manure 1E ES Fine

25 Wed " " 8 " " " Fine C -- 1E ES for Potatoes & corn very hot

26 Thu C -- - spread Manure Fine breeze

27 Fri O -- 1E ES Finis spreading manure Fine hoed onions} Hired Mr Smith

28 Sat O -- " Fine 2B Washed sheep

29 Sun Went to Bethel Mr A. McDougal Preached light shower AM Fine PM

30 Mo Picked stone AM {Bates lot} Went to Lyn to mill with wheat Fine == 1E ES __ acre | dug garden (Fruit)

31 Tu Ridged up Planting ground Fine

1st June Wed } Planted 48 bus Potatoes 20 20 ER 7 White K 21 Shaker

2 Thu Planted 22 bus early Rose & 1 1/2 acres corn Fine

3 Fri Shower AM } sheared (18) sheep } -- NW Part 2E Fine PM

4 Sat + W corn ground & == it Jenny & Mr Coleman here cleaned W. house washed Buggy &c

5 Sun Jenny Wood R Bell Bennet Dixon & Addied Phillips Jus Keltoe & wife here shower AM F PM

6 MO O -- W - corn ground == it Fine at onions

7 Tu Ridged up ++ & : W corn & ground Fine Fine weeding onions

8 Wed Put ashes on W corn & rolled it finis weeding onions 2nd time hoed mangolds

9 Thu -- == & : with Western corn S Pt of SE corner of 4B Fine

10 Fri Fixed fence in front of back lot Fine

11 Sat 2B Cleaned cellar Fine

12 Sun To Bethel Mr Chown Preached on honesty Fine

June J u n e

(Bk. 28.)

No. ___ Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187

No of Car. FROM 13th June TO July 2 REMARKS.

13 Mo Helped put up frame of shed Bethel Church Fine

14 Tu Commenced road work Jn Stewart R.M. 2 horses scraper Plow Pater & myself Fine

15 Wed Worked on road Fine graded road between gate & & S.H. Fine

16 Thu " " " " " " from orchard to tsp of Hill H Bell here

17 Fri Worked on road Augusta Beal (team) Fine Team & I had 2 days

18 Sat 2B Potatoes Went to Picnic at St Lawrence Park shower at night

19 Sun Shower in Afternoon Henry H Bell went to B Fine AM

20 Mo O -- Potatoes acre } P/M to B rained very hard in evening

21 Tu Put Flora to Austin Fox's Bay Stallion Fine sowed Buckwheat - M Brown most of day

22 Wed } --/ Pota acre } commenced another Bee hive HH Bell went to B got lumber stuff for hive

23 Thu Cut Rye out of Wheat fine } 2B with J. Robertson seeing about Phosphate: at Bee hive fine At Mallorytown

24 Fri O --/ Potatoes acre } had 2 swarms of Bees go both went in one hive Fine

25 Sat --/ Mangolds & corn (sweet, acre) Fine 2B

26 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown not there Fine

27 MO __ 1E ES corn & Potatoes worked at shed at church Fine

28 Tu C __ at 1E ES Bees swarmed heavy shower PM Fine AM : turnips

29 Wed Thinned mangolds light showers

30 Thu C --/ Potatoes & onions Fine

1st July Fri O ___ corn & Potatoes John & Mrs Cowdy here Fine Went to B

2 Sat Washed buggy } J & Mrs Cowdy Maggie & J called 2B got milk check on Mrs Beer & Robertson 11 cows 2 wk & 4 days 38.84

July July

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81

No of Car. FROM 3 July TO 21st REMARKS.

3 Sun Went to Camp-,eeting Lizzie & Jno Cowdy went to Lansdowne Fine

4 Mo I --/ corn 1E ES hot & Fine } Done road work for Back lot in Elizabethtown

5 Tu + Showery last night O -/ corn cut W 2E ES Born to Jas & Nellie Robertson a daughter Fine

6 W corn Potatoes 2B C-- Planting ground 1E ES Fine got sythes & sm{illegible}ths

7 Thu Raked up & cocked part of 2E ES } Fine -- & --/ Potatoes & corn

8 Fri O cocking hay Drew in 6 loads O O --/ --- Potatoes Fine PM

9 Sat Drew in 8 1/2 loads hay 2E ES & Put it in U Barn Fine warm

10 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Scanlon Preached shower 4 PM very hot

11 Mo Hilled corn (O) & C Potatoes O -- out Potatoes Fine

12 Tu Hilled Potatoes, 2B Fine

O 13 Wed " Fine " W orchard Went to R.M Bell's & Jas Robertson's Baby's Funeral

14 Thu D hoed Potatoes cocked hay orchard went to Exhibition at Hall Fine

15 Fri Drew in 4 loads hay orchard Fine Uncle Jno Bell & Aunt Ellen here O Potatoes --/

16 Sat Went to B Drew in 1/2 load hay Orchard heavy Hailstorm & rain storm PM F AM

17 Sun At Brockville at J Kelsoe's Fine most of the day Shower at 5:30 PM

18 Mo M 3E SS & '5E Hay light showers & cloudy

19 Tu To Market Potatoes, cut grass 4E Hollow. O M 5E cocked hay 3E SS Fine shower at night

20 Wed Raked & cocked hay 5E W Part F Wheat C 2E WS & 3W light shower at night

21 Thu Bound Wheat Drew in 3 loads hay 3E ES cut hay or grass 4E Fine

+ Put Flora 2nd time to Fox's horse

O Both babies buried in PM

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7-8 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 81

No of Car. FROM 22nd July TO 18 Aug REMARKS.

22 Fri W 2 ac for W Heargreave } Drew in 6 loads hay 3E & 1 load 4E

23 Sat Drew in 12 loads hay No 5E had Mr McLean & team all day Fine } Fred Bell here (P2) Alfred Irelan here PM

24 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached Fine

25 Mo W 2 ac for McEwan & 2 ac for A Irelan & 1 3/4 ac for Aaron Earl } cut hay Bates lot Fine

26 Tu W hay Bates lot 1 W 2 ac for Aaron Earl & 3 for J McLean Ma very sick } Showery P.M. Fine AM

27 Wed W 2 ac for Jno McLean 4 1/2 Jno Stewart & 3 ac A. Matheson " " " " Fine

28 Thu O W 4 ac Matheson's Wheat } O F. Wheat our own } W C Rye } Raked & cocked hay Bates lot Fine

29 Fri " " 4 ac Rye } Bound Rye O W it Fine

30 Sat O Binding & setting up Rye. Fine heavy shower 8:30 PM

31 Sun Jas Robertson & wife here Fine most of the day light shower

1st Mo W & Bound Spr Wheat 2E WS Fine } Heavy dew } W 2 ac for A Irelan Mr Chown wife & Mifs Hammond here

2 Tu Drew in 4 loads hay Bates lot } cut Barley 5W rain

3 Wed Drew in 6 loads hay (Bates lot } W McNish cut Barley 5W Fine

4 Thu Drew in 2 1/2 loads Rye 4E W for Russel McNish heavy shower 5 PM or 4:30 Fine AM

5 Fri Drew in 3 1/2 loads Rye 4E & 1 F Wheat 4E & 3 F Wheat 3W & 2 FW 2E WS Fine W for Simpsons

6 Sat in Barley 5W } W for Sam Simpson & Alfred Irelan Fine AM Rain PM

7 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached

8 Mo raked & cocked Barley 5W } in hay Bates lot O Fine

9 Tu Drew in 8 6 loads Barley 5W } cocked hay W for C Simpson Fine

10 Wed " " " 4 " " & 2 loads hay Bates Place Fine 3 loads 5W Spr Wheat


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train, _______ Conductor, ____________187 81

No of Car. FROM 11th Aug TO 31st Aug REMARKS.

11 Thu C to stack of Oats & Barley 9 loads 2W Fine Windy W 2 1/2 ac for A Matheson

12 Fri Drew in 3 loads grain 2W light showers W for Jno Burns 2ac O stack

13 Sat W oats & Peas 3ENS } W 2 1/2 ac for A Irelan heavy rain last night Fine

14 Sun Went to Quarterly Meeting at Augusta Fine Staid at Mr S Dubruges for dinner

15 Mo W 1 1/2 ac for A. Irelan } cut up swale grass 4E SS } cocked 3 ENS Oats & Peas

16 Tu Drew 6 loads oats & Peas 3E NS Fine

17 Wed W 1E WS } F. } Raked 1 load 3E NS Drew O 3E NS

18 Thu Went to Adam McGuins got gang plow W for Houstons Fine

19 Fri Turned over oats & Peas AM & drew in 6 or 7 loads PM Mr McLean helped PM

20 Sat harvesting 1E WS 1 loads oats & Peas } helped R Houston 2B Fine PM

21 Sun Went to Bethel Fine

22 Mo Went to Lyn to Mill Wheat 3 bus Mr & Mrs Chown here light showers

23 Tu -- gagn C 3E NS } cleaned & scraped Barnyard Mr & Mrs Jam Simpson here

24 Wed Helped Mr Jno McLean thresh Fine

25 Thu " " " 9 - - ? A.M & " " Aaron Earl thresh PM

26 Fri Helped Aaron Earl thresh AM Fine 2B P/M/ got Back of buggy fixed F shop 26th 26th got flora shod

27 Sat Maggie U Bell Saml Coleman & sister here Fine Smoky

28 Sun Went to Campmeeting International

29 Mo C to thresh Wm Rath & Jno Corbett Fine & warm

30 Tu C Threshing Fine & warm smoky

31 Wed O " Maggie Beer & children here.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train, _______ Conductor, ____________187 81

No of Car. FROM 1st Sept TO 20th Sept REMARKS.

1 Thu Went to Anniversary at Bethel Rev Mr Williams (TG) Preached & Rev Mr Stafford Lectured on "The Universal Boy" Fine

2 Fri Maggie Beer & children went to B; for C -- 3E cut W corn Fine v hot

3 Sat Went to B 1 load cheese (August 12 1/2 cts Per lb) Fine U -- 3E NS Nellie Robertson here

4 Sun " " Algonquin & Bethal {sic} with Mr Jas Wright Fine

5 Mo Helped Henry Hurd thesh Fine hot M.U.Bell to Jas Robertsons

6 Tu Helped Henry Hurd Thresh Fine hot & smoky

7 Wed Wd w cornb 2E WS } drew in 1 load w corn O --- 3E NS Gang

8 Thu ' -- 5W Fine } Cleaned up 46 bus Peas & oats & sold to Reynolds for {illegible} 35 Per bus

9 Fri C -- 5W } Fine Smoky } Pa went to Gananoque

10 Sat C -- 5W Fine Came home from " " Alva came home from "

11 Sun Went to B R M Bell sick } Alva & M.U.Bell went to Hall & Maitland Jenny came home from Camp meeting

12 Mo Alva went to Gananoque } C -- 5W } sold seed wheat 3 bus to A. Earl & 4 " " J McLean

13 C -- 3W NS Fine

14 Wed C " " " } " } Maggie. U. Bell went to B & to take the train for St Gabriel

15 Thu O -- 3E NS } : 8 bus F Wheat C == 3W Fine

16 Fri O == 3E } Uncle No & Aunt Annas Fraser here hot dry Fine & smoky

17 Sat O -- 5W } Fine hot smoky } Uncle Jno & Aunt Annas Pater & Ma to B all day

18 Sun Went to B with S.G Coleman & to Bethel Mr Elliot spoke

19 Mo Helped Alfred Irelan thresh Barreled onions Fine

20 Tu " " " Put up onions in Barrels Fine } + St Gabriel

Sept & Oct

(Bk. 28.)

No. 9-10 Train, _______ Conductor, ____________187 81

No of Car. FROM 21st Sept TO Oct 10 REMARKS.

21 Wed Went to B 8 Bls of Onions AM & cleaned up & took in 47 1/3 bus Rye @ .93 Per bus PM

22 Thu Went to B. 1 load onions 7 BBls cut corn Took onions to Gananoque Thunder storm AM Fine PM

23 Fri cut corn Threshed at Mr Houstons rained very hard rain

24 Sat Showery Took 1 load hay to S. Dear gathered apples (2100 lbs) at $10.00 Per ton set up corn Bates lot

25 Sun Went to Maitland. Aaron Earl at Class this morning Fine

26 Mo O -- 5E } Went to Lyn 10 bus Wheat & 6 Provender Finished Binding & setting up corn

27 Tu : & == bus Rye 3 5W 13 1/2 } Commenced to dig Potatoes } 2 Market lamb & apples &c Mr & Mrs Cummins here (Gananoque)

28 Wed O == 5W & drew off 12 loads stone } dug Potatoes 1E ES Fine PM rain Fine AM

29 Thu Cut waterfurrows 5W dug Potatoes 1E ES light shower at night Fine

30 Fri dug Potatoes E.R. 1E ES } cut corn (w) for Chilian Jones Went to B Fine

1st Oct Sat } Rain AM showery PM} Went to B market lamb apples &c fixed cookhouse roof

2 Sun Went to Bethel Mrs Davey & Fam here Fine & warm

3 Mo Rained most of AM. Pa & Jenny went to Kemptville Mr & Mrs Chown called Fine P.M Fixed hog pen

4 Tu Dug Early Rose Fine (1E ES)

5 Wed Picked apples & Dug potatoes P.M. Fine Froze Boiled feed AM Ice froze 1 inch thick last night

6 Thu Dug Potatoes E.R. 1E ES Fine } Pa came home from Kemptville Nellie Robertson here

7 Fri O Digging E.R. 1E ES Robert Stewart helped Fine

8 Sat Rain Mr & Mrs Chown here (Pa & Ma to Gananoque Nellie Robertson went home showery

9 Sun Went to Hall Mr Lewis preached

10 Mo Dug Shakee Russets Fine & cool most of day Pa came from Gananoque Light shower in morn


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train, _______ Conductor, ____________187 81

No of Car. FROM 11th Oct TO 31st REMARKS.

11 Tu Dug Potatoes Ma came home from Gananoque Fine 2B

12 Wed Rained most of day, husked corn Put up cows

13 Thu Mr Jno McLean & Aaron helped dig Potatoes O S-R &c S -G's Fine Froze at night

14 FRi Dug Potatoes O1E ES (digging) for H Hurd Pa took 17 BBls of onions Gananoque R Stewart here Fine & warm

15 Sat Rained most all day husked corn

16 Sun Fine Mr & Mrs Adam.U.McGuin here

17 Mo Finished digging Potatoes (Early Rose acre) rain showery

18 Tu Frequent showers Took T Wood 30 bus Potatoes @ 45 Per bus

19 Wed 2B with 44 2/3 bus Potatoes @ 45 cts Per bus contracted to McSorley Fine

20 Thu Drew in 65 bus large & 15 bus small White potatoes Drew in 1 load corn } Put 20 bus corn in crib

21 Fri Picked up Potatoes Pa went to Gananoque Fine H Hurd helped

22 Sat Went to B 46 1/6 bus Potatoes @ 45 cts Per bus Uncle Jno Fraser, Olive, & Mrs M.J. Martin here shower

23 Sun Rained most of day

24 Mo 2B with 47 bus Potatoes at 45 cts Per bus Fine Uncle Jno Fraser went home

25 Tu Rained most AM Pulled Mangolds Picked up Potatoes PM Fine part PM

26 Wed 2B twice 1st 40 bus 2nd 26 bus E.R. 45 cts per Bus Helped Jno McLean Kill 2 Pigs cold Fine

27 Thu Drew in 140 L & 18 Small Shakee Russets Fine O Potatoes Drew in 20 bus small E.R. Potatoes

28 Fri Went to B AM 1 cord wood to M White @ $4.00 Per Cord Drew in 3 loads mangolds Olive Fraser & Miss Martin here from B Fine & warm

29 Sat Showery Cleaned up 32 bus Oats & seeds for Mill Drew in 3 loads Pumpkins

30 Sun At Bethel Mr Chown Preached Went to B in evening Fine Burnett Dixon went home he came on Friday

31 Mo 2B with Grist -32 bus } O Mangolds Fine} cleaned up 46 bus oats Warm


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor, ____________187

No of Car. FROM 1st TO REMARKS.

1st Tu Went to B with 46 bus oats for T Smart at .36 Per bus 2B PM with 17 or 1800 of Provender for $1.25 cwt Mrs C Jones Fine

2 Wed Got 4450 lbs more Provender ground for Mrs Jones 1.25 per Cwt ground Barley & oats

3 Thu C -- acres } Drew in the rest of corn (3 loads) rained Mr Chown here

4 Fri O -- acre } Drew up Potato tops made waggon seat had flurries of snow Pater went to Gananoque

5 Sat Took 1 load of Cheese to B 31 Boxes Fine cold wind corn to fat Cherry

6 Sun Went to B Mr Burnfiled preached his farewell sermon before starting for Palestine

7 Mo C -- 1E ES Fine Mr & Mrs Chown here rain at night

8 Tu C -- " " Misty

9 Wed Went to Henry Havelock Bells funeral W shower AM Fine PM

10 Thu O -- 1E ES Came home from Funeral of HB Fine

11 Fri Hard frost last night - Boiled feed Cleaned up 20 bus Oats & Peas Fine

12 Sat Snow & Rain Pa came home from Gananoque Went to B got Mifs Martin & Olive Fraser

13 Sun Went to Quarterly Meeting Bethel Church

14 Mo 2B Pa & O. Fraser & PA Martin } Plowed 1E WS 1/2 day snow at night Fine

15 Tu Went to Market Oats (X 39 cts Per bus) butter (22 1/2) 1 Pelt - 85 ctgs chickens 35 Per Pair Fine PM snow morning

16 WEd C -- 1E WS Fine

17 Thu C -- 1E WS " } Boiled 1 Pot feed

18 Fri O -- & Waterfurrowing 1E ES Fine & warm

19 Sat C -- 2E ES in AM } Put apples in cellar Uncle Jno Fraser here } Bees in W. house Buried G. vines

20 Sun Uncle Jno Fraser Olive & Miss Martin here Went to B at night Fine Roads rough


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train, _______ Conductor, ____________187 81

No of Car. FROM 21st TO 10th REMARKS.

21 Mo Took Uncle Jno Fraser to B Fine Cleaned up grist 30 bus roads frozen hard

22 Tu Took grist to Mill AM sold it at 1.25 per 100 lbs {illegible} Helped Mr Stratton thresh PM Fine

23 Wed Helped Mr Stratton thresh fine

24 Thu Pa & Ma started for Gananoque I took 1 load & Mr Jno McLean 1 load of furniture Fine

25 Fri Went to Back lot with Aaron Earl Killed 2 year old heifer Fine shower 6 PM

26 Sat Went to Market - only sold 1 qr of Beef got 5.00 Per 100 Cwt stormy Mr Craig & Robinson Olive . F & Mifs Martin here

27 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Arch McDougall Preached Went to B cold rain

28 Mo Got 2 shoes on Mare (flora) Boiled feed 1 pot } cleaned up 16 bus oats & barley ) Put up glass front to stoop Fine

29 Tu Went to Brockville girst & 2 qrs beed Paid note D Simpson Fine warm

30 Wed Put corn in crib & picked up Potatoes Fine Warm

1st Dec Thu } Shipped 58 bus Potatoes to Gananoque #9 large & 49 small

2 Fri Leveled yard at S of T Hall Fine some frost

3 Sat Took Division Organ to B to get repaired light snow

4 Sun Went to Mr Scandival's Funeral fine

5 Mo Went to B Thomas E Bell here Fine

6 Tu Boiled 1 Pot of feed. T Bell went to B no sleighing yet Fine

7 Wed Cleaned up 16 bus Fall Wheat rain snowstorm at night

8 Thu Husked corn got ready for killing Pigs cool & Fine

9 Fri Killed 2 Pigs Mr Jno McLean & A Earl helped Fine thawing

10 Sat Went to B sold 1 Pig 378 lbs for $28.20 Potatoes 50/Per bus Fine

10 Lillie K, Olive. F Martha Martin W. J. Craig & W Robinson here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train, _______ Conductor, J.B. Fraser 187 81

No of Car. FROM 11 Dec TO 31st REMARKS.

11 Sun Went to Bethel Mr S D Chown Preached & to B at night

12 Mo Took Sow to D. Robertsons & brought her home again Fine most of day light snow & rain

13 Rained most of day Cut up Pork warm & foggy at night

14 Wed Jennie came home (from Heckston) Jenny Wood here roads very muddy & soft

15 Thu Mr & Mrs Ralph & Mr & Mrs John Bennington here Horace Hurd & Rosanna Dalton here fine roads frozen up

16 Fri Packed away Machinery & drew up straw for bedding

17 Sat Went to B with 15.52 bus wheat got 1.20 Per bus Fine & warm no sleighing yet

18 Sun Went to S of T hall Mr Lewis Preached

19 Mo Henry Hurd & I got persons to act at the entertainment at Bethel (we drove around) Fine

20 Tu Went to B market Potatoes 75 Per bag Butter 21 Per lb Fine & warm roads soft at Bethel Church Committee meeting

21 Wed Fine & warm day practicing for Christmas Eve

22 Thu At Bethel Church fixing for Christmas tree rained most of the day (light)

23 Fri Went to B Got Chambers Encyclopedia Fine

24 Sat Went to B Jenny Bell here Fine & warm Got 1 gal of Coaloil

25 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached

26 Mo Rained most of day Alva went back to Gananoque

27 Tu Uncle John Bell here Went & Cooked at G.C.Reids farm & to Jas Robertsons Fine & warm roads muddy

28 Wed Uncle Jno Bell went to B Fine Thomas E & SJ Ashford Bell here

29 Thu Rained nearly all day Tommy E & Ashford went away

30 Fri Went to Oyster supper at Chas Simpsons Fine & warm roads nearly impassable for mud

31 Sat Went to B Potatoes (75 Per bag) Butter 22 Per lb Fine warm


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor, Fraser 187 82

No of Car. FROM 1st Jan TO REMARKS.

1st Jan 1882 Sun Went to Hall Mr Lewis Preached ground frozen hard

2 Mo Took Jennie to B (for Gananoque) fair cold north wind Fine

3 Tu Took sow to T Wilkinsons light Snow cold

4 Wed Went to Lyn 12 bus wheat & 4 bus for J McLean very cold

5 Thu " " Back lot Fine & cold got waggon load wood Thomas E Bell here

6 Fri Went to Back lot (at Wood) Fine Cold

7 Sat Went to B market Potatoes .75 Per bus Fine first sleighing this winter

8 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Jas Wright preached rain Took Jennie Bell to Nellie Robertsons

9 Mo Went to B for choppers & did not get any John Henry fell & Broke collar bone & 3 ribs

10 Tu " " Back lot Fine no sleighing

11 Wed Stormed all AM Husked corn took reaper apart &c Fine PM & cold

12 Thu Working in swamp Henry Hurd helped Fine & cool } took sleigh

13 Fri Went to Swamp in AM } Snowed most of the day Horace Hurd helped got 1 small load

14 Sat " " B to Market, light snow Mr Mrs Chown & Mifs Hammond here

15 Sun Went to Hall Mr Lewis preached

16 Mo " " Swamp Horace Hurd helped Took Jennie Bell to B at night Fine

17 Tu " " " Went to Mr Chown's (Carrie Blanchard, Lottie & Henry Hurd, Mag & I

18 Wed Went to William Henry Bells funeral Fine stayed at night at Aunt Catherines

19 Thu Came from Sharpton to Gananoque Fine

20 Fri Came home from " Ma & Pa came on the 14th Fine

January & Febuary

(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 21st Jan TO 9th Feb REMARKS.

21 Sat Went out to swamp snowed Drew out cordwood & 1 load sleigh lengths {illegible}

22 Sun Stormed most all day

23 Mo Went to B for Geo Bell & wife Pa went to Gananoque Drew up 3 loads straw very cold

24 + Tu Took Geo W. Bell & wife to B Went to Missionary meeting Dept Revs Mr Kines & Allen Cold

25 Wed Went to Swamp drew out 5 loads cordwood & 1 load home

26 Thu " " " load Took 1 load to B sold it for 2.25 Fine

27 Fri Thawed last night Made double whippletree Fixed lines Fine

28 Sat Went to B 1 load wood for T Shields Fine 2B PM

29 Sun Wind blew very cold Fine

30 Mo Went to Swamp cold & fine

31 Tu Drew 3 loads home from Back lot

1st Wed } Went to Back lot & got 1 loads wood & took it to T Shields Fine

2 Thu Went to Swamp R Earl helped cutting cordwood very fine

3 Fri Went to Swamp cut cordwood R Earl helped cold wind fine

4 Sat " " Brockville Ma went to Gananoque Fine cold wind Drew 2 loads straw

5 Sun Went to Bethel Church Mr Chown Preached Fine

6 Mo Went to Back lot Fine } Cleaning up land

7 Tu Got 1 load of wood & took it to Shields stormy got another load hail 8 PM

8 Wed Worked in swamp R. Earl here Fine

9 Thu " " " " " " warm & Fine S. B Coleman here

  • Thermometer 36 below Zero


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, _______ Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 10th TO 1st Mar REMARKS.

10 Fri Went to swamp got 1 load & took 1 load to B S.B. Coleman went to Brock

11 Sat Drew 2 tons of hay to Mifs Stewarts from H McLeans Barn at 2.50 $8.50 Per ton

12 Sun Went to B in evening with Horace Hurd

13 Mo Rained & thawed roads bare Byron Watts here

14 Tu Went to Mr Rufus Watts & to Fairfield lodge to entertainment Fine made hold back backs

15 Wed Loaded a load of hay & husked corn for market Waggons running Fine

16 Thu Went to B hay 8 per ton Fine

17 Fri Put up 6 sacks & 9 bags small potatoes & 6 bags large Went to Oyster supper (Hall)

18 Sat Started for Gananoque with potatoes it kept so cold I left them at N Shipmans & came home

19 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached Fine

20 Mo Went to swamp & drew out 6 loads Fine

21 Tu Stormed most all day Maggie went to Gananoque Fixed halters

22 Wed Snowed hard Maggie came home from Gananoque

23 Thu Got 1 load Wood Went to Oyster supper at F. Woods Fine

24 Fri Went to B 2 loads wood to E Shipman Fine & warm

25 Sat Went to Gananoque with a load of potatoes for Alva (got there at noon)

26 Sun Went to service A & PM & Sunday School Fine & warm

27 Mo Came home from Gananoque Jenny & Addie Phillips came back with me roads bare

28 Tu Went to B Fine Husked corn Got pay from Shields $10.00 for wood

1st March Wed Rained hard most all day

$50 for 2 cows sold husked some corn sold to cows to H McLean 50.00


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train, _______ Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 2nd TO 21st REMARKS.

2 Thu Cleaned up seed oats & five bags for sale Fine & warm

3 Fri Put up 10 bags Potatoes. Drew up 6 small loads straw

4 Sat Went to B Potatoes, 90 cts Per bag & oats 5 bags at 38 Per Bus 10 bags changed oats H Hurd Hurd

5 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached

6 Mo Moved hay from Henry McLeans barn to Lower Barn 8 loads Fine used waggon

7 Tu Light snow Husked corn cold Fine

8 Wed Helped tear down McLeans Back of barn Fine

9 Thu stormy most of day Helped Mr McLean until 11 AM

10 Fri Snowed & Stormy most of day } got 19 1/2 bus seed potatoes Late Rose sold Flec & Star for 54.00 to H Hurd

11 Sat Went to B Potatoes .85 to .90 Per bag Oats 36 per bus Fine

12 Sun At home stormed most of day

13 Mo Went to B got 4.92 from E. Shipman for wood Fine sleighing good today

14 Tu Drew out 9 loads manure 1E WS

15 Wed Went H Hurds sale Fine 2B AM

16 Thu Looked for Rock Elm no scarcely any to be got Fine

17 Fri Husked corn fine

18 Sat Went to B Paid Mr Rath $137.67 cts on back lot Fine

19 Sun Went to Bethel Church Mr Chown Preached Fine Went to J Robertsons after Jennie

20 Mo Cut down & drew to house 8 white oak logs Mr McLean & Horace Hurd helped

21 Tu Stormed most of day cleared an hour &c

March & April

(Bk. 28.)

No. 3& 4 Train, Brockville Conductor,__________187 82


22 Wed Sawed wood at Jno McLeans Pm 2B with 3 logs white oak Fine Mild

23 Thu Sawed wood AM Jno Stewarts & J. Corbets machine sawed at Mifs Stewarts PM mild

24 Fri Went to B with 2 loads of logs (white oak) Fine

25 Sat Went to B Fine Potatoes 7 bags 85 & 90 Per bag Maggie Bell came here

26 Sun Fine Maggie Bell & I went to Jas Robertson

27 Mo Rain husked corn Am helped Jno McLean at bent of barn took it down PM Gracie & Nellie Robertson here

28 Tu Drew of Oak tree tops into pasture ground ground frozen hard in morning Fine

29 Wed Went to B P.M. Very large crowed started for Manitoba Fine & warm

30 Thu Went to B Ma came from Gananoque warm roads bad Fine

31 Fri Split wood put up 7 bags potatoes Cold wind Fine

1st April Went to B Market Fine

2 Sun At home most of day roads very bad

3 Mo 2B Went to Shep Mills very Fine day

4 Tu Went to B market AM & got Olive Fraser & Addie Phillips PM light showers

5 Wed Maggie was married to Henry E Hurd Archie Bell & Jennie Fraser 1st waiters & Sam Coleman Fine day. They started for Manitoba

6 Thu Ma & Pa went to Gananoque most of day S.B. Coleman went home } Olive F went to B

7 Fri Loaded 1 load hay 8.50 Per ton Horace Hurd got 300 of hay Fine

8 Sat Went to B 1 load hay 8.50 Per ton Took Jennie Fraser & Magie Bell to B PM Fine

9 Sun Went to Brockville Fine Roads bad

10 Mo Drew 2 loads hay to Albert McDougall got $8.50 per ton Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train, Brockville Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 11th April TO 30th REMARKS.

11 Tu Went to B 2 loads Hay to Albert McDougall Fine Roads frozen Hay 8.50 Per ton

12 Wed Split Wood Flurries of snow most of day Lill calved

13 Thu Split & Sawed Wood Bess calved Killed Bess's & Lill's calf

14 Fri " " " " Rose calved Maggie Bell started for Sharpton Fine 2B

15 Sat Finis sawing woood at house (cross-cut) John Hurd helped all week Fine

16 Sun Went to Bethel & from there Maggie V Bell & I went to J Robertsons Fine & warm

17 Mo Cleaned up grain AM & helped Mr McLean raise Bent of Barn PM very fine day

18 Tu Took Maggies Boxes to B (for Manitoba) Fine & warm cleaned rest of wheat

19 Wed So : S.W & == ac } Fine AM } Idas Morton started to work here rain PM

20 Thu Cleaned grass seed & part Barley RAin

21 Fri Light showers most of day snow & rain cut seed Potatoes Finis cleaning Barley & oats (seed)

22 Sat Went to B Fine cut Potatoes Frosty

23 Sun " " S of T hall Mr Lewis preached Fine

24 Mo ' -- 2W } fixed fences spread manure &c Fine Frost in morning

25 Tu C -- 2W Fine

26 Wed C -- 2W White sow had 10 pigs Fine

27 Thu O -- 2W Fine

28 ' --- 1E ES : spring wheat rained most of P.M. cut wood in shed

29 Sat Went to B Rain

30 Went to Hall Church Mr Chown Preached Fine Frisk calved


(Bk. 28.)

No. _____ Train, Brockville Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 1st TO 20th REMARKS.

1st May Mo : Oats 2W @w == 1 1/2 (Australian) windy Fine

2 Tu O == 2W + M C of it Fine Lill calved

3 Wed O M 2W + acre AM ' -- 2E WS PM Planted Potatoes Fine windy Killed Lill's calf

4 Thu O -- gang 1E ES } Fine } Burnt brush Plowed in wheat

5 Fri Drew out 4 loads manure 1E WS } Took 1658 lbs at 8.50 Per ton hay to Mr Chown sold heifers calf to P Hunter for 2.85

6 Sat O 2E WS -- } Fine } Burnt brush split wood boiled feed spread straw around yard

7 Sun Thomas E Bell here Jennie & I went to Q.M at Algonquin Fine

8 Mo O : Wheat No 1E ES & seeded it } == it twice } O -- 2E WS } Fine } Rain @ night

9 Tu O -- 2E WS. } M 1E ES } : 1E WS & ' of it == } Fine Went 2B

10 Wed O : ++ & M 1E ES sowed it with Barley

11 Thu Got horses shod at Strattons & spr waggon fixed Loaded one load hay Rain most of day

12 Fri 2B AM shipped 2 Pigs to Gananoque fair F.A.M } Took 1840 lbs hay to P Hunter at 9 Per ton PM Rain PM

13 Sat ' -- 4E } Fine } Cold & Backward spring

14 Sun went to Bethel Mr Short M.E. minister preached James & Nellie Robertson here & Mortimer Dixon Fine

15 Mo C -- 4E M 3E NS F Wheat } Fine } Loaded 1 load hay } nailed up fence acre

16 Tu C -- 4E Fine Sold Mr Houston 8 bus Potatoes @ 50 Per bus

17 WEd O -- 4E Fine Cool East wind

18 Thu Went to B Hay. $ @ $ 11.00 Per ton Bot 1 bag Salt & 1 BBl plaster ++ & : 4E PM

19 Fri Sowed Land - Plaster & salt on 4E O == 4E Fine 2 1/2 lands

20 Sat M 4E 2B PM got tweed suit of Clothes from Barr & Babcock Fine

May & June

(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 & 6 Train, Brockville Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 21st May TO REMARKS.

21 Sun Pa here from Gananoque Fine

22 Mo Drew out 13 loads manure Pa went back to G Rain at night, light showers

23 Tu Rained most all day

X 24 Wed Drew out 8 loads manure Went to B PM Walter F Wood came here X AM Fine

25 Thu Drew out 15 loads manure Fine

26 Fri Drew out loads manure C -- ~ 1E WS Fine

27 Sat O -- 1E WS } J Aldridge brought 2 teams and helped PM Fine most of day

28 Sun W Wood & I went to B Fine AM rain at night

29 Mo O : -- & little orchard oats & peas Fine sold 400 of hay at P .50 Per cwt

30 == & -- cout C 1E WS Fine

31 Wed O -- cout Potato & corn ground & Marked it out with marker rain in PM

1st June Thu } Went out to Back lot Took out stumps Fine

2 Fri Commenced to plant potatoes more rain Fine AM

3 Sat Planted Potatoes 1E WS Rain most of PM J.B. Coleman here Fine AM

4 Sun Rain AM Heavy flood last night Fine PM

5 Mo Took out Stumped back lot Fine most of day

6 Tu " " " "

7 Wed " " " " Built part fence north side flat Fine

8 Thu " " " " rain AM & PM

9 Fri Went to Kemptville Fine

from St Catherines


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train, Brockville Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 10th TO 30th REMARKS.

10 Sat Went to Josiah Render's from Kemptville Olive & I } Rain most of AM Maclure home here from Gan Heifer calved

11 Sun Came back to Kemptville Fine Went to hear Mr Allen at night

12 Mo Came home from Kemptville Fine Flora foaled

13 Tu Planted Corn Fine 1E WS

14 Wed Worked on road Augusta Division Fine

15 Thu Planted some Shakee Russett Potatoes 1E WS Fine Went to B

16 Fri Hoed Beans & among currant bushes trimmed cherry trees took worms nests out of them &c

17 Sat Burnt stumps on Back lot Put Flora to Lathams French stallion Fine Rain at night

18 Sun Very heavy rain in Morning Fine PM

19 Mo Sawed tops off posts S side 5W 2B Set 2 sett of Gate posts Fine

20 Tu Pa came down from G to vote & returned on the 5:30 PM Fine Went to Mill at Lyn 10 bus wheat & Mixed 6 of provender

21 Wed Went to B. Finis sawing tops off posts Put cap boards on fence 5W 8S

22 Thu Planted Potatoes second time Shaker Russetts & Scotch Greys No 1E WS Fine

23 Fri Sowed W Corn P.M. Planted corn where potatoes missedt 1E WS Fine most of day light shower PM

24 Sat Finis W corn 1E WS SNS Hilled part of Early Potatoes Cherry Nailed on Cap boards 5W SS Cherry calved

25 Sun Fine Jennie & Walter went to Church Bethel

26 Mo Commenced Road work had horses on scraper Fine & warm Walter & Jennie {illegible}

27 Tu Finished Road work Fine

28 Wed Finis --/ early Potatoes } O --/ corn orchard} Shower Put wood in shed

29 Thu Drew 2 loads hay from back lot Fine

30 Fri " " " " " Rain PM


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train, Brockville Conductor, Fraser187 82

No of Car. FROM 1st of July TO 20th REMARKS.

1st Sat Rain both A & PM. Ground Reaper sections Alva here

2 Sun Went to Service Bethel Mr Masson Preacher F Showery

3 Mo Drew home one load hay AM Rain PM Alva went back to Gananoque frequent showers PM

4 Tu == Corn & Potatoes, sold Rose for $30.00 to Murray (Butcher) Fine

5 Wed Put up line fence between Shipmans & us Back lot Fine most of day rain at night

6 Thu Drew out 7 loads Manure from out of Lower B AM Moved 4 loads straw out of L. Barn inot shed PM

7 Fri Moved 3 loads straw & Cultivated W corn & Potatoes rain in AM rained all night

8 Sat /| Corn Walter went to Gananoque Put Flora to Luthuger's horse Fine

9 Sun Went to Bethel Church Mr Chown Preached Went to B for service Fine

10 Mo O /| Corn Light showers PM Fine AM

11 Tu O C --/ /| Potatoes Walter came from Cananoque Fine

12 Wed C /| Potatoes Went to B G Henderson here AM Fine - PM Potatoes

13 Tu C /| Potatoes Fine light showers ~ Morning

14 Fri O --/ " "

15 Sat /| " Put Mowing machine together O ground M - Knives scythes &c Went to B

16 Sun James & Nellie Robertson here Fine

17 Mo in Orchard AM -- Potatoes & corn sold hay on back C lot Fine

18 Tu -- Potatoes & corn showery O C.M. Sharp (nee Bell) & Mifs Kate Sharp here

19 Wed Raked & cocked hay, Orchard --/ corn & Potatoes

20 Thu Drew in 5 loads hay Orchard Fine C --/ Potatoes & Corn

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 & 8 Train, Brockville Conductor, Fraser 187 82

No of Car. FROM 21st of July TO 9 Aug REMARKS.

21 Fri --/ Potatoes & Put Paris Green on them -- O Fine

22 Sat --/ Potatoes & Corn Took Mrs Lucas Sharp & Mifs Kate Sharp to B Fine Put reaper together

23 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached & to B Mr T.G Williams Preached Fine

24 Mo M 3E SS P.M. Went to B with a load of Cheese AM Fine & warm

25 Tu M 2E ES Cocked most of no 3E SS windy Fine & warm

26 Wed Raked & cocked 2E ES Finis cutting around fences Fine Breezy

27 Thu Drew in 6 loads hay 3E SS Put 5 in lower Barn & 1 in upper Fine

28 Thu M 5E hay. Went to B got Pitman Box for Reaper heavy shower last night Fine

29 Sat Drew in 3 loads AM put 1 in U Barn & 3 in loft Raked & cocked 5E Fine

30 Sun Fine & hot Nellie Robertson & Jennie Robertson here Fine

31 Mo * Drew in 5 loads hay from no 5E & 6 from 2E ES Henry McLean & Herman White helped Fine

1st Aug Tu } no 4 ac of Rye & 1 1/2 F Wheat for J McLean & 1 1/2 ac of Rye for H McLean } Ma here from Gananoque

2 Wed M Rye & Bound part of it Tillie & Aunt M went to Jas Robertsons Fine hot

3 Thu M Rye Bound & stooked up C.O. Johnston Tillie & Aunt Margaret Wood went to B {illegible} on no 4

4 Fri M Rye & Bound & stooked it {illegible} Fine O Ma went back to Gananoque very hot

5 Sat O M Rye } in F Wheat. Fine C Jennie went to Gan } Uncle Jno Fraser & Olive came last night & went to Gananoque today

6 Sun Quarterly meeting at Maple Grove Fine very hot sultry

7 Mo Went to Prescott for casting for Reaper ' cut in F Wheat for A Irelan Rain P.M.

8 Tu Rained most of day. Adam & Marg McGuin here Nellie Robertson here Uncle J.F. Olive & Jennie came home

9 Wed Uncle John & Olive Fraser went home shower cut part of A Irelan's Fall Wheat

  • C.O.Johnston, Wife & child & Aunt M Wood here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train,______________ Conductor, J Fraser 187 82

No of Car. FROM 10th Aug TO 29 Aug REMARKS.

10 Thu M in F Wheat for A.Q. M acre spr wht } M Barley C 2E WS } showery

11 Fri O W Fall Wheat No 3E NS & Barley 2E WS O binding & setting up F Wheat Fine

12 Sat Bound Spr Wheat acre Fine AM } drew in 4 loads PM Barley 2E WS showers

13 Sun Went to St Lawrence Camp Ground Jennie & I Fine

14 Mo Drew in 2 loads Barley & one load swale grass 3E & 3 loads Rye (5W) Fine

15 Tu Drew in 5 loads Rye 5 E & 6 loads F Wheat 3E & 2 loads Spr Wheat } J & W. Miller helped PM 15th Mr & Mifs Scott here

16 Wed Cut 6 ac Spr Wht for Millar fine 16th Scott went home

17 Thu + Mr & Mrs J.L. & mrs Alex Margach here Andy & Maggie Margach here Rainy +

18 Fri M Australian oats 2W C M spr Wheat 1E ES C Fine

19 Sat O M spr Wheat & Australian Oats 1E ES Fine Pa here from G 2W

20 Sun Went to Bethel & Brockville ( Chown & Williams Preached Fine

21 Mo Finis Binding of Spr Wheat & set it up AM Pa went home to Gananoque & Cousin J. Margach to {illegible}

22 Tu Drew in 8 loads Oats 2W Miss Scott Mr Dixon & I went to International Camp Grounds

23 WEd Rained showery most of day, washed Buggie & Made washers for it &c &c

24 Thu Drew in 8 loads Australian Oats Fine

25 Fri Jennie went to Gananoque & from that to Kingston Miss Scott went home Rain AM Fine PM

26 Sat Drew in 5 loads Oats 2W Fine O M for A Irelan (one piece)

27 Sun Heavy shower in evening Fine rest of day Sow had 10 pigs last night

28 Mo' -- 3E WS Drew in 2 loads oats 4E Fine Cut down bushes 4E

29 Tu Drew in 6 loads Oats 4E Fine Insured {illegible} Landon Material for $1200.00

+ Tisha McGuin & Mrs R Bell here 29 Fred Bell here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,______________ Conductor, J B Fraser 187 82

No of Car. FROM 30th Aug TO 18 Sept REMARKS.

30 Wed Finis oats 1 load 4E } drew 1 load swale grass 4E Finis } Drew in 2 loads Spr Wheat 1E ES

31 Thu Finis harvesting 1/2 load oats Orchard (little) Fine & 5 loads Spr Wheat 1E ES

1st Fri ' -- 3E NS PM } Rain PM } Helped Henry McLeans thresh until 10 AM machine broke Fine AM

2 Sat Helped H McLean thresh Jno Smith here Fine

3 Sun Went to B for the Rev T.G.Williams who preached at Bethel showery in AM

4 Mo Finished threshing at H McLeans in AM Helped R.E.Stewart thresh P.M. heavy shower 5 PM

5 Tu Helped Jno McLean thresh Walter & I & the team Fine

6 WEd C -- 3E Scraped B.yard. Jennie came home from Sharpton Went to Picnic (School) Perry's Grove Fine PM

7 thu O -- 3E NS Cut Brush 4 E Went to B got broom Groceries &c Jennie came home from Sharpton Scraped B yard

8 Fri O -- 3E NS Cut brush 4E 2B got broom Groceries

9 Sat Jennie & Walter went to Heckston Burnet Dixon here. Fine Cut corn 1E WS

10 Sun Fine Mr Baker & Dr Porter from Prince Albert here

11 Mo Bound W Corn got 4 3 bus F Wheat from Abbott @ 1.35 Per bus Burnt stumps in pasture Fine

12 Tu Drew out 10 loads manure on no 3E NS Walter returned last night Fine

13 Wed Cut W corn, got 5 bus Rye from Mr McLean

14 Thu : 3 bus F Wheat 3E NS AM & 3 3/4 bus Rye } Rained most of P.M. Hauled one load manure

15 Fri Drew out 15 loads manure 3E NS very high wind yesterday PM Fine

16 Sat O == Rye & part F. Wheat Went to B. Finis binding W.Corn Jenny came home Mifs Minnie Gilroy here Fine

17 Sun Fine Went to B & to Bethel Mr Chown Preached

18 Mo Helped Jno Houston thresh Fine Dug 7 bags of potatoes, heavy shower last night

Sept & Oct

(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 & 10 Train,______________ Conductor, J B Fraser 187 82

No of Car. FROM 19th Sept TO 8th Oct REMARKS.

19 Tu Went to Market, Rained, spread manure Helped R Houston thresh

20 Wed Went to Kingston Fair Fine

21 Thu At Kingston Fair rainey Drew out Manure came back to Gananoque

22 Fri At Gananoque Rained most of day Dew out home manure

23 Sat Came home from Gananoque Fine Drew out manure

24 Sun Uncle James Bell here Fine

25 Mo ' -- 5W PM : 2 bus F Wheat & == it in 3E NS Fine Picked up apples & dug potatoes for market

26 Tu Went to B to Market Picked up apples Fine Potatoes, apples. pigs 1.50-125

27 C -- 5W Cut corn. Fine Got 10 bus Barley from H McLean

28 Thu Went to Lyn with 10 bus Barley & 14 bus wheat Bound & set up corn, picked up apples Fine

29 Fri Cutting corn O 1E WS } Fin } C -- 5W } Dug potatoes for market

30 Sat Went to Market Bound up Corn Fine

1st Oct Sun } Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached Jennie Walter & Mifs Gilroy went to B Fine

2 Mo Drew out 12 loads manure 1E WS ' to dig potatoes fine

3 Fri Dug potatoes Fine

4 Wed " " "

5 Thu " " "

6 Fri " " " Went to B

7 Sat O Digging Potatoes Fine Edward Gilroy & Mifs Sarah Laidley here

8 Went to B & to Maitland Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,______________ Conductor,____________187 82

No of Car. FROM 9th Oct TO 28 Oct REMARKS.

9 Mo C -- 5W } Picked up one pit of Potatoes } Mr & Mifs Gilroy & Miss Laidley went home Fine Windy Picked apples

10 Tu Went to B market Potatoes 55 to 60 6 bags apples very dull 90 to 100 Fine Picked snow Apples

11 Wed C -- AM 5W } Picked apples raw cold wind

12 Thu Finis Picking apples & Picked over part cider apples Pa came here from Gananoque Fine

13 Fri Finis Picking over apples Took part of apples to cider-mill Fine

14 Sat Took rest of apples to mill. Went to Kemptville Fine

15 Sun At Presbyterian Ch in Kemptville Mr Hay Preached Fine

16 Mo Went to J.S.Renders C dig potatoes (at Renders) Fine

17 Tu Finis digging at Josiah's } Walter helped A Irelan thresh Fine

18 Wed Came home " " " " " from Mountain } stopped at J Van Allen's last night

19 Thu Got 112 Gals of Cider Drew 2 loads potatoes Fine Geo Dalton & wife here

20 Fri Picked up 3 loads potatoes. Pa & Ma went to Gananoque Fine Tommy E Bell here

21 Sat Went to Market AM Drew in Potatoes P.M. Fine got check cashed 74.55

22 Sun Went to Maitland Mr Chown preached Fine

23 Mo Got shirts (Flannel) & Horse blankets & got harness fixed Rainy Finis drawing in potatoes

24 Tu Walter went to S. Mountain for potatoes Put away machinery fixed barn door &c &c Fine

25 Wed Took reaper & Mower apart & put them away Fixed cow-stanchions, put wood in shed &c &c Fine

26 Thu Walter returned from S Mtn with 35 or 36 bus of Potatoes Got 2 teeth filled. Finis wheeling wood in shed &c &c

27 Fri Drew in 4 loads of Corn & 3 of w corn Fine

28 Sat Finis Drawing in w corn 2 loads 2B at night Got Heifer from Mike Whalen Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,______________ Conductor,____________187 82

No of Car. FROM 29th Oct TO 17 Nov REMARKS.

29 Sun Went to Bethel Mr C preached showers

30 Mo O --- 5W Mr Chown here Fine Revival services started at Bethel tonight

1st Nov Wed } Boiled feed for pigs Fixed for threshing Fine

2 Thu Went to B to market Potatoes & apples Had 4 teeth filled Fine

3 Fri Commenced to thresh Wheat & some Rye today Fine

4 Sat Threshing } Rye (balance of) Oats & part of Barley Fine

5 Sun Jas & Nellie Robertson here Fine 2B

6 Mo Finis Threshing, Cleaned & straightened up yard Fine

7 Tu Went to B to Mill hog feed fine

8 Wed Got Grist from B Addio Phillips here Fine

9 Thu Walter F Wood Went away (to B) R. Sanderson here Fine

10 Fri --- 5W " PM } " " went to Gananoque Belle (cow) up to Gananoque Fine

11 Sat Went to B Paid taxes 25.53 showery PM Jennie Wood here Fine AM

12 Sun Went to Maple Grove Mr Might Preached Rained D.J.W & I went up {illegible}

13 Mo Rained Jennie Wood went home snowed & rain Jennie & Mrs Chown to B } Finis cook house Window

14 Tu O -- 5W } Cold wind. Fine.

15 Wed ' -- 1F WS Fine

16 Thu C --- " " R Sanderson here Fine

17 Fri Got ready for market Oats & potatoes

Nov & Dec

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11-12 Train,____________ Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 18th Nov TO 6 Dec REMARKS.

18 Sat Went to Market Potatoes (47 cts) & Oats (35 cts) Trimmed Put down Grape vines Fine

19 Sun Went to S.H in A.M. & Bethel at 7 PM M Chown Preached

20 Mo 20 Revival Services going on yet Miss Winona Near here this evening

20 Mo Put batten on Cow Stable Glass front to stoop mild Fine Mr & Mrs Chown went away &c &c

21 Tu Went out to Back lot Fine Let lot to Mr Nichol

22 Wed Built fence around part of back lot Mr Nickel, Harry Nickel & Mr Fields helped Fine

23 Thu Bought colt of A Irelan $30.00 Fine Fixed up hen-house buggy house &c

24 Fri Cleaned up 12 bus of Oats & put up 4 bags Rose Potatoes Snowed services going on at Bethel yet

25 Sat Went to Brock to Market Potatoes & Oats Alva & F Ashley here (9.P.M)

26 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached

27 Mo Went to hear the Jubilee Singers fine Alva & Frank Ashley returned to Gananoque

28 Tu Fixed or put window in cow stable cleaned hot pen &c &c Fine

29 Wed Went to B got Mifs Elma Shipman to come & sow for Jennie } Mr Might sup minister here Fine

30 Thu Drew up bedding for stock Snow at evening cool

1st Fri Killed 3 hogs Fine J & H McLean helped

2 Sat Went to Market Pork 7.75 Per cwt (1 hog ) (328 lbs) stormy

3 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached Fine

4 Mo Stormed Went to B & got S.S.Library 44 vols

5 Tu Salted down Pork snow storm at night Fine most of day

6 Wed Helped R Stratton thresh Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,______________ Conductor,__________187 82

No of Car. FROM 7th Dec TO 26 Dec REMARKS.

7 Thu Finis threshing at R. Strattons B.C. Dixon here rough & stormy

8 Fri stormy Chored around Moved Pigs into old he{illegible} } 9th Mr Schofield dropped dead in Hunters meat shop

9 Sat Went to B P.M. B.C. Dixon went away Drew up straw for bedding Fine

10 Sun Went to Bethel stormy Went to J. Robertsons in evening Mr Chown preached

11 Mo Made & cut Sausage snowed husked 3 bags corn

12 Tu Made one horse blanket } Went to Murrays in evening Practice Fine

13 Wed Fixed horse-blanket Stormed most of day

14 Thu Went to B Husked corn Fine

15 Tu Practice at G. Daltons for S.S.Anniversary in evening Fine Husked corn

16 Sat Husked corn &c light snow

17 Sat Went to Hall Mr Lewis preached Fine

18 Mo # Fine Took sow to T Wilkinsons Put up potatoes & cleaned apples for Market

19 Tu Went to market - Fine got Potatoes .75 Per Oats .34 per bus home four

20 Wed Helped H McLean kill beef James, Edith & Lizzie Earl & Shep Mills here cold Fine Edith Murray & Lewis Manhard

21 Thu Chored around. Practice last night for entertainment

22 Fri Soft Went to B Got Goose from H Rath's

23 Sat Got Razor 2B Jas. H. Bell here Fine most of day

24 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached Fine

25 Mo At Jno Robertsons in PM & at Oyster supper in Baptist Church at night Fine

26 Tu Jennie & S Milks came home from Kemptville Fine

  1. Mrs Artemus Bissel buried today

Dec & Jan

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,______________ Conductor,__________187 82-83

No of Car. FROM 27th Dec TO 15 Jan 83 REMARKS.

27 Wed Took organ over to Bethel church went to Div Fine S.H. Milks here last night

28 Thu Tea-meeting in Bethel church at night Fine

29 Fri Fine Went to Mr Chown's in P.M. Rosanna Dalton died last night } helped clean church

30 Sat Got Div Organ & took it to Church (Bethel) Fine 2B Special Meeting at Div tonight

31 Thu Went to Rosanna Daltons funeral stormy Took Mr Archibald McDougal to B

1st Mo (Jan 1883) Pa & Ma came here from Gananoque Went to Rows Corners to vote Fine & pleasant

2 Tu Pa went back to Gananoque very Fine Took Ma to Nellie Robertsons

3 Wed Went out to back lot stormed & drifted very rough out there no ice under snow

4 Thu Choreing around Cold split wood

5 Fri Jas Bell started for B. & next day for here Fine but very cold

6 Sat Went to B got cutter fixed Pa came in evening Fine

7 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached Temperance

8 Mo Took Pa to B he went to Gananoque Drew up 1 load straw quite warm Sim Fraser & Frank Bradley here Snow

9 Tue Finis splitting wood. husked corn good sleighing nice day Fine

10 Wed Helped A. Irelan saw wood Fine at Div & Jas Robertsons in evening very cold

11 Thu Took a small load of straw to Mr Chown at Maitland Fine & cold

12 Fri Went to B in evening, Cold & clear water very low in creek & wells

13 Sat Stormed most of day soft Allan McLean & Mifs Erma Earl here

14 Sun Rev T.G.Williams preached Missionary sermon at Bethel Fine Pa came about 9 AM

15 Mo Took Pa & Ma to B (for Gananoque) Roads drifted Fine A. Simpson, L Manhard & Mifs Holland here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train,______________ Conductor, J.B.Fraser 187 83

No of Car. FROM 16 Jan TO 4th Feb REMARKS.

16 Tu Finis husking corn very fine & plesant Missionary meeting at Bethel Dept Messrs Brown & Gifford

17 Wed Heavy storm (snow) Cleaned up Mr McLean's grain (that I borrowed in fall)

18 Thu Shoveled snow off Ho Wood Waggon horse Fine : & cold about 9 or 10 inches deep

19 Fri Stormed Took Mr Jno & H McLeans grain home Fine part of day

20 Sat Drew up 3 loads straw 2B Fine rain at night

21 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached Sacrament administered after Preaching

22 Mo Went to Back lot & broke road into swamp Fine high cold wind

23 Tu Drew one load wood for Joseph White Fine visited at Mr Geo Simpsons in evening

24 Wed Went out to swamp in AM & to B P.M. Snowed anniversary at S of T Hall at night

25 Thu " " " " " " " & went to Edward Easton & Grace Robertsons Wedding in evening

26 Fri Clear cold & bright - Cleaned up Grain for market

27 Sat went to market - Stormy AM Fine P.M Oats .37 ct 6 bags & Barley .50 4 bags Fine

28 Sun At home all day ( except at S.H.) Fine Fine

29 Mo Cleaned & took to Mr Jno McNish 40 bus of Barley & Oats .01 per lb very fine day warm

30 Tu Cleared up & took to B 25 bus of oats at .37 Per bag Fine & warm day

31 Wed stormed Went to B Jennie Wood here warm AM cold at night

1st Feb Thu } Cleaned seed wheat 1st time Allan McLean here cold & windy Fine

2 Fri Helped Jno McLean Saw wood AM & Rob Stewart PM Went to Algonquin Fine Penny Readings

3 Sat " H " " " stormed most of day

4 Sun Took Jennie & Jennie Wood to B Fine Mr Chown took tea with me } at Bethel PM


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train,______________ Conductor, J.B.Fraser 187 83

No of Car. FROM 5th Feb TO 24th Feb REMARKS.

5th Mo Boiled on pot of feed for pigs stormed AM Fine most of day

6 Tu Filed cross-cut saw Fine

7 Wed Fine PM. rough & stormy AM cut & Split part of oak tree at creek

8 Thu Drifted & Stormed. Filed saw sorted Potatoes &c

9 Fri started for Andras Earls PM roads bad so stopped at J Robertsons Fine most of day

10 Sat Went to B P.M. Made Mr T Wood a visit Fine & cold

11 Sun Fine Went to B at night

12 Mo Drew up Oak tree from creek Went to B Missionary meeting Fine

13 Tu Went to Quarterly Official meeting 11 voted for & 2 against Union Fine

14 Wed Boiled on pot feed for hogs Fine Pa came here about 7 PM

15 Thu Pa went back to Gananoque Fine Snow very deep

16 Fri Went to Swamp } Jennie came home from Kemptville Mr & Miss Ashley here Rain

17 Sat Thawed 2B Alva came down here Fine day

18 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached Fine & nice weather roads bad

19 Mo Mr & Mifs Ashley & Alva went home Mifs Sarah Gilroy here fine 2B Boiled feed

20 Tu Went to Swamp got one load Fine most of day

21 Wed " " " " 2 loads 1 to Mr Hurds & one home stormy Went to Oyster supper at Stove's

22 Thu Snowed most of day, Boiled one pot of feed

23 Fri Drew two loads wood one home Fine Mr Blow & Mifs Moorhouse here

24 Sat Went to B Mr Philp & Mifs Laidley called Fine & cold Mr Blow & Mifs Moorhouse went away

Jennie & Allan McLean went to South Mountain


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 25th Feb TO 16th Mar REMARKS.

25 Sun Went to the Mr Shepperds Funeral

26 Mo Stormed most of the day Mifs Sarah Gilroy went to B Boiled one hot feed

27 Tu Fine, Cleaned Wheat. Pa & Mr Raymore here Mr Chown & Mifs Hammond here Fraser & Tennant running for MP here

28 Wed Pa went back to Gananoque Maggie V. Bell here Fine

1st March Thu } Fine Boiled Feed Cleaned Barn Floor cleaned up some rye

2 Fri Cleaned up Rye Fine went to penny reading

3 Sat Sold White Cow 29.00 & 43 Bus rye @ .60 Fine 2B at Jas Robertsons for evening

4 Sun Took Jennie F & Maggie V. Bell to B. Fine at Bethel Mr Chown preached

5 Mo Very Cold Boiled one pot feed Jennie & Maggie V Bell went to Gananoque

6 Tu Stormed most of day. Went to Jno Henry's sale Adam McGuin here

7 Wed Cleaned part of F Wheat Stormed & Blew very hard concession roads drifted today

8 Thu Cleaned rest of F Wheat 1st time Simeon Fraser here Fine

9 Fri Cleaned part " " " sec " Fine Boiled one pot of feed

10 Sat Stormy Jennie came home from Gananoque Finis F.W. 2nd time

11 Sun Stormed & drifted most of day at home all day

12 Mo Cleaned grain Stormy S. Dear brought one load manure & got some straw

13 Tu Went to B Wheat - 1.00 Per Bus $19.40 fine

14 Wed Cleaned grain Windy Fine

15 Thu Went to B Wheat & Rye $25.62 } Wht - 1.00 Rye .62

16 Fri Finis cleaning Wheat Stormy Mr & Mrs Raymore & 2 children here

March & April

(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 & 4 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 17th Mar TO 5th April REMARKS.

17 Sat 2B Paid Mr Rath $130.66 on acct of Back lot Stormed

18 Sun Stormed most of day at home all day

19 Mo " " " " Drew up 2 loads of straw Took 3500 cwt of hay to Mifs Stewarts weighed out 1/2 ton for Mrs Reynolds

20 Tu Took one Ton hay to Mr McEwans (Williams) Fine Robert Powell & Mr Keller here

21 Wed " " 1/2 " " " Mrs Reynolds Fine & Pleasant

22 Thu " 3850 lbs hay to Mr McCally Fine

23 Fri Went to B ot suit of Clothes & Overcoat Fine

24 Sat " " Kingston @ Aunt Catharines Jenny Wood here

25 Sun @ Aunt Catharines & Francis's for this evening Heard Mr Chant Preach at Glenvale

26 Mo at Uncle Jno's & called at M Raycrofts in Evening Jas Bell & M.V. Bell & 2 Fine

27 Tu " " " & Uncle Alex Light rain Maggie V Bell went to B Jas. V Bell took me in morning

28 Wed At Uncle Alex Met Rev Mr Brown Mr Topping Flora Sherwood & daughter here At mifsnionary meeting at night

29 Thu At Uncle Ms's Mr McCarthy & Mr Harder Fine John Heard has been here this week @ manure & wood

30 Fri Came to Westbrook with Francis Bell & from that AK. heard the Salvation Army @ Uncle W. Frasers

31 Sat Came Went down to Gananoque on No 3 Fine Uncle Jno Bell & Aunt Ellen drove down today

1st Sun Went to Ashleys in PM Fine Mr Bond preached in AM

2 Mo Came home from G. Frisk calved yesterday Fine

3 Tu Bess calved } Boiled feed } 2B fine

4 Wed Got grist from B } Jno Hard started for the N.W.T. Fine

5 Thu Rain Cleaned part of seed oats (Australian)


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train,______________ Conductor, JB Fraser 187 83

No of Car. FROM 6th April TO 25th April REMARKS.

6 Fri Cleaned up seed Barley & Otas Fine ground bare in spots , Snow overtop of garden fence

7 Sat Snowed most of A.M. Boiled one pot feed Lill calved -- AM killed the calf PM Fine PM

8 Sun at home all day roads very bad

9 Mo Drew out 3 loads manure A.M. Made hot bed PM Mr & Mrs Chown called Fine

10 Tu Went to B got tooth filled second time Sold X doz eggs (6 1/2) 20 Per doz } Can see picket tops of garden fence

11 Wed Moved & Picked over Burbank's (Potatoes) moved all the potatoes on account of water in cellar

12 Thu Put sleigh & cutter away smoked meat boiled one hot feed Star calved

13 Fri Cleaning up around yard Fine & Nice & warm Warm

14 Sat Trimmed apple trees 2B Fine Sold Dacon Skin .65

15 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown Preached Mifs Ida M Bellamy baptized

16 Mo Got Mr McCulley's boar. Drew 1 load straw (bedding) & 3 loads hay from U Barn to H stable } 2B got grass & Clover seed

17 Tu ' PM 1W } : Clover 3E NS } Fixed fence cut wood roads drying fast Fine

18 Wed C A & SM 1W } Helpd H McLean take down barn Fine

19 Thu C 1W } Rained most of day

20 Fri C 1W } Finished taking down H McLeans barn Fine

21 Sat 1WO -- AM } Helped raise barn at Ross's Fine PM

22 Sun } at S.H. Jas Robertson here Fine

23 Mo O 1W ---& ==} Gathered up brush in Orchard Fine

24 Tu ' PM -- 2W } Drew 3 1/2 loads manure on to garden (back of H Pen) Flurries of snow PM Fine AM

25 Wed Drew out 12 loads manure 4E Fine 2 1/2 in snow fell last night --


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4-5 Train,______________ Conductor, JB Fraser 187 83

No of Car. FROM 26th April TO 15th May REMARKS.

26 Thu ' -- 2W } Cut Oak tops} Took hay to Mr Chown Rain in evening

27 Fri ' -- 2W Cut Oak tree tops Fine sold 3 calves to Mr Wright $10.00

28 Sat C AM -- 2W } Helped raise R.E. Stewarts barn P.M. Fine got 1 bus Early Ohio Potatoes H. Caldwell

29 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Chown preached Joined after Service Fine

30 Mo : == PM 1W } Drew 8 loads rails for No 4W Fine

+ 1st Tu May } 0 == 1W } : & == 1/2 2W } Took Mr McMullens pig home Fine & warm

2 Wed M 1/2 2W 0 == 2W 1 1/2 -- } M 1W } Fine most of day showery at night sowed piece of Onions

3 Thu Rained most of day Drew 3 loads manure 4E Pa came here from Gan 0 M 1W

4 Fri Took 35 bus grain to Brockville Mill Fine put up 10 bu Burbank seedlings Pa went back to G

5 Sat Rain AM } ' -- 4W } Got Dan shod

6 Sun Went to Quarterly Meeting Algonquin Fine Cherry calved (killed on the 7th)

7 Mo shipped 2 Pig and 5 sacks Potatoes to Gananoque Went to Quarterly meeting @ Algonquin Fine

8 Tuesday Drew Rails & stove for No 4W, fence

9 Wed C -- 4W } Put up fence 4W }

10 Thu Drew 11 loads Manure} Mr Jno McNish Killed with lightning 6 PM shower at night Had Grey Colt altered Fine

11 Fri : 1/2 No 4W & == it } Helped Mr Byers raise stable 10 -- 4W windy Fine

12 Sat : No 4W 0 & 0 == } Put up part line fence E Side back lot Fine

13 Sun at Jno McNish's funeral at Bethel & Fairfield with Mr Chown Fine. Gyp calved

14 Mo Drew out 6 loads Manure } 0 Fence Back lot Fine

15 Tu -- & :: & == Little Orchard (oats & Barley) Fine Drew out 5 loads manure

+ Last of snow disappeared yesterday

May & June

(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 & 6 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187

No of Car. FROM 16th May TO 4th June REMARKS.

16 Wed ' -- 4E Have had night frosts regular so far Fine

17 Thu : : 8 bush Australian & == them in PM 5W -- C 4E NS

18 Fri :: 8 bus Australian Oats == 5W Fine cut Potatoes &c

19 Sat == NS4E Potato ground } Fine nice & warm today for the first

20 Sun Fine at S. H. nice day

21 Mo Rained most of day Drew out 1 load manure scraped Barn yard cut Potatoes

22 Tu Drew out 2 loads manure put up 32 bus wheat in mill rained most of day

23 Wed Rained A & PM. } 2B } Ground very wet

24 Thu Attended trial of J L Wood at Algonquin H McLean & 2 together Fine

25 Fri C -- 4E } commenced to dig cellar drain Fine

26 Sat Went to Mill Lyn 32 bus wheat sold @ 1.07 Per bus Fine rain at night

27 Sun Went to Bethel Ch. Mr Chown Preached Mr Chown here all night Fine rain at night

28 Mo Drew out 3 loads manure Fine. light shower in morning Changed part fence WS No 3W

29 Tu Rain AM Moved fence PM (3E) Ma came here from Gananoque

30 Wed Made part fence between Orchard & yard heavy rain at night

31 Worked at fence stakes &c 4W SS got hinges wire &c 2B

Ist Tu O -- 4E At Cellar drain Fine

+ 2 Sat Finis fence (Board, between Orchard & yard) Fine made gate Dug at cellar drain

3 Sun Pa here Jno McLean been sick most of week Fine

4 Mo W O :: S 1/2 of 4E & == 2 ways Pa went back to G == Planting ground

+ Pa & Lewella Miller came here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 5th June TO 24th June REMARKS.

5 Tu O == 4E & ridged up planting ground Fine

+ 6 Wed Commenced to plant potatoes 2B Jennie sick with Diptheria } C -- 1E WS

7 Thu Planting Potatoes } Fine } O -- 1E WS

8 Fri " " " } O 1E WS } :: Barley No 1E WS == 1st + past 2nd time

9 Sat " " " rain at night } seeded 1E WS O == it cut waterfurrows

10 Sun Mr Chown preached farewell sermon at Bethal Fine Jennie getting over Diptheria

11 Mo O Planting potatoes. Planted corn Fine

12 Tu O Planting Corn. Hoed early potatoes Fine

13 Wed Took Ma to B (for Gananoque) Fine Hoed Potatoes

14 Thu Pa here from G O hoeing Early Potatoes

15 Fri helped Mr H McLean PM Moving Buildings Fine Moved rails from No 1E to 4WE

16 Sat " " " " " " " Drew stone & Posts for fence 4E Fine

17 Sun Went to Maitland { Mr Chown's last sermon as pastor

18 Mo Helped H McLean Move Building (Pig Barn) rained very heavy

19 Tu Went to B Got Factory Check cashed $31.83 Fine Put up fence 4E WS

20 Wed Finis fence 4E WS } ' -- W 1/2 No 2 W for buckwheat Fine

21 Thu C -- W 1/2 2S PM Fine } Got load of house hold stuff cutter &c home from Maitland for Mr Chown

22 Fri O -- 2W WS } Helped at raising H McLeans barn cow & stable Fine Hot

23 Sat O :: 2B & == Buckwheat ground 2W WS Fine 2B Pa here from Gananoque

24 Sun Heard Mr Raine preach } Rev Mr. Simpson at Bethel with Raine

+ took Lewella Miller to B & sent her to Gananoque

June & July

(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 & 7 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 25th June TO 14th July REMARKS.

25 Mo Commenced road work Fine } Pathmaster Jno Stewart Pa went back to Gananoque

26 Tu at Roadwork AM. Rain P.M. } Got waggon fixed

27 Wed Finis road work AM showery } W Corn ground too wet to Plow 5W Fixed Pump

28 Thu Straightening up things around the house Rev SD Chown & Stewart here

29 Fri Went to Kemptville with one load furniture for Mr Chown Pa here to do the work Fine heavy shower 6 PM

30 Sat " " Josiah Renders Fine

1st Sun July } At Van Camps Church Mr Stewart preached Fine

2 Mo Came home Pa went to Gananoque Fine

3 Tu + Potatoes & Corn } O Hilling Potatoes Little Orchard Fine

4 Wed O time Corn 4E NS } Rained most of AM hoed PM

5 Thu O == Potatoes 1st time 4E WS } Fine } 2B evening } O --/ corn

6 Fri Hoed Potatoes Fine & warm Cleaning Cellar PM

7 Sat " " A.M. Very heavy rain P.M. Finis cleaning cellar AM & Paris Greened Potato bugs (Early)

8 Sun Mr Simpson preached 1st sermon at Bethel at Jas Robertsons Fine

9 Mo W acre & 2E WS Fine

10 Tu O --/ Potatoes Raked acre & 2E WS Fine

11 Wed Cocked hay Uncle Jno Fraser & Alida Render here Fine

12 Thu Uncle Jno F & Alida went to Gananoque Put Paris Green on Potatoes Drew in 3 loads Hay acre Fine

13 Fri Heavy shower last night & light showers today Got 2 shoes on Dan

14 Sat Fine Uncle Jno & Alida came here from Gananoque

14 Francis Coleman came here 2B

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 & 8 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 15th July TO REMARKS.

15 Sun Rain Uncle Jno & Alida Render went home

16 Mo -- Potatoes one way N&S } Drew in 2 loads hay 2E WS water lying on ground

17 Tu Light Shower AM Fine PM } Drew in 7 loads hay 2E WS

18 Wed -- out & hilled Potatoes & corn showery

19 Hilled Potatoes & corn showery

20 Fri " " W 1E ES Pa here 2 hours from G. P.T. Barnums show in town today Fine

21 Sat Took a load of Cheese to B (33) Cocked up hay 1E ES (Fred Bell (Mountain) came here the 20th

22 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached

23 Mo Drew in 13 1/2 loads hay 1E ES H McLean & McCready helped Fine

24 Tu W Orchard } O --/ Potatoes & corn } Raked orchard Fine

25 Wed W S 1/2 3E } Drew in 3 loads (orchard) Fine

26 Thu Drew in 7 loads hay 3E SS P.M very fine hay day } Cocked it up AM

27 Fri Drew in 2 loads hay from 3E SS } O it Fine } W 1/2 E 1/2 2E light shower at night

28 Sat showery Took 30 bus grain to Mill at B

29 Sun At home shower

30 Mo O 2E ES W } Showery } Fixed shed for hay

31 Tu went to B shingled barn (in patches)

1st Wed Went to Ice Cream Social at Hall Drew up straw for bedding

2 Thu Raked & cocked up part no 2E ES PM light showers

3 Fri O cocking hay 2E ES } W Wheat 3E NS (Fall) rain

Uncle Jno Fraser & Olive here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 4th Aug TO 23rd REMARKS.

4 Sat C W wheat showery at B Uncle Jno F Olive & I

5 Sun Uncle Jno Fraser & I to Pres church AM & at International C - ground PM Ma came here AM } rain }

6 Mo " " " & Olive went home O W & Binding Rye & wheat } Drew in 2 loads hay 5E & 2 loads 2E ES

7 Tu Drew in 11 loads hay 2E ES Fine

8 Wed " " " 2 " " " " " " 3 " Rye 3E NS O Haying

9 Thu " " 6 loads F. Wheat Fine Ma went to Gananoque

10 Fri Drew in Rakings of wheat Fine Drew oats in (little orchard)

11 Sat Fine Sow had 10 Pigs 2B hot weather

12 Sun " 2nd " " 9 " Jennie & H Dougall } 13th nellie Robertson here H. Dougall went away

13 Mo Made Gate (road) for No 1W 2B Choreing & straightening things up Fine

14 Tu Hung road gate No. 1W made part of collar Drain cut weeds in front of place farm Fine

15 Wed W No 2W ES Barley & oats & W & bound up 4 1/2 ac oats 1W Fine H McLean R. McCready helped bind}

16 Thu O W Binding & stooking up oats 1W

17 Fri Geo Ward here cocked up Barley & oats 2W

18 Sat 2B to market light showers Potatoes onions Beans Butter & Eggs

19 Sun Jennie & F Coleman went to Maple Grove Fine Geo Ward went home to Q - Meeting

20 Mo Drew in 2 loads oats & Barley 2W ES F.PM Went to Quar Official Meeting Shower AM

21 Tu " " 4 " " " " " " " Fine

22 Wed Went to Harvest Dinner at Chippenhook N. Augusta Fine

23 Thu Aunt Ellen Bell & nellie & Mrs Raycroft & Jennie Put chip dirt around bushes Fine here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83


24 Fri Drew in 8 loads oats 1W Took Aunt Ellen & Mrs Raycroft to Jas Robertsons & brought Nellie home with me Fine

25 Sat Drew in 2 loads oats 1W Fine Alva & Wife here for 3 hours Aunt Ellen & {illegible} to B

26 Sun Fine At S. of T Hall Mr Lewis preached & at S. School Bethel

27 Mo Helped Mr H McLean mow oats Fine

28 Tu W 5W NS Cut oats rain at night Fine most of day 29 Wed C W " " P.M. Rained most of day

30 Thu 2B Fine O W 5W PM

31 Fri Cocked up oats AM 5W & W & bound oats PM 4?W W. Dalton helped Fine

1st Sept Sat } W 5W O Flora } Binding 4W O Sherwood & } W 2W WS Buckwheat Jos Miller here Fine

2 Sun Went to International Camp ground Fine most of day rain at night

3 Mo O W Buckwheat 2W WS Fine Richard Macready helped bind

4 Tu 2B got 200 wt of provender & bran rain PM Turned over oats 5W Fine AM

5 Wed shook out oats & cocked part of them up 5W Fine but not a drying day

6 Thu Drew in 6 loads oats 5W 2B in evening Pa & Ma came down from Gananoque Fine

7 Fri Got in 3 loads (2 1/2 4W & 1/2 5W AM Raked 4W & hay - 5W cloudy

8 Sat Rainey. Got Dan shod. 2B. Traded heifer for lambs & sheep Boiled 1 hot feed

9 Sun At S. H. very cold & windy water frozen at night or mo morning

10 Mo Drew in 3 loads oats 1, 4W (rakings) Pa went back to Gan 1E WS Barley & oats Fine & 2SW

11 Tu O W 1E WS Fine } raking 5W & Just rakings in barn Mr & Mrs Bigg here

12 Wed Took 1100 lbs hay to Mr Bigg Fine Bound up Barley & oats No 1E WS Robert Stewart helped


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,______________ Conductor, __________187 83

No of Car. FROM 13th Sept TO 2nd Oct REMARKS.

13 Thu Stooked up Barley & oats No 1E WS O W oats No 4E SS Fine

14 Fri Cut corn 4E NS Fine

15 Sat " " " " went to Market Pigs 1.00 to 1.25 each apples .75 Butter .25 fowls 50 cts

16 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine

17 Mo ' -- AM 1W } Bound Corn P.M. } Helped H McLean thresh Fine

18 Tu ' AM -- 1W " " " Drew in 3 loads oats P.M. 2 Russels helped this week Fine

19 + Wed Jno McLean thresh Drew in 7 loads oats & Barley Helped H. McLean Finish & Robt E Stewart thresh (yesterday) Almaran Shipman helped

20 Thu Jno McLean finis threshing Drew in 3 loads Buckwheat Fine C -- 1W

21 Fri O Harvesting rakings 1E WS } C -- 1W Fine Mrs Thos Wo{illegible} here

22 Sat 2B Fine O -- 1W Jas Bell (Montreal) here

23 Sun Took Nellie Robertson home Fine

24 Mo O -- 1W } Got 7 bags grain from H. McLean rainey PM Drew out 1 load manure

25 Tu Drew out 6 loads manure P.M. rain in morning Fine most of day

26 Wed Drew out 20 loads manure Fine on 1W

27 Thu Drew out 4 loads manure A Shipman helped }:: 3 bus F wheat 1W Fine

29 28 Fri Sat } O == & :: Grasse seed 1W } 2B P. M. FH Beer & wife started for home

28 29 Sat == 2nd time O 1st & O :: 1W } 3 bus wheat & 4 bu Rye Hiram Bell went to B.} Alva & wife here 2B Fine

30 Sun At Bethel Nellie Robertson here

1st Mo Alva Pa & I to B AM Alva & wife went to Kingston Boiled 1 Pot feed Fine

2 Tu Rained Most of day chored around

+ FH Beer & Wife here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,______________ Conductor, Fraser187 83

No of Car. FROM 3rd Oct TO REMARKS

3 Wed Pa to Gananoque At Algonquin for threshers Alva & Eleanor came from Kingston

4 Thu At Kingston Fair Fine

5 Fri Took one load hay to B. Fine PM Came down from Kingston

6 sat Took 10 bus grain to Mill Helped unpack Household goods in B Fine

7 Sun At home Ma & Pa here, Alva & wife in town Fine

8 Mo Alva commenced business in Brockville Helped unpack goods & clean house Fine

9 Tu In town at Bakery } Fine } J Mo ' dig Potatoes

10 Wed " " " came home at night Fine

11 Thu Dug Potatoes Fine

12 Fri Helped A Irelan thresh rain

13 Sat Rain Dug Potatoes

14 Sun To Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine

15 Mo Dug Potatoes Fine Frost last night

16 Tu " " Fine } Helped A Irelan thresh PM

17 Wed O " " Jno Stewart " Fine

18 Thu Helped Jno Stewart thresh AM & threshed at home PM high south wind

19 Fri Threshed AM & 2B PM Shower at night (Alex Wright & Chad Simpson threshers)

20 Sat Took 20 bus Provender to Mill & 10 bus oats for Alva Fine

21 Sun at Home Fine

22 Mo Drew in 52 bus Burbank Potatoes Fine Cleaned up 46 1/2 bus oats A Shipman helped Mr & Mrs Knapp & Mr & Mrs Gilroy here.

Oct & November

(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 & 10 Train,______________ Conductor, JB Fraser187 83

No of Car. FROM 23rd Oct TO 4 Nov REMARKS

23 Tu 2B Oats 46 1/2 bus @ 38 A.M. Fine Drew in 15 bus Burbanks & 20 L Rose

24 Wed Drew in 5 loads coarn & took a load of hay to Alva PM

25 Thu In Brockville P.M. Boiled feed &c AM Fine

26 Fri Fixed Henhouse: Fine Ma here Chored around & fixed up for winter

27 Sat Fine Boiled one pot feed. Drew up bedding Went to Factory with mild C Cleaned hog pens

28 Sun at Bethel Mr Simpson preached 2B in evening Dr Meachans spoke Fine

29 Mo ' -- 4W SS AM Rain PM

30 Tu Light shower AM Put window in H. stable showery PM Fine

31 Wed C --- 4W Fine } Florence Sherwood here

1st Thu Nov } at Factory with Milk in Morning } Plowed 4W O N & S pieces

2 Fri Took horse in town } not feeling well did not do much

3 Sat Boiled 1 pot feed 2B Fine } Uncle James Bell here

4 Sun Pa, Ma & Uncle James Bell went to B in eve Fine

5 Mo Took Milk to Factory Husked corn AM ' -- 4E

6 Fri Went to Algonquin with Bread Fine

7 Wed ' -- 4E nice day Took milk

8 Thu C -- 4E Fine & warm

9 Fri 2 Algonquin with bread heavy rain PM & thunder shower

10 Sat 2B Fine Pulled beets & husked corn Boiled 1 pot feed

11 Sun 2 Bethel Mr Simpson preached Warm Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No.___ Train,______________ Conductor,_________ 187 83

No of Car. FROM 12 Nov TO REMARKS

12 Mo Hail last night, Cold freezing wind today Drew up wood Fine

13 Tu About 4 in snow fell today Boiled feed Husked corn Got more wood up shed &c

14 Wed Went to Algonquin with bread. Cold not stormy

15 Thu Killed 1 Pig for ourselves 2 for Jno McLean Went to S of T hall in even to Dr Kings Lecture Fine

16 Fri Snowstorm last night cutters & sleighs out today in B helping Pa & Alva Fine

17 Sat Quite nice sleighing } 2B Pa & Ma here at night Fine Boiled 1 hot feed

18 Sun } Fine & warm } Snow disappears } Nellie Robertson here

19 Mo Went to Back Lot & to Quar Official Meeting Fine & warm drove out with buggie

20 Tu Boiled 1 pot feed. Went to Algonquin with bread Snow most all off } We've had a S wind for 3 days

21 Wed } Commenced to deliver Bread in town no snow rainey } Henry White doing chores

22 Thu Helped Deliver bread Fine Maggie came from Prince Albert

23 Fri Sorted & put up Onions } Jennie & Maggie to B road in town bad on account of w. work

24 Sat 2B with Onions 60 Per bus } Boiled 1 pt feed neighbours plowing on 2 {illegible} Fine day

25 Sun 2 Bethel Mr Simpson preached Fine day

26 Mo Killed 2 hogs helped Stewart & H McLean Heavy rainstorm is evening & al night roads Muddy {Stratton \

27 Tu Salted Pork Cleaned Pig pens &c PM 2B & Algonquin with bread PM

28 Wed Started to Deliver Bread in B roads quite hard Fine

29 Thu Rained & afterward turned colder Delivering Bread

30 Fri Some snow in AM A few cutters & light rigs out

1st Dec Sat Snowed at night Fine most of day Snider Simpson called in evening (at farm)


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,______________ Conductor,_________ 187 83

No of Car. FROM Dec 2nd TO 21st REMARKS

2 Sun at School house in AM In town in evening Fine

3 Mo Baked two batches Delivering bread zero

4 Tu " " " " " zero

5 Wed Baked two batches today Quite good sleighing Fine

6 Thu Run off one batch today Fine Snow disappearing

7 Fri Used sleigh delivering in AM & waggon in PM Fine day

8 Sat Roads breaking up & snow all gone Delivered 3 1/2 waggon loads Muddy Fine

9 Sun at Geo St Meth Church in AM & home P.M. Ma not well. Dr Van out to see her Fine

10 Mo Used waggon for delivering roads frozen hard Fine

11 Tu In town AM & to Algonquin P.M. Fine cold

12 Wed Threshed remainder of Wheat, Rye, Oats & Barley Ma very sick 2B for Alva Edna & Pa

13 Thu Finis threshing (Oats & Barley & Buckwheat) Fine Worked in town today Broke waggon arm & axle

14 Fri Drs Jones & Van + here to see Ma H McLean Ploughed Baked 2 Batches Fine roads very hard

15 Sat Broke hind axle arm Bread waggon Ma slightly better but very low Froze hard last night Fine

16 Sun At Sunday school. AM & 2B in evening

17 Mo 2 Batches today Fine Ma getting better

18 Tu Pa went to Algonquin with bread heavy flurry of snow about noon

19 Wed 2 Batches today roads smoothing somewhat

20 Thu 1 Batch " Ma some better Fine

21 Fri 2 Batches " Allan McLean back again Fine

December & January

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 & 1 Train,______________ Conductor,_________ 187 83/4

No of Car. FROM Dec 22nd TO Jan 10th REMARKS

22 Sat 2 Batches today, had Swain Most all wekk. Fine & very cold Came out home in evening & went to H McLeans

23 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine & cold drove cutter

24 Mo Baked 2 batches Fine Delivered Bread for Xmas

25 Tu Jennie was married to Allan McLean Frankie McLean & Myself watiers Mr Mrs & Philanders McLean here Fine

26 Wed Allan & Jennie went to started for Syracuse yesterday at delivering yet

27 Thu Baked one batch today Good sleighing Fire at McEwen & storehouse

28 Fri Baked 2 batches Ma able to sit up a short time

29 Sat " " " In evening at school meeting was appointed trustee Fine

30 Sun The St Lawrence Hall burned this morning stormed in evening } at Wall St Ch in evening

31 Mo Baked 2 Batches & had all bread on hand but sold out clean Fine

1st Jan Took some bread to stores & to Algonquin Jennie & Allan home form Syracuse Elenor home

2 Wed Stormed hard Baked 2 batches

3 Thu Baked 2 Batches in PM had a blizzard wind blew 40 miles per hour

4 Fri Wind blew very hard snow drifted 7 feet deep in places

5 Sat Baked 2 batches Fine & cold came out to farm in evening

6 Sun Cold at S - H & Wall St Methodist Ch PM

7 Mo 2 Batches about 40 Pans each sold about all of it Election day Cold & fine

8 Tu Stormed heavily all afternoon roads blocked

9 Wed Baked 2 batches Stormed roads bad

10 Thu " 1 batch Fine Trains delayed with snow

January 1884

(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train, storm Conductor,_________ 187 84

No of Car. FROM Jan 11th TO Jan 31st REMARKS

Jan 11th Fri Stormed P.M. 16 of a load of us went out to S of T Hall in eve

12 Sat Fine Quite a large Market - 2 Batches cold

13 Sun at Geo St Met Ch in AM & Baptist PM & Evangelical meeting in Victoria Hall stormy all day

14 Mo Delivered in AM at home P.M. Fine

15 Tu Went to Algonquin with bread at 8 AM Then was 18 below 0 at 8 PM 22 Fine

16 Wed Took Jennie's Organ & Oak Household goods to B to ship to Friend Neb. Fine No McLean here

17 Thu Cleaned up 6 bus Buck (4 for H McLean) & 20 bus oats cold wind stormed

18 Fri Took Hay grain & Potatoes to bakery stormed & drifted

19 Sat Took 25 bus oats to Brockville got 40 cts Allan & Jennie here also Harry Rowsom & wife Fine

20 Sun Allan & Jennie, Maggie, Frankie McLean, Wm & Ally Maxwell, Herb & Emma Dunham & I went to Bethel

21 Took Allan & Jennie to B (starting for Friend Neb) Mrs Sam Dean here Fine Ther 0/10 morn 8 eve

22 Tu 2B & to Maitland with bread rough & stormy roads drifted badly

23 Wed Started for Back lot but on acct of storm turned back stormed most of day H Frank & Mrs McLean here

24 Thu Stormed hard all day roads drifted badly visited at H McLeans

25 Fri Fine. Drew apple tree to wood shed & cleaned up 24 bus oats Jno Murphy's child dead yesterday Ther 0/23 0/18 PM

26 Sat 2B Oats, 48 & Buckwheat (60) Fine Got pants & vest (tweed from M White)

27 Sun at S.H. roads bad - blocked with snow Ther below zero all day Fine

28 Mo Drew up straw for cattle, stormed most of day Jno Murphy lost 3 children lately by Diptheria

29 Tu Went to Algonquin with Bread Fine Took Ma & Maggie to B keeping house alone

30 Wed Rain snow settling some, cleaning up another of Jno Murphy's children buried yesterday (3 in all)

31 Thu Broke road down to creek & got 1 tree Fine wrm wind

Febuary 1884

(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train, storm Conductor,_________ 187 84

No of Car. FROM 1st Feb TO REMARKS

1st Fri Put up Potatoes & Oats for B Fine & Cold Light Snow last night

2 Sat Fine most of day Mended bags PM Took " " " " to B. light flurry of Snow in morning

3 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached & to B Mr Bland Preached stormed at S-H in morn

4 Mo Cleaned up 41 bus Rye Cold wind Fine drifted

5 Tu Went to Algonquin Bread rained most all day Took out 112 loaves

6 Wed Cold stormed some Choreing around & cleaning Pantry

7 Thu went to B with Rye 36 bus sold for .60 cts Per bus very fine day roads pretty good

8 Fri Put Bob-sleighs together stormed

9 Sat Stormy (Frozen rain) Took petition around (about school) 2B Maggie came one with me in eve

10 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Burnfield Preached Mr Dudley's childs funeral sermon I & to Maitland Mr Wright {illegible}

11 Mo Went to Town Hall in Augusta with Petition Jno Stewart - & 2 about school cold wind Fine

12 Tu Went to Algonquin with bread stormed drifted

13 Wed Soft Rained got up some wood from creek Went to party at Albert Burritts

14 Thu Cut wood filed saw ground axe &c &c warm most of day Froz hard at night

15 Fri Went to Back lot got one load for R Stewart (from their place) Fine nice day

16 Sat Got 1 load for Robt E Stewart Fine 2B Ma & Pa came out tonight

17 Sun Went to Quarterly Meeting Fine & warm AM H & Mrs H McLean Jno McLean Mrs Dunham Maggie & I rain PM

18 Mo Went to B Oats & Hay rain Mr & Mrs McLean & Frankie here

19 Tu Went to Algonquin with Bread roads drifted & soft

20 Wed Took Pork out of Barrels washed it cold wind Took Maggie to Mr Hurds

Febuary & March

(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 & 3 Train,_______ Conductor,_________ 187 84

No of Car. FROM 21st Feb TO 9 Mar REMARKS.

21 Thu smoked meat Hitched up colt (Nix) 1st time to sleigh Fine

22 Fri Took 22 bus Barley & oats to H McLean & 4 3/4 bus Rye to Jno McLeans

23 Sat Cold & fine to Mr Maxwell's in eve Put on 2nd lot meat to smoke

24 Sun Went to Maitland Fine H McLean drew Maggie Mrs Frank & 2 {illegible}

25 Mo Went to Swamp & got 2 loads wood Fine

26 Tu Went to Algonquin Rained

27 Wed Went to back loat & got 2 loads wood Went to necktie social at Maitland ~ &2

28 Thu Stormed Went to B Nellie F came home with me

29 Fri Stormed & drifted badly { 22 of a load from town here} cut wood &c

1st Mar 1884 2 B took in 4 1/2 bus Potatoes Fine

2 Tu Went to Algonquin with bread took a surpiise part from 3rd street 23 in all

3 Wed Went to woods & got 2 loads Fine

4 2 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached Fine

3 Mo Went to A Council at New Dublin with school Petition Maggie went to Montreal

4 Tu Went to Algonquin with Bread had a surprise party from the 3rd 23 of them

5 Wed Went to Swamp got 2 loads Fine

6 Thu " " " " " " stormed in AM Fine PM

7 Fri roads drifted up did not go to swamp

8 Sat Stormed most of the day

9 Sun Stormed. At SH


(Bk. 28.)

No. ______ Train,_______ Conductor,_________ 187 84

No of Car. FROM 10 Mar TO REMARKS.

10 Mo stormed last night Fine today Roads nearly Blocked with snow com to clean wheat smoked meat

11 Tu Went to Algonquin with Bread Rained

12 Wed Cleaned up rest of Wheat Rained AM Fine PM Star calved 2B in evening smoked meat

13 Thu Went to Lyn with wheat got 1.05 Per bus Fine went to Hall to necktie & sugar-party & coming home

14 Fri Helped Robt. E. Stewart saw wood Fine Went to Mr Dunhams in evening

15 Sat Went to Market with Meat (Pork) Five Hams 12 1/2, side 12 1/2 shoulders 10, Paid last Payment on back lot $123.56

16 Sun Thos & Sam Bell here Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached Fine

17 Mo Helped Jno Stewart saw AM. stormed fine in evening

18 Tu Went to Algonquin with Bread Fine

19 Wed Took 2 Pigs to B & got 1 load Manure rained P.M. Fine AM

20 Thu Snow AM Put up grist 37 bus Fine PM

21 Fri Drew up 4 loads hay from shed to H stable in PM Fine

22 Sat Went to Market (meat) & to mill 37 bus Provender Fine sleighing bad

23 Sun at S-H roads very soft

24 Mo Drew up rest of hay from shed Fine roads bad no good waggoning or sleighing

25 Tu Went to Algonquin with bread Fine 2B with waggon & to Algonquin with sleigh

26 Wed Loaded up hay for Alva Boiled Feed cleaned Pig Pen (partly on acct of frost) cut wood

27 Thu Took hay to bakery roads bad Fine Lill calved

28 Fri " 1 load to B 1590 @ 8.00 per ton rain at night Fine

29 Sat " " " " Chemical Works 1560 @ 8.00 Pr ton Got suit of clothes Boots shirts &c &c


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train,_______ Conductor,_________ 187 84

No of Car. FROM 30 Jan TO REMARKS.

30 Sun At S.H. Did not go to Bethel Fine most of day

31 Mo Fine day 2B Hay, got married in evening to Frances Sarah McLean

1st Tu Went to Prescott to Ogdensburg & from there to Syracuse to J.W. Millers very fine

2 Wed At Uncle W Millers, snowed

3 Thu " " " " Snowed at auction sale near Uncle's

4 Fri Went to Syracuse with Uncle Fine roads not good at Syr

5 Sat Snowed at Uncle's yet some sleighs running

6 Sun At church & S. School at Lafayette Fine

7 Mo went to Syracuse & from there to Oswego Fine at Geo Bells

8 Tu Stopping at Geo W. Bells U.S. Fine

9 Wed Left Oswego & went to Watertown Fine Geo Bell & wife went with us.

10 Thu Came from from Watertown Fine most of ime & our trip Ma not well

11 Fri Cleaned stove pipes & chimney fixed Rocking chair Moved Franks Piano here & got 2 heifers along with it

12 Sat Straightened up around house & barn Fine roads Muddy & soft

13 Sun At Bethel Mr Simpson preached & in town in evening Fine

14 Mo Fine & Warm Pa & Uncle Jno Bell here Put bees out doors

15 Tu Rain, Filed saw, cut wood Took down glass windows

16 Wed Took down stove Showery tonight (Light) 4 cows milking commenced to send to Factory on Monday

17 Thu Fixed pump Boiled feed, Fixed churn-dash Fine pruned trees

18 Fri Went to B got wall-paper clover-seed &c Misty Drove Grey cold to town 1st time

April & May

(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train,_______ Conductor,_________ 187 .


19 Sat Got White heifer calf from Jno McLean Fine cut sprouts & trimmed snow apple tree

20 Sun Went to SH Erasters Render Nellie & Alva here Fine went to B in evening

21 Mo Got 1 load manure from B Fine

22 Tu Cut wood, Fixed up fence, &c Fine Cut Black Knots from cherry trees

23 Wed Got 1 load Manure from B Fine

24 Thu Burnt limbs Black Knots &c Gyp calved Fine

25 Fri Made soap P.M. Jno Schofield came here seeded 1W with clover Fine AM

26 Sat Went to B Fine Cut wood in PM

27 Sun At S.H & at Bethel Mr Simpson preached Pearl Fine

28 Mo Drew out 4 loads Manure P.M. ' -- 3E SS Fine Boiled feed Cool Killed Pearl's calf

29 Tu " " 7 " " AM ' -- 3E SS PM

30 Wed " " 5 " " ' -- 3E SS Fine Lilly calved Killed it

1st Thu May " " 1 " " } C -- 3E SS Fine

2 Fri O -- 3E SS Fine } very high wind most of day blew over corn -crib & blew barn door off

3 Sat 2B got 3 bus wheat ground for calves Fine O spreading manure 4W SS

4 Sun At S.H in AM Fine at home rest of day

5 Mo Rain AM Cleaned up seed oats } C -- 4W PM & Put up part line fence

6 Tu O __ 4W AM 2 == & :: 3E SS PM Fine 14 bus Oats

7 Wed O -== 3E SS Rain Got Flora shod Melted Beeswax

8 Thu C -- 4E Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train,_______ Conductor,_________ 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 9th TO 28th REMARKS.

9 Fri C -- 4E Rain at night loaded - a load hay

10 Sat O -- 4E 2B with hay

11 Sun At Bethel in Evening @ 7.PM Mr Simpson Preached Took Dinner in town

12 Mo :: oats & == once 4E } F } at Algonquin Quar board

13 Tu O == 4E Fine most of day Rain at night

14 Wed == & Ridged up Potato ground 4W SS Ma & Maggie here 2B Fine

15 Thu Commenced to plant Potatoes Rose 4W SS rain at night Fine most all day 2B 1 load Manure

16 Fri Finis planting Early Rose 4W SS cool & damp Got one load manure from B

17 Sat Put manure on & -- garden ~~ AM Drew out 6 loads manure on 4W NS PM Fine

18 Sun At S.H. Jno Murphy's Children's funeral sermon Preached at church Fine

19 Mo Drew out 8 loads manure 4W & 1 load from B shower at night

20 Tu Rained C -- 4W spread manure

21 Wed O -- & == 4W & ridged part of it up Fine

22 Thu Went to B -- 5W } Got David McCardnay } ridging O W 4W NS Fine

23 Fri C -- 5W 2 Teams Fine

24 Sat C -- 5W " " "

25 Sun At SH & Bethel Mr Simpson Preached

26 Mo O -- 5W & == 1 3/4 times Fine :: oats 5W

27 Tu O == 5W } Corn to plant Burbanks (Potatoes) Fine

28 Wed O Planting Potatoes Fine 2B


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 & 7 Train,_______ Conductor,_________ 18784 .

No of Car. FROM May 29th TO June 17th REMARKS.

29 Thu Cut wood in AM hard frost last night ice 3/16 in thick } made part of mild stand & drew manure in little orchard PM

30 Fri Drew manure in & -- little orchard } O Fine Fixed gat & bars milk stand by corn-crib

31 Sat Got 1 load manure from B } Planted sweet corn in little orchard sowed oats Fine

1st June Sun } Mr Chown preached at Bethel PM June } 31 carrots & beets sowed mangolds

2 Mo ' -- 1W started to build hen yard built calf Run

3 Tu ' -- 1W Plowed with colt Nell Mare to Algonquin Making hen-house

4 Wed C -- Pa & Ma here warm day fixed over Fence (lane) Fine

5 Thu C -- 1W went up river Picknicking

6 Fri O -- 1W Fine but very hot

7 Sat O -- 1W & == it Fine Ther 87 {symbol for degrees} ] to B & got lath for hen house & finished it

8 Sun At Bethel Mr Philp preached & at to hear Saved Army at night

9 Mo Commenced Road-work light shower PM Fine AM cool

10 Tu Finished Elizabeth town road work Took Madam to Bull Fine

11 Wed Done Augusta Road-work Rained cleaned Buckwheat

12 Thu Drew 13 loads straw on 2W & Burnt it Fine most of day light shower

13 Fri :: Buckwheat & == over twice Fine

14 Sat O == 2W AM. Got a load of manure B PM Fine Put in a new gate Post (road-gate)

15 Sun At S. H. 2B 2 Saved Army in P.M

16 Mo == Potatoes 1st peice Fine & warm

17 Tu C -- W corn ground 5W In Ball day warm weather


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,_______ Conductor, Fraser 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 18th June TO 7th July REMARKS.

18 Wed O -- W corn ground AM. O --/ Potatoes 1st peice PM Fair & hot

19 Thu Put ditch through w Corn ground 5W Fair :: & == in W corn 5W Hot Hot

20 Fri --/ & weeded Mangolds Beets & carrots &c Therm 120 {symbol for degrees) in sun, very hot

21 Sat 2B Fixed road near bridge Fair == W Corn one again

22 Sun } at Bethel Mr Simpson preached Fine

23 Mo Finished road at Bridge } Fixed corn-crib P.M

24 Tu Cleaned cellar AM. Drew stone off Bu Hill in lane Shower 9:30 PM Bees swarmed

25 Wed Graded up road E side of little field Fine

26 Thu == Potatoes 4W NS. Helped fix foundation of hall S of T Fine Pa & Ma here

27 Fri Went to Spencerville & Josiah Renders Fine --/ Potatoes " " " "

28 Sat O --/ Potatoes 4W NS -- Potatoes 4W SS } Went to Uncle Jno Frasers Fine

29 Sun Left Uncle Jno Frasers & went to Jos McLeans heard Mr Chown preach in AM Fine

30 Mo Came home from Jos McLeans } hilled Potatoes 4W SS warm Fine

1 Tu Put Paris Green on potatoes AM & hilled in PM Fine

2 Wed O hilling potatoes 4W SS Fine

3 Thu 2B AM } -- out Potatoes 4W NS } hilled potatoes 4W NS Fine warm

4 Fri O hilling Potatoes. Heavy shower at night

5 Sat 2B & got Jo{illegible} & Lath for S H Fine

6 Sun At Bethel Mr Simpson preached a Temperance Sermon

7 Mo Rain } 2B & got 1 load lumber } Jno Stewart took straw home

6&7 Maggie sick in bed


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,_______ Conductor, Fraser 18784 .


8 Tu Worked at S-H. Uncle Jno & Aunt Annas Fraser here

9 Wed Helped Alva deliver Bread. Fine Russul applied Paris Green Potatoes Put more rails on line fence

10 Helped Alva in B. Put Paris Green on Fine

11 Fri O putting on Paris Green AM . Thinned & weeded Carrots Beets & Mangolds PM Fine

12 Sat Rain Put mower & Reaper together AM worked at S-H P.M.

13 Sun At Home Ma & Pa here, fine

14 Mo 2B Hay for bakery 1/2 ton } W acre & orchard Fine

15 Tu " " " " Wiltsie Archie Bell here } raked hay & drew in 2 1/2 loads Fine

16 Wed 2B 1 load hay @ $14.00 Per ton worked at SH

17 Thu Worked at S.H. Drew in rakings Orchard Fine

18 Fri " " " " Fine 2B in evening

19 Sat Worked at S.H. Fine } light shower at noon

20 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached Fine light showers cool

21 Mo W E 1/2 2W Fine } Raked 2E ES } at SH AM

23 Wed Rain drew in 1/2 load Hay 2E ES } got 4 loads sand

24 Thu Cocked & Raked 2E } Fine } 2B } at S.H

25 Fri Drew in 8 loads hay 2E Fine Read Osler at Morter

26 Sat " " 3 1/2 " " " " " Worked at SH

27 Sun At home Rained most of day

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,_______ Conductor, Fraser 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 28th July TO 16th Aug REMARKS.

28 Mo Rain Finis wood-work SH

29 Tu Worked at School -house Fine M 3E NS

30 Wed Worked at SH Fine cocked hay 3E NS sow Pigged 10 Pigs

31 Thu Rained very hard } worked some at S-H

1st Aug Fri Worked at SH. Sow had 8 Pigs at Mr Cunninghams Funeral shower

2 Sat Worked at S.H. } M 1W Wheat & Rye O cocked 3E NS Fine

3 Sun At home Alva & Nellie here fine

4 Mo at SH. M Par 1E WS Drew in 7 loads 3E WS

5 Tu O Plastering SH. O M 1E WS cocked hay 1E

6 Wed Drew in 9 1/2 loads hay 1E WS + 7 Thu M 1E ES Fine 2B with 1 load straw At Picture ure Perrys Grove got up by Dunhams

8 Fri O M " " Drew in 4 loads hay Fine Got colt from Jno McLean

9 Sat 2B AM & Raked & drew in 1E ES PM 4 1/2 loads Fine

10 Sun Went to Maitland in evening. Fine

11 Mo Drew in 1 load wheat & 1 load Rye & rakings went to Algonquin to Quarterly Board Fine

12 Tu worked around stabel le & house Fine Plastering ringing hogs &c

13 Wed " " " " " " Ground up tools &c

14 Thu Worked in B at H McLeans Kitchen Fine cut grass in hollow 4E Fine

15 Fri Worked in B " " " " Fine O grass in 4E

16 Sat Drew in Grass from Swales 3 loads Fine Ther 92{symbol for degrees} in shade

+ Pa & Ma moved from B back to farm


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 17th Aug TO 5th Sept REMARKS.

17 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine

18 Mo ' Black S.H. Went to Algonquin Committee meeting about pastorage

19 Tu O Blacking S.H Fine Ther 90 {symbol for degrees} in shade

20 Wed Took hay to B for Alva. Fine Drew in 3 loads oats for H McLean

21 Thu Blocked off school-house Fine

22 Fri " " " "

23 Sat 2B & got sash & glass for SH. Fine cut wood Fixed road at cow stable door

24 Sun At S.H. Fine, Frost at night

25 Mo Helped H McLean Mow oats AM } cut w corn 5W PM

26 Tu Ground Reaper guards AM } M & M 2W O C Buckwheat most of day Fine

27 Wed O M & M 2W Buckwheat } C M oats 4E Fine

28 Thu O M oats 4E Bound & set-up oats } 2B & bought 2 lots 5 & 6 {illegible} Black 3

29 Fri Rained all day } Put Glass in SH windows &c &c

30 Sat Went to Market Potatoes .35 Per Bus & Pigs 1.00 to 1.25 each Fine Daniel Folking here

31 Sun Went to Campground (Butternut Bay) light showers Fine

1st Sept Mo } M 3E SS Bound oats Fine

2 Tu Binding oats O set them up 3E SS } Drew in 5 loads oats 4E Fine

3 Wed + Drew in 2 1/2 loads oats 4E } Drew in 5 loads Bkwheat No 2W feed 3 loads Fine

4 Thu " " 6 loads Oats 3E SS Fine " "

5 Fri M 5W oats & bound part of them Fine

D Tolkein went away.


(Bk. 28.)

No._______Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784 .


6 Sat Bound & Set up oats 5W Fine } 2B to Market

7 Sun at home Fine very hot & close

8 Mo Rain most of day. fixed shed for straw at Dunhams PM put up hay fork &c

9 Tu 2B with 30 cheese AM } at SH part of PM cut oats in little orchard Fine

10 Wed Drew in 1 load oats & 1 load corn AM 5W Pa, Ma, & Maggie went to Syracuse

11 Thu Helped H McLean thresh } Drew in 5 loads Oats 5W Fine

12 Fri Helped H McLean thresh AM & Jno Mc P.M Went to Algonquin with bread Drew in 1 load of oats

13 Sat Drew in 2 loads oats 1 of corn 5W Helped Jno McLean thresh fine

14 Sun Went to Bethel Fine Mr Simpson preached

15 Mo Drew in Oats from little orchard Picked up apples Fine

16 Tu 2B to Market AM cut sweet corn } Threshed P.M windy fine

17 Wed Finished Threshing Windy, Fine

18 Thu Threshed at McEwans A.M. Fine Bound & set up corn

19 Fri Went to Mill with 25 bus feed got ready for Market cleaned straw from B yard Fine

20 Sat " " Market Potatoes corn apples Picked up apples & cut wood Fine

21 Sun at SH in AM } 2B in eve at Geo St Met Chas Mr Card Preached } Saw R.M.B & Nell off for Sam Fran

22 Mo Got ready for market } put hay & straw on scaffold in E shed rain

23 Tu Went to Market } Dug Potatoes Rose's Fine

24 Wed Dug Potatoes & got ready for Market heavy rain at night

25 Thu Went to Market Rain dug Potatoes

September & October

(Bk. 28.)

No._______Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784 .


26 Fri Dug Potatoes & got ready for Market Fine

27 Sat 2B to Market Rain } bought & Paid for lots $180.00 got Deed

28 Sun at Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine

29 Mo Helped Stratton thresh Fine Boiled feed & got ready for market

30 Tu Went to B Market Rosie Bell here Fine } Dug Potatoes & Picked up apples

1st Oct Wed } Went to Prescott Fair Frank Rosie Bell David McCarting

2 Thu Went to Prescott Fair Fine

3 Fri Took one load hay to Mrs Patrick @ $11.00 per Ton rain Husked corn

4 Sat Went to Market with Alva showers looking for a lot P.M.

5 Sun Went to Flora Rowsoms (nee Sherwood) Funeral Rosie & Thomas Bell with us Fine

6 Mo Dug Potatoes Fine Rain in Morning Fine rest of day Picked up apples

7 Tu " " " " " 4W Burbanks

8 Wed " " AM 2B Hay 1950 @ $11.00 } Rain PM } Put away Mower Husked Corn Cleaned H pen

9 Thu Finis digging Potatoes AM. Picked apples PM Frost last night - Took Grist to Mill Fine

10 Fri # Picked apples } Helped Houston's thresh Fine

11 Sat 2B with hay at 11.00 Per ton} Picked apples Got Grist 18 bags Fine

12 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Wright Preached

13 Mo O Went to B with hay 1900 lbs at $10.00 Per ton Picked apples & got ready for market rain AM

14 Tu Went to Market AM } Drew in 1 load Potatoes Fine PM

15 Wed Drew in 4 loads Potatoes Fine George Simpson Esqu buried today died Monday

  1. Jas Robertson here O Geo Simpson Esq died


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 16th Oct TO 4th Nov REMARKS.

16 Thu Drew in 4 loads Potatoes & 3 cart loads Fine & cloudy

17 Fri Finis drawing in Potatoes AM Fine cool } Picking apples PM

18 Sat 2B Market AM } Finis Picking apples PM

19 Sun Fine Took dinner at H McLeans

20 Mo O -- S 1/2 4W & ' -- N 1/2 4W Got in 50-60 bus mangolds } Jas Robertson started for Manitoba Fine

21 Tu 2B AM to Market } O -- 4W NS Fine got in carrots Boiled feed

22 Wed Rain AM } Sawed wood } O -- PM 4W NS ' -- 5W

23 Thu Went to B to Market light rain & snow shower D. McCartney's trial

24 Fri Took hay to Bakery } Got ready for Market Fine

25 Sat 2B to Market } rain last night light rain

26 Sun Alva & Nellie & Erastus Render here to Geo St church Mr Chown preached PM

27 Mo ' -- 5W Fine most of day very light showers

28 Fri C -- 5W Fine

29 Wed C -- " "

30 Thu C -- " Drizzly Boiled one pot feed

31 Fri O --- 5W damp day

1st Nov Sat } O -- 5W in AM } Boiled feed got up bedding built fence in Orchard &c

2 Sun At S.H. Fine cool, roads good not much frost yet

3 Mo Fixed & cleaned Pig pens, Cloudy

4 Tu Rained most of day got Flora shod } Water furrowed 5W Got old buggy fixed


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 5th TO 24th REMARKS.

5 Wed Went to Jno Murphy's funeral Snow Boiled hog feed } Fixed buggy Froze at night

6 Thu Laid part of line fence bottom Back lot some snow cold Fine

7 Fri Fine, Got 2 loads Broken rails &c &c brought in Plow harrows &c warmer

8 Sat Laid rails up on line fence back lot Fine & sunshine

9 Sun Quarterly meeting At Algonquin } at Bethel in evening Mr Simpson preached Fine

10 Mo Fine & warm } Helped Jno Stewart thresh

11 Tu ' -- 3E SS AM } Maggie started for St Paul Minn Fine

12 Wed ' -- " " } Took milk to factory in morn Fine

13 Thu O __ 3E SS Cloudy but fine

14 Fri Boiled one pot feed Mixed colouring for S.H. Joseph McLean wife & 2 girls here

15 Sat Coloured S-H 2nd Time } Finis fence, back lot very fine & warm Fine

16 Sun Took dinner at H McLeans } Fine & warm at SH in AM

17 Mo Light rain colder Fixed bread waggon & cut wood PM } striping SH

18 Tu Cut wood Blocking S.H. Boiled feed &c &c

19 Wed Killed one Pig in AM } O W sided SH (Blocking off )

20 Thu Cut wood} put latch on barn door Rev Simpson & wife here } S. Simpsons PM got in Bees

21 Fri " " striped SH &c Fine

22 Sat Went to Market Fine & cool roads pretty good no sleighing yet

23 Sun Stormed (Rain) Most of day at home all day

24 Mo Drew out 5 loads manure No 5W scraped upper B{illegible} manure Fine & cold

November & December

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 & 12 Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784 .

No of Car. FROM 25th Nov TO 14th Dec REMARKS.

25 Tu Drew out 3 loads manure roads have been splendid } stormy snow

26 Wed " " 11 " " Fine & cold snow 5 in deep today

27 Thu " " 12 " " Drifted some drew out with waggon

28 Fri " " 6 " " some sleighs running snowed most of day (light)

29 Sat " " 10 " " Quite good sleighing striped 2 Hrs at SH

30 Sun Fine splendid sleighing } 2B P.M.

1st Dec Mo } Went to New Dublin on School buisness Fine

2 Tu Drew out 1 load manure & got 2 loads wood Jennie & Allen McLean here

3 Wed " 3 loads wood from 5E NE corner Went to Missionary meeting at Bethel

4 Thu Blocked off part of N face SH Fine Quite warm

5 Fri Thawing fast } O striping SH } got 3 loads wood

6 Sat Went to Market apples & Potatoes Fine

7 Sun At home most of day Rained

8 Mo Light snow Put glass in front of stov D

9 Tu Killed 3 hogs stormy } went to Mrs Perrys funeral

10 Wed cut up Port } Fine } Went to Jno Murphys sale Fine

11 Thu Cut up & salted Pork Light snow

12 Fri Sorted over apples. Got ready for market Fine

13 Sat Went to Market roads rough Fine

14 Sun " " Bethel Church Mr Simpson preached

Dec 1884 & Pt Jan 1885

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 & 12 Train,_______ Conductor,_____________ 18784-85.

No of Car. FROM 15th Dec TO 3rd Jan REMARKS.

15 Mo Drew 2 loads wood snowed

16 Tu Made Storm door for stoop stormy

17 Wed Went to B & got 1 hog Killed & dressed Fine

18 Thu Voting on the Scott Act today Fine At Rows Corner all day

19 Fri Cold Took up Pump Fine

20 Sat Went to Market Very Cold Ther 26 {symbol for degrees} Fine

21 At SH not so cold stormed Jennie & Allen out to Algonquin

22 Mo Went to Jno Corbetts sale Rain bought colt & sleigh Jen & Al back today

23 Tu Went to B. Snider Simpson died. Fine Cold

24 Wed Stormed all day } got calf from Jas McRae's } Fixed hen house

25 Thu Went to Snider Simpsons funeral } 2B for 2B 4T Fine Helped Alva at night

26 Fri In B AM Uncle Jno Fraser & Alida here Fine Jas Render came up with them

27 Sat Jennie & Allen Ma Uncle & Alida 2B Fine worked around house & barn Put in Pump

28 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached

29 Mo Helped Alva Fine PM } Uncle J Fraser & Alida went home } Allen & Jen started for home

30 Tu Very warm & mild Helped Alva today some waggons out

31 Wed Helped in town warm At home PM waggoning AM light rain

1st Jan Thu 1885 } Pa 2B } Cut up sausage meat light snow cold {illegible}

2 Fri 2B & got 1 load manure from Bull cold

3 Sat Went to B & got 1 load Manure from Alva Fine cold raw windy Put brine on meat.

Jan & Febuary

(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 & 2 Train,Jno Fraser Conductor, January 18785.

No of Car. FROM 24th Jan TO REMARKS.

24 Sat Drew 2 loads manure from Brackens light snow Quite good sleighing

25 Sun } At Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine

26 Mo Drew 2 loads Manure from Brackens light snow in morn Drifted rough & cold

27 Tu " " " " 1 from Bracken & 1 from Barr cold wind 0/6

28 Wed " 1 load " from Currie cold wind Ther 9/0

29 Thu Went to Swamp broke road & got 1 load wind cold & drifing in P.M

30 Fri Drew 2 loads manure 1 " Curry 1 from Brackens light snow most of day

31 Sat " 1 " wood (Cedar) from Back lot Fine

1st Feb Sun } Cold & Stormy. at home Ther 16 {symbol for degrees}

2 Mo Cut up load of wood A.M. } Got 2 loads manure (Bracken) P.M

3 Tu Drew two loads manure 1 " Curry 1 from Bracken Ther 20 {symbol for degrees} at 7 AM

4 Wed " " " Wood Cut wood at Back lot R Pyke & I cold drifted & light snow

5 Thu Drew 2 " Wood from Back Lot Ther 16{symbol for degrees}

6 Fri " " " " " " Fine & Cold 12{symbol for degrees}

7 Sat " " " " " " " Fine & cold

8 Mo Sun At Bethel Mr Henderson Preached Fine

9 Tu Mo Drew 2 loads Wood, rain at night Heavy snowstorm Milder

+10 Wed Heavy rain last night stormed & drifted got 7 (seven) calves from H McLean $50.00 for lot

11 Thu Wed } Cold blustery day, got Chains Mended & whipple tree {illegible}

12 Thu Drew up 7 small loads straw light snow Warmer Hitched Grey mare Lulu up (to sleigh)

+ Made Horse blanket. Made whippletrees, Fixed cutter &c


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train,__________Conductor, Fraser 18785.


13 Fri Drew out 2 loads manure AM } Got 1 load Manure P.M. Fine

14 Sat Went to Market Butter .20 Potatoes .50 a bag apples .50 Per bus cold wind

15 Sun Went to Quarterly meeting Fine Had dinner at Artemus Bissell's Mr Simpson Preached

16 Mo " " " Board Drew 2 loads wood Heaviest snowstorm so far this winter

17 Tu Snow drifted badly last night & yesterday Fine } Made feeding places for calves

18 Wed Split wood } Put tongue on Bobs Breaking Grey Mare PM

19 Thu Moved Cedars from house to 3W } Got 2 loads Manure from Bracken Fine

20 Fri Got 2 loads manure 1 Bracken 1 Curry cold wind Finel light snow

21 Sat 2B to Market Got heifers H McLeans

22 Sun Went to Bethel Mr Simpson preached Fine

23 Mo Went to Back Lot got 2 loads Fine

24 Tu " " " " " / " "

25 Wed " " " " " " " " nice & warm

26 Thu " " " " " " " " very fine & warm

27 Fri Cleaned up & took 19 bus feed to Mill Fine Put up Potatoes for Market (KR McNish's)

28 Sat Went to Market Fine Pork .10 Per lb Potatoes .50 bag Got grist from McNish's

1st Sun March at home At home stormed

2 Mo 2B got Dan to go to Mountain } Got apples & Potatoes H McLeans

3 Tu at Augusta council to Geo Maxwell in S. Hc } a Jos McLeans a Ad McGuins

4 Wed Went to Dr McLeans from Jos McLeans Fine

(Bk. 28.)

No._______ Train,__________Conductor,________187 .


5 Thu Went to Render's from Dr McLean's

6 Fri At Josiah Renders Fine Alex Rose there in the evening

7 Sat At Uncle John Fraser's Fine & cold

8 Sun Heard Mr Chown Preach in Kemptville } Left Uncle John's & came back to Uncle Jos McLeans

9 Mo returned home Stormed hard P.M. Helped put H McLeans things in barn

10 Tu Got two loads manure 1 Brackens 1 Barr Drifted Fine most of day

11 Wed " " " " 1 Bracken 1 AV Fraser cold wind

12 Thu At home Boiled 1 Pot Feed meal (Potatoes apples) drifted badly

13 Fri Got 2 loads Manure Bracken Fine Ther 0/10 Cold wind

14 Sat Fine Cleaned Revolvers at Josiah Woods warm nice day

15 Sun At Home Stormed most of day

16 Mo Got 2 Loads Manure Bracken

17 Tu Got 2 loads Manure Bracken Mo McTavish Josiah Renders A Rose here Fine

18 Wed Got 1 load Manure PM (Brackens) Render McTavish & Rose went away

19 Thu Sawed wood at home (Jno Stewart Jos Edwards)

20 Fri " " At Robt Stewarts Old Mr Dalton died Fine

21 Sat " " " Jno McLeans rough & stormy

22 Sun at S.H. & at Bethel heard Wm. B. Daltons Funeral sermon

23 Mo Sawed wood at Richard Strattons

24 Tu " " " " " AM heavy snow & wind storm PM

March & April

(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 & 4 Train,__________Conductor,________187 85 .


25 Wed Sawed Wood at Jos Strattons Fine

26 Thu Went to Market Pork .10 Per lb Potatoes 45 Per bag

27 Fri Put up potatoes for market } smoked meat } cleaned soft veggetables Fine

28 Sat 2B to market roads getting bare

29 Sun At home Fine snow deep yet

30 Mo Got 3 loads manure 1 from R Kenney 1 from Alva 1 Bracken Snowstorm PM

31 Tu Went to Market Meat & Potatoes 1 load PM snowed rain } Moved H McLean's goods to B

1st April Wed Went to B & got 1 load manure (Barr) Boiled 1 Pot feed Fine soft wind

2 Thu Went to Market Meat & Potatoes Fine AM Made gate for Barnyard, Fixed Organ PM. Rain in evening

+3 Fri stormed all day } got Flora's shoe set } Made feed trough for calves } Smoked meat

4 Sat Got Harrow teeth sharpened } Got Iron for Gang Plow } stormed all day

5 sun Stormed } at Bethel Mr Simpson Preached

6 Mo Made Hot bed bottom Stormed had AM Fine part PM

7 Tu Went to B to Market Meat .10 Per lb Eggs ,20 , Potatoes .30 Fine

8 Wed Stormed rain AM. Put dirt on Hot bed worked around buildings PM

9 Thu Went to Market Meat 10 -lb, Potatoes 30 bus apples Fine

10 Fri Went to Jos McLeans & got Holstein calves J McLean & wife Frank & I Fine Madam calved

11 Sat Went to Market roads bad in places Fine Mud & icy other places 3 {illegible}

12 Sun At home Fine Poor sleighing

+ Bess calved


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train,__________Conductor,________187 85 .

No of Car. FROM 13th April TO 30th REMARKS.

13 Mo Put 3 small loads hay above horses AM Pa to Mrs Caldwells funeral P.M. Cleaned Pig Pen

14 Tu 2B looking after a man waggons running in town Fine Star Calved Got Boar from Frew

15 Wed Put up 9 bags Potatoes } got lampers burnt out of nick Fine

16 Thu Split wood Fine & warm some waggons out

17 Fri Split Wood sold Bess's calf 2.00 Fine & warm

18 Sat Went to Market Fine drove waggon

19 Sun Fine at home the roads to 3rd full of wavy snow & not broke out.

20 Mo Shoveled shone in places 4 ft deep side road } Flora had a colt Fine & warm

21 Tu Fine, split wood, T.E.Bell here } Stewart Cole died yesterday

22 Wed Went to Stewart Coles funeral A.M. Put up Potatoes Fine

23 Thu Went to Market Potatoes 35 Per bus eggs .16 Doz } Went to Hall to sugar party Fine

24 Fri split Wood light shower Put up Potatoes Frost going out of ground

25 Sat Went to Market Potatoes .45 -.50 Per bag eggs .16 Doz roads drying up Fine

26 Sun Rained very hard at home Mr Ashley here Gananoque

27 Mo Trimmed apple trees Took Mr Ashley to B Fine

28 Tu " " " Jos Findons horse died by our fence Had a heavy fall of snow today Lill calved

29 WEd R Frew " Manure " " R. McNish drew milk with sleigh } Traded Bull calf for Plow cold & fine

30 Thu Fine, Trimmed apple trees, building hen safe

Spring cold & backward Hay $17.00 per ton Alva in Brockville Pa & Ma too Jennie in Friend Neb & Maggie in North Branch Minn


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 & 6 Train,__________Conductor,________187 85 .

No of Car. FROM May 1st TO 19 May REMARKS.

1 Fri May Trimmed apple trees Fine

2 Sat " " " " " O Large Orchard Jos White helped

3 Sun At Bethel Mr Simpson preached Mrs Jas Bisseles funeral sermon {She hath done what she could}

4 Mo -- S 1/2 4W rain } used plow that I got Ron McKenzie

5 Tu Went to B & got 2 loads manure rain at night

6 Wed Harrowed SS No 4W } Alvin Covil com work got 1 load Manure

7 Thu Cleaned seed oats P. M. sowed ashes on No 4W SS Rain PM

8 Fri Rained all AM } Cleaned up waggon & wood house } Took grist to R McNishs

9 Sat Went to B & got 1 load manure AM Rain AM } Ridged up SS4W Fine PM got "

10 Sun at SH AM } 2B & at Wall St Church FJ Williams Preached in eve

11 Mo Planted potatoes SS 4S } ' -- 5E Cloudy

12 Tu ' -- 5E } Burnt Brush PM Planted Corn & Peas AM Fine

+13 Wed C -- 5E } sowed mangold & Carrot seed very fine got 1 load manure

14 Thu C -- 5E Fine Plowed garden got 1 load manure from B

15 Fri O -- 5E " } spread manure Fitted garden

16 Sat 2B 2 load manure } -- NS 4W } JA " " Bride R.M. Bell & wife here

17 Sun Pa to Algonquin } Frank & I G B heard G Williams

18 Mo :: 4W NS & == wheat Fine} at Qrly board P.M '--4E

19 Tu C -- 4E & Planted melons citrons & squash AM } ++ 5E & spread manure very fine P.M.

+ Put Flora to "Campsie Jock"

May & June

(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 & 6 Train,__________Conductor,________187 85 .

No of Car. FROM 20 May May TO 8th June REMARKS.

20 Wed :: 5E ++ 2 times } :: & == 3E } Fine

21 Thu ' -- 4E } O == 5E } C M 3ESS } == 3E SS } :: Grass-seed 4W NS

22 Fri C -- 4E } O M 3E, 4W NS, & 5E } Fine Till calved

23 Sat O -- 4E } ' -- little Orchard ] Got 2 loads manure Fine Light Shower

24 Sun } at SH, AM & home rest of day F & warm

25 Mo :: & + 4E 2 1/2 times } Heavy shower at night

26 Tu O == & M 4E } F } Put out 27 loads manure Took colts to Pasture P.M

27 Wed Put out 45 loads manure 5W from heaps in field spread manure Picked off stone 4 loads Fine

28 Thu :: Wheat & N end Grass seed 5W } '-- 5W } Drew out 4 loads manure 5W Fine

29 Fri C -- 5W } Drew out 4 loads manure spread manure Fine

30 Sat O -- 5W } == W Pt 5W rained set out Tomatoes } Put up seed Potatoes

31 Sun At Bethel Mr Simpson spoke } H Rath Sr buried

1st June Mo } Very heavy rain worked a little at at Planting ground

2 Tu Got 2 loads Manure from Bakery Cleaned out E Bay of Lower barn Fine

3 Wed Planted Potatoes Late Rose 5W . Fine sowed 1 Peck wheat 5W

4 Thu " " " " 5W " Ridged up Corn ground Planted Corn

5 Fri Rained AM Helped R Stratton P.M.

6 Sat Went to B to Market got 2 loads manure AVF Fine

7 Sun At SH AM & home all PM. Fine

8 Mo O Planting Corn A.M. } Hoed in garden & field


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,__________Conductor,JB Fraser 187 85 .

No of Car. FROM 9th TO REMARKS.

9 Tu Got 2 loads manure from R Kinney P.M Planted some more Potatoes Fine

10 Wed Got 1 load Manure from R Kenny A.M } Fine } Fitted w Corn ground PM

11 Thu O --/ Potatoes 4W SS 2B got W Corn }:: W Corn 5W } Fine

12 Fri :: Oats 5W AM } Piled manure in Lower yard Fine

13 Sat Rain in evening & night } remaking hay rack Fine AM

14 Sun At SH } at Bethel Mr Simpson Preached Fine } heard T.G. Williams farewell sermon

15 Mo Com road work Fine most of day very sultry light shower in PM

16 Tu Finis " " had 8 days Robt Stewart Pathmaster

17 Wed Hoed & weeded Mangolds AM } worked among berry bushes PM Fine

18 Thu Drew shingle-bolts from Back lot to Algonquin Fine

19 Fri Hoed & weeded mangolds AM Put wood in shed P.M. Fine

20 Sat Went to Market Potatoes .25, Butter .19, eggs .13 Put wood in shed

21 Sun At SH Fine, Bees swarmed (1st swarm)

22 Mo Got shoe reset on Lulu } transplanted Mangels hoed Carrots very heavy rain AM

23 Tu Done road-work (Augusta) C == Corn u -- Potatoes 4W SS light shower

24 Wed Hilled Potatoes 4W SS } E.M Smith & wife here 2B --/ Corn 4w

25 Thu O == & --/ corn 5W } C == Potatoes 5W Fine

26 Fri O --/ corn 5W } O == Potatoes 5W Fine

27 Sat C --/ potatoes 5W } W.J. Maxwell & Earnie here Ally Maxwell & H & H McLean Fine

28 Sun at SH AM } Bethel P.M. Mr Henderson Preached } 2B in eve very heavy rain


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train,__________Conductor,JB Fraser 187 85 .

No of Car. FROM 9th TO REMARKS

29 Mo C --/ Potatoes Fine PM } Jno B helping Alva light shower Light shower

30 Tu In B helping Alva } Al Colville hoeing at home

1st Wed } " " " " " " "

2 Thu " " " " AM at home PM } " == W corn PM Got 6 hives S Simpson

3 Fri Picked Cherries & Peas AM } 2 Mrs Ezra McLean's Funeral PM Fine --/ in Garden

4 Sat Went to Market, Peas .10 qt, Cherries .10 qut, Radish .4 bunch, Potatoes .35 bag --/ W corn Fine

5 Sun At home Jas Kelsoe & wife here

6 Mo C --/ W corn AM at raising Raths barn Fine

7 Tu Heavy rain AM } O --/ W corn } Finis raising W J Rath's barn PM Fine

8 Wed 2B AM got Boards for waggon rack & Lever for mowing machine } Hilled Potatoes C -- Potatoes 5W Fine

9 Thu Hilled Potatoes AM } terrific thunder storm Lightning struck near us 3 or 4 times

10 Wed Fri } Fixed up hayrack mower & horse rake cut wood & put wood in shed

11 Thu Sat } Hilled Potatoes } Put Paris Green on Potatoes 2B in eve Fine

12 Sun } At Bethel in P.M. SH in morning Fine

13 Mo Hilled Potatoes & --/ carrots AM Picked cherries P.M heavy rain at night

14 Tu Rained most all day & last night Mrs Wm McLean here

15 Wed Picked currants & Cherries Peas, Beets, Fine weeded & thinned carrots

16 Thu Went to Market Fine } M 1W } first hay cut this year

17 Fri O -- Potatoes 5W --/ Potatoes Fine AM } Raked & drew in hay 1W 4 loads P.M

18 Sat 2B AM Hay for Alva } O --/ Potatoes PM } put on P Green } hung window shutters SH

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 & 8 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 . No of Car. FROM 19th July TO 7 Aug REMARKS.

19 Sun Jas Kelsoe & Wife & Aunt Ellen Fraser here fine W Maxwell here at SH

20 Mo -- Corn 5W } applied P.G. } M E Pt No 1E } Fine

21 Tu Heavy rain storm Picked cherries } M 23 ac 2F

22 Wed Drew in 7 1/2 loads 1E ES PM O M 2E ES. Raked 1E ES } Fine

24 Fri Rain P.M. cocked & raked hay 3E NS Jno S Fraser here Raked 2nd time 2E ES

25 Sat Went to B market Uncle Jno F & Pa } --/ corn Picked cherries Fine & hot got 1 load hay

26 Sun at Bethel Fine 2B in eve

27 Mo O M 3E NS Drew in 3 loads hay 3E Fine Raked & cocked hay 3E

28 Tu C M 2E WS } Drew in 5 " " " Raked & cocked hay 2E Fine

29 Wed O M 2E WS } Drew in 5 loads 2E WS Fine

30 Thu O M 1E WS drew in 3 loads 1E WS Drew in 2 loads 2E WS Fine

31 Fri Drew in 7 loads hay 1E WS Fine

1st Aug Sat } 2B hay 1820 at 9.00 Fine } cut grass little orchard } P.G. Potatoes 5W 1 load hay

2 Sun At SH Clinton Lockwood Buried Fine

3 Mo Pa to North Augusta } I went to New Dublin Rain got L5 Parcels land changed

4 Tu Rain last night & today } --/ corn Took out Honey

5 Wed --/ Corn (Cutting out weeds on acct of wet weather )

6 Thu --/ Corn } -- W corn 1st time

7 Fri O --/ Corn got in hay } -- W Corn little orchard AM Fine --/ Corn PM second time


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 .

No of Car. FROM 8 Aug TO REMARKS.

8 Sat + O --/ W Corn } P. G.d Potatoes 5W weeding citrons melons &c Fine

9 Sun at Bethel Fine } Both sows pigged yesterday

10 Mo Rained worked around Buildings

11 Tu Frank & I Took in Excursion to T I Park & Alex By Fine

12 Wed Commenced to cut hay Back lot muggy & warm Pa & Ma went to Kemptville

13 Thu at Back Lot Drew home a load hay cloudy & light rain

14 Fri " " " Rained

15 Sat " " " Drew home 1 load hay Allie Maxwell here in evening Fine

16 Sun At home all day Quar Meeting at Algonquin Fine

17 Mo at Back Place Drew home 1 load Fine at Quar Official Board

18 Tu " " " " Fred Bell here Pa & Ma got home from Kemptville last night

19 Wed " " " " " " Pa out helping us 2B in eve/

20 Thu " " " " " 1 " Fine Pa out too

21 Fri " " " " " 2 " Rain

22 Sat M & Bound Spr Wheat Fine 2B in eve

23 Sun At Bethel Mr Simpson Preached

24 Mo Rain cut hay in swale 4W

25 Tu Put P.G. on Potatoes W Maxwell & I went & returned from Kingston

26 WEd P.G. on Potato Bugs M oats & Barley No 3E } Cut hay on back lot Fine

27 Thu Drew 1 load hay (swale ) cut hay Fine

+ sows pigged

August & September

(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 & ( Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 .

No of Car. FROM 28 Aug TO 15 Sept REMARKS.

28 Fri Got 1 load hay back lot & 1 load swale 4E Fine at Maxwells in eve rain at night

29 Sat O M 3E SS } cocked grass in swale 4E Fine cool night

30 Sun At SH at home rest of day Fine

31 Mo Rain M wheat in PM. 5W & some oats 5E Fine PM

+ 1st Sept Tu } Rain } went to Prescott for reaper casting } Got shingles from Algonquin

2 Wed shingling west shed } M oats 5 E } rain last night

3 Thu Turned over oats A.M. & drew in 5 loads P.M Fine high wind

4 Fri Rain shingling shed, got 1 load hay 4E got ready for market & 2 loads oats 3E

5 Sat Went to B to Market O M 5E rain last night

6 Sun T.E Bell here Maggie Bell to B Mr Simpson preached at Bethel E.Mc & C.C.P here

7 Mo Took 1 load hay to B drew in 5 loads oats 5E Fine

8 Tu M & M 4E oats } Drew in 2 loads wheat 4W & 2, 5W heavy rain at night

9 Wed Rained most all day } Put away Mower reaper &c Pa to Morrisburg

10 Thu Cut, Bound & set up W Corn 5W, turned over oats 2nd time Ground very wet

11 FRi Got 1 load hay (Back lot) AM Drew in 4 loads oats 5E PM Fine

12 Sat " " " " " AM 1 " " 4E 4 " " PM

13 Sun At home Alva here Fine

14 Mo Heavy rain last night } shingles 2B } Raked wheat groung oats 5E 3E 5W

15 Tu Drew in 4 loads grain Rain PM 2B

+ Maggie Bell (Sharpton) here


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 . No of Car. FROM 16 Sept TO REMARKS.

16 Wed Threshed (Burns & Dyer's Machine) Fair wind nice day & good work

17 Thu Drew in Rakings last of Harvest } Took 2 loads straw to B Put on Shingles Fine

18 Fri At Jos McLeans for dinner & at Dr McLeans overnight Frank & I } to mill Brownley Fine

19 Sat Drove from Spencerville to J.S. Renders Pa to market Fine

20 Sun " " J.S. Renders to Campground & Heard S.P. Chown J.B. Sa{illegible} Fine

21 Mo " " Kemptville to Spencerville & Jos McLeans

22 Tu Came home heavy rain most of PM

23 WEd Went to B Oats } Got dowry Pokers Mrs Rath

24 Thu Took wheat to Lyn .85 per bus } Took 1 load hay to B 10.00 per ton J.S. Render here

25 Fri Cut corn, dug Potatoes. Put ridge boards on shed got ready for market very fine

26 Sat Picked up small Potatoes } Bound & cut corn } Pulled beans } Took in Citrons very fine

27 Sun At S.H. Fine 2B in even Rev McRitchey Preached Fine

28 Mo Com to dig Potatoes Fine Helped J.M wood thresh

29 Tu at Potatoes Helped Mr Wood thresh PM } 2B

30 Wed Frank & I went to Kingston Fair Fine

30 WEd Put hoski on SH shutters } Cleaned Chimney } Pa digging Potatoes } 2B {illegible} Fine night

1st Thu Frank & I went up to Kingston Fair Fine At Uncle Alex over night

2 Fri Came from Uncle Alex to Kingston } Looking for a house & Clergy

3 Mon Sat Rented a house W.J. Maxwell & I On Princess Got some Furniture for house

4 Sun heard Rev Mavety AM at Queen St SS in PM & at vespers in RC Cathedral in eve Rain


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 . No of Car. FROM 5th October TO REMARKS.

X X at Medical College light showers

5 Mo Heard M Sullivan give "Introductory Lecture" light showers

6 Tues Took notes on Materia Medica rest of Professors did not Lecture Fine

7 Wed Took in 4 litures Chemistry, Materia Medica, Anatomy & Phisology Tine

8 Thu " " " " Maggy Bell & Frank came back from B

9 Fri " " 3 " Fine

10 Sat Piano &c came up from B fine got them here in eve

11 Sun At Queen St M Kilbournes room PM & salvation army barracks in eve

12 Mo Saw a Tumor taken from a womans breast on Sat saw a mans foot amputated Fine

13 Tu had 4 lecures Fine

14 Wed " " " " have had 3 or 4 fires in city since arrived

15 Thu " " " " Uncle Alex Aunt Sus & Jenny called here

16 Fri University had not lectures. Rained

17 Sat at Market in A.M. Studying P.M

18 Sun at St Andrews AM } at Sydenham H S.S. in P.M. } at Queen St in Eve

19 Mo had only 2 lec Chem & Anatomy } nom of candidates for President of Alma Mater Society

20 Tu Took in 4 Lectures damp & wet

21 Wed " " " "

22 Thu Fire near Depot at night 2 houses burned

23 Fri Took in 3 lec Mother McLean & Mrs Maxwell here

On the 3rd rented a house from Mrs Dennis at 4.50 per month

October & November

(Bk. 28.)

No. 10-11 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

24 Sat Made book cases Fine Uncle Jno Bell here

25 Sun at Sydenham St Ch AM & P.M. Fine at Kilbourns room & K & P depot P.M.

26 Mo

27 Tu

28 Wed

29 Thu

30 Fri

31 Sat

1st Sun at church AM & PM Fine

2 Mo

3 Tu

4 Wed

5 Thu

6 Fri

7 Sat Went out to uncle Alex Bells Fine

8 Sun Came back from uncle Alex Rain at night

9 M roads sloppy & wet, Took in 4 lec

10 Tu Took in 4 lectures Finer weather

11 Wed Took in 4 Lectures

12 Thu Went down to B Thanksgiving day Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 . No of Car. FROM 13 TO 30 REMARKS.

13 Fri at B helped pa make a stable in L.Barn rain } at Back lot & got 3 Cedars

14 Sat Helping at stable A.M. to B P.M. Came up to Kingston on night train

15 Sun At Queen St Frost & sleet last night

16 Mo Took in 4 Lectures

17 Tues " " " "

18 Wed " " " "

19 Thu " " " "

20 Fri " " 3 "

21 Sat At Market Writing part of day

22 Sun At Queen St took No 7 Pew Mr Bland preached

23 Mo Took in 4 Lectures sleet

24 Tu " " " "

25 Wed " " " "

26 Thu " " " "

27 Fri Took 2 lectures - no Physiology tonight

28 Sat Uncle Alex & Jenny & Philip, F.W. Bell and Aunt Margaret Bell here. Fine

29 Sun Went to Queen St Meth ch & sunday S Mr Hooker (Leroy) AM & Mr Bland PM

30 Mo Took 4 lectures, Exam on Botany today. Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 85 . No of Car. FROM Dec TO REMARKS.

1st Tu Moved from Corner of Clergy & Princess to house on Bagot St around by Lanangan Philip Bell helped Fine Took 3 lectures

2 Wed Had 4 lectures Fine rain at night

3 Thu had only 2 lectures Chem, & Phys Fine

4 Fri Phys Mater Med, & Anatomy today Fine

5 Sat Election for president Alma Mater saw a post mortem exam stormy snow

6 Sun very stormy At S. School & at Cooks Church saw another post mortem exam in eve

7 Mo Had 4 lectures. Fine but very cold

8 Tu some sleighs running, cold 4 lectures

9 Wed getting warmer 4 lectures

10 Thu Took in 4 lectures Fine

11 Fri Took in 2 lectures out to Uncle Alex in eve

12 Sat Called at Aunt Catherines, Uncle Johns & made Uncle Wm Bell a visit, then back to A Bells. Fine

13 Sun at Uncle all day. stormy wild day

14 Mon Came in from Uncle Alex. Had 3 lectures Fine

15 Tu Took in 3 lectures had not Physiology annual supper tonight fine

16 Wed Had only 1 lecture Materia Medica

17 Thu Had 4 lectures Fine sleighs running

18 Fri " 3 " Fine went down to B stayed over night at H McLeans

19 Sat At Alvas & Ke ellen & Frank & I out house at night stormed hard at eve

20 Sun at SH stormy, at home Alva & Ellen

December & January

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 5 86 . No of Car. FROM 21st Dec 1885 TO 9 Jan 1886 REMARKS.

21 Mon Uncle Jno, Annas, Sie, Lida, Olive & Johnnie came up from S Mountain. Went to B.

22 Tu Went in to B. Fine took Sie & Olive in B

23 Wed Pa & Uncle John went to Syracuse, Rain

24 Thu Josiah, & wife, Aunt Annas went home cold wind

25 Fri Ma, Frank & I took dinner at Alva's Fine & cold

26 Sat went to Market, Fine dull market Put up windows banked up cellar

27 Sun at Bethel Mr Simpson preached

28 Mo Borded up part Cow stable L Barn at J McLeans P.M.

29 Tu Pa & Uncle Jno F home from Syracuse got Flora shod Fine

30 Wed Pa, Alva & Uncle Jno went to S Mountain Fine Took Flora & colt & got black mare

31 Thu Delivered Bread for Alva Back route rained nearly all day

1st 1886 Fri } Took dinner at H McLeans Pa & Alva back from Mountain Olive F with them

2 Sat Alva & Ellen brought Olive F. out in evening Pa to market

3 Sun Went over to Bethel Pa & Ma Fine

4 Mo Rained all day. Took Olive F to B

5 Tu Took dinner at Dulmages & tea at Dr McLeans roads muddy misty

6 Wed Snow & keen sharp frost, to Jos McLeans

7 Thu Took dinner at Ad McGuins & tea home went with buggie rough roads

8 Fri cold raw wind at home all day

9 Sat Came back to Kingston very very stormy Frank did not come back with us.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 10th Jan TO 29th REMARKS.

10 Sun At Sydenham Meth morn S S Queens PM & Cooks at night cold

11 Mo Took in Chem, Mater Med & Anat Cold

12 Tu " " " " "

13 Wed Commenced to take Clinics

14 Thu Took in Chem M Med Anat & Phys

15 Fri " " " " " "

16 Sat Heard Dr Lyman Abbot lecture on " {illegible} Ahead"

17 Sun + At Queen St in morn at Connection Hall afternoon & Congregational at night

18 Mo Had 5 Lectures (Taking surgery)

19 Tu Had 5 Lectures

20 Wed Took in Six Lectures Fine

21 Thu " " 5 " Phys, surgery, M Med, Chem, Anatomy

22 Fri Finished dissecting our abdomen & thorax Had 4 lectures

23 Sat Went to Hospital Clinic at work in dissecting room

24 Sun Queen St Methodist church burned at Sydenham St AM, & congregational evening

25 Mo Took in 5 lectures commenced to work on a Lower

26 Tu " " " " snow

27 Wed " " " 6 "

28 Thu " " " 5 "

29 Fri Took in 4 Lectures

+ heard Dr Lyman Abbot preach

January & Febuary

(Bk. 28.)

No._______ Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

30 Sat Maggie Lee & husband in market at work on a lower

31 Sun at St Andrews hall A & PM & at Queen St Public School for S School

1st Mo Feb Took in 5 Lectures

2 Tu Had 5 Lectures Fine

3 Wed Had 6 Lectures Fine Phys Chem Anat Clinics surgery M M

4 Thu Very cold 5 4 Lec Ther -20 {symbol for degrees} Went to Tea meeting Ontario house

5 Fri 3 Lectures Phys M M & Anat Ther -22 {symbol for degrees}

6 Wed Sat went down to Brockville & out to fam farm

7 Thu Sun Pa, Ma Alva Nell, Frank & I at Farm fine

8 Fri Mo Back at 4 AM from B 5 Lectures Fine

9 Sat Tu Had Chem, Materia Med, Anatomy Surgery & Phys Fine

10 Sun Wed Had Chem, Materia Med, Surgery & Phys Fine warm

11 Mo Thu Alva here, Had 5 lectures 4, Fine & warm

12 Tu Fri Took in 4 lectures, Dissecting the lower

13 Wed Sat - } Alva & I took morning train for B

14 Thu Sun } went out to farm & back to B.

15 Mo } Took morning train for Kingston Had 4 lectures

16 Tu attending surgery, anatomy, Chem Physiology & Materia Medica

17 Wed Took in 5 Lectures Fine

18 Thu " " 5 "

Febuary & March

(Bk. 28.)

No. 2-3 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 19th Feb TO REMARKS.

19 Fri Had 4 Lectures

20 Sat Dissecting cold & fine

21 Sun at St Andrews hall AM & PM & S.S. class meeting

22 Mo Had 4 lectures some snow

23 Tu " " "

24 Wed Working on a Lower yet

25 Thu studying up Chemistry Fine 4 lectures

26 Fri 1st Wrote a month exam Chem child born a girl, Dr Vanx attending went to Brockville in P.M. {illegible}

27 Waiting on Frank most of day, Very cold

28 Sun " " " " " " the weather extremely cold

1st Mo March } with Frank at H McLeans all day Fine

2 Tu Out to the farm, Drifted, Back again in eve to B

3 Wed Took in 4 lectures Came up from B

4 Thu Nearly finished lower extremity 3rd this winter Fine

5 Fri Fine & warm 3 lectures

6 Sat Took in Anatomy lecture, saw Uncle Wm & Aunt Margaret in Market Fine

7 Sun at Bible class & St Andrews hall AM & S School & service in PM Fine

8 Mo Saw a Patts Fracture set a Hospital Took in 4 Lectures Fine & warm

9 Tu Fine & warm 4 Lectures

10 Wed " " " " "


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 11th Mar TO 30 REMARKS.

11 Thu Fine Had 4 lectures

12 Fri 2B from Kingston, Snow Last Lecture

13 Sat Came out to farm & back to B in eve

14 Sun With Frank all day Fine

15 Mo Studying Chemistry Fine

16 Fri " " Fine

17 Wed Went to Kingston P.M. with Frank had earache

18 Thu Took in Exam on Organic Chemistry & metals Fine

19 Fri Moved things out of Flanigan house

20 Sat Came to B on Morning Train Fine Fine part of day snowing some

21 Sun In town with Frank all day Fine

22 Mo Snowing, Went from B to farm split wood

23 Fri Drifted very hard split wood snowed some

24 Wed Frank W. Bell & Jennie Wood married Took Ma to B

25 Thu Fine, 2B, Alva & Nellie up from S Mountain Aunt Catherine Bell here

26 Fri Fine Went to B & took Frank out for a drive Alva & Jim B Nellie, Ma & Pa & Aunt Kate at home

27 Sat Went with Alva & Nellie to South Mt Aunt Catherine Bell to B Fine

28 Sun Went out to Jos Renders, at Hallville church & at Van Camps

29 Mo Came back to S. Mt. Went to Foxtons & got 2 load stone

30 Tu Rain A.M. got 2 load stone P.M.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train,__________Conductor,Fraser 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 31th Mar TO 19 April REMARKS.

31 Wed Rain most of day. At Uncle Jno Frasers

1st April Thu } Helped Uncle Jno Fraser saw wood roads breaking up

2 Fri Heavy floods at S.Mt. Rain & soft Light snow

3 Sat Went to Oxford Station from S.M. & to B Frank & baby came out to farm

3 Sun Roads bad at home all day Fine

4 Mo Drew out 5 loads manure 3E AM fine Made Hot bed & fixed gate

6 Tu Went to B got boards for gate pickets &c Hail, stormed, snow, went with waggon

7 Wed Stormed most of day repaired gate &c drifted a good deal

8 Thu Drew out 12 loads manure with sleigh 3W Fine Gyp calved 2B in evening

9 Fri " " " 12 " " " " with sleigh Jas Stratton & wife were here Fine

10 Sat 2B with buggie } Fine & warm sleighing } repaired harness &c used up

11 Sun At SH in Morn } Road not open to 3rd street Fine

12 Mo Fixed garden & road fence. Let water off 5W Sowed seeds in hotbed Fine

13 Tu Repairing & fixing up around farm

14 Wed Fine } Took down windows from in front stoop } Put out bees went to B AM

15 Thu Finis pattern for Plow Shoe } Made two whippletrees } Fine } Roads bad

16 Fri Got horses shod Fine drying wind } Drew 3 small loads hay from Shed to H Stable roads drying

17 Sat } Washed & oiled both sets double harness Pa & Ma to B. } Fine Pa Bot harness from Donaldson

18 Sun } Fine & warm went to SH in AM

19 Mo Put harness together in AM 2B PM with straw for Jail Shower PM

April & May

(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 & 5 Train,__________Conductor,Fraser 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 20 April TO 9 May REMARKS.

20 Tu Commenced to Plow Ther 76 {symbol for degrees} O -- Little field Fine

21 Wed O -- 4W SS Fine hot drying weather

22 Thu ' -- 3E NS. == little field Fine

23 Fri C -- " " } Sowed onion seed Fine

24 Sat :: wheat 4W SS } U -- 3E NS Fine 2B market

25 Sun At SH Fine

26 Mo O -- 3D NS & == it once } Fine Had Baby Christened by Mr Jas Simpson

27 Tu ' -- 5W Rain } cleaned cook house &c set Leech &c

28 Wed Fine Cleaned seed grain

29 Thu Repaired chimney, Fixing up around buildings Fine

30 Fri ' -- 5W (Finis wheat ground } ridged up little field Killed Gyps calf

1st Sat May } 2B Market AM ' -- 5E PM Fine

2 Sun At Maple grove to 1/4 meeting Fine

3 Mo ' -- 5E AM }:: wheat 5W WS PM Fine

4 Tu :: 3E NS oats & == it } -- a few furrows 5E

5 Wed O -- 5E } Planted corn acre fine

6 Thu -- Barley ground 5W Fine

7 Fri light shower } :: & == 5E oats

8 Sat :: Barley 5W Fine Went to B in eve Took Frank & baby in town

9 Sun Went to B heard Rev Dyson Hagne Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM 10 May TO 9 May REMARKS.

10 Mo Went up to Kingston to study Botany Practical Chemistry & Matriculation. Fine

11 Tu Took 1st lesson in P Chem & Bot Fine

12 Wed { Looking for a house Took P chem & Bot Fine & warm (Jas Hall helped me move Fine Rented a house from W Meek on Elm St

13 Thu Frank & Baby came up from B Rained PM Fine AM

14 FRi } Getting things straightened up Thunder storm at night

15 Sat Uncle Alex & wife Aunt Catherine & Frank here Rain whitewashed Kitchen

16 Sun } at St Pauls Hall A.M. Rain P.M.

17 Mo Took Botany Practical Chem & at Ryans showery last night

18 Tu " " " " " "

19 Wed " " " " " " Operation at hospital necrosis of Tibia Fine

20 Thu " " " " " " Fine & Warm

21 Fri " " " " " " Fine got Long boots repaired .50

22 Sat Maggie Bell & Mifs Spooner & I Lee & wife here Fine

23 Sun Went to St Andrews Hall in AM & Frank went in PM Fine

24 Mo at Polsons experimenting } studying AM

25 Tu Took Prac Chem & Botany & at Ryans

26 Wed " " " " " " Fine weather keeps cool

27 Thu " " " " " " At laboratory in PM & went over 1st weeks work shower

28 Fri " " " " " " copied 1 lecture from Connells notes


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM 29 May TO June 17 REMARKS.

29 Sat Wrote out synopsis of Prac Chem Fine most of day, shower at night

30 Sun Went to St Andrews Hall AM Frank went in PM

31 Mon

1st June Mon } P.C. & Bot & At Ryans Fine

2 June Tu " " " " " " At Polsons store grinding up P.C. Light shower in eve

3 Thu " " " " " " Commenced testing by tables Fine

4 Fri " " " " " " at Polsons house in eve P.C. Fine

5 Sat At home studying Fine

6 Sun At at St Andrews hall AM , Frank went PM Fine

7 Mo Took P.C. Bot & at Ryans

8 Tu Light shower last night Fine

9 Wed Took P.C. & Bot & at Ryans Mother McLean came up from B

10 Thu " " " " " " Fine & warm

11 Fri " " " " " " Hot & dry weather

12 Sat Studying most of day Mother McLean went home } Uncle Alex & some of fam here

13 Sun at Mr Carr rothers & St Andrews Hall AM Frank at St Andrews Hall PM

14 Mo Took P.C. & Bot not at Ryan Fine most of day

15 Tu " " " " " " Not " " grinding up PC & {illegible} light shower

16 WEd " " " " " " at Polsons in eve grinding P C

17 Thu Took last Lecture in Botany heavy shower in A.M.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM June 18 TO July 7 REMARKS.

18 Fri Took last lecture in Prac Chem Wm, Nicholl Lecturer, Fine

19 Sat } Examination in Practical Chemistry at 2 P.M. Fine

20 Sun } At Mr Crothers & St Andrews AM Frank at Hall at night Fine

21 Mo Examination in Botany 10 AM Prof Fowler examiner, Prof Shortt Lecturer.

22 Tu At Ryans sutudying for Matriculation Fine

23 Wed " " " " " Bought a waterbarrel from Polson Heavy rain

24 Thu studying Algebra, Physics, Arithmetic Euclid, English grammar & Latin

25 Fri Showery AM Fine PM At Pronouns in Latin

26 Sat } Heavy shower in AM Studying Latin most of day } Aattebell 4 Mos old weighs 14 3/4 lbs

27 Sun At St Andrews Hall both of us one in morn other eve Fine

28 Mo Over at Ryans for part of AM

29 Tu Both Frank & I not feeling very well reviewing up studies

30 Wed not doing much today Fine weather

1st July .} Raas processions, &c &c Fireworks in eve some sharpton folks in today Fine

2 Fri F. W. Bell & wife & Aunt Catherine here. Frank & I & baby went home with them Fine

3 Sat At " " then to Uncle Johns in eve Had a swim in lake in eve Fine

4 Sun At Uncle John's , Tom Mires, Thomas Myres buried at Jim Bells for dinner Fine

5 Mo At Uncle Wm's & (Mr McCarthurs) stayed over night Fine

6 Tu From " " to Ashfords, Frank & Jennie also there Fine

7 Wed at Uncle Alex, Fine & hot, Jennie away


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM July 8 TO REMARKS.

8 Thu Helped Uncle Alex draw in hay & cut hay Fine

9 Fri Uncle Alex Aunt Susannah Frank baby & I went to Brockville Fine

10 Sat Pa to Market, Rain A.M hoed in little orchard PM

11 Sun Uncle & Aunt, Pa & Ma & I went to Bethel church Mr Shorey preached Fine

12 Mo Put poison on potatoes, hoed onions Fine & cool

13 Tu Uncle Alex & Aunt went home C --/ corn 3E SS Fine Pa & Ma to B.

14 Wed Rain. O --/ corn 3E SS hoed tomatoes & cabbage in little orchard to Roy & tena shod 1st time

15 Thu Rained most all day. Pa & Ma started for S. Mountain studying

16 Fri Rainey. Working around buildings most of day

17 Sat 2 Market butter 17.18 Per lba } put P.G on potatoes acre } cut grass little orchard rain eve

18 Sun Rain most of AM } Thos E Bell came out Sat eve } Frank & I to B PM

19 Mo M orchard PM } Moved straw out of barn into shed } Fine & cool PM Rain AM

20 Tu cutting around trees orchard } --/ corn acre } Pa & Ma home from S. Mt.

21 Wed Pa took Frank & the baby to B. working on different things Shower

22 Thu M hay in 1W Fine Drew in hay from orchard

23 Fri Drew in hay 1W 4 loads

24 Sat Pa to Market Fin Rakings 1W 1 small load

25 Sun Frank & I at Bth Fine at Wall St church came out at night with Maxwells in eve

26 Mo M 2E WS . to B & got them Frank, FW Bell & weife here. Pa went got it fixed

27 Tu Took F.W.Bell & wife to B Broke pitman of machine yesterday Fine

July & August

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7-8 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM July 28 TO 16 Aug REMARKS.

28 Wed Drew in hay from 2E WS & M part 2E ES all but 1 round Broke pitman Knife of M Machine

29 Thu Cut W 1/2 1E Had Mr Jno McLeans Machine & cut with 2 teams

30 Fri " E 1/2 1E " " Woods Fine " " raked up west half " " " "

31 Sat Pa went to Market. Fine Raked up E 1/2 & cocked up the acres

1st August Sun at SH Fine

2 Mo Drew in hay from 1E & put it in Hay loft above horses (10 loads) Fine Walter Frew helped in hay

3 Tu Raked up 2nd time 1E & drew in rakings studying

4 Wed M hay in 4W & 5W Fine studying

5 Thu at Maxwells in PM. Fine went to Ice cream social at S of T Hall

6 Fri Drew in 6 loads hay 4W & 5W NS. Fine

7 Sat Studying part of time Drew in hay from swale 4W & to 5W 1 load & rakings. Fine

8 Sun Pa & Ma went to Quarterly meeting at Algonquin Frank & I at the farm Fine

9 Mo Went to Brockville to Father McLeans to study with Will Maxwell

10 Tu Studying in B with W Maxwell Fine

11 Wed " " " " " Took a boat & went to old mans island

12 Thu Will Maxwell went to Maitland excursh Fine

13 Fri Studying today Fine Will Maxwell & I went to point swimming & to cave (below town)

14 Sat Went to Farpaughs show & out to farm Pa to market Fine

15 Sun At home all day Rain

16 Mo Packing up to start for Kingston Rain Put reaper together

August & Sept

(Bk. 28.)

No. 7-8 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM 17 Aug TO REMARKS.

17 Tu Came home to Kingston from Brockville came upon boat. Fine

18 Wed Looked up a school to study at in Fine

19 Thu Commenced to study with Mr Mills Fine

20 Fri At Sundies Fine

21 Sat Met Uncle Wm & wife & Uncle Alex & wife at Market. Fine

22 Sun I went to Williamsville in AM & Frank to St Andrews at night

23 Mo Did not go to Mills as Mrs Mills Sen died & was buried yesterday Rain at night

24 Tu Fine. Rain last night studying at school Heard Rev J McDougall & 3 Indians & 2 chiefs

25 Wed At Mill's School at Matric Fine

26 Thu Translating about 1 chapter of Ceasar Per day - giving 4 Props in Euclid & working at grammar

27 Fri Fine day, gave chap 25 Ceasar & 13, 14, 15 & 16 Props in Euclid Fine Pleasant weather

28 Sat Aunt Helen (James) , Aunt Margaret & Susannah Bill & Mrs Howe here. Fine

29 Sun Heard Mr Sparling AM at Sydenham Frank at St Andrews PM At Church

30 Mo At Ceasar (Latin) & Euclid principally light shower

31 Tu At Mr Mills studying. Fine

Sept 1st fine working at Matric pretty hard

2 Thu Had 3 chaps Ceasar & 4 props Euclid

3 Fri Had 3 chaps Ceasar & 4 props Euclid Fine

4 Sat Walked over to Fort Henry, Fine in AM & rambled near it

5 Sun Went out to Cataraqui to hear Frank to St Andrews


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

X Translating now without a translation

6 Mo Fine day, had only one chap of Ceaser

7 Tu Had 2 Chapters Ceasar & 3 props Euclid Fine Bought 3 charis 2.00 & wood 1.00

8 Wed " " " " " " "

9 Thu At Mr Mills school studying pretty hard

10 Fri Working at Book V Ceasar & Book 2 Euclid

11 Sat Jim H Bell & wife here & Mifs Parrott Fine Took a walk around market

12 Sun Rained Frank & Mifs Meck to cooks church Rained

13 Mo At Mr Mills 2 Ceas & 2 Props

14 Tu " " " " " " " " walked over to military camp

15 Wed Had 2 Chap Ceasar & 2 Props Euclid Rain

16 Thu Went over to Barriefield in PM. (soldiers drilling there) at Mills AM

17 Fri Went though Locomotive works PM. Fine Father McLean & wife came here

18 Sat Fine Father & Mother McLean went home Uncle Jno & Aunt Ellen Bell here

19 Sun At Mr Crothers & St Andrews Hall in AM Frank at Hall in eve

20 Mo Working at Mr Mills at Matric Fine

21 Tu At Latin, English grammar, Euclid, Arithmetic, Algebra &c

22 Wed Getting along Fairly with Work Fine

23 Thu Fine, studying

24 Fri At Study all day

25 Sat at home working all day. Fine

X M.V.Bell, Rosa & Thomas E Bell here

September & Oct

(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 10 Train,__________Conductor,_________187 86 . No of Car. FROM 26 Sept TO 14 Oct REMARKS.

26 Sun Heard Mr Bland in AM. at Mr Crothers at 9:30

27 Mo Rain at Work at Matric papers

28 Tu Rain. Opening day of K- Fair

29 Wed Brushing up on Matric work Fine

30 Thu At Kingston Fair. Frank & I went out with Jno A Bell & wife to sharpton

1st Fri Oct At Uncle Johns Fine

2 Sat Went from Uncle Johns to Uncle Alex Fine called on FW Bell

3 Sun Heard Rev Jas Simpson at Westbrook I came in to K Frank at Uncle Alex

4 Mo + Introductory lecture by T.R. Dupuis Fine Will & I at it

5 Tu Fine Took Chem, M Med, Anatomy Practical Med & Physiol.

6 Wed attended Chem, M Med, Anat & Phys

7 Thu " Histology " " " Fine

8 Fri " " " " " Fine warm pleasant days

9 Sat Put up Made Stand for books for Will

10 Sun Did not go to church, Face swelled up badly Frank wnet in eve

11 Mo Took Chem, M Med, Anat & Phys Fine Pleasant Cooler

12 Tu " " " " " " " Uncle Jno & Alex Bell here to attend Court

13 Wed " " " " " Uncle Jno & Alex went home Colder

14 Thu " Histology anat & Phys Rain Uncle Jno Aunt Ellen Ella & Nellie Bell here

+ Minnie Bell & Wm J Maxwell here to board

{arrow up to between 12 & 13} P Ella & Nellie started for Watertown


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,__________Conductor, Jno B Fraser 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 15th Oct TO 3 Nov REMARKS.

15 Fri Took Histology, Anat, Phys, M Med & Prac anat Fine

16 Sat Studying up Matric &c Fine

17 Sun Went to Mr Crothers & St Andrews Hall Rained most of day

18 Mo University day, No Lectures, Fine at Mr Mills P.M.

19 Tu Had Chem, M Med, Anat, Prac anat & Phys Fine & warm weather

20 Wed " " " " " " " & Phys

21 Thu At Histology, M Med, Anat & Phys

22 Fri At Histology, Mat Med Anat & Phys Frank went out to Uncle Alex

23 Sat At home most of day, Fine got 1 bag sweet apples .60 Fine

24 Sun Frank came back & Jennie Bell with her at St Andrew Hall & Salvation Army Fine

25 Mo Took in Phys in eve. Fine

26 Tu At Chemistry, M Med, Anat, Fine

27 Wed At home studying fine

28 Thu At Materia Med & Anatomy, no Histology Jennie Bell went home

29 Fri Studying at home

30 Sat Went down to Market saw Uncle Wm & Aunt Marg Uncle Alex & Kate & Luke Sharp, Fine

31 Sun Went to St Andrews hall A & PM Frank & I went in eve

1st Nov Mo Took Phys in eve studying for exam

2 Tu Fine studying for exam

3 Wed Matric Exam started today, wrote on Fine Algebra, Euclid, arithmetic & English


(Bk. 28.)

No._______ Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 4th TO REMARKS.

4 Thu Wrote on Latin in AM & Physics PM.

5 Fri Attended M Med, Anat & Physiology

6 Sat Snowed first of season. Went to Market for apples

7 Sun Went to Mr Crothers, & St Andrews P.M & to Sydenham St church PM to hear Rev E A Telfer

8 Mo At Chemistry M Med, Anat & Phys Some rain

9 Tu " " " " " & Clinics dull gloomy weather

+ 10 Wed " " " " " & Phys Fine slight hailstorm, gloomy no rain

11 Thu " Histology, " " " " " & Phys & Clinics slight hail storm

12 Fri " " " " " & " " Turning Colder

13 Sat Bot Coal stone &c very cold last night snowed most of day & Uncle Jno went away

14 Sun At St Andrews Hall A& P.M. Fine cool

15 Mo Took in Anatomy, Chem, Phys, No M Med Fine Changed cook stove

16 Tu " " " " " & a clinical lecture. Fine

17 Wed " " " " " Fine some snow & frost

18 Thu No Lectures, Thanksgiving day

19 Fri Had anat, M Med & Phys.

20 Sat Sent 20.00 to Toronto to register for council unpleasant day snow

21 Sun At Mr Crothers & St Andrews Hall . Fine

22 Mo Had Anat, M Med, Chem, & Phys, Rain

23 Tu Had Chem, Anat, Phys - no M Med or Clinics Rain most of day

+ at Jos Cook's Lecture

November & December

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 -12Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM 24th Nov TO 13 Dec REMARKS.

24 Wed At Anat, M Med, Phys & Chemistry

25 Thu No Histology, } Anat, Phys, M Med Clinics Stormy

26 Fri At Histology, Anatomy, Phys, M Med, & Clinical Lecture Fine

27 Sat Snow enough for light sleighing

28 Sun at All Saints Church in evening colder but not freezing mud

29 Mo Had Anat, M Med, Chem & Phys Fine Snow nearll all off

30 Tu Had Anat, M Med, Chem, Clinic & Phys Cold bitter wind, Freezing hard Fine

1st Dec had Anat M Med, Chem no Phys slightly warmer

2 Thu " " " Histology & Phys at Hospital Clinics

3 Fri " " " " " " some sleighs running

4 Sat Went to Market got 1 Quarter mutton at 6cts Per lb. Beef 3 1/2 per lb cold

5 Sun Cold wind at Mr Crothers & St Andrews A & PM went with SD Chown to Depot

6 Mo At Anat, M Med, & Phys. No Chemistry winding up on an upper Fine

7 Tu At Anat, M Med, Phys & Chemistry At Hospital at Post Mortem examination Fine

8 Wed " " " " " "

9 Thu " " " " " " & Histology Fine Quite warm weather

10 Fri Pa came up this PM, Anat, M Med & Phys no Histology

11 Sat Over at dissecting room & around market

12 Sun At St Andrews hall A & PM, Fine Mr Bland preached A & PM

13 con commenced to dissect upper.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 86 . No of Car. FROM Dec 14th TO 31st REMARKS.

14 Tu At Hospital in eve - Opthalmoscope At Anat, Chemistry & Physiology

15 Wed At Anat & Phys. Dissecting on an upper snow last night

16 Thu No Lectures today. Holidays commenced Working at an upper Fine

17 Fri Night of one Converzatione. Cloudy light snow

18 Sat, Working at Prac Anat, Helped at Convocation Hall Fine

19 Sun First service in new Queen St Church At Catholic Gnostic church at 5 P.M Heard Mr Bland & Whiting

20 Mo No Lectures Holidays Dissecting

21 Tu Some sleighs running Fine Jennie Bell here, Minnie went home

22 Wed Dissecting at Upper extreme Fine

23 Thu Will Maxwell went down home Fine Took Frank over to University museum

24 Frank, Baby & I went to Brockville snowed in morn, rained rest of day

25 Sat Took dinner at Father McLeans Fine & cold IN P.M. went out to farm.

26 Sun Went to S. School & to Bethel Mr Shorey preached

27 Mo Frank baby & I at farm cold 2B & got Maggie Lee & husband

28 Tu Maggie Lee & husband, Frank & baby went to B Pa & I went to S Mountain

29 Wed At Alva's & Uncle Johns cold

+ 30 Thu at Josiah Render's & Jno McTavish's

31 Fri Came up from S Mt, & in to B where I met a sad family stormed

+ Mother McLean died bet 11 & 12 PM


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 87 . No of Car. FROM 1st Jan TO REMARKS.

1st Sat Mother McLean was put in vault A sad new Year Brockville storm

2 Sun At Father McLeans, stayed last at Mr Camerons Fine

3 Mo Talking over matters & arranging things about future movements Fine

4 Tu Frank, Father, Baby & Earnie went out to Stewart Street. I went about 12 AM

5 Wed Commenced to Pack Furniture stormed

6 Thu I went down to S. mountain Fine At Alva's & Uncle Johns, cold

7 Fri Aunt Annas had cancer cut out of breast Drs Harkness, Reddick & Steacy

8 Sat Came back to B & stopped over clear & cold night at J McIntosh's

9 Sun Mother McLean's funeral sermon preached Mr Allen preached it.

+ 10 Mo Finished packing household goods went out with Pa in eve

11 Tu shipped goods to Kingston W. J. Maxwell, Ernie, Frank & I went to K

12 Wed Took Anat, M Med, Chem, & Phys stormed & blowed drifted

13 Thu At Anat M Med, Histology & Phys storm

14 Fri At Anat, M Med, & Phys, stormed hard roads blocked

15 Sat At Y.M.C.A. meeting in AM. at home snowed, very small market PM

16 Sun At Class & Preaching in AM & preaching in eve Mr Bland preached Cold

17 Mo At Post Mortem Hosp Jno Malcahy stormed

18 Tu At Anat, M Med, Chem & Phys Roads blocked up

19 Wed At Lithotrity operation Hospital snowed & drifted

+ Frank & I signed off about back Lot.

January & Febuary

(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 & 2 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 1^887 . No of Car. FROM 20 Jan TO REMARKS.

20 Thu At Anat, M Med & Phys

21 Fri At Anat M Med & Histology

22 Sat At Y.M.C.A. in College, Rained hard

23 Sun At Queen St Meth AM & PM. Cold & fine

24 Mo At Anat, M. Med Chem & Physiol Fine

25 Tu At Anat, M.Med, Chem & Physiol, Fine

26 Wed At Anat, Chem & Physiology

27 Thu At Anat M Med Phys & Chem colder

28 Fri At Anat M Med & Phys warmer snow & rain

29 Sat Father McLean here Cold & fine

30 Sun at No 3 Meth Church A.M. S D. Chown preached at Queen St in eve S.G. Bland preached

31 Mo At Anat, Chem, & Phys Cold Father McLean away at night

1st Tu Feb } At Anat, Chem & Phys } no M Med

2 Wed At Anat, Chem & Phys Fine Stormed } no M Med

3 Thu At Anat, M Med, Chem & Phys at a head & neck Fine

4 Fri At Anat. M Med. Hist & Phys. Fine

5 Sat at Y.M.C.A in AM where some delegates spoke to convention Sir John A McDonald Opera house

6 Sun At Queen St Church AM & PM Rainy sleet

7 Mo Cold & Fine, At Anat, M. Med Phys & Chem

8 Tu At Anat , M Med, Phys & Chem Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 1^887 . No of Car. FROM 9 Feb TO 28th REMARKS.

9 Wed Rained most of day. No M.Med streets sloppy water on sidewalk

10 Thu Fine & warm, Rain at 10 P.M. Dissecting &c

11 Fri Stormed, Took Anat, M.Med, Phys

12 Sat At Y.M.C.A. in AM. Dissecting P.M. Rine roads drifted up

13 Sun At Queen St in A.M. Mr Whiting preached

14 Mo Fine & moderate. Anat, M.Med, Phy, Chem got porcelain dishes & funnel & Bottles

15 Tu At Anat, M. Med, Chem & Dissecting warm nomination day Fine Snow last night

16 Wed " " " " "

17 Thu " " " " "

18 Fri " " " " " & Phys

19 Sat At Y.M.C.A. Meeting I was leader, Fine

20 Sun At Queen St Meth Church Mr Whitney preached Fine

21 Mo At Anat, M Med, Chem & Phys

22 Tu " " " " "

23 Wed Beautiful day at usual studies

24 Thu At Anat, M. Med & Chem, No Phys

25 Fri At Anat M.Med & Phys nearly through dissecting very fine

26 Sat Blowed & light snow, At Hospital 3 P.M. At Physiology 2 P.M.

27 Sun At Queen St church A & P.M. snow drifted

28 Mo At Anat M Med, Phys & Chem Fine cold


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 1^887 . No of Car. FROM 1st TO REMARKS.

1 Tu At M Med Chem & Physiology

2 Wed At Anat, M Med, Chem & Phys

3 Thu At Anat, M.Med, Chem & Phys, Fine Weather, Fine & warm

4 Fri At Anat, M.Med, & Phys, Fine & warm Forman addressed Y.M.C.A. on Missions

5 Sat At Y.M.C.A. & market A.M. Studying P.M Fine most oday snow at night

6 Sun At Queen St Mr Bland preached A"M & At 3rd Meth Church Rev Crossly preached PM

7 Mo Soft Rain, Anat, Chem, M.Med & Phys

8 Tu At M Med Phys & Chem Fine

9 Wed At M Med Phys & Chem - no Anat - warm light shower very fine mostly

10 Thu At M Med, Phys & Chem Fine

11 Fri Last Lectures today . No Anat } had Chem today No Physiology today

12 Sat Studying for Exams. At market Aunt Margaret & Maggie Bell here Fine

13 Sun At Queen St A & PM, Rev Browning preached

14 Mo Hard at work on exams principly M Med Fine

15 Tu Fine went to College & got coat &c

16 Exam (College) in Materia Medica

17 Thu " " " Physiology . Fine

18 Fri " " " Anatomy "

19 Sat Working up for Chemistry. Fine

20 Sun } At Queen St A.M. Frank & Earnie in eve

March & April

(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 & 4Train,__________Conductor,_________ 1^887 . No of Car. FROM 21st TO REMARKS.

21 Mo Took Chemistry exam in P.M. Fine working at Chem A.M.

22 Tu Studying up for Oral's Fine

23 Wed Took Oral exam on Materia Med Anatomy & Physiology Fine

24 Thu Fixed chair walked down to see Myles steamboat Fine

25 Fri Slight snow. R.E. McKechnie here Studying for council exams Fine A.M.

26 Sat R.E. McKechnie started for Montreal. Fine

27 Sun At Queen St church Mr Bland A & PM Fine Ernie & I in AM & Frank & I in eve

28 Mo Passed Anatomy exam. Light snow snowed last night 3 -4 inches this morn

29 Tu Studying for Council Exam cold Fine

30 Wed " " " " " " Went down to see "Myles"

31 Thu " " " " " Fine weather both sleighs & waggons running

1st April " " " " sleighs still running

2 Sat Got carriage for Baby Fine Emma Sharp here at market studying

3 Sun At Queen St in morn & Sy denham st in eve Fine

4 Mo Studying for exams Father McLean here

5 Tu Commenced Council Examination Took Anatomy

6 Wed Took Chemistry examin (Theoretical) Fine

7 Thu " Materia Medica & Pharmacy " Fine

8 Fri Took Physiology & Histology Fine

9 Sat " Prac Chemistry, & Toxicology Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 1^887 . No of Car. FROM 1st TO REMARKS.

1 Ju 10 Sun at Queen St & Wm - ville T.G. Williams church Fine

2 Wed 11 Studying up for Oral exam Fine

3 Thu 12 " " " " " Father McLean started for Dakota

4 Fri 13 Wed getting reaedy for exam Fine

5 Sat 14 Thu oral exam on all primary subjects Fine.

15 Fri Rain W. J. Maxwell went home. Alna came home P. M. light rain

16 Sat Went down to market & strolled around city with Alva fine

17 Sun At W Williamsville church A.M & Queen eve Fine

18 Mo Alva started for Gananoque & Frank & I started went to Westbrook Uncle Ale Fine

19 Tu At uncle Alex Fine

20 Wed . From uncle Alex to uncle John Bells Fine

21 Thu West to Uncle William Bills Fine

22 Fri Called at Jas Bells & took dinner with Aunt Catherine Fine

23 Sat at Uncle alex again Rain

24 Sun } At West brook T Smails preached Fine

25 Mo | Emie & I came back to K in stage 1 Lecture Fine

26 Fu | Frank & baby came in today Fine

27 Wed | At city hall Lauration day Fine

28 Thu | Rained most of day . On Friday look sanitary Science.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 1^887 . No of Car. FROM 29th Ap TO May REMARKS.

29 Fri Fixing up around house. Fine

30 Sat Fine Bought crib for baby At Market Painted chair & varnished crib &c

1st Sun May } At Queen St A & P.M. Mr Bland AM & Mr Whiting P.M. Fine

2 Mo At Hospital saw an operation for Ulcer Fine Lecture at 5 P.M.

3 Tu Frank commenced Housecleaning Fine

4 Wed At Hospital A.M. & Med Juriprudence 5 P.M. Fine

5 Thu Helping Frank at Housekeeping Fine

6 Fri At Housecleaning } Took Lecture on Sanitary Science Fine

7 Sat At Hospital A.M. Fine Saw uncle Alex & Aunt & Mr J Simpson

8 Sun At Queen St Church opening Fine Rev H Bland preached in AM & Rev Dr Douglass Eve

9 Mo At Hospital & Medical Jurisprudence

10 Tu At Home writing most of day. Fine

11 Wed At Hospital & Medical Jurisprudence At Prayer Meeting in eve Fine

12 Thu At Home cleaned Privy & fixed floor of wood shed Fine

13 Fri At Post mortem at Hospital } no Sanitary Science Fine part

14 Sat At Hospital Post Mortem remainder, Fine writing notes on Obstetrics

15 Sun At Queen St Church Rev Mr Hall preached in A.M. & Rev Dr Nelles in eve Fine

16 Mo Fine at Hospital & Lectures Med Juris

17 Tu At Hospital again fine weather

18 Wed Took first case to diagnosis Fine

May & June

(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 & 6 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 87 . No of Car. FROM 19th May TO May REMARKS.

May 19 Thu At Hospital copying out Obstetrical notes.

20 Fri Presented report on case Hospital Mrs School aft Fine

21 Sat Writing & studying Fine

22 Sun At Queen St A & PM. Rev AB Chambers in PM & Rev T.G. Williams A.M.

X 23 Mo Have drills 3 or 4 times ambulance corps Fine At Hosp & Med Juris

24 Tu Marched with 16th P.W.O over to Barrefield Rained a good part of day

25 Wed Fine at Hosp & Med Juris, writing out Obstet notes

26 Thu Took Med Juris , Fine, In eve at Queen St Church Revs Potts, Burwash & Dewart spoke

27 Fri At Medical Juris. Rev Mr Philps here Fine

28 Sat Mrs Wm McLean went home. Jas Hall here to dinner Fine

O 29 Sun At Queen & Sydenham St Churches. Fine Rev Mr Philps } Rev Dr Carman {illegible}iation service

30 Mo At Hospital AM & Medical Jurisprudence PM Fine Rev Mr SD Chown here for tea

31 Tu At home most of day } at Med Juris PM Rev Jas Lawson here ] at S School meeting in eve

1st June Rained most of day No Med Juris

2 Thu At Med Jurisprudence cloudy Hospital no lecture

3 Fri At Hospital & Sanitary Science Fine

4 Sat Went out to Asylum Fine at market

5 Sun At Queen St AM & Pm both Frank & I Fine Mr Whiting AM Mr Bland PM

O Philip Jen & Min Bell here & Mr Jas, Edgar & Harper Coates Conference sitting in Kingston

X Mrs Wm McLean here from Farmville


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 87 . No of Car. FROM 6th June TO May REMARKS.

6 Mo Rain At Medical Jurisprudence studying at Sanis & Juris

7 Tu At Hospital saw operation on ankle removing cuticle & scrape Fine No Med Juris

8 Wed No Lectures either Hosp or Med Juris

9 Thu Had Lectures on Med Jurisprudence no Hospital lectures Fine

10 Fri Took last lectures on Sanitary Science Fine Studying up for exam

11 Sat Fine. At Market. Ernie went to Brockville

12 Sun went to Queen St AM & Frank in eve Fine

13 Mo Ernie came back & Will Maxwell with him At Hospital

14 Tu Studying up for exam. Fine

15 Wed At Hospital saw cataract removed saw an ey taken out Fine

16 Thu At Med Juris & Sanitary Science

17 Fri Did not go to Hospital studying

18 Sat Maggie H Bell here. Fine At Market

19 Sun At Queen St AM & P.M. Rain

20 Mo Took Med Juris & San Science exam went to Montreal at night Fine

21 Tu At Uncle Jas Bells & around street with Battalian Rain

22 Wed. Came home from Montreal Fine

23 Thu } got report of exam, Passed in both Sanit Science & med Juris Fine

24 Fri } Got Dunglisous Dictionary Fine

June & July

(Bk. 28.)

No._______ Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 . No of Car. FROM TO May REMARKS.

25 Sat Uncle Jno, Aunt Ellen & Rose here Fine At Final subjects. light shower

26 Sun At Queen St A & PM, Mr Whiting AM & Mr Bland PM Fine

27 Mo Fine working at final work at Hospital

28 Tu At final work Fine

29 Wed At McGillivery studying Fine at Hospital in AM

30 Thu Mr Thomspon Killed by fireworks in eve Celebration of Queens Jubilee Fine

1 July Hot day At Review of Troops, Fine man drowned today

2 Sat Frank & I went out to Uncle Alex Bells Fine

3 Sun Hot & dry. Frank & the rest of fam to Westbrook

4 Mo At Uncle Wms & Johns & Aunt Catherines Fine & hot

5 Tu At Uncle Alex, Got out fossils Fine

6 Wed Went to Hartington, Saw Charles Bell Uncle Alex Maggie & Hiram Bell Fine

7 Thu At Harrowsmith to Jas Kelsoes & took tea with Maggie Lee. Fine

8 Fri I came back to Kingston Fine got Sargeant arm bandaging

9 Sat Frank came home today Fine studying at finals

10 Sun Heard Rev Mr Sparling AM & Rev S Bland P.M. } light rain

11 Mo At Hospital Fine Hot & dry

12 Tu Got Suit dark {illegible} Hat Hypodermic syringe } Hot Fine

13 Wed Started for B Went out to farm went down on "Pelsia" str Fine

14 Thu Visiting at farm Pa Ma Maggie Henry & Syd well Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train,__________Conductor,_________ 187 7 . No of Car. FROM 15 July TO 3rd Aug REMARKS.

15 Fri Made Splints for Loyd Hurds legs Fine ground very dry

16 Sat Fine, Reading & Amusing ourselves today

17 Sun At Bethel Church, Mr Shorey preached Fine

18 Mo Studying surgery "Wyeths" Fine weather extremely hot

19 Tu Jno Henry buried at B rowed up to cemetery Fine

20 Wed Geo & Wm Wood, Ernie & I went up the river at Mrs McIntoshs & Murphys

21 Thu Rain, Called at Ad McGuins, Mrs Knapp &c went back to farm

22 Fri Helped put up crosspiece for hayfork in Horse stable some rain

23 Sat Pa, Frank, H Hat & I drove down to S Mt Fine & cool At Alva's

24 Sun Heard Cornett at Presb church fine

25 Mo Drove out to Josiah Renders. Fine

26 Tu Visited at S{illegible} & Jno McTavishes Fine Good crop of hay down here

27 Wed Drove in from Jos Renders to Jno Frasers stayed at Uncles all night Fine

28 Thu Drove from S Mt to Spencerville Pa drove home

29 Fri Fine clear day, took a drive with Dr McLean & another Rev SD Chown

30 Sat Took dinner Dr & I at Jos McLeans shower in evening

31 Sun at Jos McLeans & Spencerville preacher SD Chown Fine

1st Aug } Frank & Hattie went to Jos McLeans Read at Drs

2 Tu Studying some of the Dr's cases fine

3 Wed Got the Drs horse & drove to J McLeans Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 8 Train,__________Conductor,Fraser 187 7 . No of Car. FROM 4th Aug TO 23rd REMARKS.

4 Thu Frank baby & I drove back from Jos McLeans to Dr McLeans Fine

5 Fri Frank & Lizzie went to Bishops Mills Fine

6 Sat Put Plaster Jacket on Smiths Leg Fine

7 Sun At Quat Meeting Spencer Chown Preacher Fine

8 Mo Drove from Spencers to S Mt

9 Tu Mrs Render Had a paralytic stroke At Jos Renders, Uncle Jno & Alva Drove back to Spencerville Fine

10 Wed Came back to Spencerville. Fine

11 Thu Went with Dr to J Frasers. Fine young man had intrapelvic abcess

12 Fri Reading most of day Frank with at Jos McLeans } at Spencers with Lizzie McLean

13 Sat Took Tea at Mrs Whites At Jos McLeans Fine

14 Sun At Prayer Meeting & Preaching at McLeans Fine Mr Chown preached

15 Mo Jos & Justus McLean & their wives drove Frank & I home Fine } 2B

16 Tu In Brockville to see Beach he not home Pa drove me Fine

17 Wed At Mr Maxwells in P.M. Fine reading in AM

18 Thu Visiting & reading

19 Fri Cooler weather but fine Reading

20 Sat Frank & I visiting in Brockv Fine

21 Sun Heard Rev Mr Blanchet at Bethel Fine

22 Mo Helped patch Barn roof fine Visited at Dunhams

23 Tu Pa at Market I walked in & out to B went in to see Beacock cool

Aug & Sept

(Bk. 28.)

No. 8-9 Train,__________Conductor,_________18^87 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

24 Wed Wm J Maxwell Frank & I went up to Kingston Took train Fine Found all right

25 Thu went to McGilliverys & to Hospital Fine

26 Fri " " " " " " Very dry time wells failing

X 27 Sat Montreal Fred Bell here. Fine Philip, Maggie, Aunt Susannah Uncle Wm & Anne here

28 Sun Frank at church in AM & I in PM Fine day Bland AM Whiting PM

29 Mo At Hospital dissecting brain Fine at McGilliverys in PM

30 Tu At McGilliverys studying & also dissecting Brain

31st Wed Sept Oct Got House from R. Love at Hospital Fine

2 Thu Sept Moved 5 loads furniture to house 332 5 Brock St Fine

3 Sat Aunt Helen Bell of Montreal here Moved Piano & Hair set furniture Fine

4 Sun Frank heard Mr Whiting in AM & I heard Salem Bland in eve

5 Mo Went to Barnums show Fine at McGilliverys WJ Max & I

6 Fri At Hospital man with double fracture of his lower jaw at McGilliverys Fine

7 Wed Seen Pacentesis performed on Mrs Burk went with W Maxwell & Dr Fenwick

8 Thu Went to Commercial Union Picnic over at Wolf Island Fine

9 Fri Went over to Point to see Mrs Burke wound oozing yet Fine grinding

10 Sat At market got 1 Qr mutton 4 1/2 Per lb Fine day Uncle Jas Bell here & Geo.

11 Sun At Queen St in eve Whiting spoke Fine

12 Mo At McGilliverys, Rain. grinding at home

X wrote up suddards case


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,__________Conductor, J.B.F. 18^87 . No of Car. FROM 13th Sept TO REMARKS.

13 Tu At Hospital Saw operation on Tibia knee - opened Fine

14 Wed At operation scraping Tibia cupping & puncture Hydraulic

15 thu Rained Father McLean came back from Nebraska Fine AM

16 Ri At McGil home & hospital Tine

+ 17 Sat Uncles Jas, Wm & Alex Bell & wives here Uncle Jas wife & 4 Children started for home Fine

18 Sun At Mr WJ Crothers class in morn & at 2 services Mr Bland & Whiting Fine

19 Mo At McGillverys A.M. got wood saw } Ovariotomy performed by X

20 Went over to Fort hill in PM Father McLean Ernie & I Fine

21 Wed At McGilliverarys & with Gillies in PM Am light rain

22 Thu At Hospital grinding up with McGraw Fine also at McGillivarys

23 Fri At TH Suddards Post Mortem At Hospital Fine

24 Sat At Hospital Market &c Studying Fine

25 Sun at Queen St in eve Frank in AM Fine Father McLean at Gate's

26 Mo At McGillivarys in AM Fine reading on finals

27 Tu P & Mde Jno Fraser Sim Fraser Lill & Sims wife were here Fine

28 Wed Studying most of day Fine Mr & Mrs & Alice Mitchell, Mrs Murphy & Maud here

II 29 Thu Went out to Fair Fine Took Pa & Uncle Jno Fraser through Museum

30 Fri went studied at home shower Pa & Uncle Jno Fraser went home II At Hospital on 1st obstretric case X Drs Dupuis & Fenwick on Mrs Fanny Bell + saw an operation on mans lower jaw


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,__________Conductor, J.B.F. 187 87 . No of Car. FROM 1st Oct TO 19th REMARKS.

1st Sat Oct At Hospital. showery Father McLean went to B Mr, Mrs & Alice Mitchell, Mrs Murphy & Maud went home to B

2 Sun at Queen St AM Mr Whiting & PM Rev Salem Bland Frank & I in eve

3 Mo At Hospital 2nd Obstretric case Rain. Sim Fraser, Jas Maxwell & I went over to Point

4 Tu Opening addresses by the professors Not much done today Rain

5 Wed at Prac Med, Obstect & Surgery dark & gloomy cool

6 " " " " " About 40 Freshmen entered this year

7 Fri At Prac med, Obstret, Surgery & Hospital

8 Sat Over at Hospital, at Market, Have had a rainy spell following the drought

9 Sun At Queen St Mr Whiting & Bland preached went A & PM.

10 Mo At Prac Med Surg, Obstret Hosp & Med showery

11 Tu At Surg Prac Med Obstretrics, At Med Jurisprudence cooler

12 Wed At Prac Med, Surg, Obstret, & Hospital clinic Showery

13 Thu At Prac Med, Obstretrics, no surgery Fine

14 Fri At Anat, surg, Prac Med, & Obstretrics In eve had Election of court officers Fine

15 Sat At Y.M.C.A. in AM & to Market In PM to Hotel dieu Fine

16 Sun At Queen St AM Rev S.H.Bland preached In Eve Ernie & Frank went & Ernie Joined the church

17 Mo Convocation day, No lectures, at Dr Saunders fixed Battery Fine

18 Tu At Obstret, Pract Med & Surgery

19 Wed At Hospital surgical clinic by gallery AT Hendersons Photographs

Prof DuPuis at surg Prac & Obstret got Photographs taken Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,__________Conductor, J.B.F. 187 87 . No of Car. FROM 20th Oct TO 8th Nov REMARKS.

20 Thu At Obstret, Prac & surg Rain

21 Fri At Freshmen reception Y.M.C.A. in convocation Hall Fine

22 Sat At Market, Y.M.C.A & Hospital & Hotel Dieu Aunt Catherine here Fine

23 Sun Rain at night, In eve heard Rev Mr S Bland in Sydenham At Hospital

24 Mo At Obstret, Prac Med & Surg Fine got Potters Mat Med, Edis & Tyson

25 Tu AT Med Juris, Obstret, Pract & Surg Fine cool day

26 Wed At Clinic at Hospital & Practice Frost Fine surgery & Obstret

27 Thu At Practic Med, Surg & Obstret Fine

28 Tu At Reception in in Queen St Meth Church At Surg, Practice, Obstret

29 Sat Snow in afternoon, At Hospital ed ymca in AM. & Hotel Dieu

30 Sun At Queen St A & PM, Fine & Cold

31 Mo Took regular classes. Fine

1st Nov Tu } At regular classes AT Maggie Frizzells case

2 Wed Clinic at Hospital, At Surg, Prac & Obstret Fine

3 Thu At Prac Med, Obstret, Surgery & Hospital Fine Father McLean here from Brock

4 Fri Fine At Obstret, Prac Med, & an operation at Hotel Dieu, removing cancer of breast & +

5 Sat At Y.M.C.A A.M. Hospital P.M. Fine Frank & Father McLean & Baby at Highlands

6 Sun At Queen St AM Mr Whiting & PM Mr Salem Bland

7 Mo Had monthly exam in Obstretrics. Fine Had Prac Med, no surgery At Hospital Fine

8 Tu At Obstret, Prac Surg & Hospital very Fine day.

+ & also cancer of scrotum & cord


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 87 . No of Car. FROM Nov 9 TO Nov REMARKS.

9 Wed At regular work at Hospital Fine & clear

10 Thu At Practice surg, no surgery at Obstretics fine snow at night

11 Fri Had Monthly exam on Practic, At Obstret, & surgery no clinic Snow

12 Sat Frank, Father Mc & Baby came in from Westbrook At Hotel Dieu & Hospital

13 Sun At Queen St Am Mr Bland & Pm Mr Whiting In eve Frank & I at Chalmers YMCA } 8:30

14 Mo Went to see Dr Saunders about office work Had Clinic, at Obstret, Prac & Surgery

15 Tu Rain, At Obstret, Prac, Surgery At Dr Saunders office

16 Wed At Hospital Clinic, Obstret, Prac & Surgery Fine most of day

17 Thu Thanksgiving day, Fine, no Classes today Bright & sunshiny, no frost, grass green yet

18 Fri at Hospital. Fine. waggons running no snow

19 Sat At Saunders in AM & went out to Wilbur mines in P.M. for Dr Mundell, snow

20 Sun Out at mines, at service in School house snowed most of day

21 Mo Came back from Wilber, at Lectures in evening some snow here.

22 Tue At Obstret, Practice & surgery snow nearly all away

23 Wed " " " " Fine days & weather

24 Thu Fine, some frost, & in eve snow

25 At Obstret, Practice & Surgery Fine Dark day. at Hospital

26 Sat At Hospital, Hotel Dieu & Saunders made up 240 Pills Fine Rain

27 Sun Streets very sloppy, at Queens St A & PM Mr Whiting in AM & Salem Bland PM. Rain

28 Mo At surgery, Practice, Obstret & Hospital Fine most of day but cloudy, snow

November & December

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 87 . No of Car. FROM Nov 29 TO Nov REMARKS.

29 Tu At Regular work - college. Fine

+ 30 Wed Father McLean went to Brockville at regular work

1st Thu Put up coal stove & got in coal Ground frozen up

2 Fri At Hospital, Prac, Obstret & surgery

3 Sat At Alma Mater Elections. At Hotel Dieu Fine

4 Sun Rain, At Queen St A & PM. Bland Whiting

5 Mo At Exam in Obstretrics, At Prac & Surg At Hospital in eve Soft

6 Tu At Obstretrics, Practice, & Surgery Fine warm & pleasant

7 Wed At regular classes except Obstret nice Fine

8 Thu % Weather Mild, grass Quite green yet Have not had any severy frost yet

9 Fri At Hospital, Obstretrics, Practice & surgery Fine

10 Sat Rain most of day, at Hotel Dieu & Hospital Theodore Miller here

11 Sun At Sydenham St Church Rain Rev Hiraive preached

12 Mo At Practice exam, At Obstret, Surgery Fine

13 Tu " " Obstretrics, & Surgery Fine

14 Wed At Practice Obstret & no surgery Jennie Bell here Boys stoked it.

15 Thu At Montreal as delegate to Bishops college. Fine

% Appointed delegate to Bishops college

+ Wed con Three operations today, Abcess, Tanotomy & secondary shoulder operation


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 87 . No of Car. FROM 16 Dec TO REMARKS.

16 Fri Went around city with the students at Uncle James Bells in eve. Fine

17 Sat At Geo Stoves, R McKechnies, started home little snow in the city

18 Sun Home from Montreal. Fine. was not at church

19 Mo went out to Wilbur mines for Dr Munhall light snow last night. Fine

20 Tu Came back from " " Fine some sleighs running

21 Wed Frank, Ernie, Will, Baby & I went to B snowed in night & forenoon

22 Thu At Jno McLeans in P.M. at home A.M.

23 Fri Henry Hurd & I in Brockville & Maggie & Frank At entertainment (S.S.) in School house in eve

24 Sat Frank, Baby & I went to B at Jas Murphys over night cold weather

25 Sun At Brockville Took Dinner at Jas Murphys Tea at J.B.McIntosh's

26 Mo Came out home & took another xmas dinner wind blew hard & very cold

27 Tu Went down to Mr Maxwells in P.M. Frank, Baby & I cold

28 Wed Frank at Jno McLeans, I helped paper bedroom cold

29 Thu In Brockville in the afternoon and at night went to a party at Maxwells.

30 Fri Went to Mr Dunhams for a visit. Fine all the family home but Emma

31 Sat Frank & I went in to B with Henry Hurd & stayed most of the day at R.Bell's.

1st Sun Jan 1888 } Pa & Ma, Henry Hurd Maggie & her two children are living near Brockville, Jennie has two children & is living in Friend Nebraska, Alva and Ellen with their baby are visiting

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

at the old homestead: Alva having rented his place in South Mountain. They have just finished a new addition to the house and Pa & Ma tak one end and Henry & Maggie the other. I am living at 332 Brock St Kingston studying medicine, have passed my primary exam before the council & " & Intermediate exam before the college beside two of the final subjects. Ernie is with us & Will Maxwell. Grandma Fraser, Uncles Jno, Wm, Sam & Aunt Alida are alive with their wives & husband. Uncles Jno Alex Wm & Jas Bell & their wives are alive and Aunts Mary & Margaret & their Husbands are alive too. During the year Minnie & Rosa McKechnie were married.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 1st TO REMARKS.

1st Jan 1888 Sun. Went to Bethel & heard Mr Shorey at S.H. in A.M. light rain in A.M.

2nd Mo Will Maxwell Frank Hattie & I came back to Kingston, Found things all right

3 Tu Commenced to write my Thesis Fine At Hospital last night confinement

4 Wed Called at 6 A.M to Hospital to a confinement writing on my thesis snow

5 Thu Writing up Hemiplegia. Sleighing quite good no lectures yet

6 Fri at Hospital. Fine At Thesis

7 Sat Aunt Susannah Uncle Alex & Philip here stormy in the morning

8 Sun At Queen St PM " Salem Bland Fine Frank & I PM AM Rev Mr Houston

9 Mo At Obstretrics & Practice, no surgery Lectures commenced today fine

10 Tu At Dr Saunders in A.M. at surgery Practice & Obstretrics in P.M. snow

11 Wed At Hospital in morning; operation by Dr Dupuis At Lectures in P.M. Very fine

12 Wed At Obstretrics, Practice & surgery Fine but cold

13 Fri At Hospital, Practice & surgery no Obstretrics. Fine but strong south wind snowed

14 Sat At Hospital. Y.M.C.A & Hotel Dieu

15 Sun At Queen St A & P.M. Revs {Bland Whiting sidewalks very slippery

16 Mo at regular work. Fine

17 Tu At Practice, surgery, Obstretrics & Med Juris Cold & Fine

18 Wed At Practice & surgery, No Obstret at Hospital. Fine

19 Thu At regular classes. cold Fine

20 Fri Fine & cold Ther 10 {symbol for degrees} below zero at regular classes


(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 21st Jan TO REMARKS.

21 Sat, Ther 15 below Zero, Fine Principal Grant addressed the Y.M.C.A. at Hospitals

22 Sun Heard Revs Whiting & Bland

23 Mo Took regular lectures

24 Tu Weather extremely cold the Thermometer often far below zero

25 Wed At Lectures. Fine

26 Thu Roads & Railways blocked with snow

27 Fri At Hospital & Lectures

28 Sat At Hospital. Y.M.C A. & Hotel Dieu Leader T.J.Jamieson

29 Sun Heard Rev Mr Bland in A.M. & Rev Mr McGillivary P.M.

30 Mo Very cold weather. At Hospital at Lectures. Exam on obstetrics

31 Tu. At Obstetrics, Practice & surgery cold & Fine

1st Feb The weather very moderate but Fine Hospital roads has been blocked. 3 Lectures

2 Thu Minnie Bell here. Very fine day at regular lectures

3 Fri at Obstetrics, Practice & surgery Fine Snow in eve at Hospital

4 Sat. Father McLean came up from Brockville Drifted Rain in eve. At Hospitals

5 Sun At Queen St Meth church. Fine

6 Mo At H.J. Saunders. Fine & cool

7 Tu At regular lectures. Cold

8 Wed At Practice, surgery & Obstetrics

9 Thu Cold weather at regular lectures


(Bk. 28.)

No. 2 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

10 Fri Thermom 14 below zero. Fine. At regular classes

11 Sat At Hospital, Hotel Dieu & Y.M.C.A.

12 Sun At Queen St in A.M. Fine & cold

13 Mo At Practice, Obstetrics & Surgery, Fine warmer weather

14 Tu Went to Wilbur Mines for Dr Mundell Rain in A.M. turning very cold at night

15 Wed Returned from Wilbur. Clear & Cold At Obstetrics, no surgery or practice

16 Thu Ther 15 {symbol for degrees} below zero. Cold but fine

17 Fri At Hospital A.M. Mild fine sunshiny

18 Sat At Hospitals, Cold

19 Sun At Queen St church. Fine

20 Mo At regular lectures. Fine

21 " " " "

22 Wed at regular Lectures, At Hospital

23 Thu At " " very Fine Like spring weather

24 Fri Beautiful day at Hospital Father McLean & I went to B & Jos McLeans

25 Sat went from Jos McLeans to Spencerville & from that back of {illegible} & home Rain & snow

26 Sun At Father Fraser's all day in eve at J McLeans Went to B at night

27 Mo at Practice & Obstetrics. Fine. Cold came up from Brockville

28 Tu At Surgery, Practice & Obstetrics Fine

29 Wed At Hospital & regular lectures


(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 1st March TO 20th Mar REMARKS.

1st March At Practice & Obstetrics stormed. Quite mild

2 Fri Colder, stormed, at Lectures

3 Sat Went out to Uncle Alex, with Uncle Wm Frank & Hattie went out with Philip. cold Fine 3rd Got examination ticket - Final - for Queens

4 Sun Came in from Uncle Alex. Cold & Fine

5 Mo At Practice, Obstet & Surgery Fine

6 Tu Had a dissecting group taken.

7 Wed At Hospital, Practice & Obstetrics

8 Thu No surgery. Had practice & Obstet Fine

9 Fri Had last Lectures of the season Fine

10 Sat Frank & Hattie cam in from WBrook. Got final group taken. Fine. At Hospital

11 Sun Not feeling extra & did not go to church

12 Mo Studying for exam. To hear Mifs Dinsdale in eve. cold

13 Tu Stormed nearly all day. At Home

14 Wed At Hospital. Fine. grinding with Kayle & Chamberlain Roads blocked

15 Thu at regular studying. Fine.

16 Frin Getting up Final work "

17 Sat At Hospital Thos R. Dupuis last lecture of 88 Fine

18 Sun At Queen St church Miss Dinsdale spoke A large number out

19 Mo. Father McLean came up from Spencerville Fine

20 Tu Took surgery exam both Royal & Trinity Fine. Wrote A & PM.

March & April

(Bk. 28.)

No. 3 & 4 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 21st March TO 9th April REMARKS.

21 Wed Wrote on Practice Royal A.M. & Obstetrics P.M Trinity

22 Thu Wrote on Obstetrics AM Royal & Practice P.M Trinity

23 Fri Packing up goods for Spencerville Fine & cold

24 Sat Packing up Household goods. Fine. waggons running

25 Sun At Queen St Meth church

26 Mo Shipped goods to Spencerville (Household) Rained & snowed Frank & FAther Baby & Ernie to Brock

27 Tu Had an oral exam took exam on Practice, Obstetrics & surgery

28 Wed snowed & Rained. Went down to Spencerville from Kingston

29 Thu Drawing Household goods from staion to Spencerville Fine

30 Fri Took team to Prescott & went to B and out home. Fine Putting away goods.

31 Sat Went up to Kingston expecting to write on the council exam. Fine

1st April At 3rd Meth Church AM & 1st in eve Called at Cyrus Sharp's & Jno Cowdy's eve

2 Mo Preparing for exam in AM & to start for home P.M. Fine

3 Tu Came to Spencerville Fine

4 Wed Made a trip to Jas McLennans Fine Frank & bab Hattie up to Jos McLeans

5 Thu Rained most of day. Fixed pump

6 Fri Weather cleared up, Busy all day.

7 Sat Out to Jno Vincents, Frank & Hattie & Ernie Father McLean to Mrs Knapps funeral came back

8 Sun At " " in A.M. Fine at home all day. Frank at church

9 Mo Wm Maxwell came down. very fine an easy day


(Bk. 28.)

No. 4 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 10th April TO REMARKS.

10 Tu Father McLean came back from Mrs Knapps funeral Rain P.M. Fine A.M. } W.J.Max away 5 P.M.

11 Wed Rain At Keelers to see child. got one bbl sugar from Kingston

12 Thu Light snow at night & cold Out to Mr Cummins in A.M.

13 Fri at Nat Bartons & Jos McLeans Took Ernie McLean up to ^ Fine Frost last night

14 Sat " " " & office work. Fine part of day some more snow

15 Sun Fine day at Nat Bartons & Pat Gores in eve Heard Rev SD Chown in A.M.

16 Mo Had a busy day. Fine Roads bad mud deep in some places & snow deep in others

17 Tu At Bartons & Whites in A.M. Fine shots of the road drying up

18 Wed W.J.Maxwell here & he & Father McLean Roads bad. went out to Bishops Mills

19 Thu Father McLean back. Plenty of mud. Cool

20 Fri Some snow fell. Roads sloppy

21 Sat Fine at usual work. Not out today

22 Sun Fine At Mr Melville's funeral Heard Rev Kellock preach

23 Mo AT work in office most of day Fine

24 Tu At Mrs Dillaboughs in A.M. Fine a busy day

25 Wed at Mr Sellecks, Lydia's & Cummins. Dr & Mrs McLean at Prescott. Roads drying Fine

26 Thu At Mrs Dillaboughs, some sowing done Fine

27 Fri at Cummins to see children Fine Fine & warm

28 Sat. At Geo Smiths (wife confirmed) Fine Roads good & dust flying Grass beginning to appear in spots.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

29 Sun Heard Rev S.D.Chown. Fine At Prayer meeting in eve.

30 Mo Cold. Raw day. but Fine at regular work

1st May Busy day. At P. Cottons Father McLean at B. snow & rain Fine

2 Wed Fine day. not very busy

3 Thu Queens Collage Glee club gave a concert here tonight. Fine

4 Fri Father McLean came back here Jos. Fred & Wm Lillie McLean here Fine

5 Sat At Posting books. Fine.

6 Sun Heard Mr Chown A.M. & at prayer meeting in eve Fine

7 Mo Fine day. I was not out. Roads good Posting books

8 Tu Posting books & studying. Fine

9 Wed Father McLean & Lizzie Mc went to Winchester Fine

10 Thu Fine day. Nice growing shower last night Roads dry & good

11 Fri Fine most of day. At usual work

12 Sat Father McLean & Lizzie came back from Winchester Fine most of day shower

13 Sun At church. Heard Mr Chown preach At prayer meeting in eve.

14 Mo Busy day. Fine Roads good

15 Tu Dr McLean & family went to Bishops Mills Quiet day. Fine

16 Wed Rain & Hail. At Geo Cummins. weather cold

17 Thu Fine day. At Thos Smailes child. grass in good condition


(Bk. 28.)

No. 5 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

18 Fri SC McLean wife & family came home Frank & I & Father at Jos McLeans PM. From B-Mills Light shower

19 Sat At ordinary work. The weather keeps very cool Rain

20 Sun At Church in A.M. Rev SD Chown preached Fine day, but cool

21 Mo At ordinary work. Studying also Fine

22 Tu S.C.McLean & Family went to Brock & Farmersville Fine

23 Wed Made a visit at D Pitts & Bannens Fine

24 Thu Geo W Bishop & wife here Fine at PM

25 FRi " " " " " S.C. McLean & wife & Family went away. at David Pitts came home. Fine

26 Sat at usual work & reading. Fine

27 Sun at Prayer meeting in eve Frank went in A.M.

28 Mo Drove to David Pitts. Fine

29 Tu Frank Hattie & Father McLean drove up to Brockville I went up by Railroad. Fine

30 Wed At Jno McLeans & Father Frasers Fine

31 Thu Went to Brock. Visited Geo W Bishops & Mrs Murphys Fine

1st June Fri At B Cemetery AM. Fine & at Knapps, RM Bells Mrs Dougs & A McGuins PM

2 Sat Came back from Brockville light showers

3 Sun Dry weather crops suffering. Fine

4 Mo At regular work. no great rush today.

5 Tu Heavy Gale of wind & rain much damage done

6 Wed crops look better after the rain Several people killed by yesterdays storm I went to Prescott AM. } H Mc at Kemptville


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 7th June TO REMARKS.

7 Thu Negotiations going on about Mrs Imrie's places. Fine

8 Fri Nothing unusual, regular work Fine

9 Sat Mad a verbal agreement with Mrs Imrie about her place. Fine

10 Sun Terrific thunder shower in eve. Heard Rev Kellock - ordained deacon.

11 Mo H McL to Jesse McLeans, At Whitleys, Greys Bannens & Lemans Rain

12 Tu A rush of business, crops looking nicely Fine

13 Wed Busy day at Greys Bannens &c Rain last night Fine

14 Thu Making out S.C.McLeans accounts Fine

15 Fri Very heavy thunder shower this P.M. not extra busy today

16 Sat At Greys & Bannens. Jos McLean & wife here H. McLean back again Fine

17 Sun Fine at home most of day Took Father McLean to Jos McLeans

18 Mo At Mr Greys. Hot close day

19 Tu Business Keeping up very well at usual work

20 Wed Reading up on surgery. Fine

21 Thu Thermometer 116 in sun Fine not much driving today

22 Fri Hot close day. Light showers Reading surgery

23 Sat At Ventnor David Browns shower Dr McLean & Family at Bishops Mills

24 Sun Heard Rev SD Chown A.M.

25 Mo At regular work

26 Tu Reading up & at office work Rain


(Bk. 28.)

No. 6 - 7 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 27th June TO 16th July REMARKS.

27 Wed At G Greys, Moderately busy At L Lyddia's Fine

28 Thu Father McLean to Bishops Mills for Lizzie & children cold day

29 Fri Frank & I at Joseph McLeans. Fine Got 1.00 worth of berries 13 baskets

30 Sat Reading Most of day (surgery) Fine Not very times (busy)

1st Sun At Home all day. Hattie not well. Fine day

2 Mo Reading. Fine weather. } Some hay cut

3 Tu At A.OU.W strawberry festival at usual work Fine

4 Wed Father McLean & I drove up to Brockville Fine

5 Thu At Henry Whitleys, all day. Fine Came back from Brockville. Got $800.00

6 Fri At Lyddia's, Jno Pitts & Henry Whitleys. Fine

7 Sat Uncle John Fraser & Josiah Render took dinner with us today. Fine Roads dusty

8 Sun At S.S. in morn & Frank at Prayer meeting in eve

9 Mo Plastering Fine day. Making preparations to move.

10 Tu Bot House & Lot in Spencerville from Mrs Imrie for $1600.00 gave $800.00 down and mortgage for rest

11 Wed Plastered up & Papered rooms O

12 Thu Moved part of our goods from Dr McLeans to our new home.

13 Fri Getting carpets down to their place &c Fine

14 Sat Moved Piano, Trunks valises Father McLean, & Ernie to Jno McLeans

15 Sun Frank at Presbyterian church A.M. & U at Meth in eve.

16 Mo Fine day. Not much biz today but working around house


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 17th July TO Aug 5 REMARKS.

17 Tu At work around house getting things in place. Fine

18 Wed Rain today which was needed very much, everything very dry

19 Thu Cutting down burdocks weeds &c Fine day

20 Fri Getting things in order in & about the house Fine

21 Sat At L Lyddia's Fine. Fixed up around house Read Med, Juris

22 Sun At Hermon Andersons vst-wf. Fine Mayer{illegible}ing in eve

23 Mo Took down henhouse & began to prepare for moving barn. Fine AM

24 Tu Made shoes for Barn. Went to Rex Hutchcrofts- injured head. Fine

25 Wed Took out timbers boards &c from barn Fine. Dry weather

26 Thu Took floor out of carriage house and fixed it up. Fine. Put shoes under barn

27 Fri Floored over the carriage house Fine

28 Sat Finished preparations for moving barn Fine, very dry weather

29 Sun Heard Rev SD Chown preach in Presby church

30 Mo Moved part of Dr McLeans goods Fine

31 Tu Got English with Capstan to move barn in P.M. helped Dr McLean move

1st Aug Finished moving building with Capstan helped Dr. McLean move

2 Thus Got Barn in position & took out runners Fine, not many calls

3 Fri At Perrins Boy with backward dislocation of elbow Joint Fine

4 Sat Fine & Hot, Father & Mother Fraser here Father McLean troubled with Sciatica

5 Sun at Quart Meeting Fine At Jas Smiths & Perrins


(Bk. 28.)

No. 7 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM Aug 6th TO REMARKS.

Aug 6th Mo Father & Mother Fraser went home Fine day. Working about house We are living in Spencerville in a house bought from Mrs Imrie Paid $1600.00 for it. Father McLean is living with us & Ernie is with us part of the time the remainder he spends in Kingston at his studies. Pa & Ma Fraser is living on the farm near Brockville & have just been down on a visit. Henry & Maggie have 2 children Loyd & Edna & are working the farm. Alva & Nellie are in Smiths Falls have one child - Alva is delivering bread for a baker in that town.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ______ Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 7th TO REMARKS.

Allan McLean & Jen are living in Friend Nebraska & have 2 children. I have seen neither of them yet.

7 Tu Drove down to South Mountain at Uncle Jno Frasers. Rained

8 Wed Visited Jno McTavish & Sie Render. Fine

9 Thu Took down Partition of Hay loft after coming from S Mt home. Fine. Windy

10 Fri at Thos Boyds at night. Put floor in loft & moved Partition Fine

11 Sat At Lyddias & Thos Boyds. Light showers putting up gutters to stable

12 Sun At S School & prayer meeting at night Frank & Father McLean at preaching

13 Mo Rained almost all day Putting in gutters of on stable

14 Tu Fine until evening when rain came on Pretty busy times

15 Wed Rain again today. At Boyds Working on Stable

16 Thu Rain At Boyds, Showery, very wet now a good deal of grain cut down

17 Fri Rainy day. At Boyds, Joe Cummins Saffertys &c Heavy rains all week

18 Sat At Ricketts & Thos Boyds. Fine Drew up stone from old foundation to near stable

19 Sun At Meth Church. Mr Chown spoke Fine

20 Mo Moved partition in shop

21 Tu Took out shelves of shop & Kalsonined it.

22 Wed Fixed shelving of shop

23 Thu Finished fixing South shelving in shop Fine

August & September

(Bk. 28.)

No. ______ Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

24 Fri Shower. At Boyds, Moved counter in shop

25 Sat At Boyds, Dunlops & Billings Fine

26 Sun At Boyds & prayer meeting in eve Fine

27 Mo At Mahoney's (confin). Fine

28 Tu At usual work & at shop (fixing)

29 Wed Working around shop & house Fine

30 Thu Rained heavy. not very busy

31 Fri At Boyds, Fine most of day shower. set out berry plants

1st Sept R McKecknie, Henry Hurd wife & fam here Fine, H McLean up to B.

2 Sun At preaching in morn, Henry Maggie R. McKecknie & I. Mr Chown spoke Fine

3 Mo R McKecknie went away. Father McLean came home Fine day

4 Tu still attending Mrs Boyd some cold nights

5 Wed Early frosts injuring corn potatoes &c

6 Thu Frank & I at Ogdensburg Fair. Fine

7 Fri Nothing unusual. Fixing up around place.

8 Sat Allan McLean, wife & fam here. Fine

9 Sun At SS & Church Allen McLean wife Frank & I

10 Mo Allen & Jen went away. Uncle Jno Fraser & Aunt Annas here

11 Tu Rain cold Uncle John went to B in morn

12 Wed Frank Hattie & I drove to B. Fine Cool


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

12 Wed Came back from B. Allen & Jen & family started for Nebraska. Got Photos taken

13 Thu Air cool. Fine at ordinary work Old Mr Andrew Bennett dropped dead

14 Fri Uncle Jno Fraser & wife here for tea Fine At Hutchcrofts Hobbs Boyels &c & Fairbairns Sale

13 Thu Air cool. Camp meeting at Heckston going on.

14 Fri at Smails, Boyds, Holbs &c Fine

15 Sat At Fairbairns sale. Fine. Uncle John & Aunt Annas here for tea. At Robt Hutcrofts.

16 Sun Rained heavily most of day. At prayer meeting in eve

17 Mo Rain. Reading & working

18 Tu Pretty busy day. Fine weather Dr McLean & Lizzie to S Mountain

19 Wed Fine Weather moderately warm Potatoes Plentiful around here.

20 Thu Rain. A good many drives lately.

21 Fri Ernie McLean came down from Kingston At Smiths, Hutchcrofts, Holbs &c. Fine

22 Sat At Office most of day. Fine but cloudy

23 Sun At S.S in morn & prayermeeting in eve. Frank, Father & Ernie at preaching

24 Mo Getting wall under stable. Fine Quite busy times.

25 Tu Father McLean up to B & back again today At Holbs & Boyds Fine

26 Wed Frank & Earnie at Joseph McLeans Fine Working at stable.

27 Thu Frank Hattie & Ernie up to Brockville Rained heavily in AM Showery

28 Fri Frank, Ernie & Hattie back home again. At Hobbs & at Prescott. Fine Cool

29 Sat Hail, Rain & snow, Mr & Mrs Beech Dr & Mrs McLean took tea with us. Put new windows in store front.


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM Sept 30 TO Oct REMARKS.

Sep 30 Sun. Heard Mr Chown preach. Fine

Oct 1st Rain most of day cold not much stir

2 Tu At Campbells, Smails & McCartin's Rain cold weather

3 4 Wed Father McLean & Ernie up to B ( for Kingston) at McCartin's Rain

4 Thu Rained. Quite heavy frost last night At Hobbs & Campbells

5 Fri Spencerville Fair held today Cool Father McLean back } cloudy

6 Sat Rained most of the day Di not have a drive. Frost last night

7 sun At P Gores Wife confined. Fine at Meeting at night

8 Mo Frank & I at South Mountain got show case. cold Rain

9 Tu " " home fomr " Fine Roads not very good, At Cavanaghs

10 Wed Sorting out & fixing goods.

11 Thu Lizzie McLean & I went to S Mountain & got some goods of Cavanagh } Fine

12 Fri Fine AM. Rain P.M. at McCartins

13 Sat Rain & snow At Hobbs Fixing stable

14 Sun At prayerme Presbyterian church & heard Mr Killock

15 Mo Cold & Rain. Not very busy Roads very bad

16 Tu Fine pleasant day

17 Wed Fine part of day At Gores. At Joseph McLeans Frank & I

18 Thu Wm Maxwell out this evening at Billings Rain

19 Fri Wet rainy afternoon, Mr & Mrs Joseph & John McLean here.

October & November

(Bk. 28.)

No. __________Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

20 Sat Rain & Snow at night. Fine AM. Got furnace for shop. At D Smiths

21 Rain. At P Hobbs. Heard Mr Chown in AM

22 Mo S Landon commenced to put in furnace in Office &c cold raw morning Fine PM

23 Tu Fine day. Got 20 bus Potatoes from P Hobbs

24 Wed Rain. Landon finished furnace in office &c

25 Thu Fine day made window for coal. Fixing coal bins

26 Fri Fine warm day. Got in coal for winter cotst 5.50 & Freight total $6.10 & cartage

27 Sat Rained heavily most of AM & part of last night Getting out accounts got in rest of coal

28 Sun Heard Rev SD Chown & Mr Parent preach Fine

29 Mo At Adam's, Holme's & hobbs. Fine some snow

30 Tu At Jno Wiley's performed operation for strangulated Hernia Fine

31 Wed Fine day. At J Adam's, Wilsons, Goggins &c Roads drying up.

1st Thu } At Cummins, Robinsons & Bradys Rain last night Fine

2nd Nov } At Uncle S.N Frasers funeral, hew was living in Brockville, & took typhoid fever 3 Sat & died in the Hospital. Had two children Uncle John Fraser came up from South Mountain & I went up with him very fine day

3 Sat At Jones, Cummins & Gambles. Rained most of last night


(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 4 11 5 4th Nov TO 21st Nov REMARKS.

4 Sun Heard Rev SD Chown preach. Fine Had a very busy week.

5 Mo Orange Celebration here today At Jones to see child Fine

6 Tu At Jones, Rained heavily most of PM. Uncle Jno Fraser & Walter Frew here

7 Wed Cold raw day. Rain. Got some Lumber from Peters. At Hobbs

8 Thu At H Edwards. Rain, colder Have not started coalstove yet

9 Fri Rained heavily. At Shannons roads very bad

10 Sat Rain, Rain. Flats covered with water some Matilda roads impassible Made bell pull for shop } at Thomson

11 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach some snow

12 Mo Snow & Frost. At Hobbs bad roads yet

13 Tu Rain. At Thompson & Edwards.

14 Wed H Hurd & R Stratton here for potatoes At Robinsons (Ventnor) Thompsons &c

15 Thu Thanksgiving day. At Raycrofts Harry Hurd & R Stratton went home Fine

16 Fri At H Edwards. Roads freezing up at night Fine

17 Sat Ground frozen up. No drive today Fine & Quite cold

18 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. Fine Had coal stove running today

19 Mo Cut off A Leman's toe & part metacarpal Some snow & mud.

20 Tu Froze hard last night. At Goggins & Edwards Fine

21 Wed Roads hard. At Lemans. Fine

November & December

(Bk. 28.)

No. 11 Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 22nd Nov TO 11th Dec REMARKS.

22 Thu No snow to speak of yet. Roads hard. Not much driving for last day or two

23 Fri Fine Thermom +8 {symbols for degrees} last night. At Thornton Hutchcrofts cold & raw wind

24 Sat At Goggins. Fine Roads getting smooth no great rush of business

25 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. Fine & cold

26 Mo At Goggins Fine. Roads slippery cold

27 Tu Rain B light. At Duffs, Fine most of day.

28 Wed not very cold Thawed. At Lemans.

29 Thu Misty. At Lemans. Frank Hattie & Father Mc to Justus & Jos McLeans

30 Fri Got Outside Window frames from Tripp Roads slushy. Freezing at night

Dec 1 Some snow. At Goggins, Lemans, Hutchcrofts &c Puttied & put up outside windows.

2 Sun Drove down to Gorham Hutchcrofts Fine

3 Mo At Lemans. Hills & Jno Lemans. Father McLean went to Prescott (Bus)

4 Tu At Hutchcrofts. snowed. Spencerville Fair today 2 or 3 sleighs out

5 Wed Cut at tumor out of W Mason Dr Mc & I Fine & Quite warm

6 Thu At Hutcrofts & Leman's. Fine At Jos Carmichael's

7 Fri At Hunters at night. Fine day not very busy

8 Sat At Goggins & Hunters. Fine Roads good Shop sales increasing

9 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach at Hunters Fine

10 Mo Fine day. Not much stir today got in hay 1370 lbs at $13.00 per ton

11 Tu Fine mild day. Unsurpassed roads (wheeling) at Hunters.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 18788. . No of Car. FROM 12th TO REMARKS.

12 Wed At McQuades (Alberts) Fine Turned very cold last night

13 Thu Thermom almost to zero. Cold driving but very little sleighing yet.

14 Fri At Paines, Hunterss & Lemans. Fine Peircing cold wind Ther 0 +2

15 Sat At Hunters, Goggins, Millers & Paines. Fine warmer toward evening

16 Sun Heard Rev S.D Chown. Fine & Colder At Paines

17 Mo Rain most of day. Busy times.

18 Tu Consultation with Buckley at Goggins at Lemans & Hunters. Very stormy

19 Wed At Paines & Hendersons. Fine sleighs running today cold

20 Thu Stormed At Prescott Hunters & Simons Fine night & cold

21 Fri Father McLean came back from his visit to B & C stormy

22 Sat Fine. Cold. Ther -5 {symbol for degrees} Ernie came here from Kingston At Connells & Kingstons

23 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. Fine.

24 Mo Snow disappearing. Busy day.

25 Tu Rained. snow going fast AT Home Father Mc Ernie Frank Hattie & I

26 Busy day. Most of frost out of ground Roads getting bad

27 Thu At Simons, Jenkinsons, Hunters Thos Connels & Rickets Rain

28 Fri Frost last night. At Connels.

29 Sat Fine. Cold. Roads Hard. At Connels & Goggins }

30 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach At Mr David Smiths & Seimens Fine

31 Mo Drove up to farm & from that to B Frank & I. Left Hattie with Father McLean Fine

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

During the past year I wrote on Trinity & the Royal Medical exams & passed both. After which I came to Spencerville & commenced to practice with Dr McLean. We Lived with him until July when we bought a house & lot from Mrs Imrie for $1600.00. I am getting a fair share of proft (40%) & have almost half of the work to do. We have had not serious sickness this last year just closed. Jennie Allan & their two children were over here in the summer they are living in Friend Neb. Henry & Maggie are living on the farm & have two children. Alva & Nellie are living at Smiths Falls. Alva is

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

Working for Garrett - Delivering Bread. They have one little girl. Ernie McLean was at Kingston most of the summer & is there this winter attending med college. Father McLean is with us & does not go away for many visits. Father & Mother Fraser are living on the farm. Both seem to be moderately healthy. We have had a very mild winter so far; with an excessively rainey Fall. For a long time in the summer we had no rain which resulted in a scarcity of fodder. Oats. 37. Hay $14.00 - 16.00. Straw $9.00 Apples 2.00 Per bbl. Potatoes .25 per bus, Turnips .35 per bus. Coal per $6.60 delivered, Wood 1.00 per Cord stove soft


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 1st TO REMARKS.

1 Tu Took dinner with Father & Mother F & went to Smiths Falls P.M. Fine

2 Wed Came back from Smiths Falls Fine Visited Alva & McIntosh's.

3 Thu Came back to Sp ville. Took dinner with Jos McLean Fine } Took Tea at Chowns

4 Frim At Home most of day Fine Roads muddy

5 Sat At Smiths, Linnens, Father Mc took Ernie to B for Kingston. Fine

6 Sun Heard Rev Mr Horner Evangelist preach his first sermon here Fine

7 Mo Rained & frose. Disagreeable driving at Smiths & Linnens

8 Tu Trees broken down Telegraph & Telephone wires broken with weight of Ice

9 Wed Rained most of day. At Lafferty's Coat of Ice on trees yet.

10 Thu Snow, soft, high wind. } no great rush

11 Fri At Linnens, Mrs Davids & Jno's. Fine nice driving

12 Sat Beautiful day, good sleighing. At Lafferty's snow thin.

13 Sun Revival services going on yet Heard Rev Mr. Horner

14 Mo splendid sleighing for light loads } but little snow Fine

15 Tu Tine. Increased attendance at special services

16 Wed Pa came down & brought dumbstove Frank & I bbl apples Fine

17 Thu Pa went back home in A.M. snow disappeared, Rain at night

18 Fri Wm Maxwell here. At Thos Kingston, Roads very good soft Fine

19 Sat Fine day. Froze hard last night no services today Sleighing all gone & buggies out.

January & Febuary

(Bk. 28.)

No. 1 & 2 Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 20 Jan TO REMARKS.

20th Sun Heard Rev Mr Horner preach Fine

21 Mo Protracted meeting, going on much good being done. Fine

22 Tu Henry & Maggie & Family here. Fine Uncle John Fraser here in eve.

23 Wed Fine. Henry & Maggie to S. Mt. to visit Uncle John Josiah &c

24 Thu At Linnens Last night of protracted meeting carried on by Mr Horner. Fine

25 Fri Fine warm day, snow disappearing Mr Horner left Spencerville

26 Sat Very fine day. Some Sleighing At Jas McAuleys prayer meeting at L Lyddas.

27 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach, Fine

28 Mo Mr Chown carrying on revival services Over 50 Conversions now

29 Tu Fine day. sleighing pretty good

30 Wed snowed heavily Got goods from Skinner of Kingston

31 Thu At Mr Goggins. Fine sleighing pretty good

Feb 1st Stormed & drifted part of day Got inhaler for Keeler & Peters.

2 Sat At Robt Hutchcrofts. Fine most of day at L Lyddas Prayer meeting

3 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown, some snow Roads not very good.

4 Mo Ther 32 below Zero At R Hutchcrofts Drifting

5 Tu At T Irvines (Ventnor) Robt & Thornton Hutchcrofts Snow snow. Roads bad.

6 Wed Stormed. AT Robt Hutchcrafts & Dunns Father McLean to B Cold

7 Thu Cold day. Roads bad. studying slightly warmer

8 Fri Snowed & drifted,. Roads blocked pretty badly Father McLean back home }


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 9th Feb TO REMARKS.

9 Sat Stormed, At Hutchcrofts. Roads filled This has been a cold stormy busy week.

10 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. At Hutchcrofts Plenty of snow

11 Mo Snow. Hard heavy roads Kept pretty busy.

12 Tu Roads very heavy. Drifted badly. Fine Attending Mrs Wm Kingston (confinement)

13 Fine Drifted. Frank called at Stritons. Visited Robt Hutchcroft & Matthew Sockerly

14 Thu Posting books all AM. Fine but drifting

15 Fri Fine. At Kellocks & Hutchcrofts at Presbyterian church tea meeting

16 Sat Very fine day. At Robt Hutchcrofts Roads pretty good} Rain at night

17 Sun Fine most of day. some rain Roads very soft. At Billings

18 Mo At Jno Billings. Blinding storm Roads full of snow all PM.

19 Tu Roads drifted badly, at Hutchcrofts

20 Wed Fine At Billings & Goggins sale Bought a cow at sale. Drifting

21 Thu Went out to Bishops Mills. Fine Frank & I, at Mr Fergusons & WJ Maxwells

22 Fri stormed hard most all day Did not have any driving

23 Sat Fine. Drifting. At Albert McQuades Thermometer 25 below zero

24 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach Fine Roads almost insurpassable

25 Mo Drifted. At Robt Hutchcrofts. sidelines badly drifted

26 Tu Cold. Not very busy today Fine

27 Wed Fine, at Geo Scotts. Heard Jno A Nicholl's lecture

28 Thu Fine day. Reading & at usual work


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM Mar 1st TO 10th REMARKS.

1 Fri At Robt Hutchcrofts. Fine warm

2 Sat Started for Kingston. Drove to B Father Mc & I stayed at Cyrus Sharps Jno Ayelsworth Bell & wife went from B to K with me

3 Sun Heard Rev Mr Whiting preach A & PM Fine & warm At Jno Cowdeys for tea & at night

4 Mo Looking for a boarding place. Fine & warm

5 Tu Went to Uncle Jno Bells to board. Fine Took one Lecture & got a Prac anatomy ticket

6 Wed Took in Obstetrics & Practice, Very fine Bought had from Mills $2.75 Trotting races here today, roads bad.

7 Thu At Practice & Obstetrics. Snowed on & off during day. At Y.M.C.A meeting

8 Fri Light flurries of snow. Colder at Post Mortem exam at Hospital.

9 Sat At Hospital & Hotel Dieu P.M. Reading A.M. Heard Sullivan Lecture

10 Sun At 3rd Meth Church Mr Timberlake preached AM. In P.M. at St Pauls & heard Rev W.B. Carey. Light flurry snow


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. 11th FROM TO REMARKS.

11 Mo At Hospital A.M. & College P.M. Very fine

12 Tu At Practice & Obstetrics. Fine. Called on Hiram Bell. had a grind with McGillivary & Maxwell

13 Wed Last Lecture of session Practice & Obstetrics. Fine

14 Thu Working at home all A.M. Fine P.M. At Mr Pauls, college & McGillevarys & took tea with Hiram & Min Bell & Miss Rose

15 Fri At Hospital & Hotel Dieu. Fine & warm. snow disappearing

16 Sat Country roads bad (snow deep in roads) but in Kingston some are using waggon & carts. At Hotel Dieu We have had a fine month so far the weather is spring like. Have been studying hard.

17 Sun At Queen St Heard Rev Mr Crosby & Rev Dr Autliffe preach. Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 18th TO 25th REMARKS.

18 Mo At Hospital. Fine. Waggons buggies running now. At Anatomy & c

19 Tu Fine & warm, Reviewing, WJ Maxwell here today. But few sleighs out today

20 Wed Fine. Frank & Hattie came up to Kingston today & here at Uncle John Bell's, studying A.M. Frank & I at Jno Cowdys at night

21 Thu R.M. & Sam Bell here. Fine at Jno Cowdy's for dinner. WJ Max & Ernie here this P.M. no sleighs seen.

22 Fri Beautiful day. Snow disappears rapidly At Jas Pauls grinding with WJ Max. At Jno Cowdys last night

23 Sat Bright warm, sunshiney, studying A.M. Called at Uncle Wm Frasers & J Cowdys

24 Sun At Queen St Rev R Whiting A.M. Frank at 3rd Meth church in eve.

25 Mo Colder but fine. Jas H Bell & wife here (at uncles). Sent off $30.00 for final Exam (Council)


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. 26th FROM TO 5th April REMARKS.

26 Tu Fine at study AM. At Cyrus Sharps P.M. Colder today

27 Wed At Cyrus Sharps last night & at Uncle Wm Frasers for tea. slight cooler. shower

28 Thu At Surgical Anatomy A.M. & at McGillivarys P.M. Light snow

29 Fri Got Stackhouse to fill 3 cavities in 2 teeth cost $2.00. Colder

30 Sat At Cyrus Sharps & market A.M. Frank, Hattie & I at Uncle Alex Bells P.M. cool Fine

31 Sun At West brook heard Mr Simpson Down preach. not very cold.

April 1. Came in from Westbrook. Fine snowed last night. Frank stayed at Uncle Alex, working P.M. with WJM.

2 Tu At Anatomy, surgical & medical Fine

3 Wed 4 or 5 in snow today. working with Will Maxwell P.M. & at courtroom

4 Thu At Anatomy, called a C Sharps. Fine

5 Fri working with McGil & Max. at Anatomy. Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 6th TO REMARKS.

6 Sat Fine. At studies. At Uncle Alex P.M. Frank has been there for a week.

7 Sun Heard Mr Simpson at Westbrook & came back with him to Cataraqui along with Mr Burwash. Took tea at Mr Marshalls (Westbrook). Fine

8 Mo Studying hard. Beautiful day. Kinston tannery burned last night

9 Tu Birds plentiful, dust flying. summerlike weather. Had first exam (council Final) in Practice & Therapeutics.

10 Wed Exam Operative midwifery in P.M. Fine at Obstetrics A.M.

11 Thu Exam "Midwifery other than Operative" & Puerperal & Infantile diseases. Some digging their gardens. Roads dusty, most of Ice out of harbour now warm rains yet but snow carried off by sunlight.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 12th TO 17th REMARKS

12 Fri Exam on Medical & Surgical anatomy A.M. & on Pathology P.M. Fine. Cloudy

13 Sat Surgery ( other than operative) AM. Sanitary Science P.M. Fine

14 Sun At Cyrus Sharps last night. Fine Heard Mifsses Mason & Birdsell in 4th Meth Church A.M. ; At dinner with Wm Fraser & there P.M. & in eve Aunt Ellen Fraser Frank & I at Sydenham St Meth Church. & heard Mr Sparling preach.

15 Mo Exam in Operative Surgery A.M. Fine. Dusty. At Med Juris P.M.

16 Tu Exam Medical Jurisprudence Fine. PM went to Hospital & then to Dr Saunders - At Microscopic work.

17 Wed Frank & Hattie went to Brockville in P.M. Fine warm day reviewing

April April

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 18th TO REMARKS.

18 Thu Reviewing. Fine & warm day. Bought microscope ($27.50), tongue depressor (.75), Clinical Thermometer (1.75), Obstetric Forceps ($9.25), Cus{illegible} Bivalve Speculum ($3.00)

19 Fri Reviewing up for oral exams Fine

20 Sat had Oral Exams (council) Fine day. In P.M. arranged to start for home.

21 Sun Came out to farm this morning having come from Kingston during the night. Found all well. At Bethel Church P.M. & heard Rev Mr Shorey.

22 Mo At Brockville R.M. Bells, Mr Thos Woods, Mr Knapps, Mrs Murphys & At Maxwells at night. Fine

23 Pa drove us down to Spencerville Found things about as we left them. Fine day.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 24th TO REMARKS.

24 Wed Pa went back home & Father McLean also went up to B. Fine A.M. Rain P.M.

25 Thu Rained. Voting on the Scott Act repeal today. Things Quiet

26 Fri Rain. At Matthew Sockerly's & Murdocks Ventnor & at Jno Dukelows

27 Sat At Store most of day. Damp.

28 Heard Rev Mr Chown. Quiet day wet

29 Mo Not very busy - too went to work around garden

30 Tu At Jno Masons & Linnens cold weather

May 1st Att Jno Kingstons wife. Fine Roads muddy, bad travelling At Moilans & Sellecks & Kinneys

2 Thu Posting Books & settling accts Fine day. At store most of day

3 Fri Fine day. At Clarks, Lockerbies, Rodicks &c Busy day. Roads drying up

4 Sat Got goods from Melville. Fine & warmer Father McLean has been circulating a petition to prevent Licensing a tavern here the last few days & has got more than 1/2 the voters.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 5th TO 23rd REMARKS.

5 Sun Quarterly meeting here today. Fine Rev Mr Chown preached

6 Mo Quiet day. Fine People at spring work.

7 Tu At Wm Throops Fine day, Building line fence between Mr McLean & our lot

8 Wed Fine hot day, Ther 84 {symbol for degrees} in shade. At Throops Finished Line fence.

9 Thu Had garden plowed & harrowed. Fine Planted some Potatoes

10 Fri + Finished planting potatoes, & planted corn cucumbers, strawberries, Beets, carrots &c

11 Sat Fine day. Planted Pop corn, Melons, & Onions Trees leaved out

12 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown preach. Fine At Mr Wm Throops

13 Mo Spring work is being rushed Cattle have been at pasture for some time

14 Tu Rained. Father McLean making screen doors

15 Wed Fine. Fixed drawer for corks &c. not very busy Put in Radishes

16 Thu At Ventnor Mr Lockerbies. Fine Roads quite muddy

17 Tu Fine day. Fixed desk for writing hot day

18 Sat Hot dry day. Ther 93 {symbol for degrees} in shade Fine at Ventnor

19 Sun At S. School & at Mr Chowns AM & at prayermeeting in eve

20 Mo Rain A.M. Potatoes .18 cts Per bus at station

21 Tu Rain P.M. not very busy. Working around house At C Campbells att wf.

22 Wed Rained . At Thos Comels. Made syrup Rheu aromations

23 Thu Painting doors & shutters. Fine.

+ Heavy rain & hailstorm.

May June

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 24th TO REMARKS.

24 Fri Fine but cool. Not very busy Dr & Mrs McLean at Bishops Mills

25 Sat At Thos Dobie's Att wf. cool } Fine Heard from Ontario council. Passed

26 Sun Heard Rev Mr Kellock preach AOUW sermon Fine

27 Mo Slack time. Working around shop most of time Rain

28 Tu Experimenting with syrups &c Frost at night Rain cold

29 Wed Went out to Prescott got drugs &c Ernie went up to Brockville Fine

30 Thu Made up some syrups scillae & c Fine cold & raw weather

31 Fri Rain Painted doors screen 2nd coat wind Got in Sabins dressing &c


1 Sat Rained nearly all day painted window shutters & Father Mc made window The crops are in a forward condition; I notice Rye headed out on the 22nd May Cattle have been out nearly all of May month & the grass looks remarkably well. Grain looks well on high land but the low land has been too wet to seed.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM June 2nd TO REMARKS.

2 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown preach. Rain about 20 persons joined Meth church today.

3 Mo Rained . Low land very wet

4 Tu Rained heavily during day & night Put on screen doors & windows

5 Wed Went out to Prescott for drugs &c Rained again today

6 Thu + Rain. plenty of ground not cropped on account of wet.

7 Fri Rained. Put on window shutters working around office

8 Sat Rained heavily most of last night & this AM Fine P.M.

9 Sun Very heavy rain. Mr Tripp preached

10 Mo Rained. Alida & Olive back here from B.

11 Tu Fine. Alida & Olive went home working at shop most of day

12 Wed Rained. At Rev Mr Kellocks. Hoeing Potatoes

13 Thu Fine most of day. Hoeing Potatoes Garden wet

14 Fri At Frank Whitleys (Back) Fine day warm

15 Sat Very heavy rain; streets, roads & creeks filled to overflowing. Rained most of day

16 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown preach. Fine

17 Mo Plenty of ground overflowed with water ground bakes if no rain

18 Tu Showery weather. At Garden Potatoes &c Ernie at Gananoque

19 Wed Hoeing in Garden. Fine most of day at Andrew Johnstons at night

20 Thu Dug Post holes for fence by driving house At Andrew Johnstons at night.

+ Alida Render & Olive McTavish took dinner with us today & went on to B.

June & July

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM June 21st TO July 9th REMARKS.

21 Fri Rained heavily PM Fine A.M.

22 Sat Light Shower AM. Fine P.M. At Jas Shehans in eve. } Father Mc & Hattie at J McLeans

23 Sun Mr Andrew Snyder died. Heard Mr Chown Fine

24 Mo Fine. At Shehans & Johnstons Road drying up

25 Tu Fine day. At Shehans. Roads dry Mr Andrew Snyder buried today

26 Wed Rained heavily most of A.M. moderately busy

27 Thu Fine. At Shehans & Wm Throops. Frank & Hattie with me

28 Fri Rain. Hoed potatoes in garden ground wet

29 Sat Ernie came back from Camp at Ganaoque Fine warm day Mr & Mrs James Bissel here today

30 Sun } Heard Rev SD Chown Fine & hot

July 1st } Very hot day Ther 85 {symbol for degrees} in shade At Stirtons & Spencers for Indian relics

2 Tu Sultry & hot, Camp meeting commenced at Hexton today.

3 Wed Rain in evening. & heavily at night sultry in day.

4 Thu Frank Hattie & I drove up to Brockville Paid Beatty $300.00 & Interest

5 Fri Came home from Brockville Fine.

6 Sat Father McLean went to Camp meeting at Hexton Fine At McGammons

7 Sun Heard Rev Mr Kellock AM In Presbyt church Fine At Presby meeting in eve.

8 Mo At John McGammons, Jenkinsons & Smails Fine

9 Tu Heavy rain in eve. At Hexton camp meeting for PM & c{illegible} services


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,__________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM July 19th TO REMARKS.

10 Wed At Jas Koyles, Making support for Mr Smiths Leg. Fine.

11 Thu At I Kayles & at Wallaces & Mr McGammons Fine

12 Fri Paid Mrs Imrie $22.50 Interest. Fine Hot day

13 Sat Fine day. Not much stir. Light shower at noon. Posting up books

14 Sun Heard Rev SD Chown. Fine At Allan McGammons at night

15 Mo Father Mc & Ernie went to B. Fine People cutting their hay

16 Tu At Jno McGammons. Fine & warm At Mr Gambles last night.

17 Wed Cool weather. working around house & shop today.

18 Thu Fine day. Haying going on but ground very wet

19 Fri Rained hard in P.M. Fine A.M.

20 Sat Rain. Busy PM. Posting books Father McLean & Ernie back from Brock

21 Sun At Mr John Vincents. Fine At prayermeeting at night

22 Mo Getting store stocked nicely with goods

23 Tu At Mr John Vincents. Fine

24 Wed At Mr Fergusons (Ventnor) Fine

25 Thu At Shehans, Fosters, Vincents. Fine Busy day

26 Fri Fine. Got goods from Brisette.

27 Sat Rained most of day. Posting books.

28 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown. Fine At James Lafferty's

29 Mo Somewhat busier times. doing more business in store.

(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,Brockville Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

30 Tu At Jas Laffertys. & Wm Forresters.

31 Wed At Wm Forresters. Very heavy shower

The roads have been bad all the summer on account of heavy rains.

August 1 Took tea with Thos Fosters. Fine At Laffertys & Petersons. shower

2 Fri At Wm Cooks 6th Con Laffertys & Petersons Rain Shower

3 Sat At Lafferty's, Petersons, Connells & Cookes Showery today

4 Sun At " & " Also at Cooks Quarterly meeting today Fine

5 Mo Fine day at Fine day for haying A large amount of hay standing yet on acct of rain

6 Tu At Laffertys & Petersons also Grices. Fine

7 Wed Frank & Hattie at Jos McLeans over night Fine Went out to Prescott A.M.

8 Thu At Bartons, Shehans, Petersons, Grices & Frickers & Laffertys Fine Frank got home

9 Fri At Petersons, & Laffertys, Fine, At Scotts

10 Sat Sprinkled at night. Fine most of day Got goods from K Campbell &c At Petersons

11 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. Fine Driving in P.M. Petersons & Laffertys

12 Mo at Petersons. Fine Busy times

13 Tu Fine day. At Dunlops to see Jno Billings in eve

14 Wed Very heavy rain this P.M. Busy all day

15 Thu Fine At Crowders & from that to S Mt to Uncle I Frasers At Petersons in A.M.

16 Fri At Petersons, Laffertys, Browns & Bellingers Fine most of day.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,Brockville Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 17th TO REMARKS.

17 Sat At Jacksons. Fine. Busy times

18 Sun Not at church AM, but at prayermeeting P.M. Busy A.M.

19 Mo very busy times now, slight shower At Petersons

20 Tu At Peters, Petersons, Laffertys, Browns, McQuades &c Rained heavily at night. Fine most of day

21 Wed Mostly fine. At Bass's Got Oats from Riley

22 Thu Got Oats from Fairborn, Fine day. James McQuades wf confined Cool

23 Fri Got At Rufus Steels wf confined Boy. Fine At Petersons & W. H. Masons

24 Sat At McQuades, Petersons, Peters. Fine day Cool & Pleasant

25 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown preach. Fine Pleasant day

26 Mo Busy times. Fine day.

27 Tu Harvesting coming to a close. Fine

28 Wed Dr McLean & family to B. Very busy day Fine day. Quite hot

29 Thu At Linnans, Peters, Petersons &c. Fine Pleasant weather

30 Fri Quiet day at Jno Davisons & Jacksons Fine & warm

31 Sat Another busy day. At Petersons & Dukelows in eve. Fine & warm

Taking the month all through it has been finer & dryer than former months but cool as well. Trade has been dull.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,Brockville Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 17th TO REMARKS.

Sep 1 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown preach. Fine Fine day. At Frank Dukelows.

2 Mo Busy day. Fine At Petersons cool nights

3 Tu Fine & warm. Quiet day.

4 Wed Warm day. Kemptville Fair today At Cliffords Duffs Chowns &c

5 Thu At McClary's, Cliffords, Chowns &c. Fine

6 Fri Rained most of A.M. Dust has been bad.

7 Sat Fine day. Moderately busy day. Potatoes rotting badly in this section

8 Sun No service (Preaching) in our church today Fine & warm

9 Mo Dr McLean went to Athens. Fine & warm

10 Tu Fine day At Wiers, Newmans & Petersons

11 Wed Beautiful day. Busy times. At Knowles & Cliffords

12 Thu Fine day - finest weather of the season

13 Fri Beautiful day. Busy in shop most of day

14 Sat Went to S Mt to Josiah Renders. Fine & warm called at Jno Cliffords

15 Sun At Jno McTavish's over night & for dinner Fine & warm

16 Mo Came back from S Mountain. Rained At Jacksons & Cliffords

17 Tu Rained most of day. Posted Books

18 Wed Rain. Roads soft. At M Kayles most of day windy Fine

19 Thu Pa & Ma drove down. Fine At Yeldons cold in morning

20 Fri Rained most of day. Very Quiet at Chowns & Carmichaels


(Bk. 28.)

No. 9 Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 21st Sep TO 10 Oct REMARKS.

21 Sat At Petersons, Fosters, Yeldons & Bovairds Fine.

22 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown. Fine

23 Mo Got in Pumpkins & dug Potatoes &c Fine day Pa & Ma went to S Mt.

24 Tu Fine day. Dug potatoes in garden. At Yeldons

25 Wed At P Drummonds in eve. Fine Beautiful day At Garden

26 Thu At Yeldons, Chowns &c. Rain

27 Fri Went to Kemptville & from that to Smiths Falls to see Alva & wf } Rain

28 Sat Took dinner with J.B. McIntosh. Fine At Alva's over night

29 Sun Heard Rev's Wilson & Blair. Fine Mifs Judd spoke in eve.

30 Mo Rain, Went to Brockville from Smiths Falls Pa met us at train & went to farm.

Oct 1 Pa drove us home to Sp ville. Rain Rained most of day.

2 Wed Ernie & Father McLean went back with Pa - Ernie starts for Kingston. Fine. Cold

3 Thu Rained most of day. No drives today Put up coalstove

4 Fri Put Zinc splashboard on sulky. Rain At Yeldons, At S Mountain at night Kirkland

5 Sat Cold raw day. Roads bad. Not busy. Put box beneath sulky seat.

6 Sun Snowed Quite heavily (3 -4 in) & cold Heard Rev Mr Chown preach

7 Mo Rain. Roads bad moderately busy.

8 Tu At Wm Yeldons. Mifs Beach & Mrs Watson here Rain & cold } 1st day of Spville Fair

9 Wed Fine day. Quite a crowd here to Fair.

10 Thu Posted Books. Put up stove. Fine


(Bk. 28.)

No. 10 Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 11th TO REMARKS.

11 Fri At Mr Shehans & Mr Ellices. Fine cut rest of corn & put it all in stable

12 Sat At Mr Jno Cooks, Ellices, & Yeldons. F

13 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown, Fine. Very Quiet day.

14 Mo Posted up books. Raw cold day, not busy

15 Tu Not much driving. Fine but raw day.

16 Wed got in carrots from Garden. Beautiful day Frank, Hattie & I went to S. Mountain.

17 Thu Came back from S Mountain, Fine windy got in cabbage & beets, from garden

18 Fri Fine day. Got in onions & Beans. At Mrs Blacks to see Mifs Scriven. At Yeldons

19 Sat At Thos Hottens wf confined. Fine Father McLean came back from Brockville.

20 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. Fine at James Bennett's

21 Mo Fine & cold. At Shehans yesterday Fixed fence at end of yard

22 Tu Posted up books. Fine. cool weather fixing for winter

23 Wed At Yeldons, Fine & cold } Ice 1/2 in thick all day long

24 Thu Fine. Frank Hattie & Father Mc At Jos McLeans Pa & Ma drove down.

25 Fri Roads best of season. Fine & cool Pa & Ma went to S. Mountain

26 Sat Working at shop most of day. Fine

27 Sun At Ben McNilages att. wf. Rained heavily cold & stormy at Jas Shehans.

28 Mo Rained most of AM. Fine in P.M.

29 Tu Fine. Making lists of accounts

30 Wed Working on Books, Fine but cool sprinkled.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train, Oct 3 Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM Oct 31st TO Nov REMARKS.

Oct 31 Thu Pa & Ma came back from South Mount. At Shehans Fine but cold & cloudy

The month was cool & cloudy as a rule although we had a few days of very nice weather. We have not had hard work this month - Just moderate.

Nov 1st Fri Rain working at Books

2 Sat At Quarterly meeting. Rained Uncle Joseph McLean wife & Lilly & winny here.

3 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach Quarterly sermon Fine.

4 Mon Dr McLean started for New York At James Shehans. Fine

5 Tu Fine. At Shehans. Put on storm windows Roads improving

6 Wed Raw wind. Father McLean back from Brockville & brought Maggie McLean with him

7 Thu At Keilers (Dau); John Goodens, McFaddens & Robt Smails Fine day & night

8 Fri Beautiful day. Roads best of season Fine

9 Sat At Peter Drummonds, Fine, warm day. Indian summer

10 Sun At Andrew Fergusons attending wf. (Boy). Fine At Wm Peters & Walter Yonkers P.M. Cold

11 Mo At Robt Jacksons & Wm Peters &c, Fine day

12 Tu At Mrs Geo Bartons. Fine. Father Mc & Lizzie at Prescott Justus McLean here.

13 Wed Fine dayFine no drive

14 Thu 14 At Grodens. Rained. At Robt Linnens

15 Fri Amputated a toe for Jas Connell. At Robt Linnens & Peter Drummonds. Fine ground froze up last night


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 16th TO 28th REMARKS.

16 Sat At Pat Stoans, Jas Shehans & R Jacksons Fine weather, cold roads frozen.

17 Sun At Robt Linnens & Jno Cooks. Fine

18 Mo At Peters Linnes, & Groves, Fine The roads are good

19 Tu Rain Father Mc has been out collecting for 2-3 days roads softening up to date there has been but little snow & cattle are pasturing yet, The roads were frozen up for few days but are not frozen now - are muddy. I am doing the work here alone as Dr McLean is at N.Y.

20 Wed Amputated H Lawrences finger bone (3rd plalange) Rain

21 Thu At Robt Linnens, Amputate H. Lawrence finger Fine day.

22 Fri At Wm Peters Sr & Jno Cooks, Rain Roads very bad

23 Sat sprinkled Rain Cloudy, Mostly office work today

24 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. Cloudy Very Quiet day.

25 Mo At Walter McAuley's Jno Scully's & Adam Hendersons Fine roads freezing.

26 Tu Roads frozen up this morning. Fine At " " & Mrs Geo Holmes Sr

27 Wed Busy times. Roads rough & uneven Fine

28 Thu At M McAuley's. Heavy snowstorm. the hail fine & hard to face driving At Wm Doves Att wife.


(Bk. 28.)

No. ________Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM Nov 29 TO REMARKS.

29 Fri Stormed. Roads getting broken. At Scully's & Robt Linnens Smail (att wf)

30 Sat At McAuleys, Scullys, Fentons, Leddys & Kellocks & Hendersons Fine day

Dec 1 At Prayermeeting in eve } At Scullys & Liddys Drifted colder

2 Mo Warm & thawing. At Connells & Scully's & Peters Wm Sr. Roads Quite passible

3 Tu Spencerville Fair today. Very busy day Fine clear & cold At Scully's

4 Wed At Scullys, McAuleys & Peters. Fine. Cold

5 Thu At Marsh's, Quite busy day. Fine

6 Fri at James Vincents. Fine. Roads good.

7 Sat At Jno Scullys & Wm Peters Sr Fine Beautiful day.

8 Sun Frank & I went to Bishops Mills to see Father McLean who is sick there - Fine

9 Mo Visit James Vincent & at Mrs Whites Fine

10 Tu Quiet day. At JJ Marsh's

11 Wed At James Vincents & Mrs Geo Holmes Fine but roads getting bad

12 Thu Slack day no drives. Fine Cleaned up a number of bottles

13 Fri Busy day. At Geo Wilsons, Mrs Clarks & dressed Wm H Mason's leg. cold

14 Sat Stormed, cold, at Vincents & Holmes Father McLean back from Bishops Mills

15 Sun Heard Mr Chown preach. At Clarks Fine & cool

16 Mo At Geo Wilsons & Jno Hutchcrofts Fine day

17 No drives. Weather mild, but little snow & the waggons running


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 89 . No of Car. FROM 18th TO REMARKS.

18 Wed Rain in eve. Dr McLean back from N.Y. At Clarks & Jno Hutchcrofts

19 Thu Mild day. at Jno Wilsons. Roads mud & snow

20 Fri Rain. At Mrs James Clarks, Roads bad

21 Sat At Prescott Frank & I. Fine. At Kellocks At McAuley's Ventnor Operate on Phimosis

22 Sun At Clarks & McAuley's (Jno). Soft

23 Mo At Geo Wilsons. Fine. Roads good (wheeling)

24 Tu Rain. At Clarks Had a consultation with Dr Stevenson

25 Wed Fine Clarks & Anthony Tripps (att wf) warm Roads muddy & sloppy.

26 Thu Fine. At Clarks & Andersons.

27 Fri At Linnens at night. Fine & cold At Hutchcrofts

28 Sat Fine & Cold. At Andersons & Clarks Roads frozen hard - no sleighing

29 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown. At Jno Linnens Fine

30 Mo Drove up to farm Frank Hattie & I & then I went on to Toronto. Fine Cold

31 Tu Looking over the City for a good opening to practice Fine Cold


(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 90 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

Wed 1st Rained most of dy. Left Toronto & went to Port Hope to Uncle James Bells

Thu 2nd At Geo Clements at Milbrook P.M. Rain

3 Fri Fine. From Port Hope went to Napanee & seen Rev C.O. Johnston & wf & then back to Farm.

4 Sat Came back to Spencerville - took dinner at Joseph McLeans Fine & cool

5 Mo Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown preach. Fine At Erastus Browns

6 Tu Mo At Ras Browns, Fine, no sleighing but Buggies running yet

7 Wed Tu At Browns - his baby sick. Fine but cold

8 Wed Thu At Jno Davisons Put Plastic Jacket on Jnos thigh at Geo Andersons

9 Thu Cold day. Fine At Grants & Browns. Father McLean at Joseph McLeans.

10 Fri Ther 15 {symbol for degrees} below Zero, Light snow At Moilans & Kellocks

11 Sat Stormed - snow at Moilans & Browns, this P.M. Had cutter out

12 Sun Heard Mr Wm Bennett preach. Fine some cutters out today. Cold

13 Mo At Hutchcrofts, Terrific wind storm. a large number of roofs have been blown off &c snow off

14 Tu The Epidemic of La Grippe a Influenza is here & most of the houses in the village are affected Fine

15 Wed Roads hard & not snow. Busy times

16 Thu At John Hutchcrofts & Allan Burns. Snow Drove sulky.

17 Fri At Jno Linnens, Dukelows, Cowans & Kellocks Enough snow for sleighing

18 Sat Getting goods transferred to Dr McLean selling goods, at cost

19 Sun At Wm Bass's to see child. Fine Missionary meeting today

20 Mo Out to Jno Morris's attending wife cold. Fine

Sowed, Seeded & Planted 1874

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

Wheat 7 1/2 bus } 1 1/2 little field } 6 bus East side No 2E

Barley 12 bus } No 2 East

Oats 33 bus } 28 No 2 3E } 5 bus No 2E

Potatoes Early Rose 13 bus } 5 1/2 East North of Carrots No 2W

Washington Peerless 18 1/2 " No 2 West field

Chili's bus East side of No 2W

Carrots long White Early horn 6 rows 1 row Eas NW side No 2W

Turnips } ends of 2 lands in SE corner of 3E

Mangolds 7 rows in NW corner of No 2W

Beets 4 rows " " " " "

Seeded down 2nd field west half farm Seeded little field front of house

21 Tu at Boss's in evening. At Andy Johnstons to see child Light snow

22 Wed At Jno Hottens to see Mifs Annie Brown at Bass's

23 Thu Stormed. Called at Jno Hutchcrofts & Bars snowing

24 Fri At Walter McAuleys set clavicle. Fine at Bass's to see baby. At J Hutchcrofts

25 Sat At Bass's Took tea at Stirtons. Fine wind blowing hard. drifted

26 Sun Heard Rev Mr Chown, Fine Quiet day

27 At Bass's. Posting Books. Fine Quite good sleighing

Loads of hay Raised 1874

(Bk. 28.)

No. 12 Train,____________Conductor,________ 187 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

5 loads of hay in Orchard

12 " " " " No 1 East

7 " " " " No 4 East

16 " " " " No 5 East

6 1/2 " " " " No 1 West

2 " " " grass in Nos 2 & 3E


12 loads hay in hay chamber

6 loads " above cows

2 " " small mow in lower barn

4 " : large " " "

3 loads hay in shed upper barn

1 load hay above hen house

15 " " large mow Upper Barn

Loads of Grain raised on barn 1874

(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor,________ 1874 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

11 loads Wheat 9 No 2 } 2 little field

2 " Barley No 2E

8 loads Barley & Oats No 2E

7 " Black Oats No 3E

5 " White " " "

Bushels of Potatoes

260 Bushels of Chili's large } 44 small

180 Bushels of Washington Peerless

105 Bushels of Early Roses

44 Bushels of Small Chili's

3 Bushels of Prolificks

45 Bushels of Bushels of Carrots White

1/2 Bushel of Table carrots

25 Bushels of Mangolds

Sowed Seeded & Planted


(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor,________ 1874 . No of Car. FROM TO REMARKS.

Sowed No 1W with oats & Below the hill with Pease

Sowed No 2W with Wheat

Seeded " " with clover & Timothy

Planted north half of No 3E with Chili's & Early Rose

" South we west haff half with W. Peerless

Sowed 1 1/2 acres in S.E.Corner of No 3E

Planted 23 1/2 bus of Early Rose's

Planted 87 1/2 " " large Chili's

" 18 " " Small Chili's

Planted 1 1/2 " " Breeze Prolifics

Planted 23 1/2 " " Washington Peerless

Planted 3 Pecks corn

Total 154 bus Potatoes

Bushels of Potatoes & Roots

(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor,________ 1875


Bus Chilis large 599 594 594/60 } 654

" " small 60 650

" Earl Rose large 240

" " small

" Peerless large 270

" " small 42

" Prolifics 10

Potatoes 1875

Bus Chilis large 590

" " small 60 } 650

" Earl Rose large 240

" " small 80 } 320

" Peerless large 270

" " small 57 } 327

" Prolifics 10 } 10 } 1307

" Carrots white 28

" " Table 1 1/2 } 32

" " Orange 2 1/2

" Mangolds 44

" Beets 26 } 70 } 102

Sowed Seeded & Planted

(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor, Fraser 1876


Wheat N side of No 3E Seeded it down

Barley S " " " " "

Oats W " " 1 " Broke it up

Pease sowed Orchard


38 } 9 bus Early Rose little field

} 21 " " " No 1W 2

51 1/2 " Chilis " " "

W side No 1W Planted with corn & Part little field

Loads of Hay & Grain

(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor, Fraser 1876


10 loads off of No 2W

6 1/2 " " " " 4E

7 1/2 " " " " 5E

10 " " " " 2E east side

2 1/2 " " " " " West "

1/2 " " " " 3E S.W corner


6 loads of Wheat off of No 3E

6 " " Barley " " "

9 " " Oats Oats " " 1E eas W side

4 " " Pease Orchard

Sowed Seeded & Planted

(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor, _______187


No 5E 2 bus P. & I. Barley 8 bus Black oats, P.&I. 12 Black } 1877

No 1W Sowed 7 bus Wheat & Seeded down

Orchard Planted Early Rose

No 4E Sowed Oats 14 bus Peas 1 bus

       Oats & Peas 14 bus }  Peas 1 bus

No 5E 10 bus Quaker Russett } 1878

" " 8 " Chili's

" " 10 " Early Rose's

" " 5 acres Yellow corn

" " 1 1/2 " Western corn

4E cut Rye early Sowed Buckwheat

3E Sowed 7 bus Wheat seeded down

2E " 13 " Oats & Peas

1E " 12 1/2 Black Oats

Orchard " 4 " Barley seeded down

Sowed 7 bus western Corn


60 bus Russetts } 20 bus Chilis

2 15 early Roso } 180 Mangolds } 11 beets

10 Carrots }

Loads of Hay & Grain

(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor, _______187



Barley 12 loads No 1E. WS & SS No 5E

Wheat 6 " " 1W

Peas 1 " " 4E, SS.

Oats 8 " " " NS

" 10 " " 5E

" 3 " mifs Stewarts

Buckwheat 5 " No 2E, WS.

1 1878

No 1W 5 Loads Hay

No 1E, WS 9 " "

" 3E, NS. 12 " "

Orchard 1 load swale (No 4E) 1 1/2 loads

Put 14 loads above horses & waggonhouse

" 3 " in Lower Barn

" 1 " shed Small Cowstable

" 2 " " Barn S.S

" 6 " " " NS


(Bk. 28.)

No. _________Train,____________Conductor, _______187


{blank page}






N N Bell Bagny

PiQa 873 Luck 20700

$ 2 M{illegible} Flora

103.50 Simpson

25.00 E way {illegible}

5.00 Presents

10.00 Groceries

1.00 Sow

2.00 Shoeing

2.50 Class

53.00 Maggy

2.00 Jennie

1.00 Ma

20.00 Bob Pike

30.00 Mr Bates

7.50 Towsley

3.00 Carl

.60 CP & Oatmeal

8,00 Potatoes

274.10 132


{Back cover of large journal/diary. Mottled brown with green marbling. Black cloth binding. Cover very worn on edges, but home to an amazingly wonderful account of 17 years of the life of a young farmer, who eventually studies to become a medical doctor}

Transcription Progress



John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 1.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 2.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 3.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 4.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 5.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 6.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1889 Diary Part 7.pdf
John Bell Fraser 1874-1890 Diary Transcripts.pdf


John Bell Fraser, “John Bell Fraser Diary & Transcription, 1874-1889,” Rural Diary Archive, accessed March 11, 2025,
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